UWP: how to hide a RelativePanel after 2 seconds - xaml

I have developed an UWP app allowing users to edit forms.
I would like to use a RelativePanel to show messages to the users on the Home page.
Theses message can concern forms management ("The form XXX has well been deleted", "The form XXX has well been saved"), or the synchronization ("Sync ended successfully", "Impossible to sync datas").
The Home page is based on a Grid that contains 3 rows:
a filter searchbox
the list of the forms
sync informations
Here is a screenshot of this page:
I would like to display the RelativePanel in the 3rd Row, above the sync informations, but only during 2 seconds. Then the RelativePanel will disappear, and the sync informations must be visible again.
I also encounter a problem with the width of the RelativePanel: I would like a left/right padding of 150, but it doesn't seem to work:
My XAML code looks like this:
<!-- User + Last sync-->
<Grid Grid.Row="2">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding CurrentUser.username}" />
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1"
<TextBlock x:Uid="HomeTextBlockLastSync" Margin="0,0,8,0"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding LastSync, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<!-- Form Status message -->
<RelativePanel Grid.Row="2"
<StackPanel x:Name="FormStatusPanel" Orientation="Vertical"
<Border x:Name="FormStatusBorder" Margin="0">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollMode="Auto"
<TextBlock Text="TestTestTest"
x:Name="FormStatusBlock" FontWeight="Bold"
TextWrapping="Wrap" />
=> Would you have an idea on why the Padding doesn't work? What is a better way to hide RelativePanel after 2 seconds? With the VisualStateManager or by the code?


Show Button if GridViewItem is selected

I have WinRT application with following GridView:
<GridView x:Name="RouteGrid"
ItemsSource="{Binding Routes}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedRoute,
<Grid Width="300" Margin="4">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition />
<TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="{Binding TermText}" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding ConnectionObjects.Count}" />
I want to show a button instead of the second textblock when ever the item is selected because I want to allow my users to navigate to another view when they've selected.
I would like to do it in pure XAML because that is for me the cleanest way but I have no idea how to bind to the IsSelected property of the GridViewItem.
In WPF I would bind the Visibility property of the TextBlock and the button with a BooleanToVisibilityConverter and RelativeSource to the AncestorType GridViewItem and its property but that's not working because WinRT does not know AncestorType :(
Thanks for help.

Windows Phone Context Menu Item Text Not Appearing

I have a Windows Phone 8 app using XAML/C#. My app has an ItemsControl that relies on a data template. My DataTemplate looks like the following:
<DataTemplate x:Key="myTemplate">
<Grid Margin="0,0,0,8">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<Grid VerticalAlignment="Center">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DisplayName}" TextWrapping="NoWrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextLargeStyle}" TextTrimming="WordEllipsis" >
<toolkit:MenuItem x:Name="customerMenuItem" Foreground="White" Header="View Customer Profile" Click="customerMenuItem_Click" Tag="{Binding Path=CustomerName}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Summary}" TextWrapping="NoWrap" Grid.Row="1" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSmallStyle}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="1"><!-- Stuff here --></StackPanel>
This DataTemplate is referenced in the main part of my XAML as shown here:
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<ItemsControl x:Name="myItemsControl" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource myTemplate}" ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" />
Please note, the "toolkit" namespace comes from clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit. When I hold my finger (or mouse) on the TextBlock, a context menu appears. However, I never see the words "View Customer Profile". I just see a block box that represents the context menu itself. I know that the item is there though. I know because the customerMenuItem_Click event successfully fires. I have a MessageBox in there that shows the value of the Tag. That value is always correct. For some reason though the menu item text is not appearing. What am I doing wrong?
You put Foreground = "White". Context menu is on white background. That is why you don't see your menu item.

Biding with Pivot control on Windows Phone 8 with MVVM

I finally got my pivot control to work using MVVM in a wp8 app but I still have a question in regards to binding as thought as it works, and I could accept it as is, I'm not happy with the outcome and I'm trying to understand why this is happening. My DataContext, MainViewModel, contains multiple other ViewModels.
Scenario 1:
If I define the DataContext in the Grid (layout), and I assign the itemsSource for the pivot headers to QuickSearchTabs ViewModel and this get built ok but the listbox I have defined inside the pivotitem doesn't which is assigned the QuickSearchButtons ViewModel doesn't get built. Here is the xaml code:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent" DataContext="{StaticResource MainViewModel}" >
<phone:Pivot x:Name="Pivot" ItemsSource="{Binding QuickSearchTabs}" FontSize="{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeSmall}" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedSearchTabIndex, Mode=TwoWay}">
<TextBlock Text="My Search Options" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Name}" />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding QuickSearchButtons}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<Button Content="{Binding Name}" Grid.Row="0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" Grid.Row="1">
Scenario 2:
If I define the DataContext in the Grid (layout) and define the same DataContext within the listbox tags, it will build my header and my listbox BUT it will call my viewModel which is assigned to the ItemsSource of the listbox, multiple times. To be exact, it will call it the same number of time as the number of pivots I have. Here is the xaml code:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent" DataContext="{StaticResource CriteriaViewModel}" >
<phone:Pivot x:Name="Pivot" ItemsSource="{Binding QuickSearchTabs}" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedSearchTabIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" >
<TextBlock Text="My Search Options" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Name}"/>
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding QuickSearchButtons}" DataContext="{StaticResource CriteriaViewModel}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<Button Content="{Binding Name}" Grid.Row="0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Description}" Grid.Row="1">
As mentioned, this works, and it's not affecting me in anyway as the correct data is always displayed.
I can somehow see what's happening but why on earth would the ItemsSource be set for each of the defined pivot headers. Surely, the only important one is the one coming into visibility!
I don't know if Pivots are suppose to be used the way I'm using them. It seems, from what I've seen so far that normally a view is assigned to each PivotItem. This is not how I want my solution to work!
I just want numerous headers which are used to groups things in a specific manner and whatever is displayed under each is build dynamically but on the same view i.e. list of buttons and label.
Any ideas on how I could get scenario 1) to work and if I'm stuck with scenario 2, how to stop it from being triggered based on the number of pivot header items?
Problem solved!
The QuickSearchTabs was an observable collection of QuickSearchTab when it should have been an observable collection of ViewModel i.e. QuickSearchTabViewModel and within this viewModel, it will load the observable collection of relevant QuickSearchButtons for each of the tab.
Having a QuickSearchTabViewModel provides more flexibility and it will allow access to the current tab (header), and other relevant properties including everything maintain within each of these tabs such as, in my case the buttons.
Hope this helps.

Windows 8 Ad sdk hides Charm bar window (About us)

In my windows 8 application i have a advertisement in right side of window. When i choose the about page from my charm bar settings pane, the ad sdk control remain in top of the about page.. looks like below...
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<ads:AdControl Width="160" Height="600" IsEnabled="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" AdUnitId="10043134" ApplicationId="d25517cb-12d4-4699-8bdc-52040c712cab"></ads:AdControl>
About.xaml(User Control),
<RowDefinition Height="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Grid Background="#000000">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<Button x:Name="butAboutus" IsEnabled="{Binding Frame.CanGoBack, ElementName=pageRoot}" Style="{StaticResource SnappedBackButtonStyle}" />
<TextBlock x:Name="pageTitle" Grid.Column="1" Foreground="White" Text="About" Style="{StaticResource PageHeaderTextStyle}" FontSize="30" Margin="0,0,27,39"/>
<Grid Grid.Row="1" Background="White">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="20,20,0,0">
<TextBlock Text="Sample about" FontSize="15" Foreground="Black" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,0,0,15"/>
what am i doing wrong? how can i solve this problem...?
Thanks in advance.
You will have to hide the ad control when you want to display something on top of it. The ad control uses the WebBrowser, which has the (annoying) property of always being on top.
As Wilbur suggested the adcontrol currently uses webview (browser control) and would always appear on top, therefore you'd need to toggle it's visiblity before showing the flyout or popup control. The other nuisance of this control is that it will also take away the focus from the app whenever the ads are refreshed (you might want to set IsEnabled property to false to fix that).
Personally in my view webview and adcontrol are the two controls that needs to be re-written :(

How do I prevent a column in Silverlight xaml Grid from taking up the entire row?

I want to display two columns in my Grid. The first is a textblock that is sometimes longer than the row meant to hold it. The second is a button. Is there a way to give the textblock as much room as possible while still leaving room for the button to go immediately after?
When I use the following code, the textblock will sometimes push the button outside the viewable area of the grid.
<Grid >
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Description}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<Button Margin="4,0" Height="0" Width="16" Grid.Column="1" MinWidth="20" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
I've tried setting the first column definition Width="*", but then the button is always at the very end of the row, when I want it next to the text. Any suggestions?
This is in Silverlight 4.
I want the grid to resize as the user changes the window size, so setting a hard limit on the grid size is no good. That being said, I was able to manually set the MaxWidth in the code behind when the TextBlock loads and when the window changes size. It's clunky, but it works.
Following will surely work..
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" Width="250">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Grid.Column="0" Text="Text Box" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Button x:Name="button" Grid.Column="1" Content="Button" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="60"/>
Add Following Line to xaml.cs file in constructor..
public MainPage()
textBlock.MaxWidth = LayoutRoot.Width - button.Width;
Let me know if there is any issue with it.