Use Youtube Data API in React Native - react-native

is it possible to use Youtube Data API in a React Native application for Android?
With the Youtube Data API I want to retrieve my uploads of my channel ...

This appears to only allow you to play a video, not access the rest of the youtube api like search results


how to impliment call recording using Agora Io with react native. Is it possible?

1.RtcEngine.startAudioRecordingWithConfig({filePath: '/storage/emulated/0/'});
You can use the startAudioRecording method to record the audio of the call using the React Native SDK. If you want to record video, you can use cloud recording.

How to solve image data response as null in react native when using zoho image fetching api?

I got API to get full image URL from zoho inventory. But when I try to run it in react native using axios, It shows data null as API response. When I tried through postman it works well. Below show the API that I had used.{item_id}/image?organization_id=XXXXX
So my question is how can I fetch full image url in react native ?
In order to fetch the full image url in react native, you will have to add the response type as arraybuffer or blob to receive the file in the API request. Kindly check if this works for you.

How can I retrieve Youtube channel video list through the Youtube API in react-native

Is there any react-native plugin exist for retrieving youtube channel list? I didn't find one.
Or is there any way to archive this functionality
Yes, You must try react-native-youtube
and write playlist id or channel id in the props to get particular videos.

Android app displaying list of video from YouTube playlist using YouTube API

I want to make an app which shows video from my YouTube channel or from my playlist using using YouTube API..
the app should be like this..
app should display list of all video in playlist and when user click on any video it should be played...
how can i do this app ?
if you know solution please send both java and xml code for this.. or send a link from where i can download source code
Checkout PlaylistItems, it returns all the videos from your playlist.
"A playlistItem resource identifies another resource, such as a video,
that is included in a playlist. In addition, the playlistItem resource
contains details about the included resource that pertain specifically
to how that resource is used in that playlist."
For Java code samples, checkout the Official Youtube api-samples/java for code reference.

Is there any way to know if a youtube video display ads? via API?

Some youtube videos has those ads show up on video at the bottom of the screen. Is there any which I can find out which videos have these kind of ads?
You can use the listener services which have methods such as onAdStarted().
Full dev doc: