Fullcalendar 3.0 Display error - twitter-bootstrap-3

Here is a screen: draw error.
My problem is that the single events are drawed over 2 days.
If I click on week mode the events are drawed, on day mode not.
If I click on previous/ next the calendar return "Cannot read property 'event' of undefined" and the existing events disappear.
When I click on empty day, fullcalendar sometimes return "Cannot set property 'el' of undefined".
Here is some source.
- jQuery.js
- bootstrap.js /css
- moment.js
- fullcalendar.js /css
<div id='calendar'></div>
$(window).load(function() {
var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
defaultView: 'month',
locale: 'de',
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
editable: true,
allDaySlot: false,
allDayDefault: false,
eventOverlap: false,
events: "./kalender/events.php",
events.php return an json array.
[{"start":"2017-02-03T12:00:00+0100","id":7,"titel":"test","nachricht":"nachricht","overlap":false,"color":"rgb(255,0,0)"},{"start":"2017-02-05T12:00:00+0100","id":8,"titel":"Bf1 Key","nachricht":"test","overlap":false,"color":"rgb(255,0,0)"},{"start":"2017-02-10T00:00:00+0100","id":9,"titel":"asd","nachricht":"asdasd","overlap":false,"color":"rgb(255,0,0)"},{"start":"2017-02-17T00:00:00+0100","id":10,"titel":"sdf","nachricht":"sdf","overlap":false,"color":"rgb(255,0,0)"}]


Sweet alert toastre animation.. Fade In

I'm using SweetAlert v10.14.1 as a toastr with code
const Toast = Swal.mixin({
toast: true,
position: 'top-right',
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 5000,
it works fine .. but the message dropped down from top with white background .. i want to :
1- fade it in and out
2- change apperance to a bootstrap theme
No fade-in effect at the moment. If you want to remove the "boing" effect, you can just do it adding to your props:
... you other props...
showClass: {
popup: "", // it removes the 'boing' effect, the default value is 'swal2-show'

BxSlider - wrong Slider-Viewport-Height in Safari 5

In Safari 5 the Viewport-Height is wrong on first load: http://www.filmreich.com/
When the slider starts to go to next slide, the viewport-height is correct. This is the code I use:
mode: 'horizontal',
speed: 800,
pause: 7000,
infiniteLoop: false,
adaptiveHeight: true,
preloadImages: 'visible',
nextText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>',
prevText: '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>',
pager: false,
controls: false,
auto: true,
onSliderLoad: function(){
jQuery('.article-controls a').on('click', function(e){
var goTo = jQuery(this).attr('data-slide-index');
I use jQuery(window).load(), to be sure the slider is fully loaded.
I find a solution - not the best way - but that worked for me. I added the following Code to the onSlideLoad-function:
var sliderHeight = jQuery('.bxslider li:first-child').height() + 'px';
jQuery('.bx-viewport').css('height', sliderHeight);
}, 300);

Magnific Popup - Counter in Videogallery

I made a video gallery with magnific popup.
But unlike the imagegallery, the videogallery doesn't show a counter e.g. 1/3 at the bottom right of the video. Why not? In the imagegallery it works well.
Code of the Videogallery:
$('.gallery_video').each(function() { // the containers for all your galleries
delegate: 'a', // the selector for gallery item
disableOn: 700,
type: 'iframe',
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
removalDelay: 160,
preloader: true,
fixedContentPos: false,
gallery: {
callbacks: {
lazyLoad: function(item) {
console.log(item); // Magnific Popup data object that should be loaded
Code of imagegallery:
type: 'image',
closeOnContentClick: true,
closeBtnInside: true,
fixedContentPos: true,
mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom', // class to remove default margin from left and right side
image: {
verticalFit: true
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300 // don't foget to change the duration also in CSS
callbacks: {
lazyLoad: function(item) {
console.log(item); // Magnific Popup data object that should be loaded
Both scripts don't specify a counter so why isn't it showing up on both?
thank you
It has been a time ago when this was asked but a full anwser:
You have to add or specify the iframe markup.
You also want to add some small css updates for positioning the counter.
var $attachmentContainers = $('.js-attachments-in-gallery');
delegate: 'a',
type: 'image',
iframe: {
'<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+
'<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
'<iframe class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+
'<div class="mfp-bottom-bar">'+
'<div class="mfp-counter"></div>'+
.mfp-iframe-scaler .mfp-bottom-bar {
margin-top: 4px; }
Figured it out - for the iframe type you have to specify that you want a counter:
iframe: {
markup: '<button title="Close (Esc)" type="button" class="mfp-close">×</button>'+
'<div class="mfp-counter"></div>'

Render To a div, and then export as jpeg

In Rally App SDK 2.0, I would like to show a dropdown and button in line, and a chart below. The button would export (save as) the chart as a jpeg.
1) how do I specify the div to render objects to? The below code ignores the renderTo
2) is there sample code for exporting a jpeg image? using Canvas generates error
xtype: 'rallycombobox',
fieldLabel: 'Select an Enterprise Release',
width: '500px',
renderTo: Ext.get("dropdownDiv"),
storeConfig: {
autoLoad: true,
model: 'Program',
fetch: 'Name,Releases,ReleaseStartDate,ReleaseDate',
sorters: [
property: 'Name',
direction: 'ASC'
listeners: {
select: this._onSelect,
scope: this
xtype: 'rallybutton',
text: 'Export',
renderTo: Ext.get("buttonDiv"),
handler: function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("chartDiv");
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
// .toDataURL generates error, TypeError: canvas.toDataURL is not a function
document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');
id: 'chartCmp',
xtype: 'rallychart',
renderTo: Ext.get("chartDiv"),
flex: 1,
chartConfig: chartConfig
// here is the body statement, removed <> so it will show
div id="dropdownDiv" style="height:50px; width:500px;"/div
div id="buttonDiv" style="height:50px; width:50px;"/div
div id="chartDiv"/div
In Ext there are two ways to get a component rendered. The first is by adding a config object with an xtype to a container. That would be the this.add(); lines in your app. The second is by instantiating the component using Ext.create and specifying a renderTo in its config.
this.add({xtype: 'component', html: 'hello world'});
Ext.create('Ext.Component', { html: 'hello world', renderTo: 'aDiv' });
The preferred way is the first since then your component participates in the layout of the app. Also the preferred way for creating dom elements in an app (especially for initial layout) is through the items config rather than static html in the app body.
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
items: [
{ xtype: 'container' itemId: 'dropdownDiv' },
{ xtype: 'container', itemId: 'chartDiv' }
And then you can add content in the launch method like so:
As far as your canvas question goes I'm not sure. You may want to post that as a separate question with more details on the specific error.

Navigation to different Page using SENCHA

I had rendered a list using SENCHA.Now i want to navigate to different screen/load different screen upon clicking the item in LIST.
var templist = new Ext.List( {
itemTpl : '{ename}',
floating: true,
indexBar: true,
width: 350,
height: 370,
centered: true,
modal: true,
onItemDisclosure: {
scope: 'test',
handler: function(record, btn, index) {
// I need to a load different page here how ?.
// ChangePage();
hideOnMaskTap: false
Please help me how can we achieve this using SENCHA.
You need to put this list inside a layout where you can switch the visible component to your different page. It sounds like you could use the card layout: