Smalltalk - is there something similar to && from C? - smalltalk

I have to write a pure-object Smalltalk program, in which I need to evaluate conditions until one of them fails. I know that in C, we can use the && operator for this, and conditions only get evalutated if necessary.
Is there something similar in Smalltalk?

Conditional "anding" can be achieved by using the & message, or the and: message.
firstBooleanExpression & secondBooleanExpression
ifTrue: [ 'do something' ].
Using & as show above, the second part of the condition (secondBooleanExpression) is evaluated regardless of whether the first half evaluates to true or false.
(firstBooleanExpression and: [secondBooleanExpression])
ifTrue: [ 'do something' ].
Using and:, on the other hand, the second part is only evaluated if the first half evaluates to true. Typically you'd use this form, unless you explicitly wanted to evaluate the second half.
The same principle applies to or:.

If I understand your question, you're looking for something like this:
[ <condition> ] whileTrue: [ <loop body> ].
#whileTrue: is not a keyword of course and you could implement it yourself (look at the implementation in your Smalltalk of choice and be enlightened :)).
If you don't need a loop but are simply looking for a way to express conditionals then #ifTrue:, #ifFalse:, #ifTrue:ifFalse: and #ifFalse:ifTrue: are your friends. Examples:
myCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [ Transcript open; show: 'empty'; cr ].
myCollection isEmpty ifFalse: [ Transcript open; show: 'not empty' cr ].
ifTrue: [ Transcript open; show: 'true'; cr ]
ifFalse: [ Transcript open; show: 'false'; cr ].


Creating a key value message in Smalltalk/Pharo that take blocks as argument

I have a scenario where a class holds two instance variables that are mutually exclusive. That is only one can be instantiated at a time. To be precise, I have a Promise class (trying to add promises to Pharo) and it holds promiseError and promiseValue instance variables. I then want to implement the method "then: catch:".
This method should work as follows:
promiseObject := [10/0] promiseValue.
promiseObject then : [ : result | Transcript crShow : result ]
catch : [ : failure | Transcript crShow : failure ] .
I got an idea on how to implement methods that take a block as an argument from method that accepts a block and the block accepts an argument.
My attempt below will obviously not work but I have no idea on how to make it work.
then:aBlock catch: anotherBlock
promiseValue ifNil: [ segment := promiseError ] ifNotNil: [ segment := promiseValue ].
promiseValue ifNil: [ segment := promiseValue ] ifNotNil: [ segment := promiseError ].
aBlock value:segment.
anotherBlock value: segment
This should work analogously to a try-catch block.
Have you tried something like this?
then: aBlock catch: anotherBlock
promiseError notNil ifTrue: [^anotherBlock value: promiseError].
^aBlock value: promiseValue
Note that the code does not rely on promiseValue being nil or not because nil could be a valid answer of the promise. However, if there is some promiseError, we know the promise failed, and succeeded otherwise.
Of course, here I'm assuming that this message will get sent once the promise has been successfully or unsuccessfully finished. If this is not the case, then the code should be waiting on the promise semaphore.

Can not call "function" in GNU Smalltalk

I want to define block and call it in this way:
add := [ :a :b |
n := add value: 1 value: 2.
But when I try it, I get an error:
$ gst
Object: 3 error: return from a dead method context
SystemExceptions.BadReturn(Exception)>>signal (
SystemExceptions.BadReturn class(Exception class)>>signal (
SmallInteger(Object)>>badReturnError (
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (
How can I call a function in GNU Smalltalk?
Well, I dropped the return statement, and this code works fine. But when I try to define more complicated function, for example:
nod := [ :a :b |
(a=b) ifTrue: [a].
(a>b) ifTrue: [nod value: (a-b) value: b].
(a<b) ifTrue: [nod value: a value: (b-a)].
n := nod value: 1 value: 2.
n printNl.
It prints nil. And if I define with "early exit":
nod := [ :a :b |
(a=b) ifTrue: [^a].
(a>b) ifTrue: [nod value: (a-b) value: b].
(a<b) ifTrue: [nod value: a value: (b-a)].
n := nod value: 1 value: 2.
n printNl.
It gives me the same error: return from a dead method context.
I solve this problem in this way:
nod := [ :a :b |
(a=b) ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
(a>b) ifTrue: [nod value: (a-b) value: b] ifFalse: [nod value: a value: (b-a)].
n := nod value: 1 value: 2.
n printNl.
But I think, it is not beautiful way.
Drop the return statement (^) from your code and it will work fine.
In smalltalk, returning exits the method in which the return statement appears. It's used for early exits, for example a < b ifTrue: [^a] ifFalse:[^b].
In this case, you don't want the block to exit the containing method, you just want it to evaluate to something when sending it value:value:. A block evaluates to the last statement in it, so just make it a regular statement there and it will do the trick.
The error message you got, by the way, also explains the problem: you're trying to return 3 from a method which is already dead.
Remove non-local return (^), parenthesis, and period inside a block. And try doing it again.
You've already accepted an answer to your original question, then redefined your question.
To answer your updated question, you could use the fact that a block returns the value of its last statement, and use a local variable:
nod := [ :a :b | |r|
(a = b) ifTrue: [r := a].
(a > b) ifTrue: [r := nod value: (a-b) value: b].
(a < b) ifTrue: [r := nod value: a value: (b-a)].
I am curious, though, about the context. I suspect this might more appropriately be defined as a selector/method for a class.
By the way, the above implementation will go into an infinite recursion if either argument is negative.
The simplest way to get the results you're after would be:
nod := [ :a :b | a gcd: b ].

When I use error? and try, err need a value

Here my function that execute cmd as a Rebol instructions :
exec-cmd: func [
cmd [ block! ] "Rebol instructions"
/local err
] [
if error? err: try [
do cmd
] [ print mold disarm err ]
When I launch the function, I've encountered the following error message :
** Script Error: err needs a value
** Where: exec-cmd
** Near: if error? err: try [
do cmd
How can I avoid this message and manage the error ?
When the Rebol default evaluator sees a sequence of a SET-WORD! followed by a "complete" expression, it will assign the result of that expression to the named word.
However, Rebol has the ability to return a special kind of "nothing" from a function called an UNSET!. For instance:
>> type? print {What "value" does a print return?}
What "value" does a print return?
== unset!
This is different from returning a NONE! value...because if you continue the chain of evaluation, the evaluator will not allow them in assignments.
>> foo: print {This isn't legal}
This isn't legal
** Script Error: foo needs a value
** Near: foo: print "This isn't legal"
Variables cannot actually "hold a value" of type UNSET!. UNSET! is just the "value type" that you will get if you try and access a variable that is not set. Regardless of the philosophical equivalence of whether there is a none value or not, the mechanical consequence is that if you want to allow an unset! value to effectively be "assigned" you have to do that "assignment" using the set function and the /any refinement:
>> set/any 'foo (print {This works...})
This works...
== unset!
But to be able to read from the value, you can't just reference it as the variable is now undefined. You need to use the corresponding get:
>> type? get/any 'foo
== unset!
Anyway, that's the background on why you're seeing this. Your cmd presumably ended with a function that returned an UNSET!, like maybe print?
Here's an example that may be illustrative:
exec-cmd: func [
cmd [block!] "Rebol instructions"
/local err
] [
set/any 'result (try [do cmd])
case [
unset? get/any 'result [
print "Cmd returned no result"
function? :result [
print ["Cmd returned a function:" newline (mold :result)]
;-- Rebol3 only --
; closure? :result [
; print ["Cmd returned a closure:" newline (mold :result)]
; ]
;-- Rebol3 should be changed to match Red and not require this --
lit-word? :result [
print ["Cmd returned a literal word:" newline (mold :result)]
error? result [
print mold disarm result
true [
print ["Cmd returned result of type" (mold type? result)]
print ["The value was:" newline (mold result)]
Notice that once you've already handled the case where result might be unset, you don't have to use get/any and can just do normal access.
There is a foundational issue in the way the interpreter works, that if a word is bound to a FUNCTION! value (also the CLOSURE! values in Rebol3) then referencing that word invokes the related code. To work around this, if you know you're in a situation where a word may hold a such a value you can use GET or the analogue of a SET-WORD! known as a GET-WORD!. These are generally considered "ugly" so it's best if you can isolate the part of the code that needs to test for such an edge case and not wind up putting colons in front of things you don't need to!
What has been deemed a design flaw is something called "lit-word decay". This necessitates the use of a GET-WORD! in Rebol2 if you have an actual literal word in your hand. In that case, your program won't crash, it just won't give you what you expect. It's explained has already been changed in Red so it's certain to change for Rebol3.
Also, the concept of errors being "armed" and needing to be "disarmed" to be inspected has been eliminated in Rebol3. That doesn't affect the error? test in Rebol2 such that you'd need to use a GET-WORD!, but affected just about everything else you could do with them.
All right. I think I've covered all the cases here, but someone will correct me if I haven't!
(Note: if you're curious how to make your own function that returns an UNSET! like print does, just use exit instead of return)
>> nothing: func [value] [exit]
>> type? nothing 1020
== unset!
Use set/any and get/any to handle values that regular assignment and evaluation can't.
if error? set/any 'err try [
do cmd
] [ print mold disarm get/any 'err ]
Once the error is disarmed you can handle it normally.

smalltalk block - can I explicitly set the returning value and stop executing the block?

The return value of #value: message, when sent to a block, is the value of the last sentence in that block. So [ 1 + 2. 3 + 4. ] value evaluates to 7.
I find that hard to use sometimes. Is there a way to explicitly set the returning value and stop executing the block?
For exercise, try rewriting this block without using my imaginary #return: message and see how ugly it gets. I must be missing something.
[ :one :two |
one isNil ifTrue: [ two isNil ifTrue: [ self return: nil ] ifFalse: [ self return: true ] ].
two ifNil: [ self return: false ].
(one > two)
ifTrue: [ self return: true ]
ifFalse: [ (one < two)
ifTrue: [ self return: false ]
ifFalse: [ self return: nil ]
EDIT: self return: sth really is nonsense, but it does make sense at some level :)
There's nothing like a guard clause - blah ifTrue: [^ foo] - inside a block, because ^ is a non-local return, returning from the method calling the block rather than the block itself.
Big blocks - like big anythings - should be refactored into smaller, more understandable/tractable subparts, but sometimes that's not always possible. I mean this answer to suggest options to try when you can't really simplify in the usual ways.
If your block is really that complicated, and you can't get it simpler (splitting it up delocalises the information too much, for instance) then perhaps you can use an explicit return value. In particular, if your block doesn't return nil you could do something like
[:one :two | | result |
result := (one isNil and: [two isNil]) ifTrue: [false].
result ifNil: ["do one thing, possibly setting result"].
If your block can return nil, you'll need another sentinel value:
[:one :two | | result marker |
result := marker := Object new.
(result == marker) ifTrue: ["do one thing, possibly setting result"].
Lastly - and I hesitate to suggest this - you could do this:
[1 + 2.
thisContext return: 5.
3 + 4] value
which returns 5.
(Verifying how this interacts with ^ and inlined selectors like #ifTrue:ifFalse: left as an exercise for the reader.)
It seems that your code tries to handles nil like an infinity value when comparing one and two. The following code may be more readable depending on the context:
a := [:one :two |
| x y |
x := one ifNil: [Float infinity].
y := two ifNil: [Float infinity].
(x = y) ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [x > y]]
A useful feature of #ifTrue:ifFalse:, #ifNil:ifNotNil: and similar testing methods is that they return the value of the block that gets evaluated. e.g. (4 > 1) ifTrue: ['greater'] ifFalse: ['not-greater'] evaluates to 'greater'. This feature often makes it possible to return a value from a nested block in tail position.
When the code inside a block gets too complicated I suggest your refactor it to a method. But see Frank's answer for workarounds.
As pointed out in the comments the code above assumes numbers. I also came up with something that works with other comparable objects:
[ :one :two |
true caseOf: {
[one = two]->[nil].
[one isNil]->[true].
[two isNil]->[false]
} otherwise: [one>two]]
That #caseOf: construct is rarely used but it's certainly better than thisContext return:
You'd like to implement some break, continue, exit...
The usual way to control flow in Smalltalk is with blocks.
So one funny solution is to use a helper method with a Block return value to break the flow, like described here .
Object>>exitThru: aBlock
^aBlock value: [:result | ^result]
Now, let see how to use it:
| aBlock |
aBlock := [ :one :two |
self exitThru: [:exit |
one isNil ifTrue: [ two isNil ifTrue: [exit value: nil ] ifFalse: [ exit value: true ] ].
two isNil ifTrue: [ exit value: false ].
one > two ifTrue: [ exit value: true ].
one < two ifTrue: [ exit value: false ].
exit value: nil] ].
#(('abc' nil) (nil nil) (nil 'def') ('y' 'abc') ('y' 'y') ('y' 'z'))
[:pair |
aBlock value: pair first value: pair last ]
-> #(false nil true true nil false)
EDIT my first version was unnecessarily complex, can't remember what lead me to an additional indirection:
| aBlock |
aBlock := [:wrapOne :wrapTwo |
self exitThru: [:exit |
[ :one :two |
one isNil ifTrue: [ two isNil ifTrue: [exit value: nil ] ifFalse: [ exit value: true ] ].
two isNil ifTrue: [ exit value: false ].
one > two ifTrue: [ exit value: true ].
one < two ifTrue: [ exit value: false ].
exit value: nil ]
value: wrapOne value: wrapTwo ] ].
Well, more funny than usefull, I hope you will find more simple and expressive way to code.

Smalltalk and Assertions

Tryng out some smalltalk + TDD + "good practices" I've run into a kinda ugly block:
How do I do an assertion in GNU Smalltalk?
I'm just looking for a simple ifFalse: [Die] kind of thing
This is the code for assert: from Squeak (which I recommend you use rather than GNU):
assert: aBlock
"Throw an assertion error if aBlock does not evaluates to true."
aBlock value
ifFalse: [AssertionFailure signal: 'Assertion failed']
as well as
self assert: [ ... some block ]
works for blocks & non-blocks, since sending #value to Object returns self.
It has been suggested above to add #assert: to Object, but rather I'd add #assert to BlockClosure (or whatever [] class is in GNU Smalltalk).
this value ifFalse: [AssertionFailure signal: 'Assertion failed']
and thus use as in
[ value notNil ] assert.
[ value > 0 ] assert.
[ list isEmpty not ] assert.
It is simple. In your test methods you write:
self assert: 1 + 1 = 2
But first you need to create a test class as a subclass of TestCase (in Squeak), for example:
TestCase subclass: #MyTest
Here you write testing methods, which names must always start with 'test', for instance :
self assert: 1 + 1 = 2