Is there a way I can restrict a field in TFS for the creator of the ticket once the ticket reached a particular status? For example I have created ticket 123 in TFS and the assignee of the ticket set it to In Progress status. I as the requester should not be able to edit the Issue Description field since the ticket is already being worked on by the assignee.
There is no way to limit access to a different specific user per work item state.
You can add limited for a Group or Individual for a particular state, but it would always be the same individual.
If this problem is not rife then you can simply add a notification for the creator when the work item changes, you can for to the bits that you want, and have users self police.
What is the suggested approach to restrict a customer viewing a PLP, based on the user group assigned to the CategoryModel?
For example, let's say a category with code "c012345" is assigned to the user group "promoPreviewCustomers". I have two registered customers who are a part of the customergroup but only one customer is in the promoPreviewCustomers group.
Only the customer who is in a promoPreviewCustomers group, should be able to see the PLP of the category page c012345.
Our initial thought was to drive this through a personalisation rule within Commerce.
What are other people's thoughts on how this should be implemented within Spartacus, given that the product search API does not take into account the logged in customer?
Any restriction done only in Spartacus will be only for the UX as true restriction can only be done in the backend. Therefore, the best approach would be to drive this behavior with personalization within Commerce
The issue I'm having in Dynamics CRM 2013 is the ability to assign activities or appointments to a team and have those cascade downward into individual users. The end goal here would be after assigning a lead or activity to a team, the users within that team would receive notifications, emails, etc. and those records would integrate with their 'my' sections of CRM.
The issue I see with this is that only 1 'Owner' can be set for a new record in all areas of CRM, and the 'my' sections are based off of the Owner. Therefore the users within the team won't be notified.
We are currently using a service to pull from an existing database and populate CRM, assigning new leads to a Team which contains multiple users.
Does anyone have a recommended method to do this?
Thanks for your time.
Either give the users a view of "Leads owned by Teams of which I am a member" or possibly use Queues, which are pretty much designed for the scenario you describe.
New items assigned to a Team will be added to the Team's Queue. Users can see all Queue Items not yet being worked on (from all Queues they have access to, including all Teams they are members of). A user can "work on" an item to show they are dealing with it so it no longer appears in this list of items to be worked on, and instead appears in their own list of items they are working on. A user can either complete the item or 'release' it back into the queue.
Queues can contain items of different types, eg Leads, Tasks, Cases etc.
I was recently tasked with taking over the SharePoint administration for my company, but I have very limited SharePoint experience. I'm using SharePoint 2010.
I have a List with a few built-in columns (like Status, Assigned To, etc) and I'd like to perform a few actions when a new List item is created: change the Status and Assigned To columns of the List item, send out an email, and then create a task for the user's manager to approve it. However, in SharePoint Designer, I cannot figure out how to create a Reusable Approval Workflow and associate it to a List, or a List Workflow and add an Approval Task to it.
If I create a Reusable Approval Workflow, when I try to use the "Set Field in Current Item" Action, I don't have any of the List Columns available (to set the Status, Assigned To, etc).
And when I create a List Workflow, I can access the columns for the list (Status, Assigned To, etc) but I can't figure out how to make the new List item go through the Approval process.
So my question is: how do I Associate a Workflow to a List, change some of the List column properties, and create an Approval Task for the Manager when a new item is created?
Am I missing something here or am I not approaching this correctly?
The easy way is just opening your site with designer and configure the approval workflow from there. You can select the list and make all the changes. I would give you a step by step guide, but some did this awesome article, so check it out
I discovered the answer to this question on my own. It's due to the way SharePoint handles Tasks during a workflow. I was using the "Assign a Task" or "Assign a To-Do" when I needed to use COLLECT DATA FROM USER. This will return the Id of the task, which can be used later to retrieve the user's Approval or Rejection.
Did you end up creating a custom workflow to do all tasks yourself?
I have also tried a List WorkFlow and a Reusable Workflow and started by copying the "Approval - SharePoint 2010" workflow as a model in both cases. The caveat then is the users are tied to completing both the task and workflow items that are created.
An approver wants to receive the email to Approve or Reject a request on a Calendar from the Approve/Reject View in SharePoint and let that be it. They do not want to track tasks on Approval.
A requestor only wants to receive an email that their request was Approved or Rejected and enter another for a different time if the initial request was rejected.
I'm trying to make a simple Jabber client using the libstrophe library.
It's going fairly well so far, except for one thing for which I need some clarification.
Namely, how am I supposed to (continuously) know the status (i.e., Online/Offline) of contacts, so that I can display it to the user of my program? Similarly, how am I supposed to request the roster of the user?
I've looked at the roster.c example provided by libstrophe, but that only prints out the roster once. In a real application, I'll need to request/update this continuously, in order to show any new contacts the user added, etc., in the application.
So basically, I'm unclear on how to make sure that I always display the most current roster and most current statuses of people in my user's contact list.
Am I just supposed to request the roster at some predefined time interval, for example?
roster and presence are 2 different topics.
When you login you normally request the roster which you are doing already. When your contact lists changes during your session you get a roster push with the updated contact. This is an stanza. It doesn't matter if another logged in client manipulated the roster our your client.
The online state called presence of all your subscribed contact comes in with stanzas.
You have to setup handlers with xmpp_handler_add for
Online state, presence stanzas
Roster pushes, iq stanzas with query of namespace jabber:iq:roster
When a user purchases a subscription, I store the receipt on completed transaction on the server alongside a key to identify the user the receipt belongs to. When the app needs to check if the subscription is still active, it queries the server, the server validates the receipt with Apple and returns info to my app wether the subscription is expired or not.
Now the question is:
When the response returns a latest_receipt/_info field, the server should take that receipt and replace the old receipt for future verifications. What happens if there is a gap in the subscription period (e.g. the user subscribed for 1 month, then cancelled, then subscribed again) or the user changed the subscription type (e.g. from 1 month to 3 moths)?
Will the original receipt still validate, and return a latest_receipt/_info field, or do I need to store a new receipt from the new transaction?
I'm really confused on this auto-renewal thing right now, so I'm not even sure if my validation process is right.
I'm not sure about all possibilities you have to verify receipts and maybe it works your way, but we did slightly different and by that don't face your problem.
We store all the receipts on device-side (note that auto-renews result in new receipts as well). Whenever verification is necessary we post the latest device-stored receipt to server where it is verified by calling iTunes. After that the server responds to device about user's rights.
I think that's the way Apple recommends it (or at least this is how I understood Apple's docs).