Using Celery 3.1 and Redis as my backend, I wonder if there is a way to get the 'history' list of tasks. I know that there is control api to get all active/reserved etc - but none of them have info about finished tasks.
I know that they are exist in Redis by running redis-cli:
localhost:6379> keys *
1) "celery-task-meta-2483218d-12b7-4364-ac68-57457806df61"
2) "celery-task-meta-8a5c8d5f-a93c-4e29-bfb4-01e483ccc0f5"
3) "celery-task-meta-472046df-025f-48ab-86dc-77fb746bef96"
4) "celery-task-meta-8819190f-bd64-4f67-9a4f-026e9d72bcc6"
My goal is to get the tasks status (similar to flower) for real-time tasks but also for history.
EDIT: I found that flower as api call: http://localhost:5555/api/tasks that return what I'm looking for. I'll look for the implementation..
Using Redis stream we can have pending items which aren't finished by some consumers.
I can find such items using xpending command.
Let we have two pending items:
1) 1) "1-0"
2) "local-dev"
3) (integer) 9599
4) (integer) 1
2) 1) "2-0"
2) "local-dev"
3) (integer) 9599
4) (integer) 1
The problem that by using xpending we can set filters based on id only. I have a couple of service nodes (A, B) which make zombie check: XPENDING mystream test_group - 5 1
Each of them receives "1-0" item and they make xclaim and only one of them (for example A) becomes the owner and starts processing this item. But B runs xpending again to get new items but it receives again "1-0" because it hasn't been processed yet (A is working) and it looks like all my queue is blocked.
Is there any solution how I can avoid it and process pending items concurrently?
You want to see the documentation, in particular Recovering from permanent failures.
The way this is normally used is:
You allow the same consumer to consume its messages from PEL after recovering.
You only XCLAIM from another consumer when a reasonably large time elapsed, that suggests the original consumer is in permanent failure.
You use delivery count to detect poison pills or death letters. If a message has been retried many times, maybe it's better to report it to an admin for analysis.
So normally all you need is to see the oldest age in PEL from other consumers for the Permanent Failure Recovery logic, and you consume one by one.
I have a few jobs, say one is loading a text file from a google cloud storage bucket to bigquery table, and another one is a scheduled query to copy data from one table to another table with some transformation, I want the second job to depend on the success of the first one, how do we achieve this in bigquery if it is possible to do so at all?
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Right now a developer needs to put together the chain of operations.
It can be done either using Cloud Functions (supports, Node.js, Go, Python) or via Cloud Run container (supports gcloud API, any programming language).
Basically you need to
issue a job
get the job id
poll for the job id
job is finished trigger other steps
If using Cloud Functions
place the file into a dedicated GCS bucket
setup a GCF that monitors that bucket and when a new file is uploaded it will execute a function that imports into GCS - wait until the operations ends
at the end of the GCF you can trigger other functions for next step
another use case with Cloud Functions:
A: a trigger starts the GCF
B: function executes the query (copy data to another table)
C: gets a job id - fires another function with a bit of delay
I: a function gets a jobid
J: polls for job is ready?
K: if not ready, fires himself again with a bit of delay
L: if ready triggers next step - could be a dedicated function or parameterized function
It is possible to address your scenario with either cloud functions(CF) or with a scheduler (airflow). The first approach is event-driven getting your data crunch immediately. With the scheduler, expect data availability delay.
As it has been stated once you submit BigQuery job you get back job ID, that needs to be check till it completes. Then based on the status you can handle on success or failure post actions respectively.
If you were to develop CF, note that there are certain limitations like execution time (max 9min), which you would have to address in case BigQuery job takes more than 9 min to complete. Another challenge with CF is idempotency, making sure that if the same datafile event comes more than once, the processing should not result in data duplicates.
Alternatively, you can consider using some event-driven serverless open source projects like BqTail - Google Cloud Storage BigQuery Loader with post-load transformation.
Here is an example of the bqtail rule.
Prefix: "/mypath/mysubpath"
Suffix: ".json"
Async: true
DurationInSec: 85
Table: bqtail.transactions
Dataset: temp
Alias: t
charge: (CASE WHEN type_id = 1 THEN t.payment + f.value WHEN type_id = 2 THEN t.payment * (1 + f.value) END)
- Table: bqtail.fees
Alias: f
'On': t.fee_id =
- Action: query
DATE(timestamp) AS date,
MAX($EventID) AS batch_id,
SUM( payment) payment,
SUM((CASE WHEN type_id = 1 THEN t.payment + f.value WHEN type_id = 2 THEN t.payment * (1 + f.value) END)) charge,
SUM(COALESCE(qty, 1.0)) AS qty
FROM $TempTable t
LEFT JOIN bqtail.fees f ON = t.fee_id
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3
Dest: bqtail.supply_performance
Append: true
- Action: notify
- "#e2e"
Title: Failed to aggregate data to supply_performance
Message: "$Error"
- Action: query
SQL: SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS timestamp, $EventID AS job_id
Dest: bqtail.supply_performance_batches
Append: true
- Action: delete
You want to use an orchestration tool, especially if you want to set up this tasks as recurring jobs.
We use Google Cloud Composer, which is a managed service based on Airflow, to do workflow orchestration and works great. It comes with automatically retry, monitoring, alerting, and much more.
You might want to give it a try.
Basically you can use Cloud Logging to know almost all kinds of operations in GCP.
BigQuery is no exception. When the query job completed, you can find the corresponding log in the log viewer.
The next question is how to anchor the exact query you want, one way to achieve this is to use labeled query (means attach labels to your query) [1].
For example, you can use below bq command to issue query with foo:bar label
bq query \
--nouse_legacy_sql \
--label foo:bar \
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bigquery-public-data`.samples.shakespeare'
Then, when you go to Logs Viewer and issue below log filter, you will find the exactly log generated by above query.
The next question is how to emit an event based on this log for the next workload. Then, the Cloud Pub/Sub comes into play.
2 ways to publish an event based on log pattern are:
Log Routers: set Pub/Sub topic as the destination [1]
Log-based Metrics: create alert policy whose notification channel is Pub/Sub [2]
So, the next workload can subscribe to the Pub/Sub topic, and be triggered when the previous query has completed.
Hope this helps ~
I am using celery with a rabbitmq backend. It is producing thousands of queues with 0 or 1 items in them in rabbitmq like this:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
c2e9b4beefc7468ea7c9005009a57e1d 1
1162a89dd72840b19fbe9151c63a4eaa 0
07638a97896744a190f8131c3ba063de 0
b34f8d6d7402408c92c77ff93cdd7cf8 1
f388839917ff4afa9338ef81c28aad75 0
8b898d0c7c7e4be4aa8007b38ccc00ea 1
3fb4be51aaaa4ac097af535301084b01 1
This seems to be inefficient, but further I have observed that these queues persist long after processing is finished.
I have found the task that appears to be doing this:
def write_pages(page_generator):
g = group(render_page.s(page) for page in page_generator)
res = g.apply_async()
for rendered_page in res:
print rendered_page # TODO: print to file
It seems that because these tasks are being called in a group, they are being thrown into the queue but never being released. However, I am clearly consuming the results (as I can view them being printed when I iterate through res. So, I do not understand why those tasks are persisting in the queue.
Additionally, I am wondering if the large number queues that are being created is some indication that I am doing something wrong.
Thanks for any help with this!
Celery with the AMQP backend will store task tombstones (results) in an AMQP queue named with the task ID that produced the result. These queues will persist even after the results are drained.
A couple recommendations:
Apply ignore_result=True to every task you can. Don't depend on results from other tasks.
Switch to a different backend (perhaps Redis -- it's more efficient anyway):
Use CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES (or on 4.1 CELERY_RESULT_EXPIRES) to have a periodic cleanup task remove old data from rabbitmq.
I need to design a Redis-driven scalable task scheduling system.
Multiple worker processes.
Many tasks, but long periods of idleness are possible.
Reasonable timing precision.
Minimal resource waste when idle.
Should use synchronous Redis API.
Should work for Redis 2.4 (i.e. no features from upcoming 2.6).
Should not use other means of RPC than Redis.
Pseudo-API: schedule_task(timestamp, task_data). Timestamp is in integer seconds.
Basic idea:
Listen for upcoming tasks on list.
Put tasks to buckets per timestamp.
Sleep until the closest timestamp.
If a new task appears with timestamp less than closest one, wake up.
Process all upcoming tasks with timestamp ≤ now, in batches (assuming
that task execution is fast).
Make sure that concurrent worker wouldn't process same tasks. At the same time, make sure that no tasks are lost if we crash while processing them.
So far I can't figure out how to fit this in Redis primitives...
Any clues?
Note that there is a similar old question: Delayed execution / scheduling with Redis? In this new question I introduce more details (most importantly, many workers). So far I was not able to figure out how to apply old answers here — thus, a new question.
Here's another solution that builds on a couple of others [1]. It uses the redis WATCH command to remove the race condition without using lua in redis 2.6.
The basic scheme is:
Use a redis zset for scheduled tasks and redis queues for ready to run tasks.
Have a dispatcher poll the zset and move tasks that are ready to run into the redis queues. You may want more than 1 dispatcher for redundancy but you probably don't need or want many.
Have as many workers as you want which do blocking pops on the redis queues.
I haven't tested it :-)
The foo job creator would do:
def schedule_task(queue, data, delay_secs):
# This calculation for run_at isn't great- it won't deal well with daylight
# savings changes, leap seconds, and other time anomalies. Improvements
# welcome :-)
run_at = time.time() + delay_secs
# If you're using redis-py's Redis class and not StrictRedis, swap run_at &
# the dict.
redis.zadd(SCHEDULED_ZSET_KEY, run_at, {'queue': queue, 'data': data})
schedule_task('foo_queue', foo_data, 60)
The dispatcher(s) would look like:
while working:
min_score = 0
max_score = time.time()
results = redis.zrangebyscore(
SCHEDULED_ZSET_KEY, min_score, max_score, start=0, num=1, withscores=False)
if results is None or len(results) == 0:
else: # len(results) == 1
redis.rpush(results[0]['queue'], results[0]['data'])
redis.zrem(SCHEDULED_ZSET_KEY, results[0])
The foo worker would look like:
while working:
task_data = redis.blpop('foo_queue', POP_TIMEOUT)
if task_data:
[1] This solution is based on not_a_golfer's, one at, and the redis docs for transactions.
You didn't specify the language you're using. You have at least 3 alternatives of doing this without writing a single line of code in Python at least.
Celery has an optional redis broker.
resque is an extremely popular redis task queue using redis.
RQ is a simple and small redis based queue that aims to "take the good stuff from celery and resque" and be much simpler to work with.
You can at least look at their design if you can't use them.
But to answer your question - what you want can be done with redis. I've actually written more or less that in the past.
As for modeling what you want on redis, this is what I would do:
queuing a task with a timestamp will be done directly by the client - you put the task in a sorted set with the timestamp as the score and the task as the value (see ZADD).
A central dispatcher wakes every N seconds, checks out the first timestamps on this set, and if there are tasks ready for execution, it pushes the task to a "to be executed NOW" list. This can be done with ZREVRANGEBYSCORE on the "waiting" sorted set, getting all items with timestamp<=now, so you get all the ready items at once. pushing is done by RPUSH.
workers use BLPOP on the "to be executed NOW" list, wake when there is something to work on, and do their thing. This is safe since redis is single threaded, and no 2 workers will ever take the same task.
once finished, the workers put the result back in a response queue, which is checked by the dispatcher or another thread. You can add a "pending" bucket to avoid failures or something like that.
so the code will look something like this (this is just pseudo code):
while working:
tasks = ZREVRANGEBYSCORE "new_tasks" <NOW> 0 #this will only take tasks with timestamp lower/equal than now
for task in tasks:
#do the delete and queue as a transaction
RPUSH "to_be_executed" task
ZREM "new_tasks" task
I didn't add the response queue handling, but it's more or less like the worker:
while working:
task = BLPOP "to_be_executed" <TIMEOUT>
if task:
response = work_on_task(task)
RPUSH "results" response
EDit: stateless atomic dispatcher :
while working:
ZREVRANGE "new_tasks" 0 1
ZREMRANGEBYRANK "new_tasks" 0 1
task = EXEC
#this is the only risky place - you can solve it by using Lua internall in 2.6
SADD "tmp" task
if task.timestamp <= now:
RPUSH "to_be_executed" task
SREM "tmp" task
ZADD "new_tasks" task.timestamp task
SREM "tmp" task
If you're looking for ready solution on Java. Redisson is right for you. It allows to schedule and execute tasks (with cron-expression support) in distributed way on Redisson nodes using familiar ScheduledExecutorService api and based on Redis queue.
Here is an example. First define a task using java.lang.Runnable interface. Each task can access to Redis instance via injected RedissonClient object.
public class RunnableTask implements Runnable {
private RedissonClient redissonClient;
public void run() throws Exception {
RMap<String, Integer> map = redissonClient.getMap("myMap");
Long result = 0;
for (Integer value : map.values()) {
result += value;
Now it's ready to sumbit it into ScheduledExecutorService:
RScheduledExecutorService executorService = redisson.getExecutorService("myExecutor");
ScheduledFuture<?> future = executorService.schedule(new CallableTask(), 10, 20, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
// or cancel it
Examples with cron expressions:
executorService.schedule(new RunnableTask(), CronSchedule.of("10 0/5 * * * ?"));
executorService.schedule(new RunnableTask(), CronSchedule.dailyAtHourAndMinute(10, 5));
executorService.schedule(new RunnableTask(), CronSchedule.weeklyOnDayAndHourAndMinute(12, 4, Calendar.MONDAY, Calendar.FRIDAY));
All tasks are executed on Redisson node.
A combined approach seems plausible:
No new task timestamp may be less than current time (clamp if less). Assuming reliable NTP synch.
All tasks go to bucket-lists at keys, suffixed with task timestamp.
Additionally, all task timestamps go to a dedicated zset (key and score — timestamp itself).
New tasks are accepted from clients via separate Redis list.
Loop: Fetch oldest N expired timestamps via zrangebyscore ... limit.
BLPOP with timeout on new tasks list and lists for fetched timestamps.
If got an old task, process it. If new — add to bucket and zset.
Check if processed buckets are empty. If so — delete list and entrt from zset. Probably do not check very recently expired buckets, to safeguard against time synchronization issues. End loop.
Critique? Comments? Alternatives?
I made something similar to what's been suggested here, but optimized the sleep duration to be more precise. This solution is good if you have few inserts into the delayed task queue. Here's how I did it with a Lua script:
local laterChannel = KEYS[1]
local nowChannel = KEYS[2]
local currentTime = tonumber(KEYS[3])
local first ="zrange", laterChannel, 0, 0, "WITHSCORES")
if (#first ~= 2)
return "2147483647"
local execTime = tonumber(first[2])
local event = first[1]
if (currentTime >= execTime)
then"zrem", laterChannel, event)"rpush", nowChannel, event)
return "0"
return tostring(execTime - currentTime)
It uses two "channels". laterChannel is a ZSET and nowChannel is a LIST. Whenever it's time to execute a task, the event is moved from the the ZSET to the LIST. The Lua script with respond with how many MS the dispatcher should sleep until the next poll. If the ZSET is empty, sleep forever. If it's time to execute something, do not sleep(i e poll again immediately). Otherwise, sleep until it's time to execute the next task.
So what if something is added while the dispatcher is sleeping?
This solution works in conjunction with key space events. You basically need to subscribe to the key of laterChannel and whenever there is an add event, you wake up all the dispatcher so they can poll again.
Then you have another dispatcher that uses the blocking left pop on nowChannel. This means:
You can have the dispatcher across multiple instances(i e it's scaling)
The polling is atomic so you won't have any race conditions or double events
The task is executed by any of the instances that are free
There are ways to optimize this even more. For example, instead of returning "0", you fetch the next item from the zset and return the correct amount of time to sleep directly.
If you can not use Lua scripts, you can use key space events on expired documents.
Subscribe to the channel and receive the event when Redis evicts it. Then, grab a lock. The first instance to do so will move it to a list(the "execute now" channel). Then you don't have to worry about sleeps and polling. Redis will tell you when it's time to execute something.
execute_later(timestamp, eventId, event) {
SET eventId event EXP timestamp
SET "lock:" + eventId, ""
subscribeToEvictions(eventId) {
var deletedCount = DEL eventId
if (deletedCount == 1) {
// move to list
This however has it own downsides. For example, if you have many nodes, all of them will receive the event and try to get the lock. But I still think it's overall less requests any anything suggested here.
I'm using Resque on a rails-3 project to handle jobs that are scheduled to run every 5 minutes. I recently did something that snowballed the creation of these jobs and the stack has hit over 1000 jobs. I fixed the issue that caused that many jobs to be queued and now the problem I have is that the jobs created by the bug are still there and therefore It becomes difficult to test something since a job is added to a queue with 1000+ jobs.
I can't seem to stop these jobs. I have tried removing the queue from the redis-cli using the flushall command but it didn't work. Am I missing something? coz I can't seem to find a way of getting rid of these jobs.
Playing off of the above answers, if you need to clear all of your queues, you could use the following:
Resque.queues.each{|q| Resque.redis.del "queue:#{q}" }
If you pop open a rails console, you can run this code to clear out your queue(s):
queue_name = "my_queue"
Resque.redis.del "queue:#{queue_name}"
Resque already has a method for doing this - try Resque.remove_queue(queue_name) (see the documentation here). Internally it performs Resque.redis.del(), but it also does other cleanup, and by using an api method (rather than making assumptions about how resque works) you'll be more future-proof.
Updated rake task for clearing (according to latest redis commands changes):
This is what works now:
Enter redis console:
List databases:> KEYS *
1) "resque:schedules_changed"
2) "resque:workers"
3) "resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue"
"resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue" - db which you need.
Then run:
DEL resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue
Or if you want to delete specified jobs in queue then list few values from db with LRANGE command:> LRANGE resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue 0 2
1) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
2) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
3) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
Then copy/paste one value to LREM command:> LREM resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue 5 "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
(integer) 5
Where 5 - number of elements to remove.
It's safer and bulletproof to use the Resque API rather than deleting everything on the Resque's Redis. Resque does some cleaning in the inside.
If you want to remove all queues and associated enqueued jobs:
Resque.queues.each {|queue| Resque.remove_queue(queue)}
The queues will be re-created the next time a job is enqueued.