This is part of my project directory.
Unfortunately, for some strange reasons, all but one tests are executed, the one contained in the file methods.transformations.test.js.
Everything seemed fine this morning, then I ran into some issues and fixed them, and when I looked back at the test results, all my tests are no longer executed. All the files are loaded, and if I put a console.log inside every describe, I see things being echo'ed, but no it(...) is executed.
I'm not sure what kind of information I can provide to help resolve this issue. Can someone help?
I'm using
I just created a file /test/foo.test.js with this content :
describe('Testing', function () {
it('should test', function () {
console.log("This should be echoed");
And only "Testing" is echoed. Whereas the exact same code is put inside methods.transformations.test.js and everything is executed.
Edit 2
Yes, the Meteor Testing docs say that
The Meteor build tool and the meteor test command ignore any files located in any tests/ directory.
But my directory is only called test, not tests. Despite this, I went on and created a file called items.specs.js
However, the test case (i.e. the it(...)) is not executed.
I run my tests using npm test defined in my package.json as
"test": "meteor test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha --port 3100"
While editing this question with more data, I found my issue. If anyone encounter this... well... images are worth a thousand words. This might be your problem, too!
I have a SSR page build on Nuxt (Vue). There is a simple code which runs in the browser.
methods: {
submitGeneralForm() {
SSR means that site it rendered on the server and then send to the browser. This piece of code should run in the browser. It is related to the button click. Alert works fine but I dont see any console.log() in the browser. Dont understand it. What is wrong with that?
Here is the example Github repository. Run yarn install + yarn dev to reproduce the issue. Node version v14.17.6 npm version 6.14.15 and yarn version 1.22.11 You will see alert() on page load from /layouts/default.vue which contains this code
export default {
mounted() {
This is screenshot of console.log() in console.
Make sure you don't have anything in the console's filter input field.
For example, in the following image you can see the word "status" is masking the console.log() log lines:
I'm not sure why your code is not printing the console.log() since it's something basic and does not require any specific configuration.
I've tested your repro and it's working perfectly fine on both Chrome and Firefox. Maybe try another browser, factory reset it or ask a buddy to try on their side.
This is something on your machine IMO.
Also, be aware of the filter on top of the console, be sure that nothing is present here, otherwise it could filter the things you see in the actual console.
In your Browser you have a Console Output Section, where you also have some settings. There you can set the log levels, which should be in your output (Verbose, Info, Warnings and Errors). Console.logs are logged under the level Verbose, so you have to make sure this option is checked. By default this option is unchecked in some cases.
You have a filter, "status". It will filter anything which does not contain "status" keyword in it.
The Durandal Test Framework runs Jasmine tests within PhantomJS.
Where I'm implementing this for the first time I'm getting a lot of errors, and reading through these on the command prompt is proving to be very tedious.
If I load up the spec.html file in my web browser, it tells me that no specs were found:
Yet PhantomJS is able to find the specs with no problem:
Is there a way I can configure these Jasmine tests to run through my web browser and not through (or as well as) PhantomJS?
I've set up a new index.html file and have replaced the var runTests = ... section with a simple require() call:
Durandal's system.spec.js file is loaded in the browser, but Jasmine is still stating that no specs were found.
Jasmine's tests weren't being run because I wasn't telling it to re-execute. The solution to this was to simply re-execute by calling this within the require callback:
require(['../test/specs/system.spec.js'], function() {
Note: A drawback of this is that the 'no specs found' bar is still present and the 'raise exceptions' control on the re-executed specs doesn't appear to function:
The error is not in my regular console, it's in my tail -f console. It won't run the tests at all. In my localhost:3000 velocity sidebar it also says chimp server error. I am not sure how to fix this, I am very new to velocity and cucumber so it could be a stupid mistake, but I couldn't find any information on this error anywhere.
could you provide us with the whole meteor log and also cucumber log? If possible - please do meteor reset first (be aware though that this will clean up your local mongodb, if you want to avoid that, at least clean the cucumber log - echo '' > filePath will work )
I ran into the same problem yesterday while trying to follow Josh Owen's now outdated cucumber tutorial. The error was coming from with the step definition file while not wrapping module.exports in a function like this:
(function() {
module.exports = function() {
// ...
It could also be that your test directory and files aren't structured correctly in your app.
It should look like this:
Let me know if that makes a difference. Also, this is a good place to start with velocity/cucumber:
It's very basic but there isn't much out there for learning testing with Meteor.
I’m writing tests for an Ember.js application with Mocha. I use the ember-mocha-adapter from Teddy Zeenny.
As soon as a promise is involved, the tests fail randomly. I usually get this error:
Error: Assertion Failed: You cannot defer readiness since the `ready()` hook has already been called.
Here is a JS Bin testcase. It contains 10 times the same test and usually fails (tested with Firefox and Chromium).
The same tests run fine with QUnit (maybe by chance :)) (JS Bin testcase). How can I make this work with Mocha? I tried wrapping the promise in an call, but it doesn’t solve the problem.
There is another question about the same problem, but the corrected JS Bin proposed by Teddy Zeenny also fails for me.
There are 3 problems with the code:
It should not call mocha.setup(), as is now explained in the README.
The function calls to setup Ember.js for testing should happen outside any Mocha callback, not in before(). should be called like this:
Ember.$(function() {;
Here is the fixed JS Bin testcase.
Teddy Zeenny found the solution to this problem in teddyzeenny/ember-mocha-adapter#18.
Really the only reason the qunit is working and mocha isn't is because you're running reset before each test vs after each test.
In the PHPUnit docs, it says that it's possible to get code coverage data:
PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase can collect code coverage information for tests run through Selenium:
Copy PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/phpunit_coverage.php into your webserver's document root directory.
In your webserver's php.ini configuration file, configure PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/prepend.php and PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/append.php as the auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file, respectively.
In your test case class that extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase, use
protected $coverageScriptUrl = 'http://host/phpunit_coverage.php';
to configure the URL for the phpunit_coverage.php script.
I haven't been able to get this to output any coverage information. I am able to get code coverage info through normal unit tests.
For my app running at http://localhost/ts2_templates/ I've copied phpunit_coverage.php to http://localhost/phpunit_coverage.php.
I've added the following to php.ini:
auto_prepend_file = "/path/to/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/prepend.php"
auto_append_file = "/path/to/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase/append.php"
... and verified they are being called with a die("yep it's me");.
Finally, I added the following to my test case:
class WebTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase
# added line below
protected $coverageScriptUrl = 'http://localhost/phpunit_coverage.php';
protected function setUp()
public function testTitle()
$this->assertContains('test', $this->title());
Here's the command for running the test with code coverage, generated by PHPStorm:
/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/php -dxdebug.coverage_enable=1 /private/var/folders/pp/0t4y41f95j5313qm_f8b42fw0000gn/T/ide-phpunit.php --coverage-clover /path/to/coverage/ts2_templates$WebTest.coverage --no-configuration WebTest /Users/Ian/php/ts2_templates/tests/WebTest.php
Heres the output of the coverage XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<coverage generated="1341015508">
<project timestamp="1341015508">
<metrics files="0" loc="0" ncloc="0" classes="0" methods="0" coveredmethods="0" conditionals="0" coveredconditionals="0" statements="0" coveredstatements="0" elements="0" coveredelements="0"/>
The test itself passes.
I have verified there are no exit or die statements anywhere in the code.
Any ideas?
I also had some issues getting things to work. The following post in the YII forum by Samuel Goldstein helped me out:
I ended up moving the prepend.php and append.php into my project's document root.
I also found that the temporary file location made a difference - I originally was trying to save them to /tmp/ and PHP was silently failing. When I changed $GLOBALS['PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY'] to myroot/protected/runtime/tmp and did a chmod 777 on that directory, it started working.
One thing that might frustrate you a bit is that code run through Ajax does not get flagged as being covered.
This appears to be a known problem with Selenium. Google "github sebastianbergmann phpunit-selenium issues" and track down closed issue #22 for more information.
It is definitely working. I have set up selenium tests in symfony measuring the coverage according to the documentation.
The biggest issue I had was, that the coverage data had the wrong path to the files in it, and therefore could not align the sources with the coverage data. This is because I executed tests from a different place, as the server kept the files in. Therefore I tweaked the append.php to rewrite the path to the place where my source files are.