Shell Scripting - Anonymous Block - sql

I have a procedure that does a certain task and exits.
The procedure has to be replicated to around 40 databases, that will run this procedure.
My concern is that if there is a change all across, every procedure has to be changed.
How can I create a shell script, that takes input
username, password and SID and runs an anonymous block (the same procedure is converted as an anonymous block and put on server)
and it runs it.

Here is the code I sometimes use:
for x in ${dbs_list}
DB_=` echo ${x}|cut -f "1" -d . `
USR=` echo ${x}|cut -f "2" -d . `
echo "################################ #### "
echo "#processinb ${USR} # ${DB_} -- ...#"
echo "enter password:"
read -s PWD
sqlplus ${USR}/${PWD}#${DB_} << _EOF
set serveroutput on
prompt HERE is my anonymous code block
dbms_output.put_line('do my things');
Note the importance:
to have this / thing at the end of the PLSQL code block
to have this last _EOF thing at the very beginning of the line after the sqlplus pseudo-file block (or so called famous Here-document )
Hope this helps.


Unable to pass in parameters to SQL Server Stored procedure from Windows batch script

I tried searching for the solution here but didn't find one that can solve my problem. I have following batch script:
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%a in ('\path\batch_output.txt') do (
echo %%a, %%b, %%c
sqlcmd -S server -E -i path\spu_update_src_trg_ref.sql -v SourceName= %%a Instancname= %%b exitcode= %%c
ping -n 1 -w 5000 > nul
Inside spu_update_src_trg_ref.sql I have below code:
use dbname
EXEC dbo.spu_update_src_trg_ref $(SourceName), $(Instancname), $(exitcode)
I am running the below batch script via a job scheduler so unable to see the direct error in the cmd. But my job is getting failed and the stored proc is also not getting executed. If need, stored proc is as below:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spu_update_src_trg_ref
#SourceName VARCHAR(100),
#Instancname VARCHAR(100),
#exitcode INT
IF #exitcode=0
UPDATE dbo.t_ctrm_ref_src_trg SET LoadStatus='Completed' WHERE SourceTableName=#SourceName;
UPDATE dbo.t_ctrm_instance_status SET InstanceStatus='Completed' WHERE InstanceName=#Instancname;
Its a simple sp that updates two tables, but I am unable to pass the input parameters from batch script. Please advice.
Thanks everyone for the help. I just removed some spaces and quotes('') from '\path\batch_output.txt' and it worked just fine. Appreciate all your help
There are syntax errors in your sqlcmd command. Remove the spaces between the var name, the equal sign, and the value in the "-v" portion.

Declare bash variables inside sql EOF

how to declare variable in bash command. See "?"
I thought we could almost run any bash statement with ! or host in front of line
sqlplus scott/tiger#orcl << EOF
! export v10="Hi" Doesn't work, why?
! echo $v10 Doesn't work, why?
! echo "Done" Works perfectly and also other bash commands
select * from dept; Works perfectly
Thank you
What #jordanm says "probably" is exactly what is happening. When you specify a host command from within sqlplus, a separate shell process is spawned, the command executed by that process, then that process is terminated and control returns to sqlplus. Any environment variables that are set in that child shell process are good only within it, so when it terminates, they are gone.
As for your specific lines that "work" and "don't work" .. "export v10="Hi" does work but there is no stdout display of the 'export' command, and as explained, that variable v10 ceases to exist once the child process completes and control returns to sqlplus. The "echo $v10" also works, but since that is a new shell process, it has no value for $v10, so there is nothing to echo.
What are you trying to accomplish by setting enviornment variables from within sqlplus?
found it, all I had to do was
<< EOF
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback
whenever oserror exit failure rollback

Sqlplus parameters

I want to know what this line does:
sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
From the information that you provided in the comments:
sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF
Fires up an instance of sqlplus with silent mode enabled (which, I believe, doesn't send out any output to the console screen), and without a login explicitly provided (hence the /nolog), and it's taking input from the string contained in the EOF heredoc (which probably contains login credentials).
Here is a quick overview of Oracle's documentation on sqlplus.
From HERE:
-s The silent option: it suppreses the output of the SQL*Plus banner, the command prompt and the echoing of commands.
/nolog Starts SQL*Plus but does not log on (connect) a user/session.
So it seems that starts SQL*PLUS without logging on a user/session (nolog option) and don't display info (silent option).
The full excerpt should probably be:
sqlplus -s /nolog << ABCDE
CONNECT user/pwd#database
Which is similar to running sqlplus -s user/pwd#database #script.sql where script.sql contains the sql, plsql stuff and the exit command. The << syntax is shell operator for heredoc, which means all following lines are variable-expanded if ${variables} are found, and the first line beginning with ABCDE (at the very beginning of the line, no spaces, no tabs) ends the input.

Running oracle script as oracle user from a shell script that runs as root

I have a shell script that runs as root. I want the script to switch to oracle user, run sqlplus and run some .sql files.
I am trying to followung :
su - oracle << -EOF1 2>&1
sqlplus $user/$password << -EOF2
first of all i get stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device what does it mean ?
second, can someone explain to me how the redirect (should) work in this case ?
if [ "$(id -un)" -eq "root" ]; then
exec su - oracle -c $0
sqlplus <<EOF
If your script potentially takes arguments, the solution will differ.
What this does it checking whether the user running is currently root. If so, it re-executes the script ($0) as user oracle instead.
But BTW, why does the script run as root in the first place?
su - oracle -c " echo 'select 1 from dual;
select 2 from dual;'| sqlpus / as sysdba "
if contain ' using following
su - oracle -c " echo \"select 1 from dual;
select 2 from dual;\" | sqlpus / as sysdba "

Expect script does not work under crontab

I have an expect script which I need to run every 3 mins on my management node to collect tx/rx values for each port attached to DCX Brocade SAN Switch using the command #portperfshow#
Each time I try to use crontab to execute the script every 3 mins, the script does not work!
My expect script starts with #!/usr/bin/expect -f and I am calling the script using the following syntax under cron:
3 * * * * /usr/bin/expect -f /root/portsperfDCX1/collect-all.exp sanswitchhostname
However, when I execute the script (not under cron) it works as expected:
root# ./collect-all.exp sanswitchhostname
works just fine.
Please Please can someone help! Thanks.
The script collect-all.exp is:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#Time and Date
set day [timestamp -format %d%m%y]
set time [timestamp -format %H%M]
set LogDir1 "/FPerf/PortsLogs"
et timeout 5
set ipaddr [lrange $argv 0 0]
set passw "XXXXXXX"
if { $ipaddr == "" } {
puts "Usage: <script.exp> <ip address>\n"
exit 1
spawn ssh admin#$ipaddr
expect -re "password"
send "$passw\r"
expect -re "admin"
log_file "$LogDir1/$day-portsperfshow-$time"
send "portperfshow -tx -rx -t 10\r"
expect timeout "\n"
send \003
send -- "exit\r"
I had the same issue, except that my script was ending with
Finally I got it working by replacing it with these two lines:
expect eof
Changing interact to expect eof worked for me!
Needed to remove the exit part, because I had more statements in the bash script after the expect line (calling expect inside a bash script).
There are two key differences between a program that is run normally from a shell and a program that is run from cron:
Cron does not populate (many) environment variables. Notably absent are TERM, SHELL and HOME, but that's just a small proportion of the long list that will be not defined.
Cron does not set up a current terminal, so /dev/tty doesn't resolve to anything. (Note, programs spawned by Expect will have a current terminal.)
With high probability, any difficulties will come from these, especially the first. To fix, you need to save all your environment variables in an interactive session and use these in your expect script to repopulate the environment. The easiest way is to use this little expect script:
unset -nocomplain ::env(SSH_AUTH_SOCK) ;# This one is session-bound anyway
puts [list array set ::env [array get ::env]]
That will write out a single very long line which you want to put near the top of your script (or at least before the first spawn). Then see if that works.
Jobs run by cron are not considered login shells, and thus don't source your .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.
If you want that behavior, you need to add it explicitly to the crontab entry like so:
$ crontab -l
0 13 * * * bash -c '. .bash_profile; etc ...'