How to properly fetch data from API in vuex? - vue.js

I'm working on my Vue.js application and having a trouble with fetching data via API with vuex-router-sync.
As I saw in every tutorial or sample, it is common thing to dispatch the store action on created component hook. In my case it doesn't seem to be an option and here's why:
I use the standard vue-router for my routing, and when I navigate between pages not only my content should change, but also my sidebar and header. Thus I implemented the named router-view concept, such as
routes: [{
path: '/',
components: {
page: Home,
sidebar: GeneralSidebar,
header: HomeHeader
}, {
path: '/game/:id',
name: 'game',
components: {
page: Game,
sidebar: GameSidebar,
header: GameHeader
But the Game, GameHeader and GameSidebar should share the same getter for the currently selected game. It's impossible to decide, which one of those components should be dispatching the action to fetch the data.
I tried to hook on the router itself, on beforeEnter, but faced the issue, that navigating between the same routes (in my case from /game/1 to /game/2) does not trigger the beforeEnter.
Is there any way that I can hook on any route navigation? Or maybe a better pattern for dispatching fetch-actions?
Thanks in advance!

There are many ways to do this. For example You could fetch data inside some component which is loaded by route change and after set data to vuex by dispatching change. This does the job perfectly. Also keep in mind that there are few ways to fetch data inside any component - You can hook that in any of Vue lifecycle hooks. Take a look here
Also sometimes You need some data upfront of any route change and here You can use the same approach - make some request when Vue app is loaded.


Nuxt (SSR/Vuex): Dispatch an action once all of the components have been created

Consider the following Widget component.
<component :is="name" />
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
props: {
name: {
type: String,
required: true
created() {
methods: {
addWidget: 'widgets/add'
}) // adds widget name to an array
I want to have multiple components like this one all over the page.
I need to be able to gather all of the component names so I can fetch the relevant data for them.
My current idea is to add the component name to the store when the created hook fires.
That works just fine, but my problem is that I can't find a way to dispatch a Vuex action to fetch the data once all of the components have been created. I tried using various hooks to no avail since none of them seems to have Vuex access.
Am I missing something? Is there some kind of hook that fires after all of the components have been created (SSR) that has Vuex access. Or maybe there's some better way to achieve what I've been trying to do?
Why do you want to wait until all the widgets have been loaded to fetch the data? Instead, what I'd do is fetch the data for each Component as they get added in the page. Using this approach, each component would require a specific piece of data, and nothing better than to load each of them in a different request. Easier to test, easier to trace, adheres to the single responsibility principle.
If you are worried that two components may require the same data, then you can route all requests through an Object that hashes the request (endpoint + verb if using REST) and keeps a pool of active connections, so that if two requests come in one reuses the Promise of the other, and only one of them reaches the server.
Now, if you really want to do it using your original approach, make it so that each widget emits an event once it's been registered. The events are collected by the parent component (maybe the Page that loads all the widgets). The page knows which Widgets are being loaded. Every time an event is received it sets a flag on that specific widget to indicate it's been loaded. Once all widgets get a flag, the Page triggers a request to fetch the data.

asyncData hook when hard refreshing in Nuxt

I just realized that the asyncData hook is not called when hard refreshing the page. But I have important data to load to show on that page. And I want to make sure that they are always available, even when the user hard refreshes the page.
asyncData from the documentation
the promise returned by the asyncData hook is resolved during route transition
In that case, the best way is to use the fetch() hook and display a loader while you do finish your calls thanks to the $fetchState.pending helper.
Actually, I do think that fetch() is better in many ways.
Quick article on the subject:
The one on the bottom of the page (Sergey's) is cool with some practical example of a nice implementation too.
You could also use this somewhat hacky solution in a layout to see if the initial location (the one you are when you hard refresh) is the one you want to be. Basically, if you land on a specific page (hard refresh or following a new window page for example) but want to have some custom behavior.
beforeCreate() {
if (!['some-other-page'].includes(this.$router.history._startLocation)) {
this.$router.replace({ name: 'index' }).catch(() => {})
Still, this one infinite loops if used in a middleware (or I made a mistake) and it's less clean than a fetch() hook.

load routes via component from external api and add them to the router

I would like to load my routes from an external API. Some users might not have the permissions to access a module.
So my navbar makes an API call and gets all the modules returned. These module objects contain the path to the view file.
I tried to create a small sandbox to reproduce the problem
If you open this url in your browser
you will first get the following error
Url /First not found
but after clicking on the First module link in the navbar, the First view should get rendered.
I think the problem is related to the fact that the page has not yet started the navigation created event after loading and the module page is therefore not found. After changing a router URL the navigation component had enough time to add all the required routes to the router.
How can I load these URLs before the router leads to the first route and responds a 404 error?
The key idea here is to load the routes asynchronously which means you must defer loading of your SPA till that time. In your index.js or main.js, your code would be something like this:
// Some functions are assumed and not defined in the below code.
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
// Application root component
import App from './App.vue';
import { getRoutes } from './api';
// Register Vue plugins
// Make API call here
// Some animation before the app is fully rendered.
getRoutes(/* Optional User data */)
.then((routesData) => {
// Stop the animation
return routesData;
.then((routesData) => {
// processRoutes returns an array of `RouteConfig`
const routes = processRoutes(routesData);
const router = new Router({
routes: [
path: '*',
component: NotFound
.then((router) => {
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
components: { App }
Additionally, there are a few things you need to do:
Routing is generally the higher-level concern. So if you consider DIP - Dependency Inversion and the stateful + singleton nature of the router, then it makes sense to bootstrap it at the very beginning. Thus, anything that router needs should be available. This means that the navbar component should not be responsible for making the API call. You must take it out.
Another possible solution is to use $router.addRoutes() method. But it is inadequate for your needs. It will not work considering authorization in mind. It will not prevent navigation.
On a philosophical level, when you are using SPA with client-side routing, then client-side routing is its own source of truth. It is reasonable to know all the routes upfront and hence most routers are designed with this idea in mind. Thus, a requirement like this is a poor fit for this paradigm. If you need something like this, then a server should possess the knowledge of client-side routes and during page refresh, the server should decide what to do - Load the SPA or reject with 404/403 page. And if the access is allowed, the server should inject routing data in the HTML page which will then be picked by Vue.js on the browser side. Many sophisticated SSR - Server-Side Rendering techniques exist to achieve this.
Alternative strategy: Use guards
Define all the routes upfront in your router for all the possible views of all the users.
Define guards for each authorized routes. All these guards would be resolved asynchronously.
Instead of loading routing data from API, use the API to return an Authorization Matrix. Use this API response in your route guards to determine the access.
To prevent calls to the same API multiple times, you can use some sort of caching like Proxy, Memoization, store etc. Generally, for a user, the Auth Matrix will not vary between the calls.
As an advantage of this, you can still load the application partially if required leading to meaningful user experience by reducing the user's time to interact with the application.

show loading spinner until all child components inside of a Page have been rendered - Nativescript

I'm trying to show an activity indicator, when I go from one page to another. The target page contains many components within it, and it takes time to load. that's why I need some way to listen when all the child components are loaded, and at that moment tell my variable isBussy to be false
<ActivityIndicator :busy="isBussy" v-if="isBussy" />
<StackLayout v-else>
<Component1 />
<Component2 />
<Component3 />
<Component4 />
import Component1 from '~/components/Component1'
import Component2 from '~/components/Component2'
import Component3 from '~/components/Component3'
import Component4 from '~/components/Component4'
export default {
data() {
return {
isBussy: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(function() {
// Code that will run only after the
// entire view has been re-rendered
this.isBussy = false
this code does not work, since once the navigation is indicated from the previous page with:
#tap="$goto('otherPage', { props: { foo: bar } })"
it remains stuck on the initial page, and all the components begin to load in the background of the destination page, but without displaying the parent page, changing to this, only when the whole process ends, and never show/hide the activity indicator as expected.
By the way this expected behavior works perfectly when i do request and process them with Promises, then I turn on or off a variable in the state and it works. but I can not replicate that behavior in the navigation between pages and listen to load all the components
Finally I achieved the desired behavior with a little trick I found on the internet
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.isBussy = false
}, 500)
this causes that the rendering of all the children components is delayed only a little, so that the activity indicator is shown, but not too much to produce that none of the components contained in the else block is detected and begin to rendering
There are two main ideas to understand here I think. I'll describe both.
1. General technique to Fetch Data without blocking render
It sounds like you understand this concept at the parent component level but then are asking how to do something very similar for the child components that this page contains.
The way I handle this, is in my component, I have my data default to an isLoading state. Then, in beforeMount() or mounted(), I perform my asynchronous actions and make necessary changes to my page's data.
The problem becomes entirely recursive when we look at child components. You want to make sure your child components are rendering and that any long running data fetching that needs to occur within their implementation will simply cause them to re-render once that fetching is complete.
Here is a working example:
This example uses Nuxt. Aside from the addition fetch() and asyncData() methods, the rest of the Vue lifecycle hooks are the same here.
I use new Promise and setTimeout to demonstrate an operation that would use promises and be asynchronous. (e.g. axios.get(..))
The About page loads, and the beforeMount() lifecycle hook performs the asynchronous fetching in a way that doesn't block the page from rendering.
I use the beforeMount() hook because, according to here ( ), it is the first lifecycle hook that we have access to once the page's data is reactive. (So modifying this.myDataProp would trigger a re-render if {{ myDataProp }} was used in the template).
I also included a child component where I purposely made its data take twice as long to load. Since I again, am letting the component render immediately, and then I handle the fetching/updating of data in an appropriate lifecycle hook, I can manage when the end-user perceives a page to be loaded.
In my working example, the LongLoadingComponent did the same exact technique as the About page.
Once you see how to use beforeMount() or mounted() to fetch data and then update state, I think the trick is to take a moment and really think about the default state of your component. When it first renders, what should the user see before any of it's data fetching/long-running operations are completed?
Once you determine what your default (not yet loaded) component should look like, try getting that to render on your screen, and secondarily add in the logic that fetches and updates state data.
2. Listening for when a Child Component is finished rendering from a parent component
This makes use of the above technique, but includes the usage of the updated() hook and emitting a custom event (
If you really want to listen for when your child components are finished rendering, you can $emit a custom event in your updated() hook. Perhaps something like this (in one of your child components)
if (this.dataLoaded) { this.$emit('loadedAndRendered') }
So when the child's async operations are done, it can flip it's dataLoaded property to true. If dataLoaded is used in the child's <template> somewhere, then the component should re-render (for it's "finished" state). When the child re-renders, the updated() hook should trigger. (again, see: ) I included the if (this.dataLoaded) part just to handle case where updated() hook might be called during intermediate data updates. (We only want to emit loadedAndRendered event if child is finished loading data/updating.)
3. Other caveats about universal nuxt applications
It wasn't until after I wrote this answer that I realized you aren't using Nuxt. However I'm adding this in case other Nuxt users happen to come across this.
I'm adding this section just because it took some focused hands-on time for me to wrap my head around. A Nuxt Universal Application does both server-side and client-side rendering. Understanding when something renders on the client vs when it was rendered on the server was a little difficult for me at first. In the working example I linked above, when you visit the about page you can also see if that component was fetched from the server or if it was just rendered by the client.
I'd recommend playing with a Page's fetch() and asyncData() methods and see how it impacts when certain things render on your screen. ( ) ( ). Seeing what these methods are useful for helps me also identify what they are not useful for.
If you're using a Vuex store, I'd recommend seeing what happens when you refresh a page or use instead of a to navigate between pages. (Seeing something like the SSR schema diagram can be helpful here: )
..I have yet to fully appreciate the details of the bundling and delivery behavior that Webpack provides for a Universal Nuxt app (See right side of diagram here: )

path-to-regexp Find regular expression matching the route

I am adding dynamic child components while the page loads. Adding child routes in OnCreated of parent does not make the page work when we refresh the page.
Hence, I am parsing the page templates (as I know them when the page loads).
I am now looking for a way to know the route which matches the href. Vue-js uses path-to-regexp and my question is very simple.
I want to know the matching component
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
// dynamic segments start with a colon
{ path: '/user/:id', component: User },
{ path: '/foo/bar', component: FooBar },
// Reverse of this
var matchingComponent = howDoIDothis(/foo/bar) // this should give me the matching
I need this so that I can remove from the path and then add the child component to the parent dynamically.
You need to use Vue router's router.getMatchedComponents method. However, this method needs that your router is fully initialized with all the routes. Otherwise, there is no way. Vue-router doesn't expose underlying parsed Regular expressions against which you can compare your href.
Also, what you are trying to do is not the most idiomatic way of doing things in Single Page Applications. A good practice is to declare all your routes upfront in some JS file using which you should initialize your router. Of course, you will want to protect certain routes for which you should use Route guards.
Finally, when you have all your routes declared upfront means you have all the components bundled upfront in one big JS file. To avoid this, wrap your component in async wrappers and bundler like Webpack would be smart enough to split the bundle into multiple smaller files.