What are the benefits and risks of using the StrPtr function in VBA? - vba

While looking for a way to test when a user cancels an InputBox, I stumbled across the StrPtr function. I believe it checks if a variable was ever assigned a value and returns zero if it was never assigned and some cryptic number if it was.
It seems like a useful function! I started with this code:
Dim myVar as string
myVar = InputBox("Enter something.")
MsgBox StrPtr(myVar)
The message box shows a zero if the user cancelled.
Fantastic! But then why do some insist that StrPtr never be used? I read it's unsupported. Why does that matter?
A good answer will explain benefits (beyond my example above) and risks of using the StrPtr function, possibly how you use (or don't use) it without giving an opinion as to whether everyone or no one should use it.

tldr; There's no real risk to using StrPtr like that, but there's not really a benefit either.
While it might look like you get a null pointer back from the InputBox call, you actually don't. Compare the result of StrPtr to VarPtr:
Sub Test()
Dim result As String
result = InputBox("Enter something.") 'Hit cancel
Debug.Print StrPtr(result) '0
Debug.Print VarPtr(result) 'Not 0.
End Sub
That's because InputBox is returning a Variant with a sub-type of VT_BSTR. This code demonstrates (note that I've declared result as a Variant so it doesn't get implicitly cast - more on this below):
Sub OtherTest()
Dim result As Variant
result = InputBox("Enter something.") 'Hit cancel
Debug.Print StrPtr(result) '0
Debug.Print VarPtr(result) 'Not 0.
Debug.Print VarType(result) '8 (VT_BSTR)
Debug.Print TypeName(result) 'String
End Sub
The reason why StrPtr returns 0 is because the return value of InputBox is actually malformed (I consider this a bug in the implementation). A BSTR is an automation type that prefixes the actual character array with the length of the string. This avoids one problem that a C-style null terminated string presents automation - you either have to pass the length of the string as a separate parameter or the caller won't know how large to size a buffer to receive it. The problem with the return value of InputBox is that the Variant that it's wrapped in contains a null pointer in the data area. Normally, this would contain the string pointer - the caller would dereference the pointer in the data area, get the size, create a buffer for it, and then read the N bytes following the length header. By passing a null pointer in the data area, InputBox relies on the calling code to check that the data type (VT_BSTR) actually matches what is in the data area (VT_EMPTY or VT_NULL).
Checking the result as a StrPtr is actually relying on that quirk of the function. When it's called on a Variant, it returns the pointer to the underlying string stored in the data area, and it offsets itself by the length prefix to make it compatible with library functions that require a C-string. That means the StrPtr has to perform a null pointer check on the data area, because it's not returning a pointer to the start of the actual data. Also, like any other VARTYPE that stores a pointer in the data area, it has to dereference twice. The reason VarPtr actually gives you a memory address is that it gives you the raw pointer to whatever variable you pass it (with the exception of arrays, but that's not really in scope here).
So... it's really no different than using Len. Len just returns the value in the header of the BSTR (no, it doesn't count characters at all), and it also needs a null test for the similar reason that StrPtr does. It makes the logical conclusion that a null pointer has zero length - this is because vbNullstring is a null pointer:
Debug.Print StrPtr(vbNullString) '<-- 0
That said, you're relying on buggy behavior in InputBox. If Microsoft were to fix the implementation (they won't), it would break your code (which is why they won't). But in general, it's a better idea to not rely on dodgy behavior like that. Unless you're looking to treat the user hitting "Cancel" differently than the user not typing anything and hitting "Enter", there really isn't much point in using StrPtr(result) = 0 in favor of the much clearer Len(result) = 0 or result = vbNullString. I'd assert that if you need to make that distinction, you should throw together your own UserForm and explicitly handle cancellation and data validation in your own dialog.

I find the accepted answer to be rather misleading, so I was compelled to post another one.
A good answer will explain benefits (beyond my example above) and risks of using the StrPtr function, possibly how you use (or don't use) it without giving an opinion as to whether everyone or no one should use it.
There are three "hidden" functions: VarPtr, StrPtr and ObjPtr.
VarPtr is used when you need to get the address of a variable (that is, the pointer to the variable).
StrPtr is used when you need to get the address of the text data of a string (that is, the BSTR, a pointer to the first Unicode character of the string).
ObjPtr is used when you need to get the address of an object (that is, the pointer to the object).
They are hidden because it may be unsafe to mess around with pointers.
But you cannot go completely without them.
So, when do you use them?
You use them when you need to do what they do.
You use VarPtr when your problem in hand is "I need to know the address of that variable" (e.g. because you want to pass that address to CopyMemory).
You use StrPtr when your problem in hand is "I need to know the address of the first character of my BSTR string" (e.g. because you want to pass it to an API function that accepts wide strings only, but if you simply declare the parameter As String, VB will convert the string into ANSI for you, so you have to pass StrPtr).
You use ObjPtrwhen your problem in hand is "I need to know the address of that object" (e.g. because you want to examine its vtable or manually check if the object address does or does not equal some value you knew previously).
These functions correctly do what they are supposed to do, and you should not be afraid to use them for their intended purpose.
If your task in hand is different, you probably should not be using them, but not out of fear that they will return a wrong value - they will not.
In a perfect world, you would stop at that conclusion. That is not always possible, unfortunately, and the InputBox situation you mention is one of the examples.
From what is outlined above, it would appear that you should not be using StrPtr to determine if Cancel was pressed in an InputBox. Realistically though, you don't have a choice.
VBA.InputBox returns a String. (This fact is incorrectly omitted from the current documentation making it look like it returns a Variant.) It is perfectly okay to pass a string to StrPtr.
However, it is not documented that InputBox returns a null pointer on a cancel. It is merely an observation. Even though realistically that behaviour will never change, theoretically it may in a future version of Office. But that observation is all you have; there is no documented return value for a cancel.
With this in mind, you make a decision on whether or not you are comfortable with using StrPtr on the InputBox result. If you are happy to take the very small risk of this behaviour changing in future and your app therefore breaking, you do use StrPtr, otherwise you switch to Application.InputBox that returns a Variant and is documented to return a False on a cancel.
But that decision will not be based on whether StrPtr is correct in what it tells you. It is. It is always safe to pass the String result of VBA.InputBox to it.
Fantastic! But then why do some insist that StrPtr never be used? I read it's unsupported. Why does that matter?
When someone insists that something should never be used, it's almost always wrong. Even GoTo has its correct uses.

I tired both using StrPtr and without using StrPtr. I tested my Sub with several examples. I got same results except in one occasion - When User inputs null value (nothing) and presses OK.
Precisely I tried these two:
Using StrPtr. "Invalid Number" was the result here
ElseIf StrPtr(Max_hours_string) = 0
MsgBox "Cancelled"
MsgBox "Invalid Number"
Without Using StrPtr. "Cancelled" was the result here
ElseIf Max_hours_string = "" Then
MsgBox "Cancelled"
MsgBox "Invalid Number"
This is my code.
Sub Input_Max_Hours_From_The_User()
'Two Common Error Cases are Covered:
'1. When using InputBox, you of course have no control over whether the user enters valid input.
' You should store user input into a string, and then make sure you have the right value.
'2. If the user clicks Cancel in the inputbox, the empty string is returned.
'Since the empty string can't be implicitly coerced to a double, an error is generated.
'It is the same thing that would happen if the user entered "Haughey" in the InputBox.
Dim Max_hours_string As String, Max_hours_double As Double
Max_hours_string = InputBox("Enter Maximum hours of any Shift")
If IsNumeric(Max_hours_string) Then
Max_hours_double = CDbl(Max_hours_string) 'CDbl converts an expression to double
Range("L6").Value = Max_hours_double
Range("L6").Interior.ColorIndex = 37
ElseIf StrPtr(Max_hours_string) = 0 Then 'ElseIf Max_hours_string = "" Then MsgBox "Cancelled" also works !
MsgBox "Cancelled"
MsgBox "Invalid Number"
End If
End Sub
So I think it depends how important it is to handle the null value for you. All other test cases, including pressing Cancel, non-numerical inputs etc. give the same results. Hope this helps.

Read through this thread and ultimately ended up doing the following... which does exactly what I want.... If the user deletes the previous entry which is the default... and clicks ok.. it moves forward and deletes the back end data ( not shown ). If the user click's cancel, it exists the sub without doing anything. This is the ultimate objective and... this allows it to work as intended... Move forward unless cancel is clicked.
Dim str As String
If IsNull(Me.Note) = False Then
str = Me.Note
str = "Enter Note Here"
End If
Dim cd As Integer
cd = Me.ContractDetailsID
str = InputBox("Please Enter Note", "NOTE", str)
If StrPtr(str) = 0 Then
Exit Sub 'user hit cancel
End If

In my opinion: Using StrPtr in order to identify if a value converts to 0 is extra code to write. if you use the following function like your example above
Sub woohoo()
Dim myVar As String
myVar = "hello"
myVar = InputBox("Enter something.")
'if Cancel is hit myVar will = "" instead of hello.
'MsgBox StrPtr(myVar) not needed
MsgBox myVar 'will show ""
End Sub
Now is this the only reason to not use StrPtr no not at all. The other issue you run into with using unsupported functions is that eventually they can break the application. Whether its a library issue or another programmer looking through your code and trying to find that function it just is not a good idea. This may not seem like a big deal if your script is only 100 lines long. But what about when it is thousands of lines long. If you have to look at this code 2 years down the road because something broke it would not be very fun to have to find this magical function that just does not work anymore and try to figure out what it did. Lastly especially in VBA you can get overflow errors. If StrPtr is used and it goes past the allocated space of your data type that you declared it's another unnecessary error.
Just my 2 cents but due to being able to use less code and the function being more stable without it I would not use it.
10+ years Excel Programmer.


Input box getting a compile error in VBA

I am learning how to create input boxes and I keep getting the same error. I have tried two different computers and have received the same error. The error I get is a "Compile Error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"
Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Sub InputBox()
Dim ss As Worksheet
Dim Link As String
Set ss = Worksheets("ss")
Link = InputBox("give me some input")
ss.Range("A1").Value = Link
With ss
If Link <> "" Then
MsgBox Link
End If
End With
End Sub
When I run the code, it highlights the word "inputbox"
And help would be greatly appreciated.
Three things
1) Call your sub something other than the reserved word InputBox as this may confuse things. *Edit... and this alone will resolve your error. See quote from #Mat's Mug.
2) A̶p̶p̶l̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶.̶I̶n̶p̶u̶t̶B̶o̶x̶(̶"̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶p̶u̶t̶"̶)̶ Use VBA.Interaction.InputBox("give me some input"). You can do this in addition to the first point. Documentation here.
3) Compare with vbNullString rather than "" . See here. Essentially, you will generally want to do this as vbNullString is, as described in that link, faster to assign and process and it takes less memory.
Sub GetInput()
Dim ss As Worksheet
Dim Link As String
Set ss = Worksheets("ss")
Link = VBA.Interaction.InputBox("give me some input")
ss.Range("A1").Value = Link
' With ss ''commented out as not sure how this was being used. It currently serves no purpose.
If Link <> vbNullString Then
MsgBox Link
End If
' End With
End Sub
EDIT: To quote #Mat's Mug:
[In the OP's code, what is actually being called is] VBA.Interaction.InputBox, but the call is shadowed by the procedure's identifier "InputBox", which is causing the error. Changing it to Application.InputBox "fixes" the problem, but doesn't invoke the same function at all. The solution is to either fully-qualify the call (i.e. VBA.Interaction.InputBox), or to rename the procedure (e.g. Sub DoSomething(), or both.
Sub InputBox()
That procedure is implicitly Public. Presumably being written in a standard module, that makes it globally scoped.
Link = InputBox("give me some input")
This means to invoke the VBA.Interaction.InputBox function, and would normally succeed. Except by naming your procedure InputBox, you've changed how VBA resolves this identifier: it no longer resolves to the global-scope VBA.Interaction.InputBox function; it resolves to your InputBox procedure, because VBAProject1.Module1.InputBox (assuming your VBA project and module name are respectively VBAProject1 and Module1) are always going to have priority over any other function defined in any other referenced type library - including the VBA standard library.
When VBA resolves member calls, it only looks at the identifier. If the parameters mismatch, it's not going to say "hmm ok then, not that one" and continue searching the global scope for more matches with a different signature - instead it blows up and says "I've found the procedure you're looking for, but I don't know what to do with these parameters".
If you change your signature to accept a String parameter, you get a recursive call:
Sub InputBox(ByVal msg As String)
That would compile and run... and soon blow up the call stack, because there's a hard limit on how deep the runtime call stack can go.
So one solution could be to properly qualify the InputBox call, so that the compiler knows exactly where to look for that member:
Link = VBA.Interaction.InputBox("give me some input")
Another solution could be to properly name your procedure so that its name starts with a verb, roughly describes what's going on, and doesn't collide with anything else in global scope:
Sub TestInputBox()
Another solution/work-around could be to use a similar function that happens to be available in the Excel object model, as QHarr suggested:
Link = Application.InputBox("give me some input")
This isn't the function you were calling before though, and that will only work in a VBA host that has an InputBox member on its Application class, whereas the VBA.Interaction.InputBox global function is defined in the VBA standard library and works in any VBA host.
A note about this:
If Link <> "" Then
This condition will be False, regardless of whether the user clicked OK or cancelled the dialog by "X-ing out". The InputBox function returns a null string pointer when it's cancelled, and an actual empty string when it's okayed with, well, an empty string input.
So if an empty string needs to be considered a valid input and you need to be able to tell it apart from a cancelled inputbox, you need to compare the string pointers:
If StrPtr(Link) <> 0 Then
This condition will only be False when the user explicitly cancelled, and will still evaluate to True if the user provided a legit empty string.

Excel VBA Match if value is null

I have a piece of code within a larger script that simply allocates a value to "i" based on a match. The idea being I want it to give the match value if the value entered is found, or 0 if not. If it's 0, I can then exit sub with a message to the user. However, any time the match finds a null value, it just kills the sub, instead of it being handled as part of the iferror I've introduced. I've tried various manners of checking (using iif(iserror) for example) but none seem to work.
Code causing the issue is below:
i = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(username, EL.Range("A:A"), 0), 0)
i is dim as an integer
Username is dim as a string, and comes from an inputbox
EL is dim as a worksheet, and contains the correct info.
This has absolutely no issues if I introduce any name that exists, it only fails as soon as I input a name that does not work, and I'm sort of stumped as to why. I see no reason for it to fail, but feel like I'm missing something simply and in-my-face.
Use this instead. Using Application instead of WorksheetFunction enables the error to be trapped and tested.
i = Application.IfError(Application.Match(UserName, EL.Range("A:A"), 0), 0)
I would use a slightly different approach to trap an error on Application.Match function:
Dim i As Variant
i = Application.Match(UserName, EL.Range("A:A"), 0)
' if Match wasn't able to found a "match"
If IsError(i) Then i = 0

Mid() usage and for loops - Is this good practice?

Ok so I was in college and I was talking to my teacher and he said my code isn't good practice. I'm a bit confused as to why so here's the situation. We basically created a for loop however he declared his for loop counter outside of the loop because it's considered good practice (to him) even though we never used the variable later on in the code so to me it looks like a waste of memory. We did more to the code then just use a message box but the idea was to get each character from a string and do something with it. He also used the Mid() function to retrieve the character in the string while I called the variable with the index. Here's an example of how he would write his code:
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i = 1 To justastring.Length Then
MsgBox( Mid( justastring, i, 1 ) )
End For
And here's an example of how I would write my code:
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i = 0 To justastring.Length - 1 Then
MsgBox( justastring(i) )
End For
Would anyone be able to provide the advantages and disadvantages of each method and why and whether or not I should continue how I am?
Another approach would be, to just use a For Each on the string.
Like this no index variable is needed.
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For Each c As Char In justastring
I would suggest doing it your way, because you could have variables hanging around consuming(albeit a small amount) of memory, but more importantly, It is better practice to define objects with as little scope as possible. In your teacher's code, the variable i is still accessible when the loop is finished. There are occasions when this is desirable, but normally, if you're only using a variable in a limited amount of code, then you should only declare it within the smallest block that it is needed.
As for your question about the Mid function, individual characters as you know can be access simply by treating the string as an array of characters. After some basic benchmarking, using the Mid function takes a lot longer to process than just accessing the character by the index value. In relatively simple bits of code, this doesn't make much difference, but if you're doing it millions of times in a loop, it makes a huge difference.
There are other factors to consider. Such as code readability and modification of the code, but there are plenty of websites dealing with that sort of thing.
Finally I would suggest changing some compiler options in your visual studio
Option Strict to On
Option Infer to Off
Option Explicit to On
It means writing more code, but the code is safer and you'll make less mistakes. Have a look here for an explanation
In your code, it would mean that you have to write
Dim justastring As String = "test"
For i As Integer = 0 To justastring.Length - 1 Then
MsgBox( justastring(i) )
End For
This way, you know that i is definitely an integer. Consider the following ..
Dim i
Have you any idea what type it is? Me neither.
The compiler doesn't know what so it defines it as an object type which could hold anything. a string, an integer, a list..
Consider this code.
Dim i
Dim x
x = "ab"
For i = x To endcount - 1
t = Mid(s, 999)
The compiler will compile it, but when it is executed you'll get an SystemArgumenException. In this case it's easy to see what is wrong, but often it isn't. And numbers in strings can be a whole new can of worms.
Hope this helps.

What VBA variable type to use when reading values from a cell in Excel?

According to this answer one should always use Variant when assigning values in a cell to a variable in the code. Is this correct? I seem to recall reading elsewhere that using Variant indiscriminately is not a good practice.
You can read a cell value into any type you want, VBA will (try to) implicitly convert it to that type for you.
There are dozens of questions on this site involving run-time errors raised from reading cell values into a specific data type - perhaps you've seen this error message before?
Type mismatch
That's the error you get when you try to read a cell containing an error value (e.g. #REF!) into anything other than a Variant.
So if you read a cell value into, say, a Double, everything will work fine as long as you're reading something that VBA can coerce into that data type. The problem is that, well, data is never 100% clean, worksheets do break down, users delete columns and break formulas, lookups fail and the person that wrote the formula didn't bother wrapping it with IFERROR, etc.
That's why you read cell values into a Variant.
That doesn't mean you work with a Variant.
Dim cellValue As Variant
cellValue = someRange.Value
If IsError(cellValue) Then Exit Sub 'bail out before we blow up
Dim workingValue As String
workingValue = CStr(cellValue)
By assigning to another data type, you effectively cast the Variant to that more specific type - here a String. And because you like explicit type conversions, you use VBA's conversion functions to make the conversion explicit - here CStr.
Now, in real code, you probably wouldn't even bother reading it into a Variant - you can use IsError to test the cell value:
If IsError(someRange.Value) Then Exit Sub 'bail out before we blow up
Dim cellValue As String
cellValue = someRange.Value ' or cellValue = CStr(someRange.Value)
The flipside here is that you're accessing the cell twice. Whether or not that's better that reading it into a Variant is for you to decide; performance-wise, it's usually best to avoid accessing ranges as much as possible though.
The value you get from a cell (which is a Range) is a Variant according to the documentation:
Range.Value Property (Excel)
Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the value of the specified range.
Since a Variant can represent different data types, you could loose information if you would assign a cell's value to -- for instance -- a variable of type String.
The mere fact that there is data type information in a Variant already means you lose that type of information. If for instance the original type was numeric and you store it in a String variable, there is no way to know from that string value what the original data type was. You could also lose precision (on Date milliseconds for instance).
Furthermore, a Variant type value cannot always be cast to the data type of your variable, and so you could get a Type mismatch error. In practice this often happens with the Error sub data type.
Only when you know beforehand what the data type is of a certain cell's value, it would be good to define your receiving variable in that data type.
Not strictly answering your question, but thought I'd add this for reference anyway.
With native Excel functions you can usually provide either a range object or a value directly to a function. For example, you can either write =AVERAGE(A1,A2,A3) or =AVERAGE(10,20,30). If you want to do something similar for any user defined functions, you will need to check the type of object passed to your function:
Function test(input As Variant)
Dim var As Variant
If TypeName(input) = "Range" Then
var = input.Value
var = input
End If
You may also want to check for other objects if your function can accept them, but doing this will make your functions behave more like users expect them to.

What could be some reasons to allow some run-time exceptions to fall through?

For example, one could avoid a possible run-time null exception in the case below by instantiating s as it is declared. For example, Dim s as String = "" Is there a reason for us to allow the possibility of a run-time exception? Perhaps it does not make sense for s to be ""? This is not a homework question. I am just curious.
Public Function X() As String
Dim s as String
Dim sMethod As String = X
Dim vowels() As String = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}
For Each vowel As String In vowels
s = "0"
Catch ex As Exception
Throw System.Exception(ex)
End Try
Return s
End Function
Editing to throw exception
Visual Studio seems to be smart enough to tell us that "A null reference exception could result at runtime." which means some capable, professional developers ignored this warning. This leads me to think that must be for a reason. The developers have since moved on though so I can't ask them. It might be something fundamental that I can't understand. Please help me understand this if you will. (I can't be the only person wondering about this.)
Suppose you don't initialize your String variable. And there goes some processing. In the end you expect get a definitive value, which you return via a Return statement. If, for some reason, you forgot to account for a possible execution path, VS will warn you about possible null-reference exception. Then you may think to yourself: "oh yeah, how did I forget that?"
For example, you have a Function that converts a Integer into a word (limited practical use, so consider it just for demo purposes):
Function ConvertIntToWord(a As Integer) As String
Dim retString As String
If a = 0
retString = "Zero "
ElseIf a = 1
retString = "One "
End If
Return retString
End Function
In the above lines, you were unlucky to forget about the Else path. Then suppose you want to run further processing on a resulting string:
With 5 passed as an argument, you will get an exception at this point. If you instead listened to VS, you would have noticed a warning - underlined retString in Return retString line. So you could fix this problem without running your code.
Now suppose you initialize Dim retString As String = "". You will no longer see the warning, and have to debug your program to solve this issue. Depending on the complexity of your program, it may take much more effort.
Bottom line - it is always better to spot problems in compile time, rather than run-time.
EDIT: Forgetting to initialize a variable can be intentional, for example why using TryGetValue. For this method, value is passed uninitialized, according to documentation. However, VS does not know about this, so it will continue to show a warning, until you explicitly assign it to Nothing:
Dim retString As String = Nothing
So this is a way to tell VS that yes, you know it is uninitialized, but for this particular scenario, it is intentional.