In TWiki, how to sort rows of a table by multiple columns? - twiki explains how to sort a table in TWiki by initsort. But how to break tie with the values in a second column?

Best to ask TWiki support questions in the support forum on
The TablePlugin does not support sorting by more than one column.
You could enhance the plugin (and contribute back the enhancements).
Alternatively, look into a pure JavaScript solution, such as Sorting HTML table by two columns


In PostgreSQL, efficiently using a table for every row in another table

I am sorry for the lack of notation in my question but I am not too familiar with SQL. Despite searching the internet for a decent amount of hours, I couldn't find that how to do efficiently what I wanted to do, but that is maybe because I am not familiar with the notation. Here comes the question:
I want to create a table, say Forms, in which each Form row has an ID, some metadata and a pointer(?) to the table of that Form row, lets say Form12 table, which directs me to Form12 table. I need it because every Form has different number, name and type of columns depending on users configuration for a particular Form.
So, I thought I can put the Table ID of Form12 as a column to Form table. But is this approach considered OK, or is there a better way to do it?
Thank you for your time.
Storing the names of tables in a column is generally not a good solution in a relational database. In order to use the information, you need to use dynamic SQL.
I would instead ask why you cannot store the information in a single table or well-defined sets of tables. Postgres has lots of options to help with this:
NULL data values, so columns do not need to be filled in.
Table inheritance, so tables can share columns.
JSON columns to support a flexible set of columns.
Entity-attribute-value (EAV) data models, which allow for lots of flexibility.

Why it is not recommended to store product specifications in single column?

I have multiple products which each of them may have different arrtibutes then the other products for example laptop vs t-shirt.
One of the solutions that may come to mind is to have text "specs" column in "products" table and store the products specs in it as text key/value pairs like
for example "label:laptop, RAM:8gb".
What is wrong with this approach? Why I can not find any web article that recommend it ? I mean it is not that hard to come to one's mind.
What I see on the internet are two ways to solve this problem :
1- use EAV model
2- use json
Why not just text key/value pairs as I mentioned
In SQL, a string in a primitive type and it should be used to store only a single value. That is how SQL works best -- single values in columns, rows devoted to a single entity or relationship between two tables.
Here are some reasons why you do not want to do this:
Databases have poor string processing functionality.
Queries using spec cannot (in general) be optimized using indexes or partitioning.
The strings have a lot of redundancy, because names are repeated over and over (admittedly, JSON and XML also have this "feature").
You cannot validate the data for each spec using built-in SQL functionality.
You cannot enforce the presence of particular values.
The one time when this is totally acceptable is when you don't care what is in the string -- it is there only to be returned for the application or user.
Why are you reluctant to use the solutions you mention in your question?
Text pairs (and even JSON blobs) are fine for storage and display, so long as you don't need to search on the product specifications. Searching against unstructured data in most SQL databases is slow and unreliable. That's why for variant data the EAV model typically gets used.
You can learn more about the structure by studying Normal Forms.
SQL assumes attributes are stored individually in columns, and the value in that column is to be treated as a whole value. Support for searching for rows based on some substring of a value in a column is awkward in SQL.
So you can use a string to combine all your product specs, but don't expect SQL expressions to be efficient or elegant if you want to search for one specific product spec by name or value inside that string.
If you store specs in that manner, then just use the column as a "black box." Fetch the whole product spec string from the database, after selecting the product using normal columns. Then you can explode the product spec string in your application code. You may use JSON, XML, or your own custom format. Whatever you can manipulate in application code is valid, and it's up to you.
You may also like a couple of related answers of mine:
How to design a product table for many kinds of product where each product has many parameters
Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad? (many of the disadvantages of using a comma-separated list are just as applicable to JSON or XML, or any other format of semi-structured data in a single column.)
After seeing some of the crazy ways developers use JSON columns in questions on Stack Overflow, I'm beginning to change my opinion that JSON or any other document-in-a-column formats are not a good idea for any relational database. They may be tolerable if you follow the "black box" principle I mention above, but too many developers then extend that and expect to query individual sub-fields within the JSON as if they are normal SQL columns. Don't do it!

Searching efficiently with keywords

I'm working with a big table (millions of rows) on a postgresql database, each row has a name column and i would like to perform a search on that column.
For instance, if i'm searching for the movie Django Unchained, i would like the query to return the movie whether i search for Django or for Unchained (or Dj or Uncha), just like the IMDB search engine.
I've looked up full text search but i believe it is more intended for long text, my name column will never be more than 4-5 words.
I've thought about having a table keywords with a many to many relationship, but i'm not sure that's the best way to do it.
What would be the most efficient way to query my database ?
My guess is that for what you want to do, full text search is the best solution. (Documented here.)
It does allow you to search for any complete words. It allows you to search for prefixes on words (such as "Dja"). Plus, you can add synonyms as necessary. It doesn't allow for wildcards at the beginning of a word, so "Jango" would need to be handled with a synonym.
If this doesn't meet your needs and you need the capabilities of like, I would suggest the following. Put the title into a separate table that basically has two columns: an id and the title. The goal is to make the scanning of the table as fast as possible, which in turn means getting the titles to fit in the smallest space possible.
There is an alternative solution, which is n-gram searching. I'm not sure if Postgres supports it natively, but here is an interesting article on the subject that include Postgres code for implementing it.
The standard way to search for a sub-string anywhere in a larger string is using the LIKE operator:
FROM mytable
WHERE name LIKE '%Unchai%';
However, in case you have millions of rows it will be slow because there are no significant efficiencies to be had from indexes.
You might want to dabble with multiple strategies, such as first retrieving records where the value for name starts with the search string (which can benefit from an index on the name column - LIKE 'Unchai%';) and then adding middle-of-the-string hits after a second non-indexed pass. Humans tend to be significantly slower than computers on interpreting strings, so the user may not suffer.
This question is very much related to the autocomplete in forms. You will find several threads for that.
Basically, you will need a special kind of index, a space partitioning tree. There is an extension called SP-GiST for Postgres which supports such index structures. You will find a bunch of useful stuff if you google for that.

Which would be faster in retriving data from a mysql database?

Which would be faster in retrieving data from a mysql database? Data split across two columns, or the same size data from a single column?
Just to give an idea, I have a table for a question and five answers it will receive. These answers are quite big about 1500 words each. When it comes to data retrieval speed, should I use a column for each answer, or should I just make one column with the 5 answers separated by a delimiter then use a script to separate them?
Do not combine the answers into a single column, delimited or not. If you do you are not only breaking a rule-of-thumb in db design (first normal form) you're also setting yourself up for a programming world-of-hurt down the road.
You should also consider that you're partaking in premature optimization here. Also don't do that. In my experience, and I think others will concur, you should trust your RDBMS to store and retrieve the data efficiently for you. The only thing you need to do is set up your Indexes properly. If this does turn into a performance issue down the road, you can denormalize at that point.
In response to your edit, neither of the options you present is the "correct" design for this problem. You should make 5 rows in an answer table, each with the ID of the question and a single answer in one column.
Only if this turns out to have performance problems should you consider other designs. It's unlikely to have problems unless you are collecting millions of questions.
If they are in the same table, it won't make a difference.
Once a row is accessed, looking up data from columns takes a trivial amount of time.
You should make your decision based on your data and how you will be accessing it.
Don't rely on guesses and assumptions. Benchmark it yourself, on your hardware, with your coding, and your data.
I would say that the way you are going to access and use the information is more relevant than the way it's actually stored.
I would probably say that if you are going to refer to each answer independently such as multiple choice answers, storing the answers in a 3 column table with the following structure:
CREATE TABLE answers (
answer INTEGER,
answer_text TEXT
where answer would be something like 1, 2, 3, 4,.. for each of the answers in a given question, would be more suitable and sane.
Some DBs don't index text type columns. So if you break up the columns from a text column into a varchar, and you had each column indexed, and you're using a DB that doesn't index text columns, you'd get better performance breaking them up.

DB Design question: Tree (one table) vs. Two tables for tweets and retweets?

I've heard that on stackoverflow questions and answers are stored in the same DB table.
If you were to build a twitter like service that only would allow 1 level of commenting. ie 1 tweet and then comments/replies to that tweet but no re-comments or re-replies.
would you use two tables for tweets and retweets? or just one table where the field parent_tweet_id is optional?
I know this is an open question, but what are some advantages of either solutions?
Retweets are still normal tweets as well. So one table. You wouldn't want to have to load from two tables to include the retweets.
Advantages of one table:
You can search through all tweets and comments in a simple way.
You can use one identity column easily for all posts.
Every post has the same set of columns.
Advantages of two tables:
If it's more common to search or display only top-level tweets instead of tweets + comments, the table of tweets is that much smaller without comments.
Two tables can have different sets of columns, so if there are columns meaningful for one type of post but not the other, you can put these columns in the respective table without having to leave them null when not applicable.
Indexes can also be different on two tables, so if you have the need to search comments in different ways, you can make indexes specialized to that task.
In short, it depends on how you use the data, not only how it's structured. You haven't said much about the operations you need to do with the data.
Like all design questions, it depends.
I don't normally like to mix concepts in a single table. I find it can quickly damage the conceptual integrity of the database schema. For example, I would not put posts and replies in the same table because they are different entities.