Unlink IDE and editor theme in WebStorm - intellij-idea

While changing the editor theme, I accidentally clicked on this dialog:
How do I get back to the previous behaviour where I can use a dark editor theme with light IDE theme?

You can change the IDE theme back to dark by selecting any dark theme from Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Theme in the Preferences dialog.
If you type "Theme" in the preferences search it should highlight it. The themes you have available will depend on which ones you have installed.
To change the code/editor theme, change the Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme (search for "Colors & Fonts")


After choosing Darcula theme on first run, AppCode does not give me a choice to use the XCode theme as it did before

I am evaluating AppCode and I just ran into something that is not a big deal but kind of irking me.
When I started the program, it asked me to choose a theme. I chose Darcula because it usually is a solid choice.
Another choice was XCode. This was tempting because of familiarity - I was actually worried that Darcula would feel "wrong" but instead of going with my gut I just went with Darcula.
Now, I don't like Darcula. At all. When it comes to swift development that is, on this IDE, for some stupid reason.
But I cannot change back to XCode! It's not an option - the only options seem to be "Default" and "Darcula" - and Default doesn't quite feel like XCode theme looked like.
Is XCode theme gone forever?
No, see, theme chooser in AppCode is different than in other JetBrains products - it allows you to select the theme for all IDE components, editor and keycap behaviour at the same time. So, in short, choices are:
Darcula = Darcula UI theme + Darcula editor theme + JetBrains keymap
Default (light) = Default UI theme + Default editor theme + JetBrains keymap
Xcode = Default UI theme + Xcode editor theme + Keymap which is similar to Xcode
So, to use same settings as for Xcode theme on start theme you should do the following:
Navigate to Preferences -> Appearance -> Theme and select "Default"
Navigate to Preferences -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> General -> Scheme and select Xcode
If you prefer Xcode key bindings - you can also change keymap in Preferences -> Keymap.

Overriding Intellisense colors in Visual Studio 2015

I'm using the Light theme with custom Text Editor colors. In Visual Studio 2015, my Intellisense and the other lightbulb/hover/popups all have code colors to match the Text Editor settings.
That sounds nice, but the Light theme has a very light gray background, and I prefer a white foreground color for Plain Text in the editor. It ends up like this:
From my investigation so far...
In previous versions of Visual Studio, this colorized Intellisense feature came from a Productivity Power Tools add-in. It could be turned off. That's not installed. It's built into Visual Studio now, and I couldn't find a place to turn it off.
I really don't want to mess with the theme editor. I just want black text Intellisense, or to at least turn the white text to black in the popups. Others have said it doesn't work with Intellisense, but I'm not sure.
I have set Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Editor Tooltip > Plain Text foreground color to black. That's why the words under the code are black. But that doesn't affect the code reference itself.
I have this same issue, as I use a dark blue background with light text.
What I did was use this add-on:
Then copy the theme you are currently using, but do not switch to it yet (if you want to keep your current font / color settings).
I then exported my "Font and Color" settings, opened the generated file, and removed the "Theme" XML element completely.
You can then switch to the new copied theme and re-import your color settings from the file just created using "Import and Export Settings".
Then go to the theme editor add-on under Tools > Customize Colors. Edit your theme. Select the "Show All Elements" option and search for "tooltip" in the *.theme file. Update the Editor Tooltip -> Plain Text -> Foreground to be bright, and the Environment -> ToolTip to be dark.
It isn't a perfect solution, but it is usable until they fix it.
#karoberts answer is good although with the Visual Studio 2015 Color Theme Editor already installed I had to
Update the Editor Tooltip -> Plain Text -> Foreground to be bright, and the Environment -> ToolTip to be dark
apply the theme
restart Visual Studio (otherwise it wouldn't take the background)
But exporting/importing as in #karoberts answer was not necessary.
Try this
tools > options > fonts and colors > show settings for "Enviroment" > tooltip > item background

Idea: how can I hide the VCS changes markers in the right margin

I'm trying to hide the marker stripes in the right margin of intellij idea.
I tried whith:
settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> General
but it is not possible to check/uncheck "Error stripe Mark" in "Added lines" or "Modified lines".
I also tried to put white colors in "stripe mark color" in
settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> Diff
but the stripe is still present.
Do you know if it's possible to manage that without removing VCS support for the project?
There is now a setting as of IntelliJ IDEA 15 142.3728 (released as EAP in August 2015).
In preferences, go to Editor -> General and untick Highlight modified lines in gutter.
PhpStorm 2022
Uncheck the tick here.
I use version 12.1.4
Easiest way I've found is by right-clicking on the marker at the top of the margin.
Click "Customize Highlighting level" and bring the slider down "syntax".
This may also help:
IntelliJ 14.
In dark theme, the change marker at right margin is very eye-distracting. The real problem is we can not close it.
Go to Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> General and
deleted line in gutter
added line in gutter
modified line in gutter
Change to color you like.
Here is the official doc about changes marker.
I have found a solution. Set Editor > General > Error highlighting > Error stripe mark min height (pixels) to 0.

How do you change background color in the settings of JetBrain's IDE?

What are the settings to change the background color in JetBrains' IDE?
Project explorer pane
Console pane
Code editor
Other Panes
I'm running v12.1.6 Ultimate Version.
Are there major differences between different versions of the software?
Console pane:
Settings / Editor / Colors & Fonts / Console colors
Console, background
Project view:
Settings / File colors
Add (Alt+insert), choose 'project files' scope, select a color.
Uncheck the 'Use in editor tabs' checkbox, make sure to check 'Use in project view'
Main view (general):
Settings / Editor / Color & fonts / General
Text, Default text
For changing the background of the editor goto File->Settings->Editor->Colors & Fonts->General->Text. You'll see an item called "Default text". On the right you will see a checkbox for background. Click on it and choose whatever color you prefer.
To change the editor background color in newer versions (after 2017) of Intellij Idea go to Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General and then on the right side list expand Text and click on "Default text" then click on the color hex code to get the color wheel.
Editor > Color Scheme > General > Text
Go to File option top left in the menu bar.
Select Settings
Select Appearance option in "Appearance & Behavior"
Select Intellij option as Theme in UI Options.
You should able to see everything in while background much like eclipse.
Beginning with the 2019.1 release, Jetbrain's IDE supports Custom UI Themes, which give full control of the appearance of built-in IntelliJ IDEA UI elements.
Detailed tutorial about how to create your own custom theme
Blog post about creating custom themes for IntelliJ Platform
If you download it from the https://plugins.jetbrains.com, then you will need to install it as the plugin. Go in the settings, install plugin from the disk and select the JAR file from the disk as the screenshot below.
It's very easy: File > Settings > Color Scheme > Set "Classic Light" or other color

How to Make PHPStorm / Intellij IDEA Dark (Whole IDE, not just color scheme)

I've just downloaded the new PHPStorm EAP, and noticed this screenshot:
And I like it very much. Thing is, I can't find any option to make my install looks like this. I know about color scheme, but AFAIK it only change the text editor's color. How can I make my install to look like that? (The screenshot is taken from the EAP site).
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance | Theme = Darcula
Since IntelliJ IDEA v14 / WebStorm v9 / PhpStorm v8.0.2 (and any other IDEs on branch 139.xxx or newer) the settings path is a bit different:
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance & Behaviour | Appearance | Theme = Darcula
View -> Quick Switch Theme -> Switch Look And Feel -> Darcula
and Restart the IDEA if changes do not become apparent.
Download and enable ColorIDE.
Preferences > Plugins > "Browse repositories..." button > search for "ColorIde"
Instead of being limited to the standard 4 themes that come with the IDE, ColorIDE plugin will give your IDE the same look and feel as your current color scheme.
Use Material UI
If Darcula isn't darker enough, you can use a plugin called Material UI.
They also have many other colors like deep blue, marine blue, etc.
Link to Material Theme UI
On Mac the title bar of every window (both main and popup dialoges) will remain the typical Mac grayish color, even using the Darcula theme. But you can actually make it dark as well.
Using any Jetbrain IDE (including DataGrip), press Shift + Ctrl + A (PC) or Shift + Cmd + A (Mac). This will open the command palette where you can find Registry:
Open the registry and find the key ide.mac.allowDarkDindowDecorations:
Enable this, close the registry and restart the IDE.
In Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts, pick a dark scheme and the IDE will ask you if you want to switch the whole IDE to a dark scheme: