WebRTC Ice Servers Issue - webrtc

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Both username and credential are required when the URL scheme is "turn" or "turns".
i have getting this error her is my using ice servers:
var servers =
{'iceServers': [
url: 'turn:numb.viagenie.ca',
credential: 'muazkh',
username: 'webrtc#live.com'
url: 'turn:',
credential: 'JZEOEt2V3Qb0y27GRntt2u2PAYA=',
username: '28224511:1379330808'
url: 'turn:',
credential: 'JZEOEt2V3Qb0y27GRntt2u2PAYA=',
username: '28224511:1379330808'
where is my falt?What can i do?

What the error message says. The first server in your list specifies no username or credentials:
You also repeat the same server further down, this time with credentials.
These also look like non-working turn servers cut'n'pasted off the internet. Free turn servers is a lie.
Also waaaaay too many servers. One or two stun and/or turn will do. Too many slows down ICE.


NestJS cacheModule can't connect to Redis store with password

I'm trying to connect to my redis store in NestJS using CacheModule, I updated my store to put a password but now it's impossible to connect from NestJS (work perfectly with redis-cli and it works on nestJS before putting the password).
I have tried this:
import * as redisStore from 'cache-manager-redis-store'; // v2.0
imports: [
store: redisStore,
url: 'redis://:azerty#localhost:6379/0', // 'redis://h:azerty#localhost:6379/0' and 'redis://default:azerty#localhost:6379/0'
controllers: [],
providers: [],
The connection string is working with redis-cli but not in NestJS, it throws ReplyError: WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled. or ReplyError: Ready check failed: NOAUTH Authentication required. (depends on the connection string)
I also tried the "normal" way:
store: redisStore,
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
auth_pass: 'azerty', // also tried password: 'azerty'
I got the same errors as the connection string one ReplyError: Ready check failed: NOAUTH Authentication required..
How can I make it works ?
REMINDER: always check if there is multiple instance of CacheModule in your project, just lost 1 day of work because of that.

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Both username and credential are required when the URL scheme is "turn" or "turns"

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'RTCPeerConnection': Both username and credential are required when the URL scheme is "turn" or "turns".
I have getting error.
My code and coturn config are.
const iceConfiguration = {
iceServers: [
username: 'myuser',
credentials: 'userpassword',
urls: [
let peer = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfiguration);
listening-ip= turn:public_ip_address
external-ip= turn:public_ip_address
relay-ip= turn:public_ip_address
I tried write urls without array[ ]
but same result.
What can I do?
The specification says the property is credential, not credentials.
Did you find the wrong spelling in a particular place?
I think the error was caused by typo "credential"
Can you try again with:
const iceConfiguration = {
iceServers: [
username: 'myuser',
credential: 'userpassword',
urls: 'turn:public_ip_address:3478?transport=tcp'
let peer = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfiguration);
Coturn can be tested by WebRTC samples Trickle ICE
Here has some detailed TURN server test info
Hope these info helps.

Simple peer different network calling Issue

I am using simple peer for my video call web application. when I call people in the same network video call is working perfectly. But in the different networks, it is not working. I also added ICE servers(stun/turn) to simple peer. Still, the same issue is happening can anyone please help me out. I am getting this issue in the console
Error: Connection failed. at h (index.js:17)at f.value (index.js:654) at RTCPeerConnection.t._pc.onconnectionstatechange (index.js:119)
const peer = new Peer({
initiator: true,
trickle: false,
config: {
iceServers: [
urls: "stun:numb.viagenie.ca",
username: "************",
credential: "************"
urls: "turn:numb.viagenie.ca",
username: "************",
credential: "************"
I had facing through the same issue.
I'm not sure if that has to do with those specific iceServers but I replace them with this ones on it works
iceServers: [
{ urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun3.l.google.com:19302' },
{ urls: 'stun:stun4.l.google.com:19302' },
url: 'turn:turn.bistri.com:80',
credential: 'homeo',
username: 'homeo',
url: 'turn:turn.anyfirewall.com:443?transport=tcp',
credential: 'webrtc',
username: 'webrtc',
Everything is working good but now my problem is that safari is not working just chrome with iOS
If someone knows how to handle this compatibility please contact me! :D
my issue here was with the stun/turn server.we can check the status of servers using
If you test a STUN server, it works if you can gather a candidate with type "srflx". If you test a TURN server, it works if you can gather a candidate with type "relay".
check you are getting this

How to send encrypted/TLS emails with NodeJS from localhost using send mail

I want to be able to send emails from my local domain without using gmail or other SMTP servers.
I'm currently using SendMail:
const sendmail = require('sendmail') ({
logger: {
debug: console.log,
info: console.info,
warn: console.warn,
error: console.error
dkim: {
privateKey: dkimPrivateKey,
keySelector: 'default'
from: 'foo#mydomain.com',
to: 'mygmail#gmail.com',
subject: 'test sendmail',
html: 'Mail of test sendmail ',
}, function(err, reply) {
console.log(err && err.stack);
and this DOES work, BUT when I receive the email in my Gmail account, and I view the message information, Google is marking this as 'security: No encryption'
From what I understand I need to use TLS to create a 'secure' connection. I already have a certificate and keys from LetsEncrypt and my domain is already using HTTPS. How do I encrypt/use TLS my outgoing emails?
Or is there a better package for this? I've tried using NodeMailer and my emails only get added to a 'queue' and never sent. What is the problem?

WebRTC TURN Server - I set it up, but it's not working

I've set up a text chat service using the PeerJS implementation of WebRTC's data channel. PeerJS provides a basic signalling server for this purpose, but I have tried to replace that with STUN and TURN servers set up through XirSys (recommended by SimpleWebRTC, another WebRTC library). I haven't deployed to the web yet.
Using Node to serve my static files locally, it will work on a local network (when I am sitting next to the person and they navigate to my ip/port in the browser), but will not work when connecting through different access points on the same network (i.e. at work, on opposite ends of the building).
My hypothesis is that it's hitting a firewall, but still directing traffic to PeerJS' signalling server without falling back to the XirSys STUN and TURN servers I've tried to set up. Here's the code I'm working with:
var stun = {};
var turn1 = {};
var turn2 = {};
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "https://api.xirsys.com/getIceServers",
data: {
ident: "myusername",
secret: "long-alphanumeric-secret-key",
domain: "www.adomain.com",
application: "anapp",
room: "aroom",
secure: 1
success: function (data, status) {
stun = data.d.iceServers[0];
turn1 = data.d.iceServers[1];
turn2 = data.d.iceServers[2];
async: false
var conn;
// Connect to PeerJS, have server assign an ID instead of providing one
var peerID = prompt('What would you like your screen name to be?');
var peer = new Peer(
{key: 'mypeerjsserverkey', debug: true},
config: {'iceServers': [
{url: stun.url},
{url: turn1.url, credential: turn1.credential, username: turn1.username},
{url: turn2.url, credential: turn2.credential, username: turn2.username}
NOTE: My ident, secret, domain, etc. obviously aren't accurately represented here. I don't think that's where my problem is.
Any thoughts?
If you email us a wireshark capture of your STUN/TURN traffic, we should be able to outline where your problem is. Messages sent over signalling are separate but parallel to WebRTC messages. Therefore, if the app is working but the messages are being sent over signalling, then it's possible the configuration of the application isn't correct.
XirSys provides TURN via UDP over TCP through port 80/443, so if the signalling is connecting and flowing, so should the TURN.
Also, looking at your code, if you pass data.d from your getIceServers success handler to the PeerJS config, that should reduce your code quite a bit :-) The ICE string you're reconstructing doesn't need to be broken down.
XirSys CTO