react-native: notify server that user logged into Facebook oAuth - react-native

So this is probably a thing I am missing.... I am building a react-native app for IOS, using facebook SDK for Facebook login (react-native-fbsdk).
it all works fine.... but, I want the app to access my server, and my server needs to know that the user is logged in (and who the user is).
I know how to do it with the standard oAuth server flow, but how do I do it in this case? how do I even get the code or access token?
In the FB documentation all I see is how to make requests from the app to FB API, I didn't find where to have a callback on the server, so that I can setup the session cookie with user info.

Use the LoginButton and set the required permissions. It will return you the access token, that you can send to your server. The server gets the username, email etc. via this access token from the facebook oauth service. Then the server can open the session and send the session id back to your react native app.
readPermissions={["email", "public_profile"]}
(error, result) => {
if (error) {
//alert("login has error: " + result.error);
} else if (result.isCancelled) {
// cancelled
} else {
(data) => {
console.log("acces token:", data);
const token = data.accessToken.toString();
// call your server
// server can get user info from facebook
// returns back the session id
onLogoutFinished={() => true}/>


NextJS/Next-Auth Backend Authentication with OAuth

I am currently building a web app based on a turborepo (monorepo) in which I want to use Discord OAuth login with next-auth. Therefore I have two modules web and api, where api is my express backend with discord.js. The web app is basically a dashboard for a Discord bot.
I figured that next-auth only provides client side authentication. So my question is how can I validate the OAuth session from the client side in the best manner?
My middleware for express currently looks like this:
function throwUnauthorized(res: Response) {
res.status(401).json({ code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' });
export async function isAuthorized(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
try {
const authorization = req.headers.authorization;
if (!authorization) {
return throwUnauthorized(res);
// validate token with Discord API
const { data } = await axios.get('', {
headers: { Authorization: authorization },
// protect against token reuse
if (!data || !== process.env.TC_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID) {
return throwUnauthorized(res);
// map to database user
let user = await User.findOne({ id: });
user ??= await User.create({ id: });
data.user.permissions = user.permissions;
req.user = data.user;
} catch (error) {
return throwUnauthorized(res);
In this approach the Discord OAuth Token would be send via the Authorization header and checked before each request that requires Authorization. Which leads to my problem: The token needs to be validated again causing multiple request to Discord API.
Is there a better way to handle this? Because I need to map Discord user profiles to database profiles. I read that you could try decode the jwt session token from next-auth, but this did not work when I tested it.
Maybe there is a whole different project structure suggested for my project. But I thought I should separate the api and web-app since I would have needed a custom express server because it includes the Discord bot and Prometheus logging functions. I am open for suggestions and your thoughts!

YouTube Analytics API for content owners

I implemented the Youtube Analytics API in js and everything is ok with that. I am the content owner and I want to get analytics for all channels and to allow login users to use their analytic.
For example, when some users make login to my dashboard I pass their channel ids to YouTube and it is ok, they get their data. They have to authenticate to YouTube with popup every time they log in.
I want to know is there any way to avoid that and to allow them like content owner to see their data.
I am using
window.onload = function () {
function authenticate() {
return gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance()
.signIn({scope: "" })
.then(function () {console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function (err) {console.error("Error signing in", err); });
function loadClient() {
return gapi.client.load("$discovery/rest?version=v2")
.then(function () {console.log("GAPI client loaded for API"); userLoaded = true; },
function (err) {console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", err); userLoaded = false; });
For your question about not having to log-in each time, you would need do the 'server-side flow' method of authentication.
User clicks button in your app to authenticate with YouTube.
YouTube log-in opens, user logs in with google account.
User approves any permission scopes you enabled.
User redirected back to your app with tokens, you can save the 'refresh_token' in your database.
With the refresh_token, you can then generate an authentication token to make API calls.

Authenticate External App to Salesforce instance

I am building a mobile application that will need to fetch data from my salesforce instance. I have no problem with SOQL to grab the appropriate data. However, I do not want the user of the mobile app to have to log in to get a token, which I need to use to access the data.
Is it possible to authenticate the app via appId and client secret in the application to allow the appropriate use/access of the APIs? This would be similar to authenticating an app to a Parse or Firebase instance without requiring an authenticated user.
This is an example in nodejs/Express , in this example i get the accounts:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var nforce = require('nforce');
/* GET home page. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
var accounts =[];
// create the connection with the Salesforce connected app
var org = nforce.createConnection({
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: process.env.CALLBACK_URL,
mode: 'single'
// authenticate and return OAuth token
username: process.env.USERNAME,
password: process.env.PASSWORD+process.env.SECURITY_TOKEN
}, function(err, resp){
if (!err) {
console.log('Successfully logged in! Cached Token: ' +
// execute the query
org.query({ query: 'select id, name from account' }, function(err, resp){
if(!err && resp.records) {
// output the account names
for (i=0; i<resp.records.length;i++) {
res.render('index', { title:'Accounts',accounts:accounts });
if (err) console.log(err);
module.exports = router;
You need to get you api crendentials for authenticate , it does not matter what language are you using the concept is the same.
USERNAME : Your Salesforce User name
PASSWORD: Your Salesforce Password
SECURITY_TOKEN: Your user security token , if you don't have it you can go to My Settings -Personal -Reset my security token and Salesforce will send you the token to your email.
The other parameters are parameters you get from your app , so you have to register the app to get the security tokens.
For create a connected apd You go to : Setup -Build-Create Apps in the section of Connected Apps create a new one. the connected api generate a consumer key and a Consumer secret.
CLIENT_ID: Is the consumer key
CLIENT_SECRET:Is the Consumer secret
CALLBACK_URL: The callback url in my example is : http://localhost:3000
This is not natively possible. All access to data/meta data in salesforce goes through a salesforce user account.
User accounts auth via username/pass, or via SSO (oAuth/SAML), or "Delegated Auth" (a pre-SAML auth service).
Creating a "Connected App" is a feature, enabled by the salesforce admin, which enables your mobile app to connect via oAuth, along with a public/private key pair.
However, Login is still required.
Perhaps you could place middleware between salesforce and your API - the middleware would connect to salesforce using a salesforce user account, while the API that it exposes accepts your public/private key.

How to pass Firebase Auth Token from client to server?

The website that I'm working on uses Firebase authentication and different users that login have different permissions as to which pages they can visit.
The way signing in is setup is similar to this post:
User Logins in with two parameters - "id" and "email"
Server uses these to create a custom "uid", then uses the Firebase Admin SDK to create a custom token that is sent back to the client.
The client logs in with the Javascript Firebase SDK - firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken()
Now that the user is logged in, they can click different pages - i.e. '/foo', '/bar'
The issue I'm running into is that when they visit new pages, I'm trying to pass the token from the client back to the server (almost identical to how its done in this Firebase Doc ), verify the token & check if it has permission to view the webpage.
I'm trying to figure out the best (& most secure) way to do this. I've considered the following option:
Construct a URL with the token, but I've heard this isn't good practice because the token is getting exposed and session hijacking becomes a lot easier.
I've been trying to pass the token in the request header, but from my understanding you can't add headers when the user clicks on a link to a different page (or if its redirected in javascript). The same issue applies to using POST.
What can I do to securely pass this information to the server and check permissions when a user clicks on a link to a different page?
You can get the accessToken (idToken) on client side by:
var accessToken = null;
.then(function (token) {
accessToken = token;
and pass it in your request headers:
request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + accessToken;
and on your server side get the token with your prefered method and authenticate the request with Firebase Admin SDK, like (Node.js):
.then(decodedIdToken => {
return firebaseAdmin.auth().getUser(decodedIdToken.uid);
.then(user => {
// Do whatever you want with the user.
Nowadays, it looks like we're meant to use httpsCallable() client-side to get an object pre-authorized to talk to your endpoint.
// # ./functions/index.js
exports.yourFunc = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
// Checking that the user is authenticated.
if (!context.auth) {
// Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', 'The function must be called ' +
'while authenticated.');
// ... rest of your method
// ./src/models/addMessage.js
const firebase = require("firebase");
apiKey: '### FIREBASE API KEY ###',
authDomain: '### FIREBASE AUTH DOMAIN ###',
databaseURL: 'https://### YOUR DATABASE NAME',
var functions = firebase.functions();
// This is the new code:
var yourFunc = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('yourFunc');
yourFunc({foo: bar}).then(function(result) {
// ...
From firebase documentation

Firebase password resets

I'm trying to create a password reset mechanism and am stuck. Any suggestions how to do this with Firebase basic email/password authentication
[Engineer at Firebase - Update 2014-01-27]
Firebase Simple Login now supports password resets for email / password authentication.
Each of the Simple Login client libraries has been given a new method for generating password reset emails for the specified email address - sendPasswordResetEmail() on the Web and Android, and sendPasswordResetForEmail() on iOS.
This e-mail will contain a temporary token that the user may use to log into their account and update their credentials. This token will expire after 24 hours or when the user changes their password, whichever occurs first.
Also note that Firebase Simple Login enables full configuration of the email template as well as the sending address (including whitelabel email from your domain for paid accounts).
To get access to this feature, you'll need to update your client library to a version of v1.2.0 or greater. To grab the latest version, check out
Also, check out for the latest Firebase Simple Login - Web Client docs.
This is something that Firebase doesn't do very well. As you'll notice it requires the user to remember their old password. Usually if you want to reset a password it's because you've forgotten it. Hopefully the improve the methods they provide for account management.
authClient.changePassword(email, oldPassword, newPassword, function(error, success) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Password change successfully');
This was the first google result that came up when trying to figure out my issue.. for anyone who uses yeoman angularfire generator but would like to add the send email feature, this should work.
add the following to the simple login factory in simpleLogin.js:
resetPassword: function(emailIn){
return auth.$resetPassword({
email: emailIn
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
switch (error.code) {
console.log("The specified user account does not exist.");
console.log("Error resetting password:", error);
} else {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully!");
and call it from your login.js file
$scope.resetPassword = function(email){