How to pass WcfRest url in update mode - wcf

Here i create a Simple wcf-Rest Service for Update with following methodes
[WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/UpdatexyzData",Method ="POST",RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,ResponseFormat =WebMessageFormat.Json)]
void Updatexyz(xyz Update);
When I try to Hit that Service from Browser I type Url Like this
The Browser through an Error as Methode Not allowed Please Help me How to format the Url

you created POST method. you cant access it with browser.
change the Method ="GET" or call it another way. you can use Fiddler4.


In karate mocking (karate-netty), how can we override request header value?

We want few API calls should go to mock-server(https://192.x.x.x:8001) and others should go to an actual downstream application server(
Setup :
On local, mock server is up with standalone jar on port 8001. e.g https://192.x.x.x:8001
In application config file ( system(which need to mock) defined with mockserver IP i.e https://192.x.x.x:8001
Testing scenario and problem:
Scenario: pathMatches('/profile/v1/users/{id}/user')
* karate.proceed('')
* def response = read ('findScope.json')
* def responseStatus = 200ˀˀ
* print 'created response is: ' + response
Now, when we hit API request via postman or feature file then it does karate.proceed properly to instead of 192.x.x.x. However, in this request, host is referring to https://192.x.x.x:8001 instead of which create a problem for us.
How can we override request header in this case? I did try with karate.set and also with header host=https://192.x.x.x:8001 but no luck.
Please see if the 1.0 version works:
Unfortunately https proxying may not work as mentioned. If you are depending on this, we may need your help (code contribution) to get this working
If the Host header is still not mutable, that also can be considered a feature request, and here also I'd request you to consider contributing code

Dynamic "AddAuthentication()" credentials in .Net Core possible?

I am using .AddFacebook() extension method in my Startup class. In here I set the AppId and AppSecret.
Is there any way to set these options depending on the current web request instead?
The correct way to solve the underlying problem is to specify each credentials as a separate provider.
.AddFacebook("My Facebook Provider", facebookOpts => {
facebookOpts.AppId = myAppId;
facebookOpts.AppSecret = myAppSecret;
facebookOpts.CallbackPath = "signin-facebook-myFacebookProvider";
It's important to override the CallbackPath! If you have multiple calls to .AddFacebook, they will all try to hit the same callback path and you will get a server error.

Javascript redirects on page->open

Using behat/mink, I'm testing the "remember me" functionality. Functionally, when the user visits the main page, javascript/ajax code verifies if the user is "remembered". If yes, then the javascripts redirects to another page. My LoginPage is defined with $path = '/login.html' - after the redirect, I will end up on /main.html.
In my context, I use $loginPage->open() - however this throws exception Expected to be on "" but found "" instead. Naturally, this aborts the execution and results in the test failing - yet this is exactly the behaviour I want.
How can I tell behat/mink to not verify URL or ignore URL mismatch?
If you check the open() method you will see that the check that fails for you is when is checking the url parameters in verify() method.
If you want to avoid this you can override this method to check only for the response and not the url parameters.
In order to do this you need to extend Page and declare a new method like this:
public function verify(array $urlParameters){

Liferay custom single-sign-on with redirect and parameters

this is my first question here and it's quite tricky as i didn't find enough relevant resources on the web. So I really hope, to get some help with this:
I am doing a custom single-sign-on with Liferay 6.2 GA4. Therefore I have developed a custom login-hook, that can handle my URL that looks like:
From this i decode the q-parameter to get the login parameters and other parameters, that i need to decide on which page I get redirected and i pass the attribute to the request
request.setAttribute("myParam", recordId);
return credentials;
I have also a LoginPostAction, that gets called afterwards and here it is, where it gets tricky:
public final void run(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response)
throws ActionException {
final PortletURL redirectURL = PortletURLFactoryUtil.create(
request, "portlet_WAR_myportlet",
>>>> PortalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId(???, "portlet_WAR_myportlet"),
redirectURL.setParameter("myParam", String.valueOf(request.getAttribute("myParam")));
So, I have the portlet name (PortletId) but I cannot get the Plid from this, as i don't have the ThemeDisplay at this time.
First question: How can i create a PortletURL at this time, which i can use in sendRedirect()?
Second: I have also tried to setAttribute and hardcode the sendRedirect("/urlToMyPortlet"), but I cannot use this at this time anymore as it gets lost afterwards (and is null) when i try to get it on the next page.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot in advance,

wcf message response parameter

I've read this example about dynamic responses in wcf.
The sample on the bottom fit my goal pretty well. This is what i did:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/salaries({queryString})")]
Message GetSalaryByQuery(string queryString);
and my GetSalaryByQuery-Method:
public Message GetSalaryByQuery(string querystring)
if (WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Accept == "application/json")
return WebOperationContext.Current.CreateJsonResponse<Result>(Salary.GetSalaryByQueryJson(querystring));
return WebOperationContext.Current.CreateAtom10Response(Salary.GetSalaryByQuery(querystring));
It is pretty similiar to the example i found.
But its not working however. It says that there is another parameter besides the message. I googled the message-class and it seems to me that its not possible to add an parameter to a message-response.
Is there a way to pass a parameter with the request and get a response with a message object?
Is there another way to get the dynamic response?
Thanks in advance.
I got it to work. I just deleted the Metadata-Enpoint and the behavior. My Webservice provides metadata on its own and therefore doesnt need to have the mex-Metadata defined.