Deleting parent folder msbuild - msbuild

Am passing the the below path as parameter to msbuild project.
How to I delete the "Folder1" by traversing this parameter using msbuild?

You could just split the path twice:
<Target Name="DeleteSubDir" DependsOnTargets="">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(DirToDelete)" />

Just explicitly go two directories above:
<Target Name="DeleteSubDir" DependsOnTargets="">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(DirToDelete)" />


MSBuild well-known item metadata and NuGet pack

I am trying to add custom files to a specific NuGet package (basically I need all output files included in the NuGet package since it serves as a tool for Chocolatey).
After some searching, I found this potential fix:
<Target Name="GetToolsPackageFiles">
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.dll" />
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.exe" />
Unfortunately, this won't work correctly for subdirectories, so I tried this:
<Target Name="GetToolsPackageFiles">
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.dll">
<TargetPath>$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('$(OutputPath)', %(FullPath)))</TargetPath>
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.exe">
<TargetPath>$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('$(OutputPath)', %(FullPath)))</TargetPath>
According to the docs, I should be able to use %(FullPath), but I am getting this error:
error MSB4184: The expression "[MSBuild]::MakeRelative(C:\Sour
ce\RepositoryCleaner\output\Release\RepositoryCleaner\netcoreapp3.1\, '')" cannot be evaluated. Parameter "path" cannot have zero length.
Any idea why the well-known items don't seem to work in this scenario?
Got a fix by specifying the item group outside the target and then using that instead.
<ToolDllFiles Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.dll" />
<ToolExeFiles Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*.exe" />
<Target Name="GetToolsPackageFiles">
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="#(ToolDllFiles)">
<TargetPath>$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('$(OutputPath)', %(ToolDllFiles.FullPath)))</TargetPath>
<BuildOutputInPackage Include="#(ToolExeFiles)">
<TargetPath>$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('$(OutputPath)', %(ToolExeFiles.FullPath)))</TargetPath>

wixproj/msbuild program creating automatically unwanted folder in the solution tree

I want to remove folder from my deployment folder.
I'm using removedir task.
<FolderToExcludefromDeploymentFolder Include="$(SourceDir)\Support" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" BeforeTargets="Build">
<RemoveDir Condition="Exists('$(sourceDir)\Support')" Directories="#(FolderToExcludefromDeploymentFolder)" />
In that case i get a folder in the solution tree.
In case of trying to delete the folder i get this error and the itemgroup element will automatically will be removed.
How can i fix this?
The only way I could fix this issue is to move all problematic properties to BeforeBuild target and set them as DefineConstants.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<RemoveDir Condition="Exists('$(sourceDir)\Support')" Directories="#(FolderToExclude)" />
This solution worked for me but didn't find the reason behind this.

In MSBuild, can I use the String.Replace function on a MetaData item?

In MSBuild v4 one can use functions (like string.replace) on Properties. But how can I use functions on Metadata?
I'd like to use the string.replace function as below:
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="#(Files->'%(Filename).Replace(".config","")')" />
Unfortunately this outputs as (not quite what I was going for):
Any thoughts?
You can do this with a little bit of trickery:
Basically, we call the static method 'Copy' to create a new string (for some reason it doesn't like it if you just try $('%(Filename)'.Replace('.config',''))), then call the replace function on the string.
The full text should look like this:
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="#(Files->'$([System.String]::Copy("%(Filename)").Replace(".config",""))')" />
Edit: MSBuild 12.0 seems to have broken the above method. As an alternative, we can add a new metadata entry to all existing Files items. We perform the replace while defining the metadata item, then we can access the modified value like any other metadata item.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
<Files Include="Alice.jpg"/>
<Files Include="Bob.not-config.gif"/>
<Files Include="Charlie.config.txt"/>
<Target Name="Build">
Modify all existing 'Files' items so that they contain an entry where we have done our replace.
Note: This needs to be done WITHIN the '<Target>' (it's a requirment for modifying existing items like this
<FilenameWithoutConfig>$([System.String]::Copy('%(Filename)').Replace('.config', ''))</FilenameWithoutConfig>
<Message Text="#(Files->'%(FilenameWithoutConfig)')" Importance="high" />
D:\temp>"c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" /nologo test.xml
Build started 2015/02/11 11:19:10 AM.
Project "D:\temp\test.xml" on node 1 (default targets).
Done Building Project "D:\temp\test.xml" (default targets).
I needed to do something similar, the following worked for me.
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="#(Files->'%(Filename)'->Replace('.config', ''))" />
Those functions works in properties only (as I know). So create target which will perform operation throw batching:
<Target Name="Build"
DependsOnTargets="ProcessFile" />
<Target Name="ProcessFile"
<Message Text="$(ModifiedFileName)" Importance="High"/>
Do you really need in your example such kind of task? I mean there exists MSBuild Well-known Item Metadata
EDIT: I should specify that this task processes all items in #(Files).
i dont think you can use functions directly with itemgroups and metadata (that would be easy)
However you can use batching:
Taking the ideas from this post:
I was trying to trim an itemgroup to send to a commandline tool (i needed to lose .server off the filename)
<Target Name="ProcessFile" DependsOnTargets="FullPaths">
<Environments Include="$(TemplateFolder)\$(Branch)\*.server.xml"/>
<MSBuild Projects=".\Configure.msbuild"
<Target Name="Configure" DependsOnTargets="FullPaths">
<Message Text="Trimmed: $(Trimmed)"/>
<Exec Command="ConfigCmd $(Trimmed)"/>
For MSBuild 12.0, here's an alternative.
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="$([System.String]::Copy("%(Files.Filename)").Replace(".config",""))" />
Got the same problem (except with MakeRelative), so I passed with another solution : Using good old CreateItem that take a string and transform to Item :)
<_ToUploadFTP Include="$(PublishDir)**\*.*"></_ToUploadFTP>
<CreateItem Include="$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('c:\$(PublishDir)','c:\%(relativedir)%(filename)%(_ToUploadFTP.extension)'))">
<Output ItemName="_ToUploadFTPRelative" TaskParameter="Include"/>
<FtpUpload Username="$(UserName)"
UsePassive="$(FtpPassiveMode)" ></FtpUpload>

Copy the content of the bin folder into a specific folder

So far I have this,but it's not working.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="bin\" DestinationFolder="C:\temp\appServer\"></Copy>
Try this :
<BinFiles Include="bin\**\*.*"/>
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(BinFiles)"
Looks like the MSBuild Copy task doesn't take a directory for SourceFiles, but instead a list of files to copy.
Check out the MSDN article here for a simple example:
Try using a file wildcard.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="bin\*.*" DestinationFolder="C:\temp\appServer\"></Copy>

How to create copying items from property values?

Let's say I have a list of sub paths such as
<subPaths>$(path1)\**\*; $(path2)\**\*; $(path3)\file3.txt; </subPaths>
I want to copy these files from folder A to folder B (surely we already have all the sub folders/files in A). What I try was:
<Target Name="Replace" DependsOnTargets="Replace_Init; Replace_Copy1Path">
<Target Name="Replace_Init">
<subPaths>$(path1)\**\*; $(path2)\**\*; $(path3)\file3.txt; </subPaths>
<subPathItems Include="$(subPathFiles.Split(';'))" />
<Target Name="Replace_Copy1Path" Outputs="%(subPathItems.Identity)">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(src)" DestinationFiles="$(dest)" />
But the Copy task didn't work. It doesn't translate the **\* to files. What did I do wrong? Please help!
I don't think you can do something like that.
$(subPathFiles.Split(';')) returns a property where value are separated by semicolon, so this call is useless.
If you want to keep this mechanism you should use the task StringToItemCol from MSBuild Extension Pack :
<Target Name="Replace_Init">
<subPaths>$(path1)\**\*; $(path2)\**\*; $(path3)\file3.txt; </subPaths>
<MsBuildHelper TaskAction="StringToItemCol"
ItemString="$(subPaths)" Separator=";">
<Output TaskParameter="OutputItems" ItemName="subPathItems "/>
Otherwise, you could directly pass items with folderA and subPaths embedded :
<subPathIt Include="$(folderA)\$(path1)\**\*"/>
<subPathIt Include="$(folderA)\$(path2)\**\*"/>
<subPathIt Include="$(folderA)\$(path3)\file3.txt" Condition="Exists('$(path3)\file3.txt')"/>
<Target Name="Replace_Copy1Path">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(subPathItems )"
DestinationFiles="$(folderB)\%(RecursiveDir)\%(Filename)%(Extension)" />