Edit text in file(UTF16) - vb.net

I want replace 1 word in text file (file format is not .txt)
file Unicode is (UTF16)
few text example:
I D = " f f 0 3 4 a 9 2 - d d 9 f - 4 3 7 4 - a 8 a d - f 5 5 4 0 0 2 a 4 1 9 b " I S S U E _ D A T E = " 2 0 1 7 - 0 2 - 1 6 T 1 7 : 2 9 : 1 8 . 9 7 0 2 2 9 4 Z " S E Q U E N C E = " 0 " M A N A G I N G _ A P P L I C A T I O N _ T O K E N = " " > < L I C E N S E P U B L I C _ I D = " 3 A A - U J F - 8 K P " U S E R N A M E = " N d a G 6 Z T w u v I X Z B i t h 8 g o d d Q x E r x 0 + O g M c t 0 2 3 f X K O E w = " P A S S W O R D = " F 9 b n 6 b v w l f I 5 Z A 2 t h M h 9 d d s x Q L w = " T Y P E = " T R I A L " F L A G S = " 4 " D I S P L A Y _ N A M E =
I want change T R I A L to other word

It's not too hard to modify your text file. Use the IO class to assign it to a text file, then use String.Replace(oldValue As String, newValue As String) to change your string. Then use IO again to save the string to the file. This should work so long as your file isn't open and being used in another program - regardless of file extensions.
An example, to help you, could be something such as this:
Dim myFileContents as String = IO.File.ReadAllText("Path\To\My\File\File.extension")
myFileContents = myFileContents.Replace("T R I A L", "Some other word")
IO.File.WriteAllText("Path\To\My\File\File.extension", myFileContents)
Modify the contents to suit your situation - however, this is only a basic implementation. Additionally, it is important to note that String.Replace() will change all occurrences of your word to the new word.


select rows where only 1 of boolean columns is true

I have a table with the following format:
CREATE TABLE segments(id INT, walk BOOLEAN, taxi BOOLEAN, bus BOOLEAN,
subway BOOLEAN, bike BOOLEAN);
INSERT INTO segments (id, walk, taxi, bus, subway, bike)
VALUES (0,false,false,false,false,true),
SELECT * FROM segments;
id walk taxi bus subway bike
0 f f f f t
1 t t f f f
2 t f f f f
3 t f t f f
4 t t t f f
5 f f t f f
6 t t f f f
7 t f f f f
8 t f t f f
9 t t t f f
10 t f t f f
But I want filter rows where only 1 of walk, taxi, bus, subway or bike it true, and no other.
Expected output:
id walk taxi bus subway bike
0 f f f f t
2 t f f f f
5 f f t f f
7 t f f f f
You can cast boolean as int in postgres:
from segments
where walk::int + taxi::int + bus::int + subway::int + bike::int = 1;
See db fiddle.
One way is to encode your booleans as bits, and then check that exactly 1 bit is set. Example:
select * from segments
where 1*walk::int+2*taxi::int+4*bus::int+8*subway::int+16*bike::int in (1,2,4,8,16);

VBA code - Group by matching columns using SQL

10 1 1 1 1 a
10 1 1 1 1 b
10 1 2 1 1 c
10 2 1 1 1 c
11 1 1 1 1 d
11 1 1 2 1 d
11 1 1 2 1 e
Output should be:
10 1 1 1 1 a, b
10 1 2 1 1 c
10 2 1 1 1 c
11 1 1 1 1 d, e
11 1 1 2 1 d, e
Public Function Test()
Dim sqlCON As New ADODB.Connection
Dim sqlREC As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlSTR As String
Dim sqlSTR2 As String
Dim newWB As Workbook
Set newWB = ActiveWorkbook
With sqlCON
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source='" & newWB.FullName & "';Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
End With
sqlSTR = "SELECT G, F, V, S, P, M " & _
"FROM [Sheet1$];"
Set sqlREC = sqlCON.Execute(sqlSTR)
If sqlREC.BOF = False And sqlREC.EOF = False Then
getAD = sqlREC.GetRows
getAD = Empty
End If
Set sqlREC = Nothing
In the SELECT section of the code, I have already tried FOR XML PATH, STRING_AGG and GROUP_CONCAT, but had no success, it seems these functions are not supported in VBA.
The "ID" of the row is a combination of all the columns, where the leading column is V, for each V (combined with the other columns) we have a combination of M.
Does someone have a clue on how I can get the desired output?

Is there a limit on the number of operations VBA can perform?

Inspired by a puzzle I saw online , and since I'm a VBA newbie, I thought it might be an interesting exercise to help me learn how to use For loops by making a brute force method to search for solutions to it.
This led to creating a monstrosity that takes ages to partially run and actually won't fully run at all.
All the code is meant to do is print 3 columns of valid combinations
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim j As Long
Dim abc As String
Dim def As String
Dim ghi As String
j = 1
For a = 1 To 9
For b = 1 To 9
For c = 1 To 9
For d = 1 To 9
For e = 1 To 9
For f = 1 To 9
For g = 1 To 9
For h = 1 To 9
For i = 1 To 9
'Line breaks included for ease of reading
If a = b Or a = c Or a = d Or a = e Or a = f Or a = g Or a = h Or a = i
Or b = c Or b = d Or b = e Or b = f Or b = g Or b = h Or b = i
Or c = d Or c = e Or c = f Or c = g Or c = h Or c = i
Or d = e Or d = f Or d = g Or d = h Or d = i
Or e = f Or e = g Or e = h Or e = i
Or f = g Or f = h Or f = i
Or g = h Or g = i
Or h = i Then
abc = a & b & c
def = d & e & f
ghi = g & h & i
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(j, 1).Value = abc
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(j, 2).Value = def
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(j, 3).Value = ghi
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
Next h
Next g
Next f
Next e
Next d
Next c
Next b
Next a
End Sub
This obviously involves lots of simple operations, and results in variously (Not Responding) messages or it just doesn't run. Was it possible to tell before clicking "Go" that that would be the case?
My job has me working on, and adding to, spread sheets that perform lots of operations on other spread sheets with conceivably hundreds of thousands of data items in each. Continuing to add functionality to these files may or may not be sustainable, I need to know how to tell before I sink time into further development.
Is there a hard limit to what can be done with VBA in terms of volumes/numbers of operations? Is there a tool that will estimate the viability of a macro actually running to completion? A heuristic commonly employed in industry?
Basically, what methods or tools exist to inform as to whether the demands of a macro or series of macros will exceed available memory?
You should attempt to do a tiny bit of maths before you begin.
Your code generates all the permutations of 9 thing taken 9 at a time. Before you begin, you know this this will fill 362880 rows; so the code should work.
A separate issue is how much time will it take, and is this the most efficient method .
Not an answer, but can it be tackled by just looping the numbers? Something along these lines, is checking the 1st char against the rest
Dim l As Long
Dim i As Integer
For l = 11111111 To 99999999
For i = 2 To 8
If (Mid(l, i, 1) <> Mid(l, 1, 1)) Then
Debug.Print l
End If
Next i
Next l

Octave while/for statement -- what's wrong in a code?

This is my Octave code
for K= 1:10
while ( p < 1 )
ceil(log2(K)) + 1/(1-(1-p)^K) %function
p = p + sens;
and here is an output:
ans = 10.000
K = 1
ans = 5.0000
K = 1
ans = 3.3333
K = 1
ans = 2.5000
K = 1
ans = 2
K = 1
ans = 1.6667
K = 1
ans = 1.4286
K = 1
ans = 1.2500
K = 1
ans = 1.1111
K = 1
ans = 1
K = 1
K = 10
So, as you can see -- in inner while statement value of K is fixed to 1. What I am supposed to do to vary this value between 1 and 10. Why it is not working? I have no idea why this inner while statement is proceed only once.
ANSWER: There should be p= initial_value after for K=...
There should be p= initial_value after for K=...
That is, like this:
for K = 1:10
p = somevalue;
while ( p < 1 )

vba: storing a long string in a variable with special characters

i need to set a string equal to this in vba. how do i do it?
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d="M 242.96145,653.59282 L 244.83646,650.1553 L 247.02397,649.8428 L 247.33647,650.62405 L 245.30521,653.59282 L 242.96145,653.59282 z M 252.80525,649.99905 L 258.74278,652.49906 L 260.77404,652.18656 L 262.33654,648.43654 L 261.71154,645.15528 L 257.64902,644.68653 L 253.74275,646.40528 L 252.80525,649.99905 z M 282.49289,659.6866 L 286.08665,664.99912 L 288.43041,664.68662 L 289.52417,664.21787 L 290.93042,665.46787 L 294.52419,665.31162 L 295.4617,663.90537 L 292.64918,662.18661 L 290.77417,658.59284 L 288.74291,655.15533 L 283.11789,657.96784 L 282.49289,659.6866 z M 302.02423,668.28039 L 303.27423,666.40538 L 307.8055,667.34288 L 308.43051,666.87413 L 314.36803,667.49913 L 314.05553,668.74914 L 311.55552,670.15539 L 307.33675,669.84289 L 302.02423,668.28039 z M 307.1805,673.28041 L 309.05551,677.03043 L 312.02427,675.93667 L 312.33677,674.37416 L 310.77427,672.3429 L 307.1805,672.0304 L 307.1805,673.28041 z M 313.89928,672.18665 L 316.08679,669.37414 L 320.61806,671.7179 L 324.83683,672.81166 L 329.0556,675.46792 L 329.0556,677.34293 L 325.61809,679.06169 L 320.93056,679.99919 L 318.5868,678.59293 L 313.89928,672.18665 z M 329.99311,687.18672 L 331.55561,685.93672 L 334.83688,687.49923 L 342.18066,690.93674 L 345.46193,692.968 L 347.02443,695.31176 L 348.89944,699.53053 L 352.80571,702.03054 L 352.49321,703.28055 L 348.74319,706.40556 L 344.68067,707.81182 L 343.27442,707.18682 L 340.30565,708.90557 L 337.96189,712.03059 L 335.77438,714.8431 L 334.05562,714.68685 L 330.61811,712.18684 L 330.30561,707.81182 L 330.93061,705.46806 L 329.3681,699.99928 L 327.33684,698.28052 L 327.18059,695.78051 L 329.3681,694.84301 L 331.39936,691.87425 L 331.86811,690.93674 L 330.30561,689.21798 L 329.99311,687.18672 z"
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d="M 170.46112,590.15502 L 170.14862,672.65541 L 171.71112,673.59291 L 174.67989,673.74916 L 176.08614,672.65541 L 178.58615,672.65541 L 178.74241,675.46792 L 185.46119,682.03045 L 185.92994,684.53046 L 189.2112,682.65545 L 189.83621,682.4992 L 190.14871,679.53044 L 191.55496,677.96793 L 192.64872,677.81168 L 194.52373,676.40542 L 197.49249,678.43668 L 198.1175,681.2492 L 199.9925,682.34295 L 201.08626,684.68671 L 204.83628,686.40547 L 208.11754,692.18675 L 210.7738,695.93676 L 212.96131,698.59303 L 214.36757,702.18679 L 219.21134,703.90555 L 224.21137,705.93681 L 225.14887,710.15558 L 225.61762,713.12434 L 224.68012,716.40561 L 222.96136,718.59312 L 221.39885,717.81187 L 219.9926,714.8431 L 217.33633,713.43685 L 215.61758,712.34309 L 214.83632,713.12434 L 216.24258,715.78061 L 216.39883,719.37437 L 215.30507,719.84312 L 213.43007,717.96812 L 211.39881,716.71811 L 211.86756,718.28062 L 213.11756,719.99938 L 212.33631,720.78063 C 212.33631,720.78063 211.55506,720.46813 211.08631,719.84312 C 210.61755,719.21812 209.05505,716.56186 209.05505,716.56186 L 208.11754,714.37435 C 208.11754,714.37435 207.80504,715.62436 207.18004,715.31185 C 206.55503,714.99935 205.93003,713.9056 205.93003,713.9056 L 207.64879,712.03059 L 206.24253,710.62433 L 206.24253,705.78056 L 205.46128,705.78056 L 204.68003,709.06182 L 203.58627,709.53058 L 202.64877,705.93681 L 202.02376,702.34304 L 201.24251,701.87429 L 201.55501,707.34307 L 201.55501,708.43682 L 200.14875,707.18682 L 196.71124,701.40554 L 194.67998,700.93679 L 194.05498,697.34302 L 192.49247,694.53051 L 190.92996,693.43675 L 190.92996,691.24924 L 192.96122,689.99924 L 192.49247,689.68674 L 189.99246,690.31174 L 186.71119,687.96798 L 184.21118,685.15546 L 179.52366,682.65545 L 175.61739,680.15544 L 176.8674,677.03043 L 176.8674,675.46792 L 175.14864,677.03043 L 172.33613,678.12418 L 168.74236,677.03043 L 163.27358,674.68667 L 157.96106,674.68667 L 157.33606,675.15542 L 151.08603,671.4054 L 149.05477,671.0929 L 146.39851,665.46787 L 142.96099,665.78037 L 139.52347,667.18663 L 139.99223,671.56165 L 141.08598,668.74914 L 142.02349,669.06164 L 140.61723,673.28041 L 143.74224,670.62415 L 144.36725,672.18665 L 140.61723,676.40542 L 139.36722,676.09292 L 138.89847,674.21791 L 137.64847,673.43666 L 136.39846,674.53042 L 133.7422,672.81166 L 130.77343,674.84292 L 129.05468,676.87418 L 125.77341,678.90544 L 121.24214,678.74918 L 120.77339,676.71793 L 124.36715,676.09292 L 124.36715,674.84292 L 122.17964,674.21791 L 123.11715,671.87415 L 125.30466,668.12414 L 125.30466,666.40538 L 125.46091,665.62412 L 129.67968,663.43661 L 130.61718,664.68662 L 133.27345,664.68662 L 132.02344,662.18661 L 128.42967,661.87411 L 123.5859,664.53037 L 121.24214,667.81163 L 119.52338,670.31165 L 118.42963,672.49916 L 114.36711,673.90541 L 111.39834,676.40542 L 111.08584,677.96793 L 113.27335,678.90544 L 114.05461,680.93669 L 111.39834,684.06171 L 105.14832,688.12423 L 97.648277,692.18675 L 95.617017,693.2805 L 90.460745,694.37426 L 85.304465,696.56177 L 87.023225,697.81177 L 85.616965,699.21803 L 85.148215,700.31178 L 82.491955,699.37428 L 79.366945,699.53053 L 78.585685,701.71804 L 77.648185,701.71804 L 77.960685,699.37428 L 74.523165,700.62429 L 71.710655,701.56179 L 68.42939,700.31178 L 65.616877,702.18679 L 62.491863,702.18679 L 60.460603,703.4368 L 58.898096,704.21805 L 56.866837,703.90555 L 54.366825,702.8118 L 52.179315,703.4368 L 51.241811,704.3743 L 49.679303,703.28055 L 49.679303,701.40554 L 52.648067,700.15553 L 58.741845,700.78054 L 62.960615,699.21803 L 64.991874,697.18677 L 67.804387,696.56177 L 69.523145,695.78051 L 72.179408,695.93676 L 73.741915,697.18677 L 74.679415,696.87427 L 76.866925,694.21801 L 79.835695,693.2805 L 83.116955,692.6555 L 84.366965,692.343 L 84.991965,692.81175 L 85.773225,692.81175 L 87.023225,689.21798 L 90.929495,687.81173 L 92.804505,684.21796 L 94.992017,679.84294 L 96.554527,678.43668 L 96.867027,675.93667 L 95.304517,677.18668 L 92.023245,677.81168 L 91.398245,675.46792 L 90.148245,675.15542 L 89.210735,676.09292 L 89.054485,678.90544 L 87.648225,678.74918 L 86.241975,673.12416 L 84.991965,674.37416 L 83.898215,673.90541 L 83.585715,672.0304 L 79.679445,672.18665 L 77.648185,673.28041 L 75.148175,672.96791 L 76.554425,671.56165 L 77.023175,669.06164 L 76.398175,667.18663 L 77.804435,666.24913 L 79.054435,666.09288 L 78.429435,664.37412 L 78.429435,660.15535 L 77.491935,659.21784 L 76.710675,660.6241 L 70.773151,660.6241 L 69.366895,659.37409 L 68.741892,655.62408 L 66.710632,652.18656 L 66.710632,651.24906 L 68.741892,650.4678 L 68.898142,648.43654 L 69.991897,647.34279 L 69.210644,646.87404 L 67.960638,647.34279 L 66.866883,644.68653 L 67.804387,639.84275 L 72.179408,636.71774 L 74.679415,635.15523 L 76.554425,631.56147 L 79.210695,630.31146 L 81.710705,631.40522 L 82.023205,633.74898 L 84.366965,633.43647 L 87.491975,631.09271 L 89.054485,631.71772 L 89.991985,632.34272 L 91.554495,632.34272 L 93.742007,631.09271 L 94.523267,626.87394 C 94.523267,626.87394 94.835767,624.06143 95.460767,623.59268 C 96.085767,623.12393 96.398267,622.65518 96.398267,622.65518 L 95.304517,620.78017 L 92.804505,621.56142 L 89.679485,622.34267 L 87.804475,621.87392 L 84.366965,620.15516 L 79.523195,619.99891 L 76.085675,616.40515 L 76.554425,612.65513 L 77.179435,610.31137 L 75.148175,608.59261 L 73.273163,604.99884 L 73.741915,604.21759 L 80.304445,603.74884 L 82.335705,603.74884 L 83.273205,604.68634 L 83.898215,604.68634 L 83.741965,603.12383 L 87.491975,602.49883 L 89.991985,602.81133 L 91.398245,603.90509 L 89.991985,605.93635 L 89.523235,607.3426 L 92.179505,608.90511 L 97.023277,610.62387 L 98.742037,609.68637 L 96.554527,605.4676 L 95.617017,602.34258 L 96.554527,601.56133 L 93.273257,599.68632 L 92.804505,598.59256 L 93.273257,597.03006 L 92.492005,593.28004 L 89.679485,588.74877 L 87.335725,584.68625 L 90.148245,582.81124 L 93.273257,582.81124 L 94.992017,583.43624 L 99.054537,583.27999 L 102.6483,579.84248 L 103.74206,576.87371 L 107.33583,574.52995 L 108.89833,575.46746 L 111.55459,574.84245 L 115.14836,572.81119 L 116.24212,572.65494 L 117.17962,573.4362 L 121.55464,573.27995 L 124.2109,570.31118 L 125.30466,570.31118 L 128.74217,572.65494 L 130.61718,574.6862 L 130.14843,575.77996 L 130.77343,576.87371 L 132.33594,575.31121 L 136.08596,575.62371 L 136.39846,579.21747 L 138.27347,580.62373 L 145.1485,581.24873 L 151.24228,585.31125 L 152.64853,584.37375 L 157.64856,586.87376 L 159.67982,586.24876 L 161.55483,585.4675 L 166.24235,587.34251 L 170.46112,590.15502 z M 59.210598,618.1239 L 61.241857,623.28018 L 61.085606,624.21768 L 58.273093,623.90518 L 56.554335,619.99891 L 54.835577,618.59266 L 52.491816,618.59266 L 52.335566,616.09264 L 54.054324,613.74888 L 55.148079,616.09264 L 56.554335,617.4989 L 59.210598,618.1239 z M 56.710586,650.4678 L 60.304353,651.24906 L 63.898119,652.18656 L 64.679373,653.12407 L 63.116866,656.71783 L 60.148102,656.56158 L 56.866837,653.12407 L 56.710586,650.4678 z M 36.710493,636.87399 L 37.804249,639.374 L 38.898004,640.93651 L 37.804249,641.71776 L 35.772989,638.749 L 35.772989,636.87399 L 36.710493,636.87399 z M 23.429182,707.49932 L 26.710447,705.31181 L 29.991712,704.3743 L 32.491724,704.6868 L 32.960476,706.24931 L 34.835485,706.71806 L 36.710493,704.84306 L 36.397992,703.28055 L 39.054254,702.65555 L 41.866767,705.15556 L 40.773012,706.87431 L 36.554243,707.96807 L 33.89798,707.49932 L 30.304214,706.40556 L 26.085444,707.81182 L 24.522937,708.12432 L 23.429182,707.49932 z M 70.773151,703.1243 L 72.335658,704.99931 L 74.366915,703.4368 L 72.960661,702.18679 L 70.773151,703.1243 z M 73.585664,706.09306 L 74.679415,703.90555 L 76.710675,704.21805 L 75.929425,706.09306 L 73.585664,706.09306 z M 96.398267,704.21805 L 97.804527,705.93681 L 98.742037,704.84306 L 97.960777,702.96805 L 96.398267,704.21805 z M 104.83581,692.18675 L 105.92957,697.81177 L 108.74208,698.59303 L 113.58585,695.78051 L 117.80462,693.2805 L 116.24212,690.93674 L 116.71087,688.59298 L 114.67961,689.84299 L 111.8671,689.06173 L 113.4296,687.96798 L 115.30461,688.74923 L 119.05463,687.03047 L 119.52338,685.62422 L 117.17962,684.84296 L 117.96087,682.96795 L 115.30461,684.84296 L 110.77334,688.28048 L 106.08582,691.09299 L 104.83581,692.18675 z M 145.7735,672.96791 L 148.11726,671.56165 L 147.17976,669.84289 L 145.461,670.7804 L 145.7735,672.96791 z"
style="fill:#f2d0ff" onmousemove=' GetTrueCoords(evt); ShowTooltip(evt, true)' onmouseout='ShowTooltip(evt, false)' >
<title>this sis ak</title>
It's a little bit unclear how you intend to retrieve and store that data into a single VBA string, but if you are going to try to copy and paste the contents of the text you posted and have available in-memory as a string in VBA, here's how you might approach it.
The biggest thing to remember is to escape your double quotes and line-breaks. I replaced all " with " & chr(34) & " and added a vbCrLf to the end of the line. The first few lines of your file might look like this when consumed in VBA:
Public Sub TestString()
Dim str As String
str = ""
str = str & "<svg  " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:dc=" & Chr(34) & "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:cc=" & Chr(34) & "http://creativecommons.org/ns#" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:rdf=" & Chr(34) & "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:svg=" & Chr(34) & "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns=" & Chr(34) & "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:sodipodi=" & Chr(34) & "http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   xmlns:inkscape=" & Chr(34) & "http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   width=" & Chr(34) & "958.69" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   height=" & Chr(34) & "592.78998" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   id=" & Chr(34) & "svg2275" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
str = str & "   sodipodi:version=" & Chr(34) & "0.32" & Chr(34) & " " & vbCrLf
Debug.Print str
End Sub
To make it easier to generate those lines of str = str ... code, I pasted your code into Excel and used the following Excel formula which allowed me to simply paste the resulting Excel-calculated text right into the VBA editor:
="str = str & " & CHAR(34) & SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(34),CHAR(34) & " & chr(34) & " & CHAR(34)) & CHAR(34) & " & vbCrLf"
I tried pasting everything you had into VBA, but some of the lines of your original text were way too long (the lines with numbers) and took up multiple rows in the VBA editor. That can be fixed fairly simply by breaking up those lines into multiple str = str & ... lines, except without the vbCrLf at the end.
Another way of doing it is to replace characters.
Just for simplification, supose you must store one string containing this:
... then, you could substitute the double quotes by an alternate character, ending with someghing like this:
... and the code for the whole thing:
str = "height=#595.63739#"
str = Replace(str, "#", Chr(34))
There, your string is easier to manage, cause it doesn't need the extra concatenations.
You may end messing with a wrong char
alternative - in the exemple, supose
you have, actually, some "#" in your
I'm not sure about
performance issues.