WebRTC - addStream() to host connection - webrtc

I am trying to play audio from a file to a remote webrtc peer. I can get the peers connected and mic audio flows back and forth between them, no problem. However when I add an audio stream to the remote peer then the audio from the stream doesn't play on the remote peer's system.
This is on Linux using Chrome 56 for the local system and Firefox 51 for the remote peer.
The file loads into the buffer fine, I tested this by attaching a MediaRecorder and monitoring its ondataavailable() event, data is definitely going into buffer and on to the source_dest below.
Here's the basic flow below. What am I doing wrong?
pc1 is the localhost system's AudioContext already set up. The mic_stream below is the stream from pc1 calling getUserMedia(), which gets the local mic.
// create a new stream source from the pc1 stream
mic_patch = pc1.context.createMediaStreamSource( mic_stream );
// create a new destination from the mic stream
source_dest = pc1.context.createMediaStreamDestination();
// create a new filter, we need this so that source_dest
// creates a stream that we can add to pc2.
biquadfilter = pc1.context.createBiquadFilter();
biquadfilter.type = 'highpass';
biquadfilter.frequency.value = 1500;
// connect the mic_patch to the filter
mic_patch.connect( biquadfilter );
// connect the filter to the new source dest
biquadfilter.connect( source_dest );
After pc2 connects successfully to pc1, mic audio works between pc1 and pc2, all is good. Then I add the source_dest stream to pc2 (RTCPeerConnection), and when I examine pc2 via pc2.getLocalStreams() I see that the source_dest stream is connected.
pc2.addStream( source_dest.stream );
Then I load a file from disk into a buffer.
At this point file in the code below is a File object loaded by using a HTML <input type="file"> field. When the file is selected that triggers the code below.
I convert that to an AudioBuffer using FileReader and decode it to a buffer using createBufferSource() which is connected to the source_dest so buffer_source feeds its output into source_dest, then I start playing immediately via buffer_source.start(0)
reader = new FileReader();
buffer_source = source_dest.context.createBufferSource();
buffer_source.connect( source_dest );
reader.onload = function(e) {
var arrayBuffer = reader.result;
Webcaster.node.context.decodeAudioData( arrayBuffer, function(buffer) {
buffer_source.buffer = buffer;
/** For testing to ensure the buffer data makes it into source_dest
mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder( source_dest.stream );
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function(evt) {
// push each chunk (blobs) in an array
// dump out the chunks array to ensure it receives buffer data successfully
console.log( 'CHUNKS', chunks );
//stop recording after 10 seconds, no need to record longer,
//this is only to test the source_dest connect and data flow
//when recorders stop ondataavailable() will be triggered
setTimeout( function() { mediaRecorder.stop() }, 10000 )
reader.readAsArrayBuffer( file );
So all of that works, except that the audio data put into source_dest does not get played on the remote pc2. I've spent many hours trying to sort out why, so far no luck.
Anybody have clues why?


Issues decompressing (FlateDecode) audio data in XFDF from Adobe Acrobat

I'm trying to decompress AIFF audio data from an XFDF sound annotation, and play the audio in the browser. Any time I export a sound annotation from Adobe Acrobat and decompress the audio data it results in seemingly garbage data.
The code below works for compressed audio starting with 789C header, but a few compressed streams start with 4889 or 78DA and fail to play in the browser. After numerous tests with Acrobat, exported sound annotations in XFDF start with 4889.
// Two audio examples, one working and one failing.
// Can't paste it all due to char limit.
const compressedHexString_working = `789C3C9C059C13D7FBF5473293F55DBCB8BBBBBB53DC8ABB142FEE5AB4 ...`;
const compressedHexString_failing = `48892C97077C8FE716C7CFF9532EB7418D5E24768492DABB0862146DAF ...`;
// Convert hex string into ArrayBuffer.
const compressedByteArray = new Uint8Array(
.map((str: string) => parseInt(str, 16))
const { default: zlib } = await import('pako');
const audioData = await zlib.inflate(compressedByteArray);
// Parse header bytes to determine audio file.
const fileHeader = new TextDecoder().decode(audioData).substring(0, 4);
console.log('Sound File Header:', fileHeader);
The console.log usually prints ID3, RIFF, or FORM when decompression is successful. But when decompressing the failing example, the result is a garbage value: �D�C.
Am I doing the decompression incorrectly? Or am I missing a step?

How to get multiple streams in a peerConnection

Hello I am going to create a surveillance system. I would like to get a webcam video and a shared screen, but using addtrack will only get the media stream I declared later. Is there any way to get both streams.
here is code offer side
let stream = video.srcObject;
let stream2 = shareVideo.srcObject;
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => peerConnection.addTrack(track, stream));
stream2.getTracks().forEach(track => peerConnection.addTrack(track, stream2));
and here is answer side
peerConnections[id].ontrack = (event) => {
when i checked log. event has one track and stream[0] has mediastream bu steam[1] has no mediastream

WebRTC video/audio streams out of sync (MediaStream -> MediaRecorder -> MediaSource -> Video Element)

I am taking a MediaStream and merging two separate tracks (video and audio) using a canvas and the WebAudio API. The MediaStream itself does not seem to fall out of sync, but after reading it into a MediaRecorder and buffering it into a video element the audio will always seem to play much earlier than the video Here's the code that seems to have the issue:
let stream = new MediaStream();
// Get the mixed sources drawn to the canvas
this.canvas.captureStream().getVideoTracks().forEach(track => {
// Add mixed audio tracks to the stream
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42138545/webrtc-mix-local-and-remote-audio-steams-and-record
this.audioMixer.dest.stream.getAudioTracks().forEach(track => {
// stream = stream;
let mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, { mimeType: 'video/webm;codecs=opus,vp8' });
let mediaSource = new MediaSource();
let video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
video.controls = true;
video.autoplay = true;
// Source open
mediaSource.onsourceopen = () => {
let sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mediaRecorder.mimeType);
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = (event) => {
if (event.data.size > 0) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => {
export default class AudioMixer {
constructor() {
// Initialize an audio context
this.audioContext = new AudioContext();
// Destination outputs one track of mixed audio
this.dest = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
// Array of current streams in mixer
this.sources = [];
// Add an audio stream to the mixer
addStream(id, stream) {
// Get the audio tracks from the stream and add them to the mixer
let sources = stream.getAudioTracks().map(track => this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(new MediaStream([track])));
sources.forEach(source => {
// Add it to the current sources being mixed
// Connect to analyser to update volume slider
let analyser = this.audioContext.createAnalyser();
// Remove all current sources from the mixer
flushAll() {
this.sources.forEach(source => {
this.sources = [];
// Clean up the audio context for the mixer
cleanup() {
I assume it has to do with how the data is pushed into the MediaSource buffer but I'm not sure. What am I doing that de-syncs the stream?
A late reply to an old post, but it might help someone ...
I had exactly the same problem: I have a video stream, which should be supplemented by an audio stream. In the audio stream short sounds (AudioBuffer) are played from time to time. The whole thing is recorded via MediaRecorder.
Everything works fine on Chrome. But on Chrome for Android, all sounds were played back in quick succession. The "when" parameter for "play()" was ignored on Android. (audiocontext.currentTime continued to increase over time ... - that was not the point).
My solution is similar to Jacob's comment Sep 2 '18 at 7:41:
I created and connected a sine wave oscillator with inaudible 48,000 Hz, which played permanently in the audio stream during recording. Apparently this leads to the proper time progress.
An RTP endpoint that is emitting multiple related RTP streams that
require synchronization at the other endpoint(s) MUST use the same
RTCP CNAME for all streams that are to be synchronized. This
requires a short-term persistent RTCP CNAME that is common across
several RTP streams, and potentially across several related RTP
sessions. A common example of such use occurs when lip-syncing audio
and video streams in a multimedia session, where a single participant
has to use the same RTCP CNAME for its audio RTP session and for its
video RTP session. Another example might be to synchronize the
layers of a layered audio codec, where the same RTCP CNAME has to be
used for each layer.
There is a bug in Chrome, that plays buffered media stream audio with 44100KHz, even when it's encoded with 48000 (which leads to gaps and video desync). All other browsers seem to play it fine. You can choose to change codec to the one which supports 44.1KHz encoding or play a file from web link as a source (this way Chrome can play it correctly)

setSinkId change muliple audio ouputs

Here is the problem,
First I enumerate all the devices that I have available with in select elements:
When I change one output, it sounds in the device that I choose.
After if I play another audio and change the device output (setSinkId), it changes also the first one to the last deviceId. So I have both sounds in the same device.
Do I need to have the last adapter.js version to implement properly that problem?
********* EDITED **********
Following the above comment, it try the web audio, but not success. With getUserMedia everything is fine.
navigator.getUserMedia( { audio: true, video: false },
function (mediaStream) {
// Create an audio context for the audio
var ac = new (window.AudioContext || window.webKitAudioContext)();
// Create a clone of the stream, if not the id of all the stream is default
//var streamClone = stream.clone();
var ss = ac.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream);
// Create a destination
var sd = ac.createMediaStreamDestination()
element.srcObject = sd.stream;
// Play the sound
element.setSinkId(deviceId).then(function() {
console.log('Set deviceId('+deviceId+') in the selected audio element');
function (error) {
But using my remote stream, I cannot get any noise
var ac = new (window.AudioContext || window.webKitAudioContext)();
// Create a clone of the stream, if not the id of all the stream is default
var streamClone = stream.clone();
var ss = ac.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
// Create a destination
var sd = ac.createMediaStreamDestination()
// Element is my HTMLMediaElement
element.srcObject = sd.stream;
// Play the sound
element.setSinkId(deviceId).then(function() {
console.log('Set deviceId('+deviceId+') in the selected audio element');
this is most likely caused by how Chrome renders audio. See here for a description which also suggests using webaudio to workaround the problem.
adapter.js can not fix this.

WebRTC mix local and remote audio steams and record

So far i've found a way only to record either local or remote using MediaRecorder API but is it possible to mix and record both steams and get a blob?
Please note its audio steam only and i don't want to mix/record in server side.
I've a RTCPeerConnection as pc.
var local_stream = pc.getLocalStreams()[0];
var remote_stream = pc.getRemoteStreams()[0];
var audioChunks = [];
var rec = new MediaRecorder(local_stream);
rec.ondataavailable = e => {
if (rec.state == "inactive")
// Play audio using new blob
Even i tried adding multiple tracks in MediaStream API but it still gives only first track audio. Any help or insight 'd be appreciated!
The WebAudio API can do mixing for you. Consider this code if you want to record all the audio tracks in the array audioTracks:
const ac = new AudioContext();
// WebAudio MediaStream sources only use the first track.
const sources = audioTracks.map(t => ac.createMediaStreamSource(new MediaStream([t])));
// The destination will output one track of mixed audio.
const dest = ac.createMediaStreamDestination();
// Mixing
sources.forEach(s => s.connect(dest));
// Record 10s of mixed audio as an example
const recorder = new MediaRecorder(dest.stream);
recorder.ondataavailable = e => console.log("Got data", e.data);
recorder.onstop = () => console.log("stopped");
setTimeout(() => recorder.stop(), 10000);