tensorboard visualization site can not be reached - tensorflow

I am following this website's tutorial to learn tensorboard. But it does not show anything in I have no idea why this happens. I try to debug with this command line: tensorboard --logdir=/notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example --debug. Info as following
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard is in debug mode.
INFO:tensorflow:Starting TensorBoard in directory /notebooks
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard path_to_run is: {'/notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example': None}
INFO:tensorflow:Event Multiplexer initializing.
INFO:tensorflow:Event Multiplexer done initializing
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard is tag: 39
Starting TensorBoard 39 on port 6006
(You can navigate to
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard reload process beginning
INFO:tensorflow:Starting AddRunsFromDirectory: /notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example
INFO:tensorflow:Adding events from directory /notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example
INFO:tensorflow:Constructing EventAccumulator for /notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example
INFO:tensorflow:Done with AddRunsFromDirectory: /notebooks/tmp/tensorflow_logs/example
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard reload process: Reload the whole Multiplexer
INFO:tensorflow:Beginning EventMultiplexer.Reload()
Any idea how to deal with this problem? Thx


'View TensorBoard' goes to 502 Bad Gateway

I am trying to launch Tensor board on Tensorflow/Keras on Azure Databricks,
but it will go to '502 Bad Gateway' after clicking 'View TensorBoard'.
Please advise how to fix this.
Lo​oking for active tensorboard process...
Active tensorboard processkilled...
Starting tensorboard process...
Tensorboard process started.
TensorBoard log directory set to: /dbfs/ml/lenet/train/1570698969.0092866. View TensorBoard

How to open TensorBoard from datalab when proxy port number indicated

I’m using a python notebook in gGloud datalab to re-train a neural network.
From the notebook I call retrain.py with
!python -m retrain --bottleneck_dir=../tf_files/bottlenecks --how_many_training_steps=500 --model_dir=../tf_files/models/ --summaries_dir=../tf_files/training_summaries/'mobilenet_1.0_224' --output_graph=../tf_files/retrained_graph.pb --output_labels=../tf_files/retrained_labels.txt --architecture='mobilenet_1.0_224' --image_dir=../tf_files/flower_photos
Within retrain.py I import the Tensorboard with
from google.datalab.ml import TensorBoard as tb
followed by the main function that does a bunch of things for the training process followed by:
Executing retrain.py, a neural network will be trained, and TensorBoard will be activated (as stated in the output of my notebook copied below)
TensorBoard 1.8.0 at http://3439c553be9b:59199 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
{'text/html':TensorBoard was started successfully with pid 7707. Click here to access it.}
I tried to see the TensorBoard by:
clicking on the link provided (http://3439c553be9b:59199). A site on my web-brower opens but is empty.
I used gCloud Shell to connect with 'datalab connect --port=59199 .' This brings me to my files on gCloud, but not to a TensorBoard.
Can someone tell me how to access the TensorBoard please?
Thank you,
Just clicking on the link should work.
Could you check to see if you have a firewall rule that is preventing this?
I think the first string "TensorBoard 1.8.0 at http://3439c553be9b:59199 (Press CTRL+C to quit) " was output by the new tensorboard version. The direct link won't work.
The second string "TensorBoard was started successfully with pid 7707. Click here to access it.", the word "here" should be backed up by a hyperlink. See code https://github.com/googledatalab/pydatalab/blob/master/google/datalab/ml/_tensorboard.py#L73. That link should work. Do you get that link?

TensorFlow - how to stop TensorBoard from command line in Windows?

If I put the following at the end of a TensorFlow Python program:
# show the result in TensorBoard
tfFileWriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.getcwd())
I get a file in the same directory that is titled something like:
Then I open a command prompt and enter:
tensorboard --logdir C:\Users\cdahms\Documents\TensorFlowExample9
I get the output from the command line:
TensorBoard 0.1.8 at http://DESKTOP-KR0HCRR:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
If I open a broswer and go to http://localhost:6006 I get the expected TensorBoard graph.
Problem is, if I press CTRL+C the process from the command line does not quit as the TensorBoard output indicates. Here is a screenshot if that would be helpful:
I gather the CTRL+C must be for Linux and/or Mac but does not work in Windows. I've also tried x, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Z, Esc, Crtl+Esc, and pretty much every other combination of keystroke to stop a process that I've ever known of.
Is there a combination of keystroke(s) that can stop TensorBoard on Windows?
To clarify I'm using Windows 10 and PyCharm as an editor (I'm not using a Jupyter Notebook)
Also, before somebody responds "just close that command line window and that will end TensorBoard, then open another command line window" yes, of course I understand I can do that, however it would be preferable to be able to stop TensorBoard from the command line and then re-start it after changing a script without having to close/re-open a new command line window.
Per this response from nfelt, I found that if I pressed Ctrl+C multiple times, usually 2 or 3, that would stop tensorboard. Also as nfelt mentioned I found that Ctrl + Pause/Break almost always stopped tensorboard immediately.

Tensorflow Tensorboard on Windows shows a blank page

I'm using Tensorflow on Windows but when I try to launch Tensorboard opening http://localhost:6006 the browser shows a blank page
I have added the codeline
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('mypath/my_graph', sess.graph)
to my Tensorflow model and launched tensorboard with
tensorboard --logdir="mypath/my_graph"
Here the console output:
Following mrry suggestion I have updated to 0.12.0rc1 and now the Tensorboard page is shown but unfortunately I cannot see any graph, and is missing also the left panel to upload a graph file manually that I can see in some screenshots of the official guide.
Tried also to use
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('mypath/my_graph', sess.graph)
following the deprecation hint
I have found the problem. If I launch tensorboard --logdir="mypath/my_graph" TensorBoard is unable to load the path and looks always for the graph files in the default user path C:\Users\andrew\mygraph\ if I run console as user or C:\Windows\System32 if I run console as administrator. This is a bug and should be fixed.
The 0.12.0rc0 (Release Candidate 0) release of TensorFlow on Windows contains a broken version of TensorBoard. We recently made a new release (0.12.0rc1, Release Candidate 1) that contains a fix for TensorBoard on Windows. You can upgrade by following the instructions for installing the latest release on Windows, or simply typing pip install --upgrade tensorflow at the command prompt.
In ubuntu we can use:
tensorboard --logdir=/home/user/graph/
In Windows we have to change the command prompt to the directory in which the graph file is placed and then use:
tensorboard --logdir=\home\user\graph\

TensorBoard not working

I'm able to use TensorFlow just fine. But I can't yet use TensorBoard at all. I'm following the instructions on tensorflow.org's Visualizing Learning page.
When I run
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/mnist_logs --debug
I get the following
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard is in debug mode.
INFO:tensorflow:Starting TensorBoard in directory /private/tmp/mnist_logs
INFO:tensorflow:TensorBoard path_to_run is: {'/tmp/mnist_logs': None}
INFO:tensorflow:Adding events from directory /tmp/mnist_logs
INFO:tensorflow:Constructing EventAccumulator for /tmp/mnist_logs
DEBUG:tensorflow:Opening a record reader pointing at /tmp/mnist_logs/events.out.tfevents.1457792617.Rafaels-MacBook-Air
WARNING:tensorflow:IOError [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/tensorboard/TAG' on path /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/tensorboard/TAG
WARNING:tensorflow:Unable to read TensorBoard tag
Starting TensorBoard on port 6006
(You can navigate to
DEBUG:tensorflow:No more events in /tmp/mnist_logs/events.out.tfevents.1457792617.Rafaels-MacBook-Air
INFO:tensorflow:No more files in /tmp/mnist_logs
DEBUG:tensorflow:No more events in /tmp/mnist_logs/events.out.tfevents.1457792617.Rafaels-MacBook-Air
INFO:tensorflow:No more files in /tmp/mnist_logs
INFO:tensorflow:Multiplexer done loading. Load took 0.9 secs
If I nagivate to, I see a blank white page.
[Stack: OSX, Google Chrome, Python 3, TensorFlow installed via pip]
Try navigating to localhost:6006 instead (equivalent to
It works fine for me while yields no result.
I had a similar issue with TensorBoard 1.4 (no errors on start but black page in browser). In my case it helped to set the host explicitly to with --host