How to hide/unhide columns added at the borders of the range - vba

I'm trying to create a macro which will hide/unhide a specified range of columns.
Adding a column within the named range isn't problematic, but when adding a column at the borders of this range - macro doesn't work. For example, AM:BF is the named range ("Furniture") in my sheet. I need to add a column BG which will also be hidden by the macro. Same story when adding a new column on the left border. Could you guide me how to improve the code so that the columns added at the borders of the range will also be hidden/unhidden?
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Furniture").EntireColumn
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With

I've added a variable RangeName (of type String) that equals to the name of the Name Range = "Furniture".
Option Explicit
Sub DynamicNamedRanges()
Dim WBName As Name
Dim RangeName As String
Dim FurnitureNameRange As Name
Dim Col As Object
Dim i As Long
RangeName = "Furniture" ' <-- a String representing the name of the "Named Range"
' loop through all Names in Workbook
For Each WBName In ThisWorkbook.Names
If WBName.Name Like RangeName Then '<-- search for name "Furniture"
Set FurnitureNameRange = WBName
Exit For
End If
Next WBName
' adding a column to the right of the named range (Column BG)
If Not FurnitureNameRange Is Nothing Then '<-- verify that the Name range "Furnitue" was found in workbook
FurnitureNameRange.RefersTo = FurnitureNameRange.RefersToRange.Resize(Range(RangeName).Rows.Count, Range(RangeName).Columns.Count + 1)
End If
' loop through all columns of Named Range and Hide/Unhide them
For i = 1 To FurnitureNameRange.RefersToRange.Columns.Count
With FurnitureNameRange.RefersToRange.Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(1, i)).EntireColumn
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With
Next i
End Sub

place the following in your worksheet code pane:
Option Explicit
Dim FurnitureNameRange As Name
Dim adjacentRng As Range
Dim colOffset As Long
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim newRng As Range
If colOffset = 1 Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo ExitSub
Set adjacentRng = Range(adjacentRng.Address)
With ActiveSheet.Names
With .Item("Furniture")
Set newRng = .RefersToRange
End With
.Add Name:="Furniture", RefersTo:="=" & ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & newRng.Offset(, colOffset).Resize(, newRng.Columns.Count + 1).Address
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
Set FurnitureNameRange = ActiveSheet.Names("Furniture") 'ThisWorkbook.Names("Furniture")
On Error GoTo 0
colOffset = 1
Set adjacentRng = Nothing
If FurnitureNameRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set adjacentRng = Target.EntireColumn
With FurnitureNameRange.RefersToRange
Select Case Target.EntireColumn.Column
Case .Columns(1).Column - 1
colOffset = -1
Case .Columns(.Columns.Count).Column + 1
colOffset = 0
End Select
End With
End Sub


How can I combine 3 VBA subroutines into one?

The first sub collects all the worksheets of the workbooks that are located in D:\Users\Cons\excel.
Then the second sub looks for the word "filename" in worksheet 2 then copies all the cells below to A2 in worksheet 3.
Finally the last sub should search for the word "apple" in e2:e100 in worksheet 3, and delete every row where "apple" is not found.
I have created 3 buttons and assigned the subs to each one of them. The first 2 runs fine, doing what I want, but when I click on the 3rd button (with 3rd sub behind), nothing happens,
only the first two buttons above are being shifted upwards, don't know why.
How can I combine all the 3 subs into one (that is actually working with a button click)? Thanks in advance!!!
Sub ConslidateWorkbooks()
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim Filename As String
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
FolderPath = "D:\Users\Cons\excel\"
Filename = Dir(FolderPath & "*.xls*")
Do While Filename <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=FolderPath & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub FindInFirstRow()
Dim fCell As Range
Dim strFind As String
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
'What shall we look for?
strFind = "filename"
'What sheet are we getting data from/to?
Set wsSource = Worksheets(2)
Set wsDest = Worksheets(3)
Set fCell = wsSource.Range("1:1").Find(what:=strFind, lookat:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If fCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No match found"
'Copy the cells *below* to A2 of destination sheet
Intersect(wsSource.UsedRange.Offset(1), fCell.EntireColumn).Copy wsDest.Range("a2")
End If
End Sub
Sub SaveSomeRows()
Dim N As Long, L As Long, r As Range
Dim s As String, v As String
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("e2", ActiveSheet.Range("e100").End(xlUp))
N = r.Count
s = "apple"
For L = N To 1 Step -1
v = LCase(r(L).Value)
If InStr(1, v, s) = 0 Then
End If
Next L
End Sub
Sub TheOneSub()
End Sub
Sub ConslidateWorkbooks()
End Sub
Sub FindInFirstRow()
End Sub
Sub SaveSomeRows()
End Sub
Sub combine_all()
Call ConslidateWorkbooks
Call FindInFirstRow
Call SaveSomeRows
'Runs them sequentially
End Sub
Assign this to a button , this would run (call) the other codes in sequence

VBA: Run-time error '1004': Method 'PivotTables' of object '_Worksheet' failed

I am trying to write a macro that updates my pivot table when new data is put into the original table. I keep on receive an error and do not know how to fix it. Here's what I have so far.
Sub UpdatePivotTableRange()
Dim Data_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim Pivot_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim StartPoint As Range
Dim PivotName As String
Dim NewRange As String
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Set Data_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data insert")
Set Pivot_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CC_Users")
PivotName = PivotTable6 Data_Sheet.Activate
Set StartPoint = Data_Sheet.Range("A1")
LastCol = StartPoint.End(xlToRight).Column
DownCell = StartPoint.End(xlDown).Row
Set DataRange = Data_Sheet.Range(StartPoint, Cells(DownCell, LastCol))
NewRange = Data_Sheet.Name & "!" & DataRange.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
Pivot_Sheet.PivotTables (PivotName)
ChangePivotCache.ActiveWorkbook PivotCaches.Create SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=NewRange Pivot_Sheet.PivotTables(PivotName).RefreshTable
Pivot_Sheet.Activate MsgBox "Your Pivot table is now updated" End Sub
Thank you
This needs to be pasted in VBE on the sheet that holds your table that will be changed.
As is, this will refresh every pivot table (along with pivot charts) that exist on your workbook when ANY cell on your sheet with the table is changed.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Msgbox "All Pivots Refreshed"
End Sub

How can I create/copy a worksheet while naming it based on the value of a cell in a specific column but variable row?

Essentially I'm creating a tracking sheet which will have a cell on it that, when clicked, will create a new excel sheet in the same workbook. For testing purposes I'm currently just having it create a new sheet, but eventually I'll have a sheet that it'll copy. What I need help with is, how do I get VB to pull a cell value to use as the name of the new/copied sheet? Here's the scenario:
Each row will have a Client column (which is Column C) which I want to use for the names of the workbooks that will be created. I'm trying to have a cell (say column R in that row) that when clicked creates a new worksheet and pulls in the value of column C in that row as the worksheet's name.
So, say Row 5 has "Test Client" in C5. When R5 is clicked, I want it to create a sheet that is named "Test Client". I've seen solutions that use loops to go through the column and create a sheet for each, but that wouldn't really work for my scenario as I'd need them to be created on the fly and not always for each row.
I know how to create the sheets in vb but my issue is getting the name. Is there a way to get vba to pull the name from column C for the row in which it was activated? So if it was activated for Row 5, it pulls C5, if it was Row 10, it pulls C10 etc.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm currently using this to create the sheets:
Sub CreateSheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:= _
End Sub
and this to call:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 5 And Target.Column = 18 And Target.Count = 1 Then Call CreateSheet
End Sub
The code below reads the value in Column C for the relevant row, and then passes it as a String to your Function:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 5 And Target.Column = 18 And Target.Count = 1 Then
Dim ShtName As String
ShtName = Cells(Target.Row, "C").Value
Call CreateSheet(ShtName)
End If
End Sub
This is your function, I've added a String that is passed representing the worksheet name:
Public Sub CreateSheet(ws_Name As String)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:= _
ws.Name = ws_Name
End Sub
Update: As Shai Rado pointed out I was missing an error handler.
You should test to see if the worksheet exists first. This pattern will make it easier to debug and add functionality to your code.
Worksheet Module
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim WorksheetName As String
If Target.Row > 5 And Target.Column = 18 And Target.Count = 1 Then
WorksheetName = Cells(Target.Row, "C").Value
Set ws = getWorkSheet(WorksheetName)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = getNewWorkSheet(WorksheetName)
End If
End Sub
Standard Module
Function getWorkSheet(WorksheetName As String, Optional WorkbookName As String) As Worksheet
If Len(WorkbookName) = 0 Then WorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name
With Workbooks(WorkbookName)
On Error Resume Next
Set getWorkSheet = .Worksheets(WorksheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Function
Function getNewWorkSheet(WorksheetName As String, Optional WorkbookName As String) As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
If Len(WorkbookName) = 0 Then WorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name
With Workbooks(WorkbookName)
Set ws = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count))
On Error Resume Next
ws.Name = WorksheetName
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set getNewWorkSheet = ws
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Function

Worksheet_Change Macro - Changing multiple cells

I wrote a macro and while it works, functionally its not what is needed. It's an interactive checklist that breaks down multiple areas of machines and if they are working checks them off and then this updates a master list with multiple sections. However, it only works with one cell at a time and it needs to be able to work with multiple cells at a time (both with rows and columns). Here's my current code:
'Updates needed:
' Make so more than one cell works at a time
' in both x and y directions
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.range)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim mWS As Worksheet
Dim conName As String
Dim mCol As range
Dim mCon As Integer
Dim count As Long
Dim cell As range
Dim y As String
count = 1
y = ""
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set mWS = wb.Sheets("Master")
Set mCol = mWS.range("B:B")
mCon = 0
'Selects the name of the string value in which we need to search for in master list
If Target.Column < 100 Then
ThisRow = Target.Row
conName = ActiveSheet.Cells(ThisRow, "B")
y = Target.Value
End If
'search for matching string value in master list
For Each cell In mCol
If cell.Value = conName Then
mCon = count
Exit For
End If
count = count + 1
'mark as "x" in Master list
Dim cVal As Variant
Set cVal = mWS.Cells(count, Target.Column)
cVal.Value = y
End Sub
What is happening - If I drag down "x" for multiple rows or columns my codes breaks at y = Target.Value and will only update the cell I first selected and its counterpart on the master list. What it should do is if I drag and drop the "x" onto multiple rows of columns it should update all of them in the sheet I'm working on and the master list. I only set up the macro for one cell at a time and I have no idea how to set it up for dragging and dropping the "x" value for multiple rows
I think you need a For ... Each iteration over the Target in order to work with multiple cells. As Michael noted in the comments, the _Change event fires only once, but the Target reflects all cell(s) that changed, so you should be able to iterate over the Target range. I tested using this simple event handler:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Set myRange = Target
For Each myCell In myRange.Cells
Debug.Print myCell.Address
End Sub
I am not able to test obviously on your data/worksheet, but I think it should put you on the right track.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.range)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim mWS As Worksheet
Dim conName As String
Dim mCol As range
Dim mCon As Integer
Dim count As Long
Dim cell As range
Dim y As String
count = 1
y = ""
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set mWS = wb.Sheets("Master")
Set mCol = mWS.range("B:B")
mCon = 0
'Add some new variables:
Dim myRange as Range
Dim myCell as Range
Set myRange = Target
Application.EnableEvents = False '## prevents infinite loop
For each myCell in myRange.Cells
If myCell.Column < 100 Then
ThisRow = myCell.Row
conName = ActiveSheet.Cells(ThisRow, "B")
y = myCell.Value
End If
'search for matching string value in master list
For Each cell In mCol
If cell.Value = conName Then
mCon = count
Exit For
End If
count = count + 1
'mark as "x" in Master list
Dim cVal As Variant
Set cVal = mWS.Cells(count, Target.Column)
cVal.Value = y
Application.EnableEvents = True '## restores event handling to True
End Sub
You need to iterate through the cells using a ForEach loop.
Also, you may be better using the Selection object rather than Target
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For Each cell In Selection
Debug.Print cell.Address
Next cell
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Exit Sub

SHEETOFFSET to copy color

I am using the SHEETOFFSET VBA code
Function SHEETOFFSET(offset, Ref)
' Returns cell contents at Ref, in sheet offset
With Application.Caller.Parent
SHEETOFFSET = .Parent.Sheets(.Index + offset) _
End With
End Function
And then the following code within within my new sheet
=sheetoffset(-1, B2)
to copy the value of cell B2 in the previous sheet to my new sheet.
However, I also need to copy the color of that particular cell. Is there any code that I can enter in the original VBA code above to do this? Or is there another way of achieving this?
Many thanks for your help
Define a Public variable to hold the color of the cell
In Worksheet_Change check if the above variable has any value. If yes then change the color of the target cell.
Once the above is done, reset the variable to 0
Code in Module:
Public cellColor As Double
Function SHEETOFFSET(offset, Ref)
With Application.Caller.Parent
SHEETOFFSET = .Parent.Sheets(.Index + offset) _
'~~> Store the color in a variable
cellColor = .Parent.Sheets(.Index + offset) _
End With
End Function
Code in Sheet Code Area:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim aCell As Range
On Error GoTo Whoa
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each aCell In Target.Cells
If cellColor <> 0 Then aCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellColor
cellColor = 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Letscontinue
End Sub
My Personal Thoughts:
I am not in favor of the SHEETOFFSET function in the first place because the formula is actually referring a cell in the current sheet. Any changes, for example, deletion of that cell will error out your formula
It is better to link the cells directly
FOLLOWUP (From Comments)
You can run this code in the end to refresh all formulas.
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Set rng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
For Each aCell In rng
aCell.Formula = aCell.Formula
End If
End Sub