Round a value to two decimal places in SQL - sql

I am trying to round a value in SQL, here is the code that I have:
select round(600.000,2)
How do I get the value 600.00?

Instead of round() convert to a decimal:
select cast(600.000 + 0.5 as decimal(10, 2) )
round() changes the value but it might not change the type of the result. Hence, you might still see extra decimal points (depending on the database and the application). Converting to a decimal with two digits of precision converts both the value and the type.


PostgreSQL- Round REAL data type (yes, I know numeric exist)

I know REAL data type is not accurate and normally for currency I should use numeric data type.
But, I'm asked to do some stuff and one of the conditions is that the data type is real.
When I try to do round((....),2) for example, I get that round function does not exist for this data type.
My question is, without converting, is there any function that can return a REAL value rounded to 0?
Many thanks!1
As you can see here it's no way to round without any type cast. It's only two kinds of function exists:
round(dp or numeric) - round to nearest integer
round(v numeric, s int) - round to s decimal places
Real = double precision. So you need to use convert anyway if you want to get some decimal places:
select round('123.456789'::real::numeric,2)
upd. Keep care about rounding+cast at big real numbers:
select round('12122156.567'::real::numeric, 2); --< rounding up to 6 digits, result = 12122200
select round('12122156.567'::real::DOUBLE PRECISION::numeric,2); --<< rounding result = 12122157
Or you can use round without decimal places:
select round('123.456789'::real)
round a numeric value to 0 after the dot?
ROUND(numeric_value, 0)
After investigation, converting to ::numeric is the only way around

I want my data upto 6 decimal places in impala

I have a double type column in impala
while I am trying to cut it upto some decimal places
I got this error
ERROR: AnalysisException: No matching function with signature: truncate(DOUBLE, TINYINT).
e.g select truncate(cast(0.4893617021276596 as double),7);
any workaround will be welcome
You can use round():
select round(col, 6)
If you actually want a truncate, then subtract 0.0000005:
select round(col - 0.0000005, 6)
Using the DECIMAL type, it is possible to represent numbers with greater precision than the FLOAT or DOUBLE types can represent.
The maximum allowed precision and scale of the DECIMAL type are both 38.
Precision is the total number of digits, regardless of the location of the decimal point.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal place.
To represent the number 8.54 without a loss of precision, you would need a
DECIMAL type with precision of at least 3, and scale of at least 2.
Note that the DECIMAL(17,16) type means there is a total of 17 digits, with 16 of them after the decimal point.
DECIMAL(17,16) 3.1415926535897932
You could ALTER your table with DECIMAL type as follow:
ALTER TABLE my_table CHANGE field field DECIMAL(precision, scale);
or as suggest #Gordon Linoff, you could use round() function.

SQL keep two decimal places for integers after converting cent into dollar

I am trying convert number values stored in the database as cents into dollar and keep 2 decimal places.
The following code will work only if v_cent/100.00 is NOT integer
If v_cent = 20000 then the result is 200.
How could I reserve 2 decimal places even if the result is integer?
Use to_char(), say to convert this to an output format with two decimal places:
select to_char(v_cent / 100.0, 'FM999999.99')
from dual;
As for your formulation it is doing the right thing. The only issue is that the decimal points are not printed out by default.

SQL - Convert number to decimal

I'm trying to convert a number to a decimal with two decimals places.
The above would return 12345.00 but I'm trying to achieve 123.45
You need something like that:
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(15,2),12345/100.0)
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),CAST(12345 as float)/CAST(100 as float))
Correction: The premise is somewhat flawed, as the data type of a literal number without a decimal point is int, not numeric as implied by the question. In that case, you do need to convert the initial value to either numeric or decimal before dividing:
(cast is the SQL standard, so if you ever want to apply this to other databases, it would be the preferred method.)
Alternately, you can just add a decimal point to the divisor, as SQL server will return the more precise data type when doing arithmetic on heterogeneous types:
SELECT 12345/100.0
According to the documentation, the numeric data type is functionally equivalent to the decimal datatype, so there's really no reason to convert between the two. It seems that all you really want to do is divide the value you have by 100:
SELECT 12345/100

SQL set floating point precision

For a SQL int that is being converted to a float, how do I set the precision of the floating point number?
This is the selection I would like to truncate to two or 3 decimal places:
AVG(Cast(e.employee_level as Float))avg_level,
In TSQL, you can specify two different sizes for float, 24 or 53. This will set the precision to 7 or 15 digits respectively.
If all you want to do is truncate to a set number of decimal places, you can use ROUND, ie:
ROUND(AVG(CAST(e.employee_level as float)), 3)
As a general rule, you can't specify the number of digits after the decimal point for a floating-point number. Floating point data types store the closest floating-point approximation to any given value. The closest floating-point approximation is unlikely to have the number of digits you want. Although you might be able to suppress every digit after the third one, that will only change the appearance of the value, not the value itself.
Integers are a different story. An integer--stored, converted, or cast to a floating-point data type--will be stored exactly over a large range. Floating-point data types don't have to store any fractional units for integers.
I'd suggest, though that the best practice for you is to
avoid casting integers to floating-point if you don't need fractional units, or
cast integers to decimal or numeric if you do need fractional units, or
handle display issues entirely in application code.
I have had the same issue when calculating a percentage and needing a resulting string value.
Example: 68 is what % of 379
Result is a float = 17.9419525065900
You can cast/convert to Numeric with the Precision = 2 and get 17.94
If you need the value as a string you can then cast it as a VarChar if needed.
You can use Round() as well but in this case it only makes 17.9419525065900 = 17.9400000000000.
You can also use Ceiling() and Floor() to get the next highest or lowest integer.
Ceiling(17.9419525065900) = 18
Floor(17.9419525065900) = 17
Using these combinations you should be able to achieve a result in any format you need.