1and1 SSL Certificate with Heroku App - ssl

Could someone walk me through how to set up the SSL Certificate that I bought through 1and1 with my Heroku application and my 1and1 domain?
I am able to set it up and it stays active for a few minutes but then goes back to saying unsecured.
Let's call my domain harrison.com. I have a subdomain www.harrison.com. Let's say my heroku app is harrison.herokuapp.com.
What i'm currently doing is changing harrison.com to redirect to www.harrison.com and then changing that cname to harrison.herokussl.com which is currently not working.
Any help would be appreciated.

I believe that I have finally solved this.
I continued to redirect my TLD to the subdomain www, then then set the CNAME of the subdomain to www.my_app_name.com.herokudns.com. After that, I combined the server certificate (obtained from my DNS, 1and1), with the immediate certficate (also from 1and1) into 1 file with a .pem extension.
Finally, I uploaded the .pem certificate and the .key key to Heroku.


Why won't my https://domain forward to www?

I have a website for my podcast built with Python / Django that is hosted on Heroku: https://dinpodcast.herokuapp.com/
I have a custom domain parked on GoDaddy, dinpodcast.com, that has a www CNAME directing to my heroku application. This works just fine: https://www.dinpoddcast.com
I wanted dinpodcast.com to redirect to the www website, so I have the following domain forwarding set up on Godaddy:
This also works great, for the most part. Now, when I enter http://dinpodcast.com, or just dinpodcast.com, both will redirect to https://www.dinpodcast.com.
Here's the problem. When I enter the naked domain WITH HTTPS, so when I enter https://dinpodcast.com into a browser's address bar, I get the following response:
Here's what I THINK is happening. My SSL certificate is provided by Heroku under their Automated Certificate Management program. So, I assume that since I don't have an SSL certificate with GoDaddy, it's timing out trying to find one before it can redirect to my www subdomain. Would this be correct? If so, is there any way around this WITHOUT buying an SSL certificate with GoDaddy? If that's not what's happening, then what is and how do I fix it?
When you create an ssl certificate in your domain do you include your root domain? Tried using this tool in your root domain and it seems that there is no ssl certificate. However the subdomain https://dinpodcast.herokuapp.com/ has one. I suggest putting an ssl certificate in all subdomain and root domain that you are using.
I also checked the root domain’s IP address using this tool and checked port 443 using another tool and apparently the port is closed. Double check your firewall and make sure 443 is open.

SSL installation on both GoDaddy and External server

We have a wildcard ssl for *.domain.com purchased from GoDaddy. domain.com is a managed wordpress website hosted in GoDaddy.
We also have couple of servers where other websites are hosted as subdomains, api-client1.domain.com, api-client2.domain.com
Currently only subdomains are loading without any errors on https. The main domain is throwing a warning that SSL is expired, though its not.
In order to make sure that the domain and subdomain all load on https, is the below sequence of steps correct?
1) Ask GoDaddy to rectify the problem mentioning that https is not working.
2) After 1 is resolved, Create a CSR from external server, download the certificate from GoDaddy and install it in the external server.
Will the certificate installed by 1 revoked after 2 is done?

How to set up ssl on heroku app with a GoDaddy domain

I have a herokuapp running with a GoDaddy custom domain, and I am trying to add an ssl. I followed the Heroku tutorial by upgrading to a hobby dyno and clicking on "configure ssl." I then chose the automatic option, and it told me to replace the DNS www.example.com with a long string that Heroku provided, but I am not sure where to do this. GoDaddy does not allow me to change the address to the string because it does not begin with www. Has anybody set up an ssl for a herokuapp with a GoDaddy custom domain who has experience with this?
I did it a while back.
I set up the SSL on Heroku by upgrading the dyno to paid and used their SSL. The hard part would just be connecting GoDaddy and Heroku together.
All you need to do is go to Heroku and add a custom domain and copy the DNS.
Go to your DNS settings in GoDaddy and create a new record.
Type = CNAME
Points to = [DNS FROM HEROKU]
That should be all.
You should have something like this:

SSL certicicate not working in cpanel

Im using hostgator as my host.They do not provide free ssl certificate.So im using cloudflare free ssl certificate for my site.SSL certificate working everywhere except Cpanel.
I tried manually adding ssl through cpanel option.But not really working!Is there any way i can add it there?
Or it will be really good if my cpnael url cpanel.site.com won't just show up to that address.
If you want to use the CloudFlare SSL certificate then there is no need to add that SSL certificate to yoru cpanel nor to your site. Read the cloudflare documentation in order to see how to create and use Page Rules and their SSL certificate. cPanel has nothing to do with it. CF works just fine with cPanel/WHM and pretty much with any other related hosting panel. Your site can be http only in cPnel and then you do the HTTPS redirection from Clouflare using their Flexible SSL and page rules
cpanel.yourdomain.com ssl is related to server side. If your host allow autossl with Let's Encrypt (for example) then it will install ssl for all your necessary subdomains like webmail, cpanel, mail, www etc. If you are installing ssl manually, then you cannot install it for cpanel subdomain. However if you want to use cpanel securely and have enabled ssl with yourdomain.com the you can use it:

SSL certificate on Heroku

I have one domain purchased from GoDaddy.
lets say it is www.example.com, I have purchased wild card SSL certificate from GoDaddy for this domain.
This domain is pointing to one of my app on Heroku. When I type http://www.example.com, it is working fine. But when I type https://www.exapmle.com,
It says "web page not available" and error code is:
So do I need to add SSL certificate on Heroku too? How https will work on my site when it's pointing to Heroku? Thank you in advance.
You need to upload your SSL certificate to Heroku with its CLI command heroku certs:add. Probably you also need to activate an SSL Endpoint addon ($20/month) and set your DNS CNAME pointing to it.
See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-endpoint#provision-the-add-on for details, and subsequent sections.