Getting Nullpointer exception while creating a hibernate mapping XML file? - hibernate-mapping

I'm trying to create a XML based configuration for a model class. Using Hibernate XML Mapping file option from hibernate menu which comes with the JBoss Tools.
But it throws NullPointerException as in the image shown below.
Using: Java 8 and Eclipse Mars 4.5.2
JBoss Tools 4.3.1.Final
Please suggest me a solution to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
//Elusive Log

This appears to be a JBoss bug - see the bug report here.
The report says the bug is fixed in JBoss 4.4.2.AM1


How to independent run the intellij plugin in multiple project?(intellij plugin develop)

i have rewrite the intellij plugin: MyBatis Log Plugin.
The plugin feature is restore the mybatis generate sql to original whole executable sql.
And i have open the source on github:
MyBatis Log Plugin
I want run this plugin on every different project independent.
But now i have a problem can't to solve.
When i enable the plugin, it only take effect on the last start. and output the whole sql on the last console.
How can i fix this bug?
Anyone who can help me to review the code and points out the problem.
Thank you!
And when i fix this bug, i will redistribution it on jetbrains plugin repository.
I hava solve my problem.
Every project i had new ConsoleView Object.
And output the log bind the project consoleView.

NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/wsspi/uow/UOWException

We are migrating from WebSphere 8.0 to WildFly 10.0.0. after compiling the project in eclipse and removing all the reference of IBM WebSphere jars, on deploying the application, I am getting an error that NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/wsspi/uow/UOWException
I have tried to search this exception class in my project, i did not find any.
Can you please help me in fixing this error.
Along with the migration , we are also upgrading Java version to 8 and Spring version to 4.3.0
While working on this, I figured that we were referring to WebSphereUowTransactionManager which is specific for WebSphere in the Springs Transaction Manager. We have to replace it with JtaTransactionManager for removing the exception.

How to vizualize spring integration file in intellij idea 14?

On the page it is said that Intellij Idea 14 has got a visual diagrams for spring integration.
But I can't find how to visualize my integration xml file.
(right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram... shows a diagram with links between the beans. It is not very usefull.
Spring Integration Patterns plugin is enabled
I have Intellij Idea installed on a computer without access to the internet. May it be the reason why the diagrams are not working properly?
What do you want to see there?
For example.
We have stomp-chat sample:
And here is a diagram for this config:
I'd say that it is OK, however I agree that it would better if I'd provide id attribute for all components.
Of course, Spring Integration Patterns plugin has to be switched on.
This link helps -
"Please make sure the XML file is correctly configured in Spring context setup via Spring facet.
It requires spring-integration-core to be in module dependency of selected XML file."
I had the same problem, and found that in addition to having the Spring facet enabled, and having the spring-integration-core dependency and having the relevant context file set as an application context under the facet, you also need to have just the containing module open. i.e. the stomp-chat spring-integration sample provides the "Spring Integration" diagram option if it is opened from its own pom.xml, however if you open the parent applications\pom.xml then the "Spring Integration" diagram option is not available, regardless of facets etc.
I have the same problem in a project where I use spring integration 2.1.4.
In a newer project I use 4.0.0 and there Intellij Idea offers the option to open the spring integration diagram.
Perhaps that is the reason and you "only" need a newer version of spring integration.
The issue is that the newer versions of Intellij create separate modules per source set by default which somehow ends up conflicting with earlier setups. Using Intellij 2016.1, I instead reimported my project with the following options checked:
Once I did that then (right click on file)/Diagrams/Show Diagram once again gave me the Spring Integration Option.
Yes, click on your Spring Integration context file > Diagrams > Show Diagram... > Spring Integration., but if you haven't this menu follow below:
You should have identified integration context as Spring XML based configurations. Instruction here : Create a Intellij file set
I don't know why, but I had a problem with Spring Integration Diagram when I installed Springirun plugin.

Sonar PDF plugin does not work

I have downloaded the Sonar PDF reports plugin and added the widget to the dashboard. I have restarted the Sonar server. I have executed the Sonar analyzer through Ant, but the PDF report cannot be downloaded (the Widget is empty and cannot be seen). The Sonar logs give no indication of PDF generation. Any ideas?
Known issue with ANT builds, see SONARPLUGINS-2314
And it looks like there is no immediate solution, they recommend using the commercially supported plugin.....
still in its infancy, in alpha phase..

Eclipse - servlet creation error

I am getting the following error when I try to use the Eclipse IDE wizard to create a Servlet:
"java.lang.Eror: Unresolved compilation problems:
The import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.common cannot be resolved.
CreateServletTemplateModel cannot be resolved to a type
The settings of the IDE are as follows:
Eclipse Version: 3.4.2
WTP Servlet UI Plug-in: 1.1.203.v20081022000
I don't have any problems manually creating the Servlets, I just would like the IDE to work as it's supposed to in order to avoid the overhead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As mentioned here, that could be linked to a WTP installation issue.
Try to see if you still have the problem with:
WTP3.0.5 (compatible with your eclipse3.4.2)
with the J2EE package (all-in-one distribution, see here for ganymede - 3.4.2 - packages)
Note: in both cases, you can duplicate your eclipse 3.4 installation, points to a fresh workspace and do your tests here (in order to avoid modifying anything from your current setup).