How to get the text from disabled textbox using selenium Webdriver? - selenium

Provided that particular element doesn't have any attributes to make use of.

The value attribute stores the content of a tag, does not matter whether it is disabled or not. So, you can do it like this:
This will return you the value of the element and then you can proceed with the rest. Hope it helps..


Unable to click on Radio Button

Please, I don't know why but I can't click on this radio button.
I'm trying by xpath, css, id... but anything works.
Always I get the error: no such element: Unable to locate element
And I added an explicit wait, but it still not working.
Now, I'm trying it but not works as well:
WebElement radio = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='form-inputs-container']/ul/li[3]/label"));;
I need click on multiple destinations radio on this website:
Can you help me, please ?
It looks like your xpath is wrong Try with below xpath it will work
For first radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt1"]/following-sibling::div
For second radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt2"]/following-sibling::div
For third radio button: //form[#class="tc-form-full-flight"]//label[#for="tt3"]/following-sibling::div
Hope this will be helpful!!!
This should work //input[#id='tt3'] or //input[#value='MultiDestino']
You can evaluate xpath in chrome console like this $x("//input[#value='MultiDestino']")
The xpath you have returned empty []
Locator is incorrect. More than that - even if it was valid, this way of finding elements is unreliable (you've used an element position - [3] in case of order change, locator will brake). I suggest css selector:
For locators, you should always start with something that is highly unlikely to change. Typically that's IDs, names, and various other custom attributes depending on the site. In this site's case, the three radio buttons you are looking at each have an ID.
Side note... sometimes sites/pages don't respect HTML standards that require the ID to be unique on the page so even if your desired element has an ID, always check to make sure it's unique on the page. In this case, the IDs are unique.
To click the multiple destinations radio button, you can use the code below.
In some of your comments, it looks like Selenium might be having a hard time clicking on the INPUT itself and the LABEL is working. If that's the case, then you can change the locator slightly and use the code below
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#tt3 + label")).click();
In the CSS selector above, # means ID and + means next sibling. See the W3C docs for more info.

What ExpectedConditions should i use in order to

So sometimes when i want to click on WebElement i am using elementToBeClickable.
Now when i want to get text etc. i have 2 options (maybe more ???) that i usually use:
presenceOfElementLocated - An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page.
visibilityOfElementLocated - An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible.
My questions:
Whats the different between the both ?
When i want to get text from element/attribute maybe should i use another ExpectedCondition ?
presenceOfElementLocated would just wait for the presence of an element in the DOM tree.
visibilityOfElementLocated would not only ensure that an element is present, but also check if the element is displayed. The logic behind the visibility determination is described here:
Element Displayedness
Which Expected Condition to use is not that simple as in case of elementToBeClickable and a button needed to be clicked - in this case depends on the actual use case - how the desired element is loaded, is it loaded with the text, or the text is set later and dynamically etc.
There is also textToBePresentInElement which might be more suitable, but it requires you to know a part of the element's text.
And, there is always an option to write a custom Expected Condition - for instance, you can wait for any text to be present in element.

Is it possible to search for a dynamic button if the beginning of he ID is always the same?

I am using Selenium in some automation testing. On a certain page i need to click a button. This same page is used multiple times and when i originally tried to use the full xpath it would work on one of the pages but not the other. The full xpath for each page is slightly different so i dont want to use that.
The xpath of the button looks like this
On both pages the id always starts with approve and then gets some generated numbers.
I am wondering if there is a way to search for just a section of the id so i can look for "approve" in order to find the button i need to click.
I have tried a number of things with no luck thus far.
You can also use CSS selector:
Using XPath, you can select an element where one of its attribute begins with a given string. For instance:
//*[starts-with(#id, "approve-gen")]
See also:
Selecting elements whose attribute begins with something in XPath
You can also use the xpath with contains. for eg.
//*[contains(#id, 'approve-gen')]
Make sure that there are no other locators with id starts with 'approve-gen'.
Step 1:
From the Given Info I have assumed the CSS Selector as
Also look for the Other Attributes of button that will bring uniqueness.
Step 2:
Perform Click on the button

How to use ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated for multiple hits

I have a HTML site containing several context menues.
The xpath is: .//*[#id='TopIcon_Edit']/a/span. (This path will hit several elements)
In my test one of the context menues is visible.
I now want to verify that one context menu is visible, using
Although I can see that the context menu is visible, the test tells me:
"Element does not meet condition visibility of element located by By.xpath: ..."
I assume that the method visibilityOfElementLocated(...) just evaluates the visibility of the first element it finds by the locator, which is not visible, as Selenium rightly sais.
I would appreciate any hints on how to solve this problem.
With kind regards,
Gerhard Schuster
Yes, when you search single element with Selenium and result returns more than one element, the method takes the first element and returns it.
So, you have to specify more precisely the xpath you using, for example: ".//*[#id='TopIcon_Edit']/a[1]/span", or similar, that will point only desired element.
If you can do away with xpath that would help. FindElement(By.cssSelector("#TopIcon_Edit span")).click() or do a list of web elements we = FindElements (By.cssSelector("#TopIcon_Edit span")); then filter your list based on style. Its far easier and provides greater flexibility to use cssSelectors.

How would you verify that a certain css element on a page is a certain image with selenium

I have a page that I want to check with selenium that uses a certain background image for one element. I want to ensure that this image still exists on the page connected to the element. How would I do this with selenium. If this changes anything I am using to do the testing once I get it running through selenium ide.
Well aside from the suggested things on the almos duplicate issue... You could check if the property of your body element is set to the image.
By if getAttribute returns a valid value or not. Like:
new Wait()
public boolean until()
return selenium.getAttribute("ElementLocator")
+ "#class").equals("active");
}.wait("The menu item did not get active.",
This will wait for the attribute #class to have the value "active".
Or simply use an If statement after you are sure that the page got loaded.
Hope this helps,