TensorFlow float16 support is broken - tensorflow

Recently I tried to train a CNN in TF using float16. To my surprise it is broken in various ways even though TF claims to support it for a while. For example, float16 optimization causes NaN loss already on the second step regardless of the network.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
slim = tf.contrib.slim
dtype = tf.float16
shape = (4, 16, 16, 3)
inpt = tf.placeholder(dtype, shape, name='input')
net = slim.conv2d(inpt, 16, [3, 3], scope='conv',
# normalizer_fn=slim.batch_norm
loss = tf.reduce_mean(net)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3)
train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(loss, opt)
val = np.zeros(shape)
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(2):
print(sess.run(train_op, feed_dict={inpt: val}))
To my understanding it is clearly a bug: I apply zero convolutions on zero input, I should get zero gradients that don't change zero loss. It just can't diverge. If dtype is float32 it works. NaN loss occurs both on CPU and GPU versions.
However, I was dismissed in GH issues, a random dude closed this issue saying that it is intended behaviour: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7226
If you uncomment the line with BN, it will break already on graph construction time because BN assumes moving averages (and beta, gamma) are always float32 and does not cast them properly. This issue was also closed and apparently ignored: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7164
I feel like I am talking to a first line IT support of an ISP.
Can anybody explain how I should train with float16 when such a simple "network" fails horribly? And what is the recommended way to report bugs now?

It looks like you need a slightly larger epsilon to avoid numerical instability with zero moments in AdamOptimizer (default is 1e-8). This works for me with float16:
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3, epsilon=1e-4)
It would be reasonable to request that epsilon be set based on dtype (and presumably such a request, or better yet a pull request, would be met with a more positive response on GitHub). Note that GradientDescentOptimizer has no such issue.


tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization with trainable=False appears to not update its internal moving mean and variance

I am trying to find out, how exactly does BatchNormalization layer behave in TensorFlow. I came up with the following piece of code which to the best of my knowledge should be a perfectly valid keras model, however the mean and variance of BatchNormalization doesn't appear to be updated.
From docs https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/BatchNormalization
in the case of the BatchNormalization layer, setting trainable = False on the layer means that the layer will be subsequently run in inference mode (meaning that it will use the moving mean and the moving variance to normalize the current batch, rather than using the mean and variance of the current batch).
I expect the model to return a different value with each subsequent predict call.
What I see, however, are the exact same values returned 10 times.
Can anyone explain to me why does the BatchNormalization layer not update its internal values?
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = np.random.randn(3, 5) * 5 + 0.3
bn = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(trainable=False, epsilon=1e-9)
z = input = tf.keras.layers.Input([5])
z = bn(z)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=input, outputs=z)
for i in range(10):
I use TensorFlow 2.1.0
Okay, I found the mistake in my assumptions. The moving average is being updated during training not during inference as I thought. This makes perfect sense, as updating the moving averages during inference would likely result in an unstable production model (for example a long sequence of highly pathological input samples [e.g. such that their generating distribution differs drastically from the one on which the network was trained] could potentially bias the network and result in worse performance on valid input samples).
The trainable parameter is useful when you're fine-tuning a pretrained model and want to freeze some of the layers of the network even during training. Because when you call model.predict(x) (or even model(x) or model(x, training=False)), the layer automatically uses the moving averages instead of batch averages.
The code below demonstrates this clearly
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = np.random.randn(10, 5) * 5 + 0.3
z = input = tf.keras.layers.Input([5])
z = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(trainable=True, epsilon=1e-9, momentum=0.99)(z)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=input, outputs=z)
# a dummy loss function
model.compile(loss=lambda x, y: (x - y) ** 2)
# a dummy fit just to update the batchnorm moving averages
model.fit(x, x, batch_size=3, epochs=10)
# first predict uses the moving averages from training
pred = model(x).numpy()
# outputs the same thing as previous predict
pred = model(x).numpy()
# here calling the model with training=True results in update of moving averages
# furthermore, it uses the batch mean and variance as in training,
# so the result is very different
pred = model(x, training=True).numpy()
# here we see again that the moving averages are used but they differ slightly after
# the previous call, as expected
pred = model(x).numpy()
In the end, I found that the documentation (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/BatchNormalization) mentions this:
When performing inference using a model containing batch normalization, it is generally (though not always) desirable to use accumulated statistics rather than mini-batch statistics. This is accomplished by passing training=False when calling the model, or using model.predict.
Hopefully this will help someone with similar misunderstanding in the future.

Delayed echo of sin - cannot reproduce Tensorflow result in Keras

I am experimenting with LSTMs in Keras with little to no luck. At some moment I decided to scale back to the most basic problems in order finally achieve some positive result.
However, even with simplest problems I find that Keras is unable to converge while the implementation of the same problem in Tensorflow gives stable result.
I am unwilling to just switch to Tensorflow without understanding why Keras keeps diverging on any problem I attempt.
My problem is a many-to-many sequence prediction of delayed sin echo, example below:
Blue line is a network input sequence, red dotted line is an expected output.
The experiment was inspired by this repo and workable Tensorflow solution was also created from it too.
The relevant excerpts from the my code are below, and full version of my minimal reproducible example is available here.
Keras model:
model = Sequential()
input_shape=(n_steps, n_input),
model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(n_input, activation='linear')))
Tensorflow model:
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_steps, n_input])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_steps])
weights = {
'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden, n_steps], seed = SEED))
biases = {
'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_steps], seed = SEED))
lstm = rnn.LSTMCell(n_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm, inputs=x,
h = tf.transpose(outputs, [1, 0, 2])
pred = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(h[-1], weights['out']), biases['out'])
individual_losses = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(pred, y),
loss = tf.reduce_mean(individual_losses)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) \
I claim that other parts of code (data_generation, training) are completely identical. But learning progress with Keras stalls early and yields unsatisfactory predictions. Graphs of logloss for both libraries and example predictions are attached below:
Logloss for Tensorflow-trained model:
Logloss for Keras-trained model:
It's not easy to read from graph, but Tensorflow reaches target_loss=0.15 and stops early after about 10k batches. But Keras uses up all 13k batches reaching loss about only 1.5. In a separate experiment where Keras was running for 100k batches it went no further stalling around 1.0.
Figures below contain: black line - model input signal, green dotted line - ground truth output, red line - acquired model output.
Predictions of Tensorflow-trained model:
Predictions of Keras-trained model:
Thank you for suggestions and insights, dear colleagues!
Ok, I have managed to solve this. Keras implementation now converges steadily to a sensible solution too:
The models were in fact not identical. You may inspect with extra caution the Tensorflow model version from the question and verify for yourself that actual Keras equivalent is listed below, and isn't what stated in the question:
model = Sequential()
input_shape=(n_steps, n_input),
model.add(Dense(n_steps, input_shape=(n_hidden,), activation='linear'))
I will elaborate. Workable solution here uses that last column of size n_hidden spat out by LSTM as an intermediate activation then fed to the Dense layer.
So, in a way, the actual prediction here is made by the regular perceptron.
One extra take away note - source of mistake in the original Keras solution is already evident from the inference examples attached to question. We see there that earlier timestamps fail utterly, while later timestamps are near perfect. These earlier timestamps correspond to the states of LSTM when it were just initialized on new window and clueless of context.

How to freeze/lock weights of one TensorFlow variable (e.g., one CNN kernel of one layer)

I have a TensorFlow CNN model that is performing well and we would like to implement this model in hardware; i.e., an FPGA. It's a relatively small network but it would be ideal if it were smaller. With that goal, I've examined the kernels and find that there are some where the weights are quite strong and there are others that aren't doing much at all (the kernel values are all close to zero). This occurs specifically in layer 2, corresponding to the tf.Variable() named, "W_conv2". W_conv2 has shape [3, 3, 32, 32]. I would like to freeze/lock the values of W_conv2[:, :, 29, 13] and set them to zero so that the rest of the network can be trained to compensate. Setting the values of this kernel to zero effectively removes/prunes the kernel from the hardware implementation thus achieving the goal stated above.
I have found similar questions with suggestions that generally revolve around one of two approaches;
Suggestion #1:
tf.Variable(some_initial_value, trainable = False)
Implementing this suggestion freezes the entire variable. I want to freeze just a slice, specifically W_conv2[:, :, 29, 13].
Suggestion #2:
Optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.001).minimize(loss, var_list)
Again, implementing this suggestion does not allow the use of slices. For instance, if I try the inverse of my stated goal (optimize only a single kernel of a single variable) as follows:
Optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.001).minimize(loss, var_list = W_conv2[:,:,0,0]))
I get the following error:
NotImplementedError: ('Trying to optimize unsupported type ', <tf.Tensor 'strided_slice_2228:0' shape=(3, 3) dtype=float32>)
Slicing tf.Variables() isn't possible in the way that I've tried it here. The only thing that I've tried which comes close to doing what I want is using .assign() but this is extremely inefficient, cumbersome, and caveman-like as I've implemented it as follows (after the model is trained):
for _ in range(10000):
# get a new batch of data
# reset the values of W_conv2[:,:,29,13]=0 each time through
for m in range(3):
for n in range(3):
assign_op = W_conv2[m,n,29,13].assign(0)
# re-train the rest of the network
_, loss_val = sess.run([optimizer, loss], feed_dict = {
The model was started in Keras then moved to TensorFlow since Keras didn't seem to have a mechanism to achieve the desired results. I'm starting to think that TensorFlow doesn't allow for pruning but find this hard to believe; it just needs the correct implementation.
A possible approach is to initialize these specific weights with zeros, and modify the minimization process such that gradients won't be applied to them. It can be done by replacing the call to minimize() with something like:
W_conv2_weights = np.ones((3, 3, 32, 32))
W_conv2_weights[:, :, 29, 13] = 0
W_conv2_weights_const = tf.constant(W_conv2_weights)
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.001)
W_conv2_orig_grads = tf.gradients(loss, W_conv2)
W_conv2_grads = tf.multiply(W_conv2_weights_const, W_conv2_orig_grads)
W_conv2_train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(W_conv2_grads, W_conv2))
rest_grads = tf.gradients(loss, rest_of_vars)
rest_train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(rest_grads, rest_of_vars))
tf.group([rest_train_op, W_conv2_train_op])
Preparing a constant Tensor for canceling the appropriate gradients
Compute gradients only for W_conv2, then multiply element-wise with the constant W_conv2_weights to zero the appropriate gradients and only then apply gradients.
Compute and apply gradients "normally" to the rest of the variables.
Group the 2 train ops to a single training op.

Having trouble introducing a constant matrix to multiplication in Tensorflow

I am trying to implement a layer that is not fully connected. I have a matrix that specifies the connectivity I desire in the variable connectivity_matrix, which is a numpy array of ones and zeros.
The way I am currently trying to impliment the layer is by pairwise multiplying the weights, by this connectivity matrix F:
Is this the correct way to do this in tensorflow? Here is what I have so far
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tflearn
num_input = 10
num_layer1 = 313
num_output = 700
# For example:
connectivity_matrix = np.array(np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(num_layer1, num_output)), dtype='float32')
input = tflearn.input_data(shape=[None, num_input])
# Here is where I specify the connectivity in tensorflow
connectivity = tf.constant(connectivity_matrix, shape=[num_layer1, num_output])
# One basic, fully connected layer
layer1 = tflearn.fully_connected(input, num_layer1, activation='relu')
# Here is where I want to have a non-fully connected layer
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([num_layer1, num_output]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_output]))
# so take a fully connected W, and do a pairwise multiplication with my tf_connectivity matrix
W_filtered = tf.mul(connectivity, W)
output = tf.matmul(layer1, W_filtered) + b
Masking out unwanted connections in each iteration should work, but I am not sure what the convergence properties are like. It may okay for a small enough learning rate?
Another approach would be to penalize unwanted weights in the cost function. You would use a mask matrix with 1's at unwanted connections, and 0's at wanted ones (or have a smoother transition). This would be multiplied by weights, squared/scaled and added to the cost function. This should converge more smoothly.
P.S.: If you've made progress on this, it would be great to hear your comments as I am also working on this problem.

Using external optimizers with tensorflow and stochastic network elements

I have been using Tensorflow with the l-bfgs optimizer from openopt. It was pretty easy to setup callbacks to allow Tensorflow to compute gradients and loss evaluations for the l-bfgs, however, I am having some trouble figuring out how to introduce stochastic elements like dropout into the training procedure.
During the line search, l-bfgs performs multiple evaluations of the loss function, which need to operate on the same network as the prior gradient evaluation. However, it seems that for each evaluation of the tf.nn.dropout function, a new set of dropouts is created. I am looking for a way to fix the dropout over multiple evaluations of the loss function, and then allow it to change between the gradient steps of the l-bfgs. I'm assuming this has something to do with the control flow ops in tensorflow, but there isn't really a good tutorial on how to use these and they are a little enigmatic to me.
Thanks for your help!
Drop-out relies on uses random_uniform which is a stateful op, and I don't see a way to reset it. However, you can hack around it by substituting your own random numbers and feeding them to the same input point as random_uniform, replacing the generated values
Taking the following code:
a = tf.constant([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float32)
graph_level_seed = 1
operation_level_seed = 1
b = tf.nn.dropout(a, 0.5, seed=operation_level_seed)
Visualize the graph to see where random_uniform is connected
You can see dropout takes input of random_uniform through the Add op which has a name mydropout/random_uniform/(random_uniform). Actually the /(random_uniform) suffix is there for UI reasons, and the true name is mydropout/random_uniform as you can see by printing tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(). That gives you shortened tensor name. Now you append :0 to get actual tensor name. (side-note: operation could produce multiple tensors which correspond to suffixes :0, :1 etc. Since having one output is the most common case, :0 is implicit in GraphDef and node input is equivalent to node:0. However :0 is not implicit when using feed_dict so you have to explicitly write node:0)
So now you can fix the seed by generating your own random numbers (of the same shape as incoming tensor), and reusing them between invocations.
a = tf.constant([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float32)
graph_level_seed = 1
operation_level_seed = 1
b = tf.nn.dropout(a, 0.5, seed=operation_level_seed, name="mydropout")
random_numbers = np.random.random(a.get_shape()).astype(dtype=np.float32)
sess = tf.Session()
print sess.run(b, feed_dict={"mydropout/random_uniform:0":random_numbers})
print sess.run(b, feed_dict={"mydropout/random_uniform:0":random_numbers})
You should see the same set of numbers with 2 run calls.