Google GMail callback when someone reply to thread - api

I'm using Google GMail Api. All works fine with synchronous requests. However I would like to get notified when someone reply to given thread_id to a callback somehow.
I found this article about push notifications and it's great but still I don't know how to setup Observer I have described above.
I'm using PHP btw, but I just need concept how it works and how I can setup that kind of communication between API and app.

There is currently no available API that detects/observes (something that behaves like a callback) if there is a reply for a specific thread_id.
You'll have to do the checking yourself, doing some polling (with users.threads.get) to see if there is a reply. Similar to what the OP was doing in this post (emphasis mine):
We have a web application that makes use of the Gmail API to automate certain emails on our users' behalf. When the application sends an email, it stores the threadId returned by the Gmail API. It then uses this threadId to poll the Gmail users.threads.get API, looking for replies. When a reply is detected, it pauses future emails.

You can use the Push notifications provided by Gmail API. The document is available here:
It's pretty much straight forward. Create a topic, then create a push subscription for the topic. It requires a webhook pointing to your web app. Grant necessary permission to the Gmail service account as mentioned in the document.
Use the below Python code to get notified:
request = {
'labelIds': ['INBOX'],
'topicName': 'projects/myproject/topics/mytopic'
gmail.users().watch(userId='me', body=request).execute()
We get a response with HistoryId. Tracking all the messages since the HistoryId can be done like this:
history = (service.users().history().list(userId=user_id, startHistoryId=start_history_id)
I found the below video helpful:


Google chat auto-reply bot

Is there any way to configure Google Chat so It will automatically reply when another user sends me a message? Similar to the way vacation reply works for GMAIL.
The trigger will be the message coming from a user. not calling any bot.
Sorry, unfortunately there is no way to do that
You can set your status as "Out of Office" and that will be reflected in chat.
The API is designed for bots so there is no way via API either.
You can always make a feature request, if you like.

Is there a event handler for new comments for Facebook comment plug in?

I am trying to leverage Facebook comments plug in and push notifications for post on my page. What I am basically trying to do is:
user creates a post
the Facebook comment is dynamically inserted for that post by suffixing id from that post.
The above two are already done in the page.
Now what I want is, when someone posts, a push notification is subscribed if the user allows and when a comment is made a push notification is pushed to the user. The user is identified by the ID of the post as well which is stored on database.
I tried to attach a event handler on Facebook iframe comment box but was thrown with cross origin error.
I was trying webhooks but couldn't work on local host and found I need ngrok to validate my test url. I am posting this to ask is that is my flow even valid or I am seriously misunderstanding the concept. If someone could validate my flow.I will be happy to work on it or I will be just wasting my time.
Here's the link with the Facebook comments applied on post:
The facebook have killed "comment.create" event subscriptions.See the answer here to my related question answer.The preferred method is to use webhooks.
As I have already mentioned in question,that I cant use ngrok because it only supports python 3.6 and above and I have 2.7.
But I used localtunnel from npm.It did the work and I have validated my localhost url and test webhooks are now functional.I really dont need the data from the json payload from webhooks but just need a way to get to id of the posted item when the facebook comment is posted but there is no way the client can know about that event unless some server sent events are used.

Telegram bot receiving commands from other bot

in the documentation of the telegram bot API I found:
Bots with privacy mode enabled will receive:
Commands explicitly meant for them (e.g., /command#this_bot).
General commands from users (e.g. /start) if the bot was the last bot
to send a message to the group.
So I created two bots - invited both in a group and had "firstbot" to fire /cmd#otherbot something commands. The "otherbot" echos everything it reads.
I (in the client) I can write - "otherbot" doesn't see it - which is correct due to privacy settings.
I i write /cmd#otherbot - "otherbot" receives and echos this - also correct.
BUT - when I let "firstbot" emit /cmd#otherbot in the group "otherbot" doesn't see it.
Am I doing something wrong - or am I miss-leaded by the documentation?
I use C# with Telegram.Bot by roundrobin.
Bots can't see messages meant for other bots, regardless of privacy modes.
Why doesn't my bot see messages from other bots?
Bots talking to each other could potentially get stuck in unwelcome loops. To avoid this, we decided that bots will not be able to see messages from other bots regardless of mode.
Recently I came across with this problem, that one bot can't read messages from another bot.
But I've found a solution: instead of using the Telegram Bot API, you can use TDLib (Telegram Database library) to read the messages.
I am using python, so with this short piece of code I am able to read messages from a bot:
from telegram.client import Telegram
tg = Telegram(
database_encryption_key='changehere' )
def new_message_handler(update):
message_content = update['message']['content']
message_text = message_content.get('text', {}).get('text', '').lower()
# do what you want with the message
I guess that the same can be extended for other languages.
With this approach combined with Bot Telegram API, you are able to:
read messages from a bot (with Telegram Database library)
send that message with another bot (with Telegram Bot API)

Telegram bots - how can we detect that a user has started typing?

We can get Telegram messages when they are complete and sent via long polling or webhooks, but is there a way to understand when the user has started typing?
I guess this is not a normal case for bots and I dont think there is a straight away method but could we fall back on the Telegram API for messaging apps for that?
Well, actually I found a solution in the current Bot API; inline queries. While they are not intended for this, inline queries send what the user types in to the bot in real-time, so you are alerted as soon as the first characters are typed in.
There is a way in Telegram Core API, named: updateUserTyping.
But there is not any way in Telegram Bot API yet (until today: 2016-10-17).
If you type or send a file to the bot during these processes you do not get any message from Telegram in your webhook, but it's possible they'll add a new feature to detect user typing in future Bot API updates.

Twilio How to collect incoming SMS messages using .net efficiently

I created an application in that ties into a scheduling software. It keeps our employees up to date by sending them SMS updates. Employees can reply back to us. Sending messages works great. The application uses the Rest API to connect to Twilio. I can also get a list of incoming messages but I can't seem to get it in a way that works well for me.
Currently my application checks if there are new messages every 5 minutes. The application gets the messages list (with filter DateSent>=today) and then loops through the messages and copies the new ones into our scheduling database.
Is it possible to do a more efficient data pull for new SMS messages using only? Can I include a time filter in addition to current filter DateSent>=today to limit the result set? Any suggestions? (I don't do web coding unfortunately) Thanks.
Twilio evangelist here.
The best way to do this is just to use Twilios web hook to let Twilio proactively tell you each time its received a message. Whats a web hook you ask? Great question.
A webhook is simply an HTTP request that Twilio will make as soon as it received an inbound SMS messages to your Twilio phone number. You normally tell Twilio to make this HTTP request to a URL that you've created and published to a public website, which you can set up easily by using something like ASP.NET. In this scenario you can think of Twilio like a web browser that is making a request to a web application that you have created.
You can tell Twilio what URL it should request by opening the Numbers tab in your Twilio dashboard, and then locating and clicking the phone number you want to configure:
Now you set the URL you want Twilio to request in the Message Request URL field and click Save:
Now when Twilio requests this URL its going to pass a bunch of parameters with its request that you can use in your application logic. You can also do things like return TwiML back to Twilio in response to its HTTP request that tell it to do things like send an SMS right back to the person who just sent one to you.
If you're looking for a bit more of a step by step, the Quickstarts on our website are pretty easy to follow and will walk you through both sending an receiving text messages. The samples are in C# but are pretty straight forward so converting to VB.NET should be easy.
Hope that helps.
I am doing something similar with VB.Net and Twilio. My solution was to put up an Azure web site and an Azure SQL Database (the two can talk to each other). I set up my Twlio to call an .ashx web page on my Azure web site. Inside of that web page I have code that reads the incoming text message and saves it to my Azure SQL Database.
Works great, but my problem is the Azure database is in "the cloud" and my app\database that sends the original SMS is on mylocal network. Not sure how to cross that divide... (I should add that my local app can read the Azure SQL database, but seems ugly to have to call out to the Azure to get data. Would have preferred to have just saved it in my local db to begin with.)
Probably not a very helpful post, but maybe give you some architectural ideas. If you want to see my .ashx page just let me know.