Does Let's Encrypt need HTTPS to renew certs? - ssl

My Let's Encrypt --standalone server is serving over HTTP only.
When I generate the certs in standalone mode it works fine. Obviously when you generate certs you don't have any so HTTP only makes sense.
My question is, when I run ..
letsencrypt renew
Does the renew command work with HTTP only? or does the renew command expect the server to be serving over HTTPS?
As a secondary question, why bother with the renew command? Why cant I just generate new certs with the --standalone option each time my certs expire?
Many thx for your insight

The answer is NO it does not. You can fire off a renewal immediately after generating a cert over HTTP only.


How to update ssl cert without restarting Ktor server?

I'm using SSL configured as in but can't seem to find a way to handle when certbot renews the cert.
Is there a known/preferred way to automatically renew the cert without restarting the server?

How do I create a tls cert for a three node server domain that covers the parent domain as well?

I'm not even sure I asked the question right...
I have three servers running minio in distributed mode. I need all three servers to run with TLS enabled. It's easy enough to run certbot, generate a cert for each node, drop said certs into /etc/minio/certs/ and go! but here's where I start running into issues.
The servers are thus:
I'm launching minio using the following command:
/usr/local/bin/minio server \
-C /etc/minio --address ":443" \
This works and I am able to connect to all three servers from a webbrowser using https with good certs. however, users will connect to the server using the parent domain "" (using distributed DNS)
I already ran certbot and generated the certs for the parent domain... and I copied the certs into /etc/minio/certs/ as well as /etc/minio/certs/CAs/ (calling both files "" and "" respectively)... this did not work. when I try to open the parent domain "" I get a cert error (chich I can bypass) indicating the certificate is for the node in which I have connected and not for the parent domain.
I'm pretty sure this is just a matter of putting the cert in the right place and naming it correctly... right? does anyone know how to do that? I also have an idea there might be a way to issue a cert that covers multiple domains... is that how I'm supposed to do this? how?
I already hit up minio's slack channel and posted on their github, but no ones replying to me. not even, "this won't work."
any ideas?
I gave up and ran certbot in manual mode. it had to install apache on one of the nodes, then certbot had me jump through a couple of minor hoops (namely it had me create a new txt record with my DNS provider, and then create a file with a text string on the server for verification). I then copied the created certs into my minio config directory (/etc/minio/certs/) on all three nodes. that's it.
to be honest, I'd rather use the plugin as it allows for an automated cert renewal, but I'll live with this for now.
You could also run all of them behind a reverse proxy to handle the TLS termination using a wildcard domain certificate (ie. * The reverse proxy would centralize the certificates, DNS, and certbot script if you prefer, etc to a single node, essentially load balancing the TLS and DNS for the minio nodes. The performance hit of "load-balancing" TLS like this may be acceptable depending on your workload, considering the simplification to your current DNS and TLS cert setup.
[Digital Ocean example using nginx and certbot plugins]

NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID after manual renewal with certbot

My website keeps getting "NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID" error.
I have renewed the certificate using:
sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html -d
and have restarted nginx.
It used to work fine before, my other websites work fine as well.
How do I figure out what went wrong?
This tool shows me that certificate expired 21 days ago.
Letsencrypt tells me:
Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ Your cert
will expire on 2019-05-22. To obtain a new or tweaked version of
this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again. To
non-interactively renew all of your certificates, run "certbot
Edit 2:
Aha! My snippet points to
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
but certbot has put it into
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
Does anybody know why this happens? What should I do to fix this and avoid it in the future?
Edit 3:
Just renaming the folder into fixed the issue. But why did this happen to begin with? How do I make sure it never happens again? I'd appreciate any advice!
For your edit 3, from emphasis added:
An alternative form that provides for more fine-grained control over the renewal process (while renewing specified certificates one at a time), is certbot certonly with the complete set of subject domains of a specific certificate specified via -d flags. ...
All of the domains covered by the certificate must be specified in this case in order to renew and replace the old certificate rather than obtaining a new one; don’t forget any www. domains! Specifying a subset of the domains creates a new, separate certificate containing only those domains, rather than replacing the original certificate. When run with a set of domains corresponding to an existing certificate, the certonly command attempts to renew that specific certificate.
Your old cert was for AND -- not only the former.

Haproxy wont recognize new certificate

I recently changed my certificate to LetsEncrypt's.
I placed the new certificate in the location of the old one:
cat /etc/haproxy/certs/fullchain.pem /etc/haproxy/certs/privkey.pem > /etc/haproxy/certs/
And in my haproxy.cfg I have:
frontend https
bind :::8443 v4v6 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ no-sslv3
Then I ran systemctl reload haproxy, but it still brings the old one when I access it in my browser or using SSLLabs.
If I use curl -kv it shows the correct certificate.
I had this same issue where even after reloading the config, haproxy would randomly serve old certs. After looking around for many days the issue was that "reload" operation created a new process without killing the old one. The old processes were serving the outdated certs. You can check this by "ps aux | grep haproxy".
If your environment allows for a few seconds of downtime run "service haproxy stop" until no haproxy processes are left and then start haproxy.
Sort by starting time and kill old processes while checking if the service is still running in between.
1 Year later EDIT
Instead of manually doing the fix mentioned above after every reload, we added a "hard-stop-after" for 600 seconds. Made sure to kill all old processes after adding the param and checked the same using ps aux. So now, older processes have to die after 600 seconds, and cannot serve outdated certs.
If you have the old pem file in /etc/haproxy/certs, HAproxy might be using it instead of new one.
I had a similar problem. HAproxy was using expired certificate that was first created for only with Let's Encrypt. Later I changed certificate creation process to include multiple domains:
domain.dom and
The old was still in /etc/haproxy/certs folder. When I visited, HAproxy used old pem certificate file and Chrome issued a warning for expired certificate.
When I deleted file and reloaded HAproxy, it started using new certificate and SSL is working correctly again.
My problem was historic and outdated wildcard cert that HAProxy (HA-Proxy version 1.8.19-1+deb10u3 2020/08/01) erroneously picked up and spitted out as outdated subdomain cert, both in the browser and in cURL.
Reloading, restarting, stopping+starting and even upgrading Debian did not help. What did help was to remove the outdated wildcard cert and reload.

let's encrypt certificate renew after expiration

I'm having issues trying to renew a recently expired certificate issued with let's encrypt.
I tried launching the following commands:
./letsencrypt-auto renew
sudo ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --text --agree-tos --email --renew-by-default --webroot --webroot-path /home/lovegistics -d
which was the code I used to issue the certificate. Both of the command said that the certificate was succesfully renewed/issued, but it still gives me unsecure connection.
Since I was on WHM, I took a look on the manage SSL page, and it says that the certificate has actually expired yesterday.
The output for the second command:
- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ Your cert will
expire on 2016-11-20. To obtain a new or tweaked version of this
certificate in the future, simply run letsencrypt-auto again. To
non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run
"letsencrypt-auto renew"
I'm sorry, but I lost the output for the first one. Strangely, when I try to relaunch the renew command, it says that the certificates are not due for renewal yet.
How can I renew this certificate?
Thank you all in advance for your help.
EDIT: I restarted the web server (Apache) after each of these commands
Finally I managed to solve my problem. The certificates were created successfully, but since I was on a CPanel server, they must be installed. In the following link there is an explanation directly from the cpanel team with a pearl code to copy-paste and execute when you have generated the certificate.
cpanel forum explanation
Happy coding!
Check certificate:
certbot certificates
Renew command:
certbot renew --force-renewal --cert-name --deploy-hook "sudo service nginx restart"
have to go through a minimum number of measures to [instal Let's Encrypt SSL certificates][1].
First, by accessing active domains such as http:/ or http:/, go to cPanel.
When you proceed to the protection tab, the Let's Encrypt SSL icon is visible to you.
Click on the + Issue button as soon as you proceed to the Issuing a New Certificate arena.
You've got to click on your domain name then. Email the server when you're done with it. Then pick, and confirm, HTTP-01.
Click the problem button once you finish it.