How to use scalajs-bundler with client only app - npm

In another question I was advised to use ScalaJS bundler to import NPM dependencies.
I would like to use some Javascript NPM packages in a simple client-only web application. There is an example called static which shows this.
My changes to the example:
Add into build.sbt:
npmDependencies in Compile += "esprima" -> "3.1.3"
Add into Main.scala:
import Esprima._
import JsonToString._
val code = "answer = 42"
val tokens = tokenize(code)
val tokensStr = tokens.json
Change in Main.scala: "This is bold" into s"This is bold $tokensStr"
Facade (a bit simplified, for full a version see GitHub):
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSName
object Esprima extends js.Object {
def tokenize(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native, delegate: String => String = js.native): js.Array[js.Any] = js.native
def parse(input: String, config: js.Any = js.native): js.Dynamic = js.native
When running the html generated with fastOptJS::webpack the error is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tokenize' of undefined
Inspecting the static-fastopt-bundle.js shows esprima is used, but its js is not bundled.
What other steps are needed to add dependencies into a client-only web page?

As described in this part of the documentation, you have to use #JSImport in your facade definition:
#JSImport("esprima", JSImport.Namespace)
For reference, #JSName defines a facade bound to a global name, while #JSImport defines a facade bound to a required JavaScript module.


kotest change environment variables

I am writing tests for Ktor app using Kotests, but stumbled into the problem how can I change env variables for tests preferably globally. I have tried adding withEnvironment but it throw quite strange error into me
Unable to make field private final java.util.Map java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap.m accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module #3daa422a
java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.util.Map java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap.m accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module #3daa422a
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
my test file looks like this
class VisitorSpec : FreeSpec({
val ds = createDataSourceTest()
val visitor = RegisterVisitorDTO(
email = TestConstants.VISITOR_EMAIL,
username = TestConstants.VISITOR_USERNAME,
password = TestConstants.PASSWORD,
firstName = TestConstants.VISITOR_FIRST_NAME,
lastName = TestConstants.VISITOR_LAST_NAME,
gender = TestConstants.VISITOR_GENDER,
birthday = TestConstants.VISITOR_BIRTHDAY,
"check visitor routes" - {
val loginData = LoginDTO(TestConstants.VISITOR_EMAIL + 0, TestConstants.PASSWORD)
"can get list of visitors with correct query" {
"POSTGRES_URL" to "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test",
"POSTGRES_USERNAME" to "test_user",
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" to "test_pass"
) {
testApplication {
val client = getClient(ds)
repeat(6) {
client, visitor.copy(
email = "${TestConstants.VISITOR_EMAIL}$it",
username = "${TestConstants.VISITOR_USERNAME}$it",
val accessToken = loginUser(client, loginData).run { this.body<LoginResponseDTO>().accessToken }
client.get("/api/v1/visitors?page=1&count=5") {
header("Authorization", "Bearer $accessToken")
}.apply {
val response = this.body<VisitorPaginatedResponseDTO>()
if I remove
"POSTGRES_URL" to "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test",
"POSTGRES_USERNAME" to "test_user",
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" to "test_pass"
it will just work but with default db, any advice on this?
In some places, it was advised to use
override fun listeners() = listOf(
SystemEnvironmentTestListener("fooKeyEnv", "barValueEnv"),
SystemPropertyTestListener("fooKeyProp", "barValueProp")
but ide tells me that this method is deprecated.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Recent Java versions prohibit modifying the environment variables with the default access settings (JEP 403: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals). Kotest and some other testing frameworks that manipulate the environment variables got affected by this, you can find the related issues:
One solution would be to add the arguments to the JVM running the tests that would make the Java Platform Module System allow the access to the API used by the test framework. Here's an answer that explains the arguments: How to set environment variable in Java without 'illegal reflective access'? How to use add-opens?
The simplest form of the argument, if you are not using Java modules in your code, would be:
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
If you are running the tests using Gradle, then you can pass this argument to the jvmArgs of the test task:
tasks.withType<Test>().named("jvmTest") {
jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED")
Note: modifying the module access in this way could make the tests pass even if some of your code needs illegal access to the JDK internals. Make sure that your code doesn't do that or that you have other tests that check for this without modifying module access rights.
It seems that some other libraries, like system-stubs, provide a way to modify the environment variables in tests without illegal reflective access to the JDK internals.

Handlebars with Assemble build returning "not an own property of its parent"

I am experiencing the dreaded not an "own property" of its parent issue when attempting to build my Handlebars project.
I have been down the rabbit hole and seen the many explanations of using #handlebars/allow-prototype-access to allow the issue to be bypassed, however it seems the project does not use a standard implementation of Handlebars...
It seems I am using something called engine-handlebars
Where I would expect to implement that allow-prototype-access change, I see the following:
app.engine('hbi', require('engine-handlebars'));
I can't fathom how I am supposed to implement the prototype access with this setup...
It seems, after a bit of trial and error, commenting lines out as I go, that the line app.pages('./source/pages/**/*.hbs'); is actually causing the issue...
When I run the project with this line in, I get the error:
Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property "path" because it is not an "own property" of its parent.
You can add a runtime option to disable the check or this warning:
See for details
[10:54:49] ERROR - undefined: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined
The plugin #handlebars/allow-prototype-access works by modifying the Handlebars instance.
const _Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const { allowInsecurePrototypeAccess } = require('#handlebars/allow-prototype-access');
const Handlebars = allowInsecurePrototypeAccess(_Handlebars);
Note that allowInsecurePrototypeAccess does not modify the instance in place, but creates an isolated instance via Handlebars.create() so you must use its return value.
In your case, engine-handlebars exposes the Handlebars instance in different ways depending on what version you are using.
Based on your code you provided, my guess is you are using <1.0.0, but I'll provide methods for adjusting this for all its versions.
Unfortunately these versions don't expose Handlebars in any way, so if you are using this version I recommend upgrading engine-handlebars to a later version.
engine-handlebars#>=0.6.0 <1.0.0
Version 0.6.0 exposed Handlebars as a property on the exported engine function. This is then referenced throughout the library via this.Handlebars.
You can then change this before setting the app.engine() and it should work.
const _Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const { allowInsecurePrototypeAccess } = require('#handlebars/allow-prototype-access');
const engine = require('engine-handlebars');
// elsewhere...
// const app = ...
// Do this *before* setting app.engine
const insecureHandlebars = allowInsecurePrototypeAccess(_Handlebars);
engine.Handlebars = insecureHandlebars;
app.engine('hbi', engine);
For version 1.0.0 and beyond, you must pass the Handlebars instance yourself.
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const engine = require('engine-handlebars')(Handlebars);
Thus you don't need to set anything on engine, you just pass in the modified instance when you need it.
const _Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const { allowInsecurePrototypeAccess } = require('#handlebars/allow-prototype-access');
// elsewhere...
// const app = ...
// Do this *before* setting app.engine
const insecureHandlebars = allowInsecurePrototypeAccess(_Handlebars);
const engine = require('engine-handlebars')(insecureHandlebars);
app.engine('hbi', engine);

Reference a class' static field of the same internal module but in a different file?

I'm using TypeScript and require.js to resolve dependencies in my files. I'm in a situation where I want to reference a static field of a class in an other file, but in the same internal module (same folder) and I am not able to access it, even if the Visual Studio pre-compiler does not show any error in my code.
I have the following situation :
class Game {
// ...
static width: number = 1920;
// ...
export = Game;
/// <reference path='lib/require.d.ts'/>
import Game = require("Game");
var width: number = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
And the TypeScript compiler is ok with all of this. However, I keep getting "undefined" at execution when running the compiled Launcher.ts.
It's the only reference problem I'm having in my project, so I guess the rest is configured correctly.
I hope I provided all necessary information, if you need more, please ask
Any help is appreciated, thanks !
Your code seems sound, so check the following...
You are referencing require.js in a script tag on your page, pointing at Launcher (assuming Launcher.ts is in the root directory - adjust as needed:
<script src="Scripts/require.js" data-main="Launcher"></script>
Remove the reference comment from Launcher.ts:
import Game = require("Game");
var width: number = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
Check that you are compiling using --module amd to ensure it generates the correct module-loading code (your JavaScript output will look like this...)
define(["require", "exports", "Game"], function (require, exports, Game) {
var width = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
If you are using Visual Studio, you can set this in Project > Properties > TypeScript Build > Module Kind (AMD)
If you are using require.js to load the (external) modules, the Game class must be exported:
export class Game {}
If you import Game in Launcher.ts like
import MyGame = require('Game')
the class can be referenced with MyGame.Game and the static variable with MyGame.Game.width
You should compile the ts files with tsc using option --module amd or the equivalent option in Visual Studio

Issue creating a single .d.ts when using external modules

I'm developing an NPM package using typescript. Within this package the TS files are setup as external modules. The compiler won't generate a single .d.ts for external modules. I'm trying to concat all tsc generated type definitions into a single .d.ts for the entire package.
I'm having issues laying out the single .d.ts file (following a similar approach to that used in grunt-dts-bundle). The condensed example below captures my issue.
Given this external module declaration and test file:
test.d.ts :
declare module "ExternalWrapper" {
export import Foo = require("FooModule");
declare module "FooModule" {
class Foo {
name: string;
export = Foo;
import externalWrapper = require( 'ExternalWrapper' );
var t = new externalWrapper.Foo();
Running tsc test.ts test.d.ts -m commonjs produces this error: TS2083: Invalid 'new' expression.
If you change 'test.ts' to look like this, importing 'FooModule' directly:
import Foo = require( "FooModule" );
var t = new Foo();
It compiles fine.
The compiler understands the type externalWrapper.Foo however it doesn't seem to represent it as the same type FooModule.Foo. There is something I'm not getting about how the compilers handles modules that are exported via 'export import'.
Failing the above I'll probably look to manually creating the .d.ts :(
Any help appreciated.
You are probably missing a reference tag:
/// <reference path="test.d.ts"/>
It works :
You should be able to fix this by modifying your .d.ts file to resemble the following:
declare module "ExternalWrapper" {
import FooModule = require("FooModule");
export var Foo: typeof FooModule;
declare module "FooModule" {
class Foo {
name: string;
export = Foo;
With the export import syntax the compiler was assuming you were exporting an instance of Foo, not Foo itself... a little quirky.

Unable to resolve this Compilation Error in Flex builder 3

I am new Web App development using Flex Builder 3 and currently I am facing the following problem:
Attached is a code snippet from the mxml file:
import com.bx.Char10;
import com.bx.A;
[Bindable] private var inputParam:A = new A()
inputParam.CustNumber.char10 = '0123456789'
This Gives a compile error
1120 Access of undefined property inputParam
However if I replace
inputParam.CustNumber.char10 = '0123456789'
private function set():void
inputParam.CustNumber.char10 = '0123456789'
The compile error goes away.
My Question is :
How can I remove this Compilation Error without using the workaround I did?
Hmm, I don't believe that one can execute arbitrary statements directly inside a class body. (The "Script" tag's contents are treated as if they were directly inside the class body).
Only function definitions or variable property definitions are allowed.
A different work-around to use is to pass the information through the constructor of the variable property you're interested in.
[Bindable] private var inputParam:A = new A('0123456789')