The preparation time on my U-SQL job is approximately 30 seconds. Is it possible to lower that at all?
My code is as follows:
#results = SELECT RowKey
FROM y.tableName
WHERE USQLApplication2.queryHelper.func().Contains(PartitionKey) AND TimestampTicks < new System.DateTime(2016,12,30).Ticks
AND TimestampTicks > new System.DateTime(2016,12,29).Ticks;
OUTPUT #results TO "/data/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
The preparation time consist primarily of the compilation, optimization and code-generation of your script. Since U-SQL currently is run in batch mode, the system is optimized for spending time during preparation to make your runtime shorter for large amounts of data.
In your case, based on the provided script, I would think that the call to the user-defined function probably adds to the preparation time. Let me check with the team if inlining the function call could save some time in that phase.
Based on your question in another thread, you seem to have a highly partitioned table. If that is correct, then the compilation to access the partitions and union them will be adding to the preparation time as well. We have a backlog item to improve that aspect.
I have a U-SQL job that extracts data from 2 .tsv and 2 .csv files, selects some features and performs some simple transformations before outputting to csv/tsv files in ADL.
However, when I attempt to add further transformations within SELECT statements, it seems the job takes considerably longer to run (10+ mins vs 1 min), due to one SELECT statement in particular.
I believe it is due to the calculation of the 'YearMonth' column, where I have essentially used concatenation to get the date column to the format I need it in.
Below is the job that runs quickly:
#StgCrime =
FROM #ExtCrime;
OUTPUT #StgCrime
TO "CrimeOutput/Crimes.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader:true);
And the job that takes a lot longer:
#StgCrime =
String.Concat([Month].Substring(0, 4),[Month].Substring(5, 2)) AS YearMonth,
ReportedBy AS ForceName,
FROM #ExtCrime;
OUTPUT #StgCrime
TO #OCrime
USING Outputters.Csv(outputHeader:true);
The difference in Vertex view:
Simple/Quick job
With additional transformation
Can anyone help clarify this for me? Surely that one transformation shouldn't cause such an increase in job run time?
The data file being queried is made up of 1,066 csv files, around 2.5GB in total.
Not seeing all of the script and the generated job graph as well as the number of specified AUs, it is a bit hard to estimate why one job was running slower by that much than the other.
You say that the "data file" is made up of 1066 CSV files all of which seem rather small with 2.5GB in total. I would expect that you probably get 1066 extract vertices in the extract stage. Is that the same for the simple job as well?
We have a new feature in preview that will group up to 200 files (or 1GB whatever comes first) into a single vertex to minimize the vertex startup time.
Can you try your job with the following statement added:
SET ##FeaturePreviews = "InputFileGrouping:on";
I have the following script:
DEPT.F03 AS F03, DEPT.F238 AS F238, SDP.F04 AS F04, SDP.F1022 AS F1022,
CAT.F17 AS F17, CAT.F1023 AS F1023, CAT.F1946 AS F1946
The tables are huge, when I execute the script in SQL Server directly it takes around 4 min to execute, but when I run it in the third party program (SMS LOC based on Delphi) it gives me the error
<msg> out of memory</msg> <sql> the code </sql>
Is there anyway I can lighten the script to be executed? or did anyone had the same problem and solved it somehow?
I remember having had to resort to the ROBUST PLAN query hint once on a query where the query-optimizer kind of lost track and tried to work it out in a way that the hardware couldn't handle.
But I'm not sure I understand why it would work for one 'technology' and not another.
Then again, the error message might not be from SQL but rather from the 3rd-party program that gathers the output and does so in a 'less than ideal' way.
Consider adding paging to the user edit screen and the underlying data call. The point being you dont need to see all the rows at one time, but they are available to the user upon request.
This will alleviate much of your performance problem.
I had a project where I had to add over 7 million individual lines of T-SQL code via batch (couldn't figure out how to programatically leverage the new SEQUENCE command). The problem was that there was limited amount of memory available on my VM (I was allocated the max amount of memory for this VM). Because of the large amount lines of T-SQL code I had to first test how many lines it could take before the server crashed. For whatever reason, SQL (2012) doesn't release the memory it uses for large batch jobs such as mine (we're talking around 12 GB of memory) so I had to reboot the server every million or so lines. This is what you may have to do if resources are limited for your project.
I have both an R script and a Pentaho (PDI) ETL transformation for loading data from a SQL database and performing a calculation. The initial data set has 1.28 million rows of 21 variables and is equivalent in both R and PDI. In fact, I originally wrote the R code and then subsequently "ported" to a transformation in PDI.
The PDI transformation runs in 30s (and includes an additional step of writing the output to a separate DB table). The R script takes between 45m and one hour total. I realize that R is a scripting language and thus interpreted, but it seems like I'm missing some optimization opportunities here.
Here's an outline of the code:
Read data from a SQL DB into a data frame using sqlQuery() from the RODBC package (~45s)
str_trim() two of the columns (~2 - 4s)
split() the data into partitions to prepare for performing a quantitative calculation (separate function) (~30m)
run the calculation function in parallel for each partition of the data using parLapply() (~15-20m)
rbind the results together into a single resulting data frame (~10 - 15m)
I've tried using ddply() instead of split(), parLapply() and rbind(), but it ran for several hours (>3) without completing. I've also modified the SQL select statement to return an artificial group ID that is the dense rank of the rows based on the unique pairs of two columns, in an effort to increase performance. But it didn't seem to have the desired effect. I've tried using isplit() and foreach() %dopar%, but this also ran for multiple hours with no end.
The PDI transformation is running Java code, which is undoubtedly faster than R in general. But it seems that the equivalent R script should take no more than 10 minutes (i.e. 20X slower than PDI/Java) rather than an hour or longer.
Any thoughts on other optimization techniques?
update: step 3 above, split(), was resolved by using indexes as suggested here Fast alternative to split in R
update 2: I tried using mclapply() instead of parLapply(), and it's roughly the same (~25m).
update 3: rbindlist() instead of rbind() runs in under 2s, which resolves step 5
Good afternoon,
After computing a rather large vector (a bit shorter than 2^20 elements), I have to store the result in a database.
The script takes about 4 hours to execute with a simple code such as :
#Do the processing
#Sends every thing to the database
What do you think is the most efficient way to do this?
I thought about using the same query to insert multiple records (multiple inserts) but it simply comes back to "chucking" the data.
Is there any vectorized function do send that into a database?
Interestingly, the code takes a huge amount of time before starting to process the first element of the vector. That is, if I place a browser() call inside sendToDB, it takes 20 minutes before it is reached for the first time (and I mean 20 minutes without taking into account the previous line processing the data). So I was wondering what R was doing during this time?
Is there another way to do such operation in R that I might have missed (parallel processing maybe?)
PS: here is a skelleton of the sendToDB function:
sendToDB<-function(id,data) {
query<-paste("INSERT INTO history VALUE(",id,",\"",data,"\")",sep="")
That's the idea.
I am at the moment trying out the LOAD DATA INFILE command.
I still have no idea why it takes so long to reach the internal function of the lapply for the first time.
LOAD DATA INFILE is indeed much quicker. Writing into a file line by line using write is affordable and write.table is even quicker.
The overhead I was experiencing for lapply was coming from the fact that I was looping over POSIXct objects. It is much quicker to use seq(along.with=myVector) and then process the data from within the loop.
What about writing it to some file and call LOAD DATA INFILE? This should at least give a benchmark. BTW: What kind of DBMS do you use?
Instead of your sendToDB-function, you could use sqlSave. Internally it uses a prepared insert-statement, which should be faster than individual inserts.
However, on a windows-platform using MS SQL, I use a separate function which first writes my dataframe to a csv-file and next calls the bcp bulk loader. In my case this is a lot faster than sqlSave.
There's a HUGE, relatively speaking, overhead in your sendToDB() function. That function has to negotiate an ODBC connection, send a single row of data, and then close the connection for each and every item in your list. If you are using rodbc it's more efficient to use sqlSave() to copy an entire data frame over as a table. In my experience I've found some databases (SQL Server, for example) to still be pretty slow with sqlSave() over latent networks. In those cases I export from R into a CSV and use a bulk loader to load the files into the DB. I have an external script set up that I call with a system() call to run the bulk loader. That way the load is happening outside of R but my R script is running the show.
Looking at the combination of MapReduce and HBase from a data-flow perspective, my problem seems to fit. I have a large set of documents which I want to Map, Combine and Reduce. My previous SQL implementation was to split the task into batch operations, cumulatively storing what would be the result of the Map into table and then performing the equivalent of a reduce. This had the benefit that at any point during execution (or between executions), I had the results of the Map at that point in time.
As I understand it, running this job as a MapReduce would require all of the Map functions to run each time.
My Map functions (and indeed any function) always gives the same output for a given input. There is simply no point in re-calculating output if I don't have to. My input (a set of documents) will be continually growing and I will run my MapReduce operation periodically over the data. Between executions I should only really have to calculate the Map functions for newly added documents.
My data will probably be HBase -> MapReduce -> HBase. Given that Hadoop is a whole ecosystem, it may be able to know that a given function has been applied to a row with a given identity. I'm assuming immutable entries in the HBase table. Does / can Hadoop take account of this?
I'm made aware from the documentation (especially the Cloudera videos) that re-calculation (of potentially redundant data) can be quicker than persisting and retrieving for the class of problem that Hadoop is being used for.
Any comments / answers?
If you're looking to avoid running the Map step each time, break it out as its own step (either by using the IdentityReducer or setting the number of reducers for the job to 0) and run later steps using the output of your map step.
Whether this is actually faster than recomputing from the raw data each time depends on the volume and shape of the input data vs. the output data, how complicated your map step is, etc.
Note that running your mapper on new data sets won't append to previous runs - but you can get around this by using a dated output folder. This is to say that you could store the output of mapping your first batch of files in my_mapper_output/20091101, and the next week's batch in my_mapper_output/20091108, etc. If you want to reduce over the whole set, you should be able to pass in my_mapper_output as the input folder, and catch all of the output sets.
Why not apply your SQL workflow in a different environment? Meaning, add a "processed" column to your input table. When time comes to run a summary, run a pipeline that goes something like:
map (map_function) on (input table filtered by !processed); store into map_outputs either in hbase or simply hdfs.
map (reduce function) on (map_outputs); store into hbase.
You can make life a little easier, assuming you are storing your data in Hbase sorted by insertion date, if you record somewhere timestamps of successful summary runs, and open the filter on inputs that are dated later than last successful summary -- you'll save some significant scanning time.
Here's an interesting presentation that shows how one company architected their workflow (although they do not use Hbase):