How to launch netflix app with specific movie in windows 10 externally? - windows-8

I am able to launch netflix app in windows 10 from my own app using launcher (Netflix://), but its failed to launch a specific movie using launcher like netflix://

Since the Netflix App is written in WinJS its easy to read through the Code.
There are 5 Commands I found:
So to execute them use following Code:
await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(#"netflix:/app?playVideoId=12345678"));
I recognized, that if Netflix is not opened it only starts the App. Calling the same Code again, then executes the command. Still figuring out a way to solve this.
To get the Id of the Series / Video you want to browse / play open it in your browser. In the sample Link I provided you are looking for the (in my case 8-Digit Id) I replaced by videoId:


How to publish LocalScreenShare tracks from IOS to Web browser in React-Native using Twilio

I want to integrate Screen Share feature in my react-native application in which I am using Twilio for video communication. In Web we are able to achieve this by following these steps.
1 : We get the media device stream using
video: true,
2 : Then we get the first stream tracks using
const newScreenTrack = first(stream.getVideoTracks());
3 : After that we set this newScreenTrack in some useState
const localScreenTrack = new TwilioVideo.LocalVideoTrack(
4 : After that we first unpublish the previous tracks and publish the new tracks using
videoRoom.localParticipant.publishTrack(newScreenTrack, {
name: "screen_share",
5 : And finally we pass these tracks in our ScreenShare component and render these tracks to View the screenShare from remote Participant.
I need to do the same thing in my react-native application as well. Where if localParticipant ask for screenShare permission to another participant. Participant will accept the permission and able to publish the localScreenShare tracks.
If anyone know this please help me in this. It would be really helpful. Thank you
I think this is an issue with the react-native-twilio-video-webrtc package. It seems that, as you discovered in this issue, that screen sharing was previously a feature of the library and it was removed as part of a refactor.
Sadly, the library does more work than the underlying Twilio libraries to look after the video and audio tracks. The Twilio library is built to be able to publish more than one track at a time, however this React Native library allows you to publish a single audio track and a single video track using the camera at a time.
In order to add screen sharing, you can either support pull requests like this one or refactor the library to separate getting access to the camera from publishing a video track, so that you can publish multiple video tracks at a time, including screen tracks.

Verifying toasts using Appium , and get server reaction to button clicks

i'm new to android automation testing and i recently started to work with Appium.
I use it for android native app automation.
I have 2 question -
is there a way to verify toasts?
the latest posts i saw which referred to this issue are from the mid of 2014
and i wanted to know if there's something new in this subject before i will find another tool to run my tests with (as i understand selendroid can verify toasts).
is there a way to catch the http request which my app sends to the server when i'm pressing a button, during the automatic test?
something like a listener which works in the backround and wait for clicks?
To verify toast messages you can use one of image recognition libraries. For ruby I use RTesseract together with image processor RMgick
Idea is simple:
make toast message to appear
take few screenshots
iterate over taken screenshots and look for text
You may play with image processing, to increase recognition quality.
Here you can find code snippet which I use in my framework: link

How to start "Here Drive+" navigation via app call with parameter (NFC tag)

I have Windows Phone 8.1 and just started to play around with nfc tags. I created a tag which calls the app "Here Drive+" which works fine, but i want to pass an address or coordinates to immediatly start the navigation to that location. Are there any supoorted parameters to do that?
You used to be able to find the HERE Launcher APIs available here, but the documentation isn't available there anymore.

WP8: Can this (PhoneApplicationService.RunningInBackground ) be used outside of location based app?

From this link below, it seems that your app can still get event when app is switched to background. But it seems it is used only for location based app. Can normal app do that? I had tried to declare ID_CAP_LOCATION but still Application_RunningInBackground not get called when switch to background.
The app doesn't execute in background, unless it is continously tracking the location.
This section lists the conditions under which the operating system
will deactivate an app running in the background....
The app stops actively tracking location. An app stops tracking location by removing event handlers for the PositionChanged and
StatusChanged events of the Geolocator class or by calling the Stop()
method of the GeoCoordinateWatcher class.
Source: Running location-tracking apps in the background for Windows Phone 8
You will find complete info of how to run apps in background here:
How to run location-tracking apps in the background for Windows Phone 8

How to add login Items by code to mountain lion osx

I want to add login items programmatically in Mountain Lion (10.8).
Until now I was able to add login items by editing this plist:
and adding items (path,name,hide) to AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary dictionary
in the OS doesn't work anymore. Items that are added to this dictionary are not launched on login. I see that the login items are saved in a file called:
but I don't understand how to add an item to this file. I tried to add the item to CustomListItems dictionary with parameters like name,path, hide but they were not launched on login.
Does anyone know how can I add from code login item?
I understand you want to start your program automatically when your user logs in.
In older versions of OS X, it was possible to add login items manually by editing loginwindow.plist. Apple deprecated this approach when they added LaunchAgent and LaunchDaemon functionality to the OS.
Since you are using Mountain Lion, the correct way to have a program launch is to create a launchagent for it. This is a .plist file that you can use to tell OS X to a) perform some action (e.g.: launch /some/ when b) a specific event occurs (e.g.: logging in, logging out, etc)
You will find Apple's official document on creation of LaunchAgents over here.
This looks like a great tutorial on the modern way of doing things: The launch at login sandbox project
It starts with a paragraph buried in the App Sandbox design guide:
Creating a Login Item for Your App
To create a login item for your sandboxed app, use the SMLoginItemSetEnabled function (declared in ServiceManagement/SMLoginItem.h) as described in “Adding Login Items Using the Service Management Framework” in Daemons and Services Programming Guide.
(With App Sandbox, you cannot create a login item using functions in the LSSharedFileList.h header file. For example, you cannot use the function LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL. Nor can you manipulate the state of launch services, such as by using the function LSRegisterURL.)
And rolls from there...