Geolocation rtweet search_tweet R - api

Does search_tweets function from rtweet package has parameters that allow me to filter by geolocation, equivalent to search_tweets parameter "geocode = '40.757343,-73.848261,40km'"?

Not really, you need to download the tweets via rtweet::search_tweets and then impose a geographical cut on coordinates. Furthermore there is also a column entitled bounding_box_coordinates that can be proven useful to your analysis.


Feature and FeatureView versioning

my team is interested in a feature store solution that enables rapid experimentation of features, probably using feature versioning. In the Feast slack history, I found
#Benjamin Tan’s post that explains their feast workflow, and they explain FeatureView versioning:
insights_v1 = FeatureView(
Feature(name="insight_type", dtype=ValueType.STRING)
insights_v2 = FeatureView(
Feature(name="customer_id", dtype=ValueType.STRING)
Feature(name="insight_type", dtype=ValueType.STRING)
Is this the recommended best practice for FeatureView versioning? It looks like Features do not have a version field. Is there a recommended strategy for Feature versioning?
Creating a new column for each Feature version is one approach:
But that could get unwieldy if we want to experiment with dozens of permutations of the same Feature.
Featureform appears to have support for feature versions through the "variant" field, but their documentation is a bit unclear.
Adding additional clarity on Featureform: Variant is analogous to version. You'd supply a string which then becomes an immutable identifier for the version of the transformation, source, etc. Variant is one of the common metadata fields provided in the Featureform API.
Using the example of an ecommerce dataset & spark, here's an example of using the variant field to version a source (a parquet file in this case):
orders = spark.register_parquet_file(
description="This is the core dataset. From each order you might find all other information.",
You can set the variant variable ahead of time:
VERSION="v1" # You can change this to rerun the definitions with with new variants
orders = spark.register_parquet_file(
description="This is the core dataset. From each order you might find all other information.",
And you can create versions or variants of the transformations -- here I'm taking a dataframe called total_paid_per_customer_per_day and aggregating it.
# Get average order value per day
#spark.df_transformation(inputs=[("total_paid_per_customer_per_day", "default")], variant="skeller88_20220110")
def average_daily_transaction(df):
from pyspark.sql.functions import mean
return df.groupBy("day_date").agg(mean("total_customer_order_paid").alias("average_order_value"))
There are some more details on the Featureform CLI here:

Twitter Premium API Profile location operators profile_country: and profile_region: not working

I am using premium account (not sandbox) for data collection.
I want to collect:
All tweets in English that contain ‘china’ or ‘chinese’ that are user geolocated to US and not geolocated at tweet level, excluding all retweets
All tweets in English that contain ‘china’ or ‘chinese’ that are user geolocated to ‘Minnesota’ and not geolocated at tweet level, excluding all retweets
The code is as follows:
premium_search_args = load_credentials('twitter_API.yaml',
yaml_key ='search_tweets_premium_api', env_overwrite=False)
# keywords for the search
# key word 1
keywords = '(China OR Chinese) lang:en profile_country:US -place_country:US -is:retweet'
# key word 2
keywords = '(China OR Chinese) lang:en -place_country:US profile_region:"Minnesota" -is:retweet'
# define search rule
rule = gen_rule_payload(keywords,from_date='2019-12-01',
# create result stream and print before start
rs = ResultStream(rule_payload=rule, max_results=1250000,
My problems are that:
For the first one, a large portion of the results I get didn’t satisfy the query. First, some don’t have Profile Geo enrichment, i.e. user.derived.locations attribute is not in the user object. Second, if it is, a lot don’t have country code US, i.e. they are identified to other countries.
For the second one, the result I get from this method is a smaller subset of the results I can get from 1). That is, when I filter all tweets user geolocated to Minnesota (by user.derived.locations.region) from profile_country:US, it gives a larger sample than using profile_region:“Minnesota”. A considerable amount of data is missing using this method.
I have tried several times but it seems that user geolocation operators don’t work exactly what I want. Does anyone has any idea why this is the case? I would very much appreciate any answers/suggestions/comments.
Thank you!

How to programmatically list available Google BigQuery locations?

How to programmatically list available Google BigQuery locations? I need a result similar to what is in the table of this page:
As #shollyman has mentioned
The BigQuery API does not expose the equivalent of a list locations call at this time.
So, you should consider filing a feature request on the issue tracker.
Meantime, I wanted to add Option 3 to those two already proposed by #Tamir
This is a little naïve option with its pros and cons, but depends on your specific use case can be useful and easy adapted to your application
Step 1 - load page ( html
Step 2 - parse and extract needed info
Obviously, this is super simple to implement in any client of your choice
As I am huge BigQuery fan - I went through "prove of concept" using BigQuery Tool - Magnus
I've created workflow with just two Tasks:
API Task - to load page's HTML into variable var_payload
BigQuery Task - to parse and extract wanted info out of html
The "whole" workflow is as simple as it looks in below screenshot
The query I used in BigQuery Task is
return he.decode(x);
OPTIONS (library="gs://my_bucket/he.js");
SELECT html,
r'\n|<strong>|</strong>|<code>|</code>', ''),
)[OFFSET(0)] x
FROM (SELECT'''<var_payload>''' AS html)
line[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] Area,
line[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] Region_Name,
decode(line[SAFE_OFFSET(2)]) Region_Description
pos, REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(line, '<td>(.*?)</td>') line
UNNEST(REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(x, r'<tr>(.*?)</tr>')) line
WHERE pos > 0
As you can see, i used he library. From its README:
he (for “HTML entities”) is a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. It supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a browser would ...
After workflow is executed and those two steps are done - result is in project.dataset.location_extraction and we can query this table to make sure we've got what is expected
Note: obviously parsing and extracting needed locations info is quite simplified and surely can be improved to be more flexible in terms of changing source page layout
Unfortunately, There is no API which provides BigQuery supported location list.
I see two options which might be good for you:
Option 1
You can manually manage a list and expose this list to your client via an API or any other means your application support (You will need to follow BigQuery product updates to follow on updates on this list)
Option 2
If your use case is to provide a list of the location you are using to store your own data you can call dataset.list to get a list of location and display/use it in your app
"kind": "bigquery#dataset",
"id": "id1",
"datasetReference": {
"datasetId": "datasetId",
"projectId": "projectId"
"location": "US"

How do you do pagination in GUN?

How do you do something like gun.get({startkey, endkey}) ?
#qwe123wsx #sebastianmacias apologies for the delay! Originally posted at:
The wire spec has a protocol for this but it isn't implemented yet. It looks something like this:
gun.on('out', {get: {'#': {'>': 'a', '<': 'b'}}});
However this doesn't work yet. I would recommend instead:
(1) Pagination behavior is very different from one app to another and will be hard for us to create a "one-size-fits-all" solution, so it would be highly helpful if you could implement your own* pagination and make it available as a user-module, then we can learn from your experience (what worked, what didn't) and make the best solution part of core.
(2) Your app will probably work fine without pagination in the meanwhile, while it can be built (it is targeted for after 1.0), and then as your app becomes more popular, it should be fairly easy to add in without much refactor, once you need it and it is available.
... * How to build your own?
Lots of good articles on this, best one I've seen yet is from Neo4j on how to do it in a graph database (which applies to gun as well) .
Another rough idea is you model your data based on pagination or time. So rather than having ALL tweets go into user's tweet table, instead, the user's tweet table is a table of DAYS (or weeks), and then you put the tweet inside the week table. Now when you load the data, you can scan/skip based off of week very easily while it being super bandwidth efficient.
Rough PSEUDO code:
function onTweetSend(tweet){
gun.get('user').get('alice').get('tweets').get(Date.uniqueYear() + Date.uniqueWeek()).set(tweet)
function paginateUserTweet(howMany, cb){
var range = convertToArrayOfUniqueWeekNamesFromToday(howMany);
var all = [];
if(all.length < range.length){ return }
all = flattenArray(all);
Now we can use
gun.get(...).get({'.': {'>': startkey, '<': endkey}, '%': 50000}).map().once(...)

Apache Flink Error Handing and Conditional Processing

I am new to Flink and have gone through site(s)/examples/blogs to get started. I am struggling with the correct use of operators. Basically I have 2 questions
Question 1: Does Flink support declarative exception handling, I need to handle parse/validate/... errors?
Can I use org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort.ExceptionHandler or similar
to handle errors?
or Rich/FlatMap function my best option?
If Rich/FlatMap the only option then is there a way to get handle to Stream inside Rich/FlatMap function so Sink(s) could be attached for error processing?
Question 2: Can I conditionally attach different Sink(s)?
Based on certain field(s) in keyed split streams I need to select different sink(s), do I split the stream again or use a Rich/FlatMap to handle that?
I am using Flink 1.3.2. Here is the relevant portion of my job
DataStream<String> eventTextStream = env.addSource(messageSource)
KeyedStream<EventPojo, Tuple> eventPojoStream = eventTextStream
// parse, transform or enrich
.flatMap(new MyParseTransformEnrichFunction())
.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new EventAscendingTimestampExtractor())
// split stream based on eventType as different reduce and windowing functions need to be applied
SplitStream<EventPojo> splitStream = eventPojoStream
.split(new EventStreamSplitFunction());
// need to apply reduce function
DataStream<EventPojo> event1TypeStream ="event1Type");
// need to apply reduce function
DataStream<EventPojo> event2TypeStream ="event2Type");
// need to apply time based windowing function
DataStream<EventPojo> event3TypeStream ="event3Type");
env.execute("Event Processing");
Am I using the correct operators here?
Update 1:
Tried using the ProcessFunction as suggested by #alpinegizmo but that didn't work as it depends upon a keyed stream which I don't have until I parse/validate input. I get "InvalidProgramException: Field expression must be equal to '*' or '_' for non-composite types. ".
It's such a common use case where your first parse/validate input and won't have keyed stream yet, so how do you solve it?
Thanks for your patience and help.
There's one key building block that you've overlooked. Take a look at side outputs.
This mechanism provides a typesafe way to produce any number of additional output streams. This can be a clean way to report errors, among other uses. In Flink 1.3 side outputs can only be used with ProcessFunction, but 1.4 will add side outputs to ProcessWindowFunction.