smart banner is empty -

My team released an Android app and asked for a smart banner directing users from our website to the app and specific content; to complete this task, we are using
According to this guide, I inserted the JavaScript snippet with the branch key found in the settings section of the dashboard and the SDK is correctly initialized.
In the dashboard we defined the styling of the banner and on which sites and devices it should appear. But the banner looks like this (on desktop):
No icon or text are set. Apparently when I use the preview link generated by it is displayed correctly.
Moreover when I initialize the banner via JavaScript and set the properties it is displayed correctly too:
const deeplink = `${window.location.pathname}${}${window.location.hash}`;
'$deeplink_path': deeplink
Somehow nothing from the dashboard is adopted.
Thank you for your help!

Alex from here: the branch.banner() function and the banner you set up on the dashboard are actually separate things. The dashboard option replaced the banner() approach, which has been deprecated.
You'll want to review the full details in the set up guide. One important note is that the dashboard version does not yet support banners on desktop, as we found almost none of our partners were using that function.

Try smartbanner.js. Has a lot of custom options and behaviour at very low footprint (~ 13 KB). Takes a few meta tags to set up.


How to implement customized unfurling (preview snippets) with quick links?

We generate quick links in our iOS app that are supposed to point to specific content within the app. When a quick link is shared via a messaging app that supports preview snippets, we want the snippet to display custom content depending on the parameters passed when our iOS app generates a link.
For example, user wants to share an audio, the app generates a link which is then posted in a messaging app or social media. We want the preview snippet to reflect specific title/subtitle and image related to that audio.
We use a custom domain name for Branch links if that matters.
What is the right way to achieve this?
You can use Link Preview for achieving this functionality. It will enable the link to display content as a preview card in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, iMessage, etc. This card can contain a title, description and image (that you append in the link as OG Tags such as $og_title, $og_description, and $og_image_url) .

How to know app was installed through firebase dynamic link in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions?

I am implementing firebase dynamic links in my iOS app and I can already parse the link, redirect to AppStore etc. Now I want to distinguish the first run of the app, when user installs it from the dynamic link - I want to skip the intro and show him the content that is expected to be shown.
Is there a way to know how the app is opened before being in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions?
The method application:openURL:options: will be called when Firebase Dynamic Links iOS SDK finished retrieving the pending (deferred) dynamic link.
If pending dynamic link is found, the object [[FIRDynamicLinks dynamicLinks] dynamicLinkFromCustomSchemeURL:url] will have non-nil property url. The url will be equal to your deep link, that user tapped while your App was not installed. If link is not found, this property will be nil.
I suggest you to show "loading screen" in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. When Firebase Dynamic Links SDK will pass you result, you can proceed with custom onboarding if pending dynamic link is found. Or default onboarding if pending dynamic link is not found. Keep in mind, if network is slow, this may take some time. You may want to have timeout set to X seconds, to not hold your user too long at "loading screen".
Documentation about receiving Firebase Dynamic Links on iOS

Can i get screenshot of desktop using vuejs

i am working on tracking app using vue.js. I am a new developer.i wanna know is it possible to track mouse click and capture screenshots even if person is on desktop or any where else on browser
This has nothing to do with VueJs specifically. However, you can use HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take a screenshot, but that's still experimental.
Take a look at this answer: Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots
i have found the solution
i followed the steps here
these steps allowed me the screen sharing on my webpage and then i use html to canvas to get the image of the video tag

How do I notify users of new content available in tvOS apps from the home screen?

Push notifications have been left out of tvOS (understandably so) but the docs seem to contradict themselves in alerting users to the fact that there is something new available in your tvOS app.
Here it seems to say that you can add an app badge:
Here it says they've been removed from UIKit:
Removed UIApplication.applicationIconBadgeNumber
Assuming the badge approach is not supported in this release, does anyone know the best practice for alerting a user that there is new content in your app without the user taking an explicit action? ie focusing on the app and showing them something in TopShelf?
I encountered the same problem and dived into this. Probably your best way is to update the topshelf with latest items, which is my way to solve this for now. You can use network calls to update the topshelf with content from your backend.
This depends on the type of application. E.g. showing the latest top movies for a movies app.
You can trigger an update of the topshelf after your network call completed using the following code:
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(TVTopShelfItemsDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
Make sure to implement the TVTopShelfProvider which should be clear using the following documentation:
This protocol is adopted by the principal class of an app’s TV Services extension. Apps that implement this extension can provide dynamic content to the Top Shelf element rather than having the system use the static image submitted with the app. The topShelfStyle property specifies the interface style you want, and the topShelfItems property specifies the content items to display. Whenever you change the content provided by the extension, post a TVTopShelfItemsDidChangeNotification notification to prompt the system to reload your content.
Icon badges are removed for app icons, push notifications as well (except for silent push notifications).

Implementing "Rate application" functionality on a Windows Store app

I am trying to implement rating functionality in a Windows Store application using HTML / Javascript.
I am showing a popup dialog similar to the one below within the application and when "Rate" is clicked I would like to redirect to the Marketplace where the user can then rate the application.
This is a task that can easily be done on Windows Phone 7 via the MarketplaceReviewTask.
Is there an API on Windows 8 that I could call to have this achieved?
The Rate and Review link in the Settings charm will automatically appear for users other than yourself (since you can't rate your own app).
If you want a custom link somewhere, you can use LaunchUriAsync like Jim says, using this URI:
where my-pfm is "Package Family Name" which you will find in your application manifest.
Here's a blog post I found that's helpful:
If you use protocol activation (LaunchUriAsync) with the URI format suggested here you'll get to your app's page on the Store; however, there's still an additional step for the user to click Write a Review. There may be a way to deep link to it and I'll update if I find out.