Macro to Hide/Unhide Columns in Excel - vba

I created a simple macro to hide/unhide columns in Excel (attached below).
It works fine, however, when adding a column within the range of columns in the macro, the last column supposed to be hidden remains unhidden.
To make myself clear: The range of columns in macro is AM:BF. When I need to add a column within this range, the column BF stays unhidden. Could you help me how to improve the code so that the initial range of columns would stay hidden as well as the added one?
With Columns("AM:BF")
If .EntireColumn.Hidden = True Then
.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
End With

You need to have a placer for the column. You could used a named range along the top row of columns AM:BF (Which will then change if you add a column in the middle of it). Your code could then look like
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("NamedRange").EntireColumn
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With


How to code button to hide a range of cells?

I am trying to create buttons that imitate the nature of nested rows, where when clicked, will hide the indented columns below it. I previously targeted a specific range of rows for each button, but as my company will attempt to add rows in the future, I want the code to continue to run properly regardless of where in the sheet the new row is added. Below is the code that I used:
Sub aButton()
With Rows("1:22")
If .Hidden Then
.Hidden = False
.Hidden = True
End If
End With
End Sub
My attempted work around is to make a hidden column with A, B, C values per row to identify which range of rows go together. I want to be able to target all rows with "A" in column G, and use those values as my range in my existing code.
Can you help?

How to copy/paste formula in filtered/visible cells via VBA in Excel

I am struggling with copying and pasting formula from one column to another one within using filter in another column.
I got a table with 52 columns (number of rows is changing each month).
In column AW (#49) I have applied filter. It shows only CTD.
After applying this filter I need to copy formula from column AH to column AG. Of course I need to apply this only for filtered/visible cells.
The code I have written is copying/pasting this formula into all cells in column AG (it doesn't consider my filter in column AW).
Another problem is that when applying the filter in column AW then the first visible row doesn't need to be all the time AH2 but it can be e.g. AH15 or whatever. I guess this could be avoid via some dynamic solution. Unfortunately I have no clue how to do it.
Afterwards I would like to apply the same for filters in another columns.
Many warm thanks in advance for any hint! :)
This is my code:
Sub ApplyFilterInColumnAW()
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tb_DATA").Range.AutoFilter Field:=49, Criteria1:="CTD"
Range("AG2").Select 'dynamic solution?
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=[#[Service/Log Formula]]" 'header name of column AH
End Sub
Range.Copy and Range.Paste only work on visible cells. In my example I target the cells in the column using the Column Header.
Sub ApplyFilterInColumnAW()
Const TagetColumnLabel = "Test"
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = Sheets("DATA").ListObjects("tb_DATA")
With Sheets("DATA")
.ListObjects("tb_DATA").Range.AutoFilter Field:=49, Criteria1:="CTD"
tbl.ListColumns(TagetColumnLabel).DataBodyRange.FormulaR1C1 = "=tb_DATA[[#This Row],[Service/Log Formula]]"
End With
End Sub

Macro to auto fill text in a column down to the last cell in one table (while there are additional tables below)

example of tables in the spreadsheet
Hi I am new to VBA and wanted to create a macro that can auto fill column "Y/N" (as shown in the attached pic) with the text "Yes" by clicking a button.
Right now I have 3 rows in the first table, which is fine and I used the following code:
Sub autofill1()
Range("E12").Value = "Yes"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E12:E14")
End Sub
However, the rows in the first table will keep changing, say it becomes 20, 50, 100 depending on different cases. I wonder if there's a way for me to define the auto fill range to be cell E12 to the last cell in this table, not to extend to the rest of the tables below.
I checked the codes provided for other similar questions - looks like it will auto fill all the way down to the last cell in my worksheet, which is the last cell in this column of the 5th table. And I don't want that. Is there a way to only auto fill down to the last cell of the 1st table? Thanks so much in advance!
In my opinion, adding "yes" until found a bottom border.
Sub autofill1()
'Range("E12").Value = "Yes"
'Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E12:E14")
Dim i As Long
i = 11
Do While Range("E" & i).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle _
= xlNone
i = i + 1
Cells(i, 5) = "Yes"
End Sub

Copy rows based on cell value and paste on a new sheet

Check This
I need a help. I want to copy whole cell from A sheet name "Components" only if value in Column C is > 0 to a new Sheet name "Load list"
Can someone please give me the macro code for this?
on your new sheet you can add this condition the cell or range of cells:
where C5 has thevalue to compare, and A5 has the value copy if the condition happens.
Right in my swing!
The formula given by #sweetkaos will work fine, in case you want to replicate the data as it is with blanks where data is not found.
I will imagine a slightly more complicated situation. I am assuming you want just one line in the next format as is shown in your image.
Also conveniently assuming the following:
a. both sheets have fixed start points for the lists
b. 2 column lists - to be copied and pasted, with second column having value
c. Continuous, without break source list
d. basic knowledge of vba, so you can restructure the code
Here is the code. Do try to understand it line by line. Happy Excelling!
Sub populateLoadList()
'declaring range type variables
Dim rngStartFirstList As Range, rngStartLoadList As Range
'setting values to the range variables
'you must change the names of the sheets and A1 to the correct starts of your two lists
Set rngStartFirstList = Worksheets("Name_of_your_fist_sheet").Range("A1")
Set rngStartLoadList = Worksheets("Name_of_your_second_sheet").Range("A1")
Do While rngStartFirstList.Value <> ""
If rngStartFirstList.Offset(1, 0).Value < 0 Then
Range(rngStartFirstList, rngStartFirstList.Offset(0, 1)).Copy
rngStartLoadList.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set rngStartLoadList = rngStartLoadList.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Set rngStartFirstList = rngStartFirstList.Offset(1, 0)
End Sub
Basically what i want is ... if Value on C is >0 i want whole column 10 copied to that new sheet .... not only that cell

Variable Named Ranges in Excel

I have a table in Excel formatted as follows:
Date Asset Return
1/3/2005 0.003582399
1/4/2005 -0.01908258
1/5/2005 0.002080625
1/6/2005 0.005699497
1/7/2005 -0.008040505
1/10/2005 -0.00339116
1/11/2005 -0.009715187
1/12/2005 0.002371855
1/13/2005 -0.00580783
1/14/2005 0.001058481
1/18/2005 0.015483842
1/19/2005 -0.014690715
1/20/2005 -0.015714799
1/21/2005 -0.010796326
I need a named range to reference each column. The workbook is a template, so the named range won't always cover the same number of rows depending on the data. I want to set it so that the named range "Date" and the named range "Asset Return" are automatically sized to cover the entire column from the first value until the last, without going past the last value in the column.
It will always start at cell B8, but might end at a different row depending on the size of the data.
How can I set a dynamic named range to accomplish this?
This named range formula will do it:
Remember to add the sheet name as the named range will operate on the active sheet otherwise.
The formula starts takes B8 as it's starting point: Sheet1!$B$8
It then counts how many cells are not blank in column B: COUNTA(Sheet1!$B:$B)
It adds 8 to the count (assuming your first rows are blank).
It then uses INDEX and the COUNTA to reference the last cell.
Try this VBA code
Sub test()
application.DisplayAlerts = false
Range("B8").currentregion.createnames _
top:true, right:=false, left:=false, bottom:=false
application.DisplayAlerts = true
end sub