How to serialize std::chrono::duration with Boost? - serialization

Is it possible to serialize std::chrono::duration or especially std::chrono::milliseconds with boost::serialization?
The following error occurred:
"struct std::chrono::duration >’ has no member named ‘serialize"
I need this for my template-class:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
template<typename T>
class Field {
// Default Constructor
Field() {}
Field(std::string name, T value) :
mName(name), mValue(value) {}
~Field() {}
const std::string& getName() const {
return mName;
T getValue() const {
return mValue;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive& archive, const unsigned int) {
archive & boost::serialization::make_nvp("Name", mName);
archive & boost::serialization::make_nvp("Value", mValue);
std::string mName;
T mValue;
BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION( Field<int>, boost::serialization::object_serializable )
BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION( Field<std::chrono::milliseconds>, boost::serialization::object_serializable )
I'm creating the following object:
Field<std::chrono::milliseconds> mSimTime;

Let's say you have:
auto earlier = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto aLotOfMilliseconds= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
now - earlier);
// Serialize here int64_t.
then after deserialization, you have:
std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::milli> duration(aLotOfMilliseconds);


How to override default signal handler of TextBuffer

I am trying to override the default on_erase signal handler of Gtk::TextView. I derive TextBuffer and override the default handler; but the override is not working. When using cast_static, the RefPtr is valid, but when using cast_dynamic the RefPtr is null.
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include "CTextBuffer.h"
class CMain : public Gtk::Window
virtual ~CMain();
Gtk::TextView m_textView;
Glib::RefPtr<CTextBuffer> m_refTextBuffer;
#include "CMain.h"
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> refTextBuffer = Gtk::TextBuffer::create();
m_refTextBuffer = Glib::RefPtr<CTextBuffer>::cast_dynamic(refTextBuffer);
#include <gtkmm.h>
class CTextBuffer : public Gtk::TextBuffer
virtual ~CTextBuffer();
virtual void on_erase(const TextBuffer::iterator& range_start, const TextBuffer::iterator& range_end);
#include "CTextBuffer.h"
CTextBuffer::CTextBuffer() {}
CTextBuffer::~CTextBuffer() {}
void CTextBuffer::on_erase (const TextBuffer::iterator& range_start, const TextBuffer::iterator& range_end)
Gtk::TextBuffer::on_erase(range_start, range_end);
Simply use a ref to your own type:
Glib::RefPtr<CTextBuffer> refTextBuffer{ new CTextBuffer };
void CTextBuffer::on_erase (const TextBuffer::iterator& range_start, const TextBuffer::iterator& range_end)
std::cout << "Own override was called" << std::endl;
Gtk::TextBuffer::on_erase(range_start, range_end);
You find some more information on how to usw own derived widgets here:

In C++/CLI what is the easiest way to pass internal variables to delegate?

I am trying to set a delegate that takes a local variable as a parameter. The declaration looks like this:
ref class Main
Func<String^>^ _expensiveMethodDelegate;
property Func<String^>^ ExpensiveMethodDelegate
Func<String^>^ get() { return this->_expensiveMethodDelegate; }
void set(Func<String^>^ value) { this->_expensiveMethodDelegate = value; }
void DoWork()
String^ result = this->_expensiveMethodDelegate();
In C# the code will look like this:
string parameter = "value";
Main main = new Main();
main.ExpensiveMethodDelegate = () =>
Thread.Sleep(1000); // do expensive work
return parameter + "1";
What is the easiest way of achieving this goal using managed C++ (VS 2015)? Note: I read articles Workaround for not having lambdas that can capture managed variables and Lambda expressions as CLR (.NET) delegates / event handlers in Visual C++ 2010 and still cannot figure out what is the solution.
I tried code like this (using make_delegate from the second article), but it fails to compile:
String^ parameter = L"value";
Main^ main = gcnew Main();
main->ExpensiveMethodDelegate = make_delegate(
[](String^ parameter) -> String^
Threading::Thread::Sleep(1000); // do work
return parameter + L"1";
This is what I came up with:
#pragma once
#include <new>
using namespace std::tr1;
using namespace System;
namespace helper
private struct return_type_helper
template<class D>
struct dependent_false { enum { value = false }; };
template <class D>
struct illegal_delegate_type
static_assert(dependent_false<D>::value, "Delegates with more than 2 parameters, or with parameters of tracking reference types (T%), are not supported.");
struct anything
template<class T>
operator T() const;
template<class D>
static decltype(static_cast<D^>(nullptr)(anything())) dummy(int(*)[2]);
template<class D>
static decltype(static_cast<D^>(nullptr)(anything(), anything())) dummy(int(*)[3]);
template<class Func, class Aligner = char, bool Match = (alignment_of<Func>::value == alignment_of<Aligner>::value)>
struct aligner
static_assert(Match, "Function object has unsupported alignment");
template<class Func, class Aligner>
private struct aligner<Func, Aligner, true>
typedef Aligner type;
template<class F>
private ref class lambda_wrapper
lambda_wrapper(const F& f)
pin_ptr<F> pf = (interior_ptr<F>)&f_storage;
new(pf) F(f);
pin_ptr<F> pf = (interior_ptr<F>)&f_storage;
template <class D>
operator D ^ ()
D^ d = nullptr;
return gcnew D(this, &lambda_wrapper<F>::invoke<decltype(return_type_helper::dummy<D>(0))>);
template<class T>
[System::Runtime::InteropServices::StructLayout(System::Runtime::InteropServices::LayoutKind::Sequential, Size = sizeof(T))]
value struct embedded_storage
typename aligner<T>::type dummy;
embedded_storage<F> f_storage;
template<class R, class A1>
R invoke(A1 a1)
pin_ptr<F> pf = (interior_ptr<F>)&f_storage;
return (*pf)(a1);
template<class R, class A1, class A2>
R invoke(A1 a1, A2 a2)
pin_ptr<F> pf = (interior_ptr<F>)&f_storage;
return (*pf)(a1, a2);
template <typename...>
ref class DelegateHelper;
template<class TParam1, class TResult>
ref class DelegateHelper<TParam1, TResult>
Func<TParam1, TResult>^ _lambda;
TParam1 _param1;
TResult Execute()
return this->_lambda(this->_param1);
template<class TLambda>
DelegateHelper(TLambda lambda, TParam1 param1)
this->_lambda = gcnew helper::lambda_wrapper<TLambda>(lambda);
this->_param1 = param1;
static operator Func<TResult> ^ (DelegateHelper<TParam1, TResult>^ value)
return gcnew Func<TResult>(value, &DelegateHelper<TParam1, TResult>::Execute);
template<class TParam1, class TParam2, class TResult>
ref class DelegateHelper<TParam1, TParam2, TResult>
Func<TParam1, TParam2, TResult>^ _lambda;
TParam1 _param1;
TParam2 _param2;
TResult Execute()
return this->_lambda(this->_param1, this->_param2);
template<class TLambda>
DelegateHelper(TLambda lambda, TParam1 param1, TParam2 param2)
this->_lambda = gcnew helper::lambda_wrapper<TLambda>(lambda);
this->_param1 = param1;
this->_param2 = param2;
static operator Func<TResult> ^ (DelegateHelper<TParam1, TParam2, TResult>^ value)
return gcnew Func<TResult>(value, &DelegateHelper<TParam1, TParam2, TResult>::Execute);
This is how to use it:
String^ parameter1 = L"value1";
String^ parameter2 = L"value2";
Main^ main = gcnew Main();
auto lambda1 = [](String^ parameter) -> String^
return parameter;
main->ExpensiveMethodDelegate = gcnew helper::DelegateHelper<String^, String^>(lambda1, parameter1);
auto lambda2 = [](String^ parameter1, String^ parameter2) -> String^
return parameter1 + parameter2;
main->ExpensiveMethodDelegate = gcnew helper::DelegateHelper<String^, String^, String^>(lambda2, parameter1, parameter2);
Not sure if it is the most elegant way, but it does the work I was looking for.

Call c++ code in c# by a cli wrapper

I have a c++ code that needs to be called in c# by a cli wrapper. I am stuck at the operator overloading part.
//this is my code
#define CPP_EXP __declspec(dllexport)
#define CPP_EXP __declspec(dllimport)
class CPP_EXP Cppclass;
CPP_EXP Cppclass operator-(Cppclass const &, Cppclass const &);
class CPP_EXP Cppclass
friend CPP_EXP Cppclass operator-(Cppclass const &, Cppclass const &);
//this is my managed c++ code.
#include "Cppclass.h"
namespace Wrapper
public ref class cppwrapclass
static cppwrapclass ^ operator-(cppwrapclass%A,cppwrapclass%B)
return gcnew cppwrapclass();
Cppclass *obj;
Its showing an intellisense error and not getting compiled.
You write a wrapper like this:
public ref class cppwrapclass
cppwrapclass(Cppclass *obj)
: obj(obj)
if (obj)
delete obj;
obj = nullptr;
static cppwrapclass^ operator-(cppwrapclass% A, cppwrapclass% B)
return gcnew cppwrapclass(new Cppclass(*A.obj - *B.obj));
Cppclass* obj;
A.obj is of type Cppclass*, therefore *A.obj is of type Cppclass, and *A.obj - *B.obj is a temporary Cppclass which needs to be moved to the heap in order to be referenced by the wrapper, hence the copy constructor call: new Cppclass(*A.obj - *B.obj).
The rest is the Dispose pattern and finalizer plumbing code.

Got 2 errors in my program :"use of undeclared identifier 'front'" and "call to non-static member function without an object argument"

I'm trying to call some functions from GenDList.h inside GenQueue.h after including, but I'm getting a couple errors.
This is my header, GenDList.h:
#ifndef GENDLIST_H
#define GENDLIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include "GenListNode.h"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class GenDList
GenListNode<T> *front;
GenListNode<T> *back;
unsigned int size;
void insertFront(T data);
void insertBack(T data);
bool insertAfter(int key, T data);
T removeFront();
T removeBack(); //for doubly
T removeAt(int position);
int isEmpty();
unsigned int getSize();
void printList();
T find(T d);
This is my other header that I included the previous header file into, GenQueue.h:
#ifndef GENQUEUE_H
#define GENQUEUE_H
#include <iostream>
#include "GenDList.h"
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class GenQueue
void insert(T data);
T remove();
T peek();
int isEmpty();
int isFull();
template <class T>
GenDList<T> list;
template <class T>
template <class T>
void GenQueue<T>::insert(T data)
}//error: call to non-static member function without an object argument
template <class T>
T GenQueue<T>::remove()
template <class T>
T GenQueue<T>::peek()
return front; //error: use of undeclared identifier here

segfault happens when I serialize nested class in apache module

Serializing simple class "A" in Apache module done without error but when I tried to serialize my complex object like "X" which has a member, type of "A", I got segfault in Apache module. ( this doesn't happen to a executable console application )
------------------------- here is my code : ---------------------
class A {
friend class boost::serialization::access; // to enable boost "access" class to call private "serialize" method of class "A"
template<class ArchT>
void serialize(ArchT &ar, unsigned int version) { // method for both serializing and deserializing
ar & memA; // (de)serialize member "memA"
std::string memA; // sample member
A(std::string pmemA) :
memA(pmemA) {
std::string GetMemA()
return memA;
class X {
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class ArchT>
void serialize(ArchT &ar, unsigned int version) {
ar & memX;
ar & a;
std::string memX;
A a;
X(std::string pmemX, A pa) :
memX(pmemX), a(pa) {
string st=GetRandomFileName();
ofstream out(st.c_str());
boost::archive::text_oarchive out_r(out);
A a("Amem");
X x("Xmem", a);
out_r << x; // not works
out_r << a; // works!
------------------- here is stack trace from gdb for apache ----------------
boost::serialization::typeid_system::extended_type_info_typeid_0::is_less_than(boost::serialization::extended_type_info const&) const () from /tmp/
2 0xb7223c61 in std::_Rb_tree