How stop a Pentaho ETL process if some row fails? - pentaho

I have a transformation which have the following stream:
The error handling lines are set to max error = 0. So When it detects one error it stops.
The problem is if the first row is correct the ETL insert this row into the final table, and then stops the process.
Is it possible to check all the rows before still doing the process? This way if some row fails the data is not deleted in the final table (truncate option in enabled).

Use a temporary/staging table in this transformation
If your storage space allows it, a staging table provides for the most reliable solution with the minimal downtime for your final table.
The staging table should be identical to the final table in structure. You can then run the transformation inside of a job and have the job proceed only on success to a SQL job step that renames final to old, staging to final and then old to staging.
This way your final table is never empty and only unavailable for a fraction of a second during the rename operation.

You achieve this by making the transformation database transactional.


SSIS Incremental Load-15 mins

I have 2 tables. The source table being from a linked server and destination table being from the other server.
I want my data load to happen in the following manner:
Everyday at night I have scheduled a job to do a full dump i.e. truncate the table and load all the data from the source to the destination.
Every 15 minutes to do incremental load as data gets ingested into the source on second basis. I need to replicate the same on the destination too.
For incremental load as of now I have created scripts which are stored in a stored procedure but for future purposes we would like to implement SSIS for this case.
The scripts run in the below manner:
I have an Inserted_Date column, on the basis of this column I take the max of that column and delete all the rows that are greater than or equal to the Max(Inserted_Date) and insert all the similar values from the source to the destination. This job runs evert 15 minutes.
How to implement similar scenario in SSIS?
I have worked on SSIS using the lookup and conditional split using ID columns, but these tables I am working with have a lot of rows so lookup takes up a lot of the time and this is not the right solution to be implemented for my scenario.
Is there any way I can get Max(Inserted_Date) logic into SSIS solution too. My end goal is to remove the approach using scripts and replicate the same approach using SSIS.
Here is the general Control Flow:
There's plenty to go on here, but you may need to learn how to set variables from an Execute SQL and so on.

databricks error IllegalStateException: The transaction log has failed integrity checks

I have a table that I need drop, delete transaction log and recreate, but while I am trying to drop I get following error.
I have ran repair table statement on this one and could be responsible for error but not sure.
IllegalStateException: The transaction log has failed integrity checks. We recommend you contact Databricks support for assistance. To disable this check, set to false. Failed verification of:
Table size (bytes) - Expected: 0 Computed: 63233
Number of files - Expected: 0 Computed: 1
We think this may just be related to s3 eventual consistency. Please try waiting a few extra minutes after deleting the Delta directory before writing new data to it. Also, normal MSCK REPAIR TABLE doesn't do anything for Delta, as Delta doesn't use the Hive Metastore to store the partitions. There is an FSCK REPAIR TABLE, but that is for removing the file entries from the transaction log of a Databricks Delta table that can no longer be found in the underlying file system.
We don't recommend overwriting a Delta table in place, like you might with a normal Spark table. Delta is not like a normal table - it's a table, plus a transaction log, and many versions of your data (unless fully vacuumed). If you want to overwrite parts of the table, or even the whole table, you should use Delta's delete functionality. If you want to completely change the table, consider writing to an entirely new directory, such as /table/v2/... and separately deleting the other table.
To skip the issue from occurring can use below command (PySpark notebook):
spark.conf.set("", False)

SSIS Alternatives to one-by-one update from RecordSet

I'm looking for a way to speed up the following process: I have a SSIS package that loads data from Excel files on a weekly basis to SQL Server. There are 3 fields: Brand, Date, Value.
In the dataflow, I check for existing combinations of Brand+Date, and new combinations go to the table directly, the existing ones go to a RecordSet destination for updates:
The next step is to update the Value of the existing combinations:
As you can see, there are thousands of records to update, and it takes too long. The number of records tend to grow week by week. Please suggest.
The fastest way will be do this inside a Stored procedure using ELT (Extract Load Transform) approach.
Push all data from excel as is into a table(called load to a staging table in theory). Since you do not seem to be concerned with data validation steps, this table can be a replica of final destination table columns.
Next step is to call a stored procedure using Execute SQL task. Inside this procedure you can put all your business logic. Since this steps with native data manipulation on SQL server entities, it is the fastest alternative.
As a last part, please delete all entries from the staging table.
You can use indexes on staging table to make the SP part even faster.

How to create a Temporary Table using (Select * into ##temp from table) syntax(For MS SQL) using Pentaho data integration

When I am using the above syntax in "Execute row script" is showing success but the temporary table is not getting created. Plz help me out in this.
Yes, the behavior you're seeing is exactly what I would expect. It works fine from the TSQL prompt, throws no error in the transform, but the table is not there after transform completes.
The problem here is the execution model of PDI transforms. When a transform is run, each step gets its own thread of execution. At startup, any step that needs a DB connection is given its own unique connection. After processing finishes, all steps disconnect from the DB. This includes the connection that defined the temp table. Once that happens (the defining connection goes out of scope), the temp table vanishes.
Note, that this means in a transform (as opposed to a Job), you cannot assume a specific order of completion of anything (without Blocking Steps).
We still don't have many specifics about what you're trying to do with this temp table and how you're using it's data, but I suspect you want its contents to persist outside your transform. In that case, you have some options, but a global temp table like this simply won't work.
Options that come to mind:
Convert temp table to a permanent table. This is the simplest
solution; you're basically making a staging table, loading it with a
Table Output step (or whatever), and then reading it with Table
Input steps in other transforms.
Write table contents to a temp file with something like a Text File
Output or Serialze to File step, then reading it back in from the
other transforms.
Store rows in memory. This involves wrapping your transforms in a
Job, and using the Copy Rows to Results and Get Rows from Results steps.
Each of these approaches has its own pros and cons. For example, storing rows in memory will be faster than writing to disk or network, but memory may be limited.
Another step it sounds like you might need depending on what you're doing is the ETL Metadata Injection step. This step allows you in many cases to dynamically move the metadata from one transform to another. See the docs for descriptions of how each of these work.
If you'd like further assistance here, or I've made a wrong assumption, please edit your question and add as much detail as you can.

How to resume data migration from the point where error happened in ssis?

I am migrating data from an Oracle database to a SQL server 2008 r2 database using SSIS. My problem is that at a certain point the package fails, say some 40,000 rows out of 100,000 rows. What can I do so that the next time when I run the package after correcting the errors or something, I want it to be restarted from the 40,001st row, i.e, the row where the error had occured.
I have tried using checkpoint in SSIS, but the problem is that they work only between different control flow tasks. I want something that can work on the rows that are being transferred.
There's no native magic I'm aware of that is going to "know" that it failed on row 40,000 and when it restarts, it should start streaming row 40,001. You are correct that checkpoints are not the answer and have plenty of their own issues (can't serialize Object types, loops restart, etc).
How you can address the issue is through good design. If your package is created with the expectation that it's going to fail, then you should be able to handle these scenarios.
There are two approaches I'm familiar with. The first approach is to add a Lookup Transformation in the Data Flow between your source and your destination. The goal of this is to identify what records exist in the target system. If no match is found, then only those rows will be sent on to destination. This is a very common pattern and will allow you to also detect changes between source and destination (if that is a need). The downside is that you will always be transferring the full data set out of the source system and then filtering rows in the data flow. If it failed on row 99,999 out of 1,000,000 you will still need to stream all 1,000,000 rows back to SSIS for it to find the 1 that hasn't been sent.
The other approach is to use a dynamic filter in your WHERE clause of your source. If you can make assumptions like the rows are inserted in order, then you can structure your SSIS package to look like Execute SQL Task where you run a query like SELECT COALESCE(MAX(SomeId), 0) +1 AS startingPoint FROM dbo.MyTable against the Destination database and then assign that to an SSIS variable (#[User::StartingId]). You then use an expression on your select statement from the Source to be something like "SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable T WHERE T.SomeId > " + (DT_WSTR, 10) #[User::StartingId] Now when the data flow begins, it will start where it last loaded data. The challenge on this approach is finding those scenarios where you know data hasn't been inserted out of order.
Let me know if you have questions, need things better explained, pictures, etc. Also, above code is freehanded so there could be syntax errors but the logic should be correct.