How we can test the Apache Common pool evict functionality - apache

I am trying to consume Apache common pool library to implement an object pooling for the objects that are expensive to create in my application. For respource pooling I have used the GenericObjectPool class of the library to use the default implementation provided by API for the object pooling. In order to ensure that we do not end up having several idle objects in memory, I set up the minEvictableIdleTimeMillis and timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis properties to 30 minutes.
As I understood from other questions, blogs and API documentation, these properties trigger a separate thread in order to evict the idle objects from pool.
Could someone help me if that has any adverse impact on application performance and if there is any way to test if that thread is actually executed or not?

Library comes with the performance disclaimer when evictor is enabled
Eviction runs contend with client threads for access to objects in the pool, so if they run too frequently performance issues may result.
reference :
However, we have a high TPS system running eviction every 1 sec and we don't see much of a performance bottle necks.
As for the eviction thread runs are concerned, you can override the evict() method in your implementation of GenericObjectPool and add a log line.
public void evict() throws Exception {


Unexplained latency with ValueOperations using Jedis

We have Spring Boot web services hosted on AWS. They make frequent calls to a Redis Cluster cache using Jedis.
During load testing, we're seeing increased latency around ValueOperations that we're having trouble figuring out.
The method we've zoomed in on does two operations, a get followed by an expire.
public MyObject get(String key) {
var obj = (MyObject)valueOps.get(key);
if (obj != null) {
valueOps.getOperations().expire(key, TIMEOUT_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Taking measurements on our environment, we see that it takes 200ms to call "valueOps.get" and another 160ms calling "expire", which isn't an acceptable amount of latency.
We've investigated these leads:
Thread contention. We don't currently suspect this. To test, we configured our JedisConnectionFactory with a JedisPoolConfig that has blockWhenExhausted=true and maxWaitMs=100, which if I understand correctly, means that if the connection pool is empty, a thread will block for 100ms waiting for a connection to be released before it fails. We had 0 failures running a load test with these settings.
Slow deserializer. We have our Redis client configured to use GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer. We see latency with the "expire" call, which we don't expect has to use the deserializer at all.
Redis latency. We used Redis Insights to inspect our cluster, and it's not pegged on memory or CPU when the load test is running. We also examined slowlog, and our slowest commands are not related to this operation (our slowest commands are at 20ms, which we're going to investigate).
Does anyone have any ideas? Even a "it could be this" would be appreciated.

Reactive Redis (Lettuce) always publishing to single thread

Im using Spring Webflux (with spring-reactor-netty) 2.1.0.RC1 and Lettuce 5.1.1.RELEASE.
When I invoke any Redis operation using the Reactive Lettuce API the execution always switches to the same individual thread (lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1).
That is leading to poor performance since all the execution is getting bottlenecked in that single thread.
I know I could use publishOn every time I call Redis to switch to another thread, but that is error prone and still not optimal.
Is there any way to improve that? I see that Lettuce provides the ClientResources class to customize the Thread allocation but I could not find any way to integrate that with Spring webflux.
Besides, wouldn't the current behaviour be dangerous for a careless developer? Maybe the defaults should be tuned a little. I suppose the ideal scenario would be if Lettuce could just reuse the same event loop from webflux.
I'm adding this spring boot single class snippet that can be used to reproduce what I'm describing:
public class ReactiveApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class TestController {
private final RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> redis = RedisClient.create("redis://localhost:6379").connect().reactive();
public Mono<Void> test() {
return redis.exists("key")
.doOnSubscribe(subscription -> System.out.println("\nonSubscribe called on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
.doOnNext(aLong -> System.out.println("onNext called on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
If I keep calling the /test endpoint I get the following output:
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-2
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-3
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-4
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
That's an excellent question!
The TL;DR;
Lettuce always publishes using the I/O thread that is bound to the netty channel. This may or may not be suitable for your workload.
The Longer Read
Redis is single-threaded, so it makes sense to keep a single TCP connection. Netty's threading model is that all I/O work is handled by the EventLoop thread that is bound to the channel. Because of this constellation, you receive all reactive signals on the same thread. It makes sense to benchmark the impact using various reactive sequences with various options.
A different usage scheme (i.e. using pooled connections) is something that changes directly the observed results as pooling uses different connections and so notifications are received on different threads.
Another alternative could be to provide an ExecutorService just for response signals (data, error, completion). In some scenarios, the cost of context switching can be neglected because of the removing congestion in the I/O thread. In other scenarios, the context switching cost might be more notable.
You can already observe the same behavior with WebFlux: Every incoming connection is a new connection, and so it's handled by a different inbound EventLoop thread. Reusing the same EventLoop thread for outbound notification (that one, that was used for inbound notifications) happens quite late when writing the HTTP response to the channel.
This duality of responsibilities (completing a command, performing I/O) can experience some gravity towards a more computation-heavy workload which drags performance out of I/O.
Additional resources:
Investigate on response thread switching #905.

Why A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe?
using Jedis in a multithreaded environment
You shouldn't use the same instance from different threads because you'll have strange errors. And sometimes creating lots of Jedis instances is not good enough because it means lots of sockets and connections, which leads to strange errors as well.
A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe
! To avoid these problems, you should use JedisPool, which is a threadsafe pool of network connections. You can use the pool to reliably create several Jedis instances, given you return the Jedis instance to the pool when done. This way you can overcome those strange errors and achieve great performance.
I want to know why? Can anyone help me please
A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe because it was implemented this way. That's the decision that the author of the library made.
You can check in the source code of BinaryJedis which is a super type of Jedis
For example these lines:
public Transaction multi() {
client.getOne(); // expected OK
transaction = new Transaction(client);
return transaction;
As you can see the transaction field is shared for all threads using Jedis instance and initialized in this method. Later this transaction can be used in other methods. Imagine two threads perform transactional operations at the same time. The result may be that a transaction created by one thread is unintentionally accessed by another thread. The transaction field in this case is shared state access to which is not synchronized. This makes Jedis non-threadsafe.
The reason why the author decided to make Jedis non-threadsafe and JedisPool threadsafe might be to provide flexibility for clients so that if you have a single-threaded environment you can use Jedis and get better performance or if you have a multithreaded environment you can use JedisPool and get thread safety.

DMLC and concurrent consumers working

Does DMLC creates separate threads for each concurrent consumer? What happens under the hood? The documentation writes this:
Actual MessageListener execution happens in asynchronous work units which are created through Spring's TaskExecutor abstraction. By default, the specified number of invoker tasks will be created on startup, according to the "concurrentConsumers" setting.
I am not able to understand this, are these tasks executed in parallel? If yes, what are the default limits for this, like thread count etc.?
Yes a separate thread is used for each consumer (obtained from the task executor). By default, a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor is used and the thread is destroyed when the consumer is stopped. There is no thread limit beyond the container's concurrency settings.
If you inject a different kind of task executor (such as a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor) you must make sure it has enough available threads to support your container's concurrency settings. Container threads are generally long-lived.

wcf autofac integration hanging in ServiceChannelFactory.ChannelCreated

We have an MVC application using downstream web services via wcf.
We followed the proposed approach of registering a singleton ChannelFactory, which will create a channel InstancePerDependency (if I am not mistaken).
We observe the following issues in production:
Profiling shows that an inordinate amount of time is spent in System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelFactory.ChannelCreated (few 100ms, occasionally multiple seconds). The only thing that can take any significant time in that method is acquiring a lock.
Performance counters show linear increase in CLR > Lock and Thread > Contention Rate / sec over time.
I suspect that somehow channels are not properly disposed. The ChannelFactory keeps a list of all channels (OnCreated adds the new Channel to the list, after acquiring the lock). When a channel is closed, or Aborted it gets removed from the list, after acquiring the lock. If the list becomes huge the removal can take long, and OnCreated has to wait for the lock.
We have the autofac resolved IService injected in Controller methods, and in some instances also use DependecyResolver.Current.GetService. My understanding was that the autofac WCF integration would take care of the disposal. Is that not so? What's the proper way to ensure Channel disposal?
The suspicion voiced in the question turned out to be true, channels were leaking.
There were two issues with the application at hand:
the IService dependency resolution was registered with default perDependency instance scope, resulting in a ton of channels being created. In a web application you probably want to use the perHttpRequest scope for wcf client channel resolution. (this alone should not have resulted in a leak though)
In Global.Application_Start a global filter resolved via autofac was registerd. The constructor of that filter class took a func<IDependency> as a constructor argument and some sub dependency of it had a dependency on IService. The func was only evaluated from within a web request, but it appears the lifetime scope of all dependencies resolved during func evaluation was that the func was resolved in, i.e. the application. (Not 100% certain on this. But if the perHttpRequest instance scope is requested for the IService resolution, one instance, for the app lifetime, is created according to the resolution in the global filter, and never disposed, and another is created for each httpRequest, and properly disposed at the end of the request)