How can I add a silent pause for a few seconds using punctuation with Baidu's speech synthesis (tts)? - text-to-speech

How can I add a silent pause for a few seconds using punctuation with Baidu's speech synthesis (tts)?
Three periods adds a bit of a pause, as does a comma, but adding six periods or more commas doesn't seem to add more silence.
I'm using this package:
Here is some sample code:
let chinese = bss.speak(`你好... 你好`, options)
The following has the same amount of pausing as the code above:
let chinese = bss.speak(`你好...,...,...,... 你好`, options)

Try putting spaces between periods or commas. (Just a guess based on my limited use of the MS speech-to-text process.)

If you wish to add a pause to your speech by inputting characters directly into your string, add '/ / / / /'. If you want a longer pause, try adding more '/'.


VBA replace certain carriage

I am used to programming VBA in Excel, but am new to the structures in Word.
I am working through a library of text files to update them. Many of them are either OCR documents, or were manually entered.
Each has a recurring pattern, the most common of which is unnecessary carriage returns.
For example, I am looking at several text files where there is a double return after each line. A search and replace of all double carriage returns removes all paragraph distinctions.
However, each line is approximately 30 characters long, and if I manually perform the following logic, it gives me a functional document.
If there is a double carriage return after 30+ characters, I replace them with a space.
If there were less than 30 characters prior to the double return, I replace them with a single return.
Can anyone help me with some rudimentary code that would help me get started on that? I could then modify it for each "pattern" of text documents I have.
In this case, there are more than
thirty characters per line. And I
will keep going to illustrate this
This would be a new paragraph, and
would be separated by another of
the single returns.
I want code that would return:
In this case, there are more than thirty character returns. And I will keep going to illustrate this example.
This would be a new paragraph, and would be separated by another of the single returns.
Let me know if anyone can throw something out that I can play with!
You can do this without code (which RegEx requires), simply using Word's own wildcard Find/Replace tools, where:
Find = ([!^13]{30,})[^13]{1,}
Replace = \1^32
and, to clean up the residual multi-paragraph breaks:
Find = [^13]{2,}
Replace = ^p
You could, of course, record the above as a macro...
Here is a RegEx that might work for you:
The substitution is just a plain space, you can try it out (and modify / tweak it) here:
This 'pattern' tells the RegEx engine to look for the newline character \n which occurs x2 like this \n\n (worth noting this is from your question and might be different in your files, e.g. could be \r\n) and it assumes that a valid line break will be proceeded by a full stop: \..
In RegEx the full stop symbol is a single character wild card so it needs to be escaped with the '\' (n and r are normal characters, escaping them tells the RegEx engine they represent newline and return characters).
So... the expression is looking for a group of x2 newline characters but then uses a negative look-behind to exclude any matches where the previous character was a full stop.
Anyway, it's all explained on the site:
Here is how you could do a RegEx find and replace using NotePad++ (I'm not sure if it comes with RegEx or if a plugin is needed, either way it is easy). But you can set a location, filters (to target specific file types), and other options (such as search in sub-directories).
Other than that, as #MacroPod pointed out you could also do this with MS Word, document by document, not using any code :)

Parser not recognizing a dash

My program makes calculations on physics vectors and it allows copy/pasting from websites and then tries to parse them into the x, y, and z components automatically. I've come across one website ( that has (3,−3,1). While that looks normal, that minus is actually not recognized by VB. Visually, it is longer than the normal minus (− and -), but return the same Unicode of 45. This picture shows the Unicode for every character (I added a minus in front of the first 3 for comparison) in the Textbox. Also, from this website, I had to use Ctrl+c because right clicking shows that this is not simple HTML.
One is valid (the first), but the second gives VB fits as shown below. Either it won't compile (shown by the blue line below) or a simple assignment (the second one) wrecks havok on my form.
I have tried using
vectorString.Replace("–", "-")
and pasting in the longer dash for the target string and a normal keystroke dash as the replacement, but nothing happens. I'm guessing that since they both have the same Unicode.
Is there some way to convert the longer, invalid dash into the one recognized by VB? I tried using dash symbol that Word likes to replace the minus sign with and it comes up as Unicode 150. So, apparently there are at least three different kinds of dashes. Any thoughts?
The character from Math Insight is U+2212, minus sign. The character you tried using in your Replace call is U+2013, en dash. That's why your replace didn't work.
Beyond the standard ASCII hyphen (-, U+0045), there are two common dashes: the en dash (–, U+2013) and the em dash (—, U+2014). There is also a figure dash (‒, U+2012), but it is not as common.

Intellij - Reformat Code - Insert whitespace between // and the comment-text?

I am working with another human being on project from that the professor expects to have uniform code-style. We have written large separate junks of code on our own, in which one has written single line comments without a white-space between the single-line-comment-token and the other one has inserted a white-space. We are working with IntelliJ and have failed to find an option to enable the Reformat Code function, to insert a white-space.
Can you tell us how to convert comments from that to this in IntelliJ?
// This is a load bearing comment - don't dare to remove it
//This is a load bearing comment - don't dare to remove it!
You can do a global search and replace (ctrl-shift-r on windows with default keyboard layout, or Replace in Path under the Edit/Find menu).
Check the regular expression option and enter //(\S.*) as the text to find and // $1 as the replacement. Check the whole project option, and clear any file masks. You can single step through the replacements, or simply hit the All Files option. VB 2010 Underscore and small rectangles in string outputs?

I've made some good progress with my first attempt at a program, but have hit another road block. I'm taking standard output (as a string) froma console CMD window (results of dsquery piped to dsget) and have found small rectangles in the output. I tried using Regex to clean the little bastards but it seems they are related to the _ (underscore), which I need to keep (to return 2000/NT logins). Odd thing is - when I copy the caharcter and paste it into VS2K10 Express it acts like a carrige return??
Any ideas on finding out what these little SOB's are -- and how to remove them?
Going to try using /U or /A CMD switch next..
The square is often just used whenever a character is not displayable. The character could very well be a CR. You can use a Regular Expression to just get normal characters or remove the CR LF characters using string.replace.
You mentioned that you are using the string.replace function, and I am wondering if you are replacing the wrong character or something like that. If all your trying to do is remove a carriage return I would skip the regular expressions and stick with the string.replace.
Something like this should work...
strInputString = strInputString.replace(chr(13), "")
If not could you post a line or two of code.
On a side note, this might give some other examples....
Character replacement in strings in VB.NET

.net Masked Text Box

What is the mask for "percentage", in a WinForms application (
Per the documentation here:
\ Escape. Escapes a mask character,
turning it into a literal. "\\" is the
escape sequence for a backslash.
So the mask for a % sign is \%
Before posting, I made up a quick and dirty winforms app, tried it and it works.
Edit - added although this next item in the documentation makes it look like just a straight % sign should work without the backslash, so I tried it and it works as well.
All other characters Literals. All
non-mask elements will appear as
themselves within MaskedTextBox.
Literals always occupy a static
position in the mask at run time, and
cannot be moved or deleted by the
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.MaskType = Numeric;
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.EditMask = "00.00%%";
textEdit1.Properties.Mask.UseMaskAsDisplayFormat = true;