vba select slicer item excel - vba

I've recently discovered VBA code to filter slicers based off of variable names. It is a great tool for filtering what you want to see
The next step in my code is to potentially REMOVE visible data from my pivot table/chart (automatically).
Lets say I already have a variable "Remove_ITEM" that needs to be removed from the data shown. Remove_item is inside slicer ("slicer_Order").
The data is also inside a data model.
The code below is to ONLY show REmove_Item:
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Order").'VisibleSlicerItemsList = ("[Actuals_Table].[Order].&["& Remove_item &"]")
Now i want to do the opposite

I hope I understood what you are trying to achieve in your post.
Try the code below and let me know if it works as you intended:
Option Explicit
Sub SlicersTst()
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim OrderSlcrCache As SlicerCache
Dim OrderSlcItem As SlicerItem
Dim RemoveItem As Variant
Set WB = ThisWorkbook
Set OrderSlcrCache = WB.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Order") '<-- set Slicer Cache to "Order" slicer
OrderSlcrCache.ClearManualFilter '<-- clear manual filters
RemoveItem = "c" '<-- set value for test
' loop through all slicer items in slicer "Order"
For Each OrderSlcItem In OrderSlcrCache.SlicerItems
If OrderSlcItem.Name = RemoveItem Then OrderSlcItem.Selected = False
Next OrderSlcItem
End Sub

Please keep in mind this is specifically for data model usage with a connection.
Sub Variables()
Part_Number = Worksheets("Solumina_Data_Page").Cells(Row, "B").Value
End Sub
Sub Sort_Part_Number()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Page1 = ActiveSheet.Name
Call Variables
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Material").VisibleSlicerItemsList = "[Part List].[Material].&[" & Part_Number & "]"
' "[Part List].[Material].&[77C726210G1]" <<What we want to see
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Heres a similar example using the array
Sub Use_ARRAY()
Dim ARR() As String
ReDim ARR(1 To 2)
Call Array_Actuals_Data 'get data
Call Array_Outliers_removed 'sort data
ARR(1) = "[Actuals_Table].[Order].&[000010840921]"
ARR(2) = "[Actuals_Table].[Order].&[000010949159]"
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_order").VisibleSlicerItemsList = ARR()
End Sub


VBA Code for Vlookup on different worksheets within the same workbook

I am trying to write a vba script that will allow me to vlookup values from Sheet(3) to different Sheet(i) - and paste it on range"R2" on the Sheet(i) - I also want it to go to the end of the values in Column M on Sheet(i) [if this is possible]. I basically want to run through all the different "i" sheets on the workbook. Sheet (3) has all the data that needs to be copied on all the other "i" sheets.
I keep getting an error with my code below.
Sub CopyTableau1Data()
Dim wka As Worksheet
Dim wkb As Worksheet
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 9 To ShtCount
With ThisWorkbook
Set wka = .Sheets(i)
Set wkb = .Sheets(3)
End With
If IsError(Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wka.Range("M2"), wkb.Range("E:T"), 14, 0)) Then
wka.Range("R2").Value = ""
wka.Range("R2").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(wka.Range("M2"), wks.Range("E:T"), 14, 0)
End If
Next i
End Sub
IsError does not work with Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup or WorksheetFunction.VLookup, only with Application.VLookup.
It is faster and easier to return Application.Match once to a variant type variable and then test that for use.
dim am as variant
'are you sure you want wkb and not wks here?
am = Application.match(wka.Range("M2"), wkb.Range("E:E"), 0)
If IsError(am) Then
wka.Range("R2") = vbnullstring
'are you sure you want wks and not wkb here?
wka.Range("R2") = wks.cells(am, "R").value
End If
Note the apparent misuse of wkb and wks in two places. I don't see the point of looking up a value in one worksheet, testing that return then using the results of the test to lookup the same value in another worksheet.
You can use the following code:
Sub CopyTableau1Data()
Dim wka As Worksheet
Dim wkb As Worksheet, i As Integer
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 9 To ShtCount
With ThisWorkbook
Set wka = .Sheets(i)
Set wkb = .Sheets(3)
End With
wka.Range("R2") = aVL(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function aVL(ByVal wsno As Integer) As String
On Error GoTo errhandler:
aVL =
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(3).Range("E:T"), 14, False)
aVL = ""
End Function
When you try to check an error by isError, program flow can immediately return from the sub depending on the error. You could use on error in your sub to prevent that but this would only handle the first error. By delegating the error handling to a function you can repeatedly handle errors in your loop.
I assumed you wanted to use wkb.Range("E:T") instead of wks.Range("E:T").

Pasting into last column of table

I've been creating a VBA code to help me with a worksheet I use but I'm stuck at a certain point.
The code looks at the table on the current worksheet, adds a new column to the end of the table and then I get it to copy the first column in the worksheet (as this has the formats and some calculated cells). This is where my coding finishes. Ideally I would then like it to take the copied cells and paste them into the new end column of the table.
This is what I have so far:
Sub AddNewColumn()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
With oSh.ListObjects("Labour")
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
(Labour being the name of the current table).
If I can get this to work fantastic but then I think I will encounter another issue. The table is on a template worksheet and contained on this I have a command button to create a copy of the template (for different tasks). This would then change the name of the table (Labour1 then Labour2 etc as new worksheets are created). How would I get the code to work on new worksheets as the code I have at the minute would simply want to link back to the original table (Labour).
You don't need actually copy values from the first column to the newly created, just use formula. I have modified your code:
Sub AddNewColumn()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Dim oList As ListObject
Dim str As String
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
Set oList = oSh.ListObjects("Labour")
With oList
str = .ListColumns(1).Name
.ListColumns(.ListColumns.Count).DataBodyRange.FormulaR1C1 = "=[#[" & str & "]]"
End With
End Sub
If you need actual values, not formulas, you may copy and paste special the last column. Before end with add:
With .ListColumns(.ListColumns.Count).DataBodyRange
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End With
This is answer to your first question. Unfortunately, I am not able to understand the second. Besides, I think you should ask it separately.
OK I have tweaked your code #MarcinSzaleniec and it appears to be working.
Sub AddNewColumn()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim oSh As Worksheet
Dim oList As ListObject
Dim str As String
Set oSh = ActiveSheet
Set oList = oSh.ListObjects("Labour")
With oList
str = .ListColumns(1).Name
.ListColumns(.ListColumns.Count).DataBodyRange.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
The reason I need:
Is due to it being a column hidden out the way and has the blank bits blank and the formula bits as formulas.
Many thanks for everybody's help. Now to ask the second part of my question on here.

Using array to enter to rows of a column - VBA/Excel

My overall project is to have a sheet that acts as an array/repository for values to be referenced, and to provide this as part of a macro for others to use. I have other code that references this array, and in the setup macro I have a check if this sheet already exists:
Sub Detailed_Report_SS_Setup()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = Sheets("Array")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
Sheets.Add().Name = "Array"
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
In trying to make the Populate_Array_Sheet, I attempted to manipulate some existing code I used to name sheets in a workbook. My issue is that excel is looping through my array and adding each value to every row of the column, overwriting values as it goes through the array.
I believe my issue is the bounds (i use lower and upper), though I don't know enough about this to figure out how to correct. Here is my example of the problematic code:
Sub Populate_Array_Sheet()
Dim i As Long
Dim Arf As Variant
Arf = Array("n1", "n2", "n3", ..., "n36")
For i = LBound(Arf) To UBound(Arf)
Sheets("Array").Range("A1:A36") = Arf(i)
Next i
End Sub
I'm trying to get each individual value (n1 through n36) onto its own row in the column.
you are using Range("A1:A36") you are applying the value to entire range Try this
Sub Populate_Array_Sheet()
Dim i As Long
Dim Arf As Variant
Arf = Array("n1", "n2", "n3",....., "n36")
For i = LBound(Arf) To UBound(Arf)
ActiveCell.Value = Arf(i)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Next i
End Sub

Overwrite double click action in a PivotTable to go to filtered source data

I'm trying to create a PivotTable in which a double click on a value leads the user to the filtered source sheet with the rows that this value represents, rather than a new sheet with the underlying data.
This is how far I've gotten, but I'm having issues extracting the relevant row and column names / values, as well as the filters currently active in the pivottable.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim rng As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable
' Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12526638/how-can-you-control-what-happens-when-you-double-click-a-pivot-table-entry-in-ex
Set wks = Target.Worksheet
For Each pt In wks.PivotTables()
Set rng = Range(pt.TableRange1.Address)
If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
' Source: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/778468-modify-pivottable-double-click-behavior.html
On Error GoTo ExitNow
With Target.PivotCell
If .PivotCellType = xlPivotCellValue And _
.PivotTable.PivotCache.SourceType = xlDatabase Then
SourceTable = .PivotTable.SourceData
MsgBox SourceTable
' I found the sourcetable, how would I collect the row/column
' names and values in order to filter this table?
End If
End With
ExitNow: Exit Sub
End Sub
In order to filter the source sheet, I need to extract the following characteristics upon a double click:
The filters active in the current PivotTable (the original** 'Fieldname' and the relevant filters)
The original** headers and row names and values relevant to the aggregate being selected (e.g. FieldX = 2013, FieldY="X"), that will enable me to filter the source sheet and present the underlying rows.
** Note that I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I extensively stumble upon PivotTables in which the row names shown are not the same as those in the source datasheet (by manually renaming them in the PivotTable). Also, is it possible to extract the 'groupings' created in the PivotTables?
Using these characteristics, the VBA for locating the source data and applying the relevant filters should be relatively straightforward. In most cases, the source table is an 'Excel Table', if this is relevant.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The solution to this depends greatly on the filters you have in place. The way that PivotFilters are defined is different from the way that AutoFilters are defined. This means that you will need to do a translation for each type of filter that is in place.
AutoFilters do all of their magic in the Criteria1 whereas the PivotFilters have a FilterType and Value1 to make it work. This is the translation step.
For simple equality, it is fairly easy and that is the code included below. It address the issue of how to find the column header and set the filter.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = Target.Worksheet
For Each pt In wks.PivotTables()
If Not Intersect(Target, pt.TableRange1) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
If Cancel <> True Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set pt = Target.PivotCell.PivotTable
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.Range(Application.ConvertFormula(pt.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1))
Dim sht_rng As Worksheet
Set sht_rng = rng.Parent
sht_rng.AutoFilterMode = False
Dim pf As PivotField
For Each pf In pt.PivotFields
Dim pfil As PivotFilter
For Each pfil In pf.PivotFilters
If pfil.FilterType = xlCaptionEquals Then
rng.AutoFilter Field:=Application.Match(pf.SourceName, rng.Rows(1), 0), Criteria1:=pfil.Value1
End If
Next pfil
Next pf
rng.Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub
Couple of notes:
I am using PivotTable.SourceData to get the range of cells that are involved. This returns a value in R1C1 notation, so I convert it to A1 notation using Application.ConvertFormula. I then need to use Application.Range to look up this string. (Since this code is executing within the scope of a specific Worksheet you need to add Application here so it expands the scope of the search)
After that it is a simple matter of iterating through all the PivotFields and their PivotFilters.
Inside that loop, then you need to find the column header (using Application.Match in the header row: .Rows(1)) and add the filter. This is where the conversion steps are required. You could do a Select... Case for each supported type of filter.
You might also want to check out CurrentPage if any of the fields is a filter instead of a row/column.
Finally, it is possible for there to be manual filters instead of the label filters which I am iterating through. You can loop through PivotItems and check for Visible if you want those.
Hopefully this code gets you started but also hints at the complexity of the task involved. You will likely want to limit yourself to supporting specific types of filters.
Pictures of Pivot and data
pivot table with filters
all data
filtered data
Using the snippets brought forward by Byron's answer, I came up with the following. It doesn't work with grouped columns, nor does it work with tables. For now, at least I can work with regular ranges and PivotTables with tidy source data.
I use the following code to call a second procedure, note that (by far) I'm not an expert in VBA; I just wanted this functionality in a spreadsheet I'm working on:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = target.Worksheet
' Find out if we selected a pivottable, cancel default behaviour
For Each pt In wks.PivotTables()
If Not Intersect(target, pt.TableRange1) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
End If
If Cancel <> True Then
Exit Sub
End If
Call pivot_filter_source(target)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
And the procedures that are called:
Public Sub pivot_filter_source(target As Range)
'Dim target As Range
'Set target = Sheets("Pivot").Range("E11")
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set wks = target.Worksheet
' Derive PivotTable
Set pt = target.PivotCell.PivotTable
Dim rng As Range
' Define the source data
Set rng = Application.Range(Application.ConvertFormula(pt.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1))
' TODO: Make it work with Excel Tables
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim page_filters As Collection
Set page_filters = New Collection
Dim list As Variant
' Loop over page filters and add their values to array
For Each pf In pt.PageFields
Debug.Print "Filter field: " & pf.SourceName
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
' Find out if filter contains filtered items
If pi.Visible Then
Debug.Print "... filter: " & pi.Value
If Contains(page_filters, pf.SourceName) Then
list = page_filters.Item(pf.Name)
ReDim Preserve list(UBound(list) + 1)
filter_value = pi.Value
If pi.Value = "(blank)" Then
filter_value = "="
End If
list(UBound(list)) = filter_value
page_filters.Remove (pf.SourceName)
page_filters.Add list, pf.SourceName
list = Array(pf.SourceName, pi.Value)
page_filters.Add list, pf.SourceName
Set list = Nothing
End If
End If
Next pi
Next pf
Set rng = Application.Range(Application.ConvertFormula(pt.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1))
On Error Resume Next
' Loop over the extracted filters, apply
Dim source_column_name As String
Dim fieldname As String
Dim filter_values As Variant
For Each source_column In page_filters
' Handle '(blank)' values
For i = 0 To UBound(source_column) - 1
If source_column(i) = "(blank)" Then source_column(i) = "="
fieldname = source_column(0)
filter_values = source_column
Call filter_range(rng, fieldname, filter_values)
' Loop over columns of interest
For Each pi In target.PivotCell.ColumnItems
Debug.Print pi.Parent.SourceName & " ==> " & pi.SourceName
filter_values = Array(pi.SourceName)
If pi.SourceName = "(blank)" Then filter_values = Array("=")
Call filter_range(rng, pi.Parent.SourceName, filter_values)
' Loop over rows of interest
For Each pi In target.PivotCell.RowItems
Debug.Print pi.Parent.SourceName & " ==> " & pi.SourceName
filter_values = Array(pi.SourceName)
If pi.SourceName = "(blank)" Then
filter_values = Array("=")
End If
Call filter_range(rng, pi.Parent.SourceName, filter_values)
End Sub
Public Sub filter_range(rng As Range, field_name As String, filter_values As Variant)
rng.AutoFilter _
Field:=Application.Match(field_name, rng.Rows(1), 0), _
Criteria1:=filter_values, _
End Sub
Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim obj As Variant
On Error GoTo err
Contains = True
obj = col(key)
Exit Function
Contains = False
End Function
Thanks a lot for this thread.
I don't know why Microsoft has never provided this feature natively.
When you check your data in Pivots you often want to clean the source data directly.
Your idea is to apply the pivot structure and filters individually on the source data, however you can also apply the following simple trick:
To filter the source list I have been using the advanced filter.
After a double click in a pivot a new sheet gets created.
This contains a result list that becomes my filter criteria for the advanced filter on the source data.
Since the advanced filter allows multiple ANDs (by column) and ORs (by row) conditions your source list should always be filtered properly.
I usually Limit the filter range to the first column where my unique record ID from the source table is displayed, this way my filtered list is always a hundred procent correct.
One disadvantage of advanced filters is that it removes the autofilter in the Header of your source list.
That is why your above solution is smarter ;-)

clear cells while preserving Autofilter settings?

I'm writing a script for a worksheet whose cells are populated based on an Access database. I'm trying to clear the contents of the worksheet without removing any Autofilters that the user has set, and then reload the data based on on the database. Right now I'm using:
Sub populateSheet()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\myDB.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("myData")
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("my output")
With sht
For c = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
.Cells(1, c + 1) = rs.Fields(c).name
.Range("a2").CopyFromRecordset rs
End With
End Sub
sub buildTable()
dim ws as workspace
dim db as database
dim dbPath as string
set ws=dbengine.workspaces(0)
set db=ws.createdatabase("c:\myDB.mdb")
db.execute "create table myData (field1 text,field2 text)"
db.execute "insert into myData (field1,field2) values (""1"",""a"")"
db.execute "insert into myData (field1,field2) values (""2"",""b"")"
db.execute "insert into myData (field1,field2) values (""3"",""a"")"
end sub
sub test()
end sub
When I run .cells.clear, it wipes out the Autofilter. Is there a way I can keep the Autofilter settings so the new data will be filtered the same way? Or maybe record them and re-apply the same settings? I tried working with this solution, but I had trouble getting it to detect which columns were filtered.
I applied Jean-FrançoisCorbett's approach in the above code, but it has a problem. Try this with a test table:
1 a
2 b
3 a
After you run populateSheet, then autofilter the 2nd column to only include "a", the worksheet shows:
1 a
3 a
Then run populateSheet again, the sheet now shows:
1 a
1 a
If you remove the autofilter, rerun populateSheet, and re-apply the autofilter, you get the correct data, but that's a very cumbersome extra step to get correct output.
I added code to create a database and make a table that you can use to test populateSheet, and changed some of the arguments in populateSheet to reflect this test database.
If you just want to clear the values in the cells and nothing else, then you can do this:
sht.Cells.Value = Empty
EDIT Responding to the OP's edit:
Oddly enough, the statement above does not empty the cells in any rows that were hidden by the Autofilter! I think that the autofilter-hidden rows also cause unexpected behaviour when importing data with CopyFromRecordset.
The solution to that problem is of course to, prior to emptying all cells and importing data, unhide all rows by setting the autofilters to (All), which in VBA is done like this:
With Range("C1:D1") ' or wherever the filters are
.AutoFilter Field:=1
.AutoFilter Field:=2
' ... continue to set all fields to (All).
End With
Ok, I have a solution for this. Basically, I record the autofilter criteria in an array of variants, then remove the Autofilter settings, populate the sheet (using #Jean-FrançoisCorbett's suggestion of sht.Cells.Value = Empty) then reapply the settings from the array. Code as follows:
Sub reapplyAutofilter()
Dim fltr As Filter
Dim columnCriteria1() As Variant
Dim columnCriteria2() As Variant
Dim columnOperators() As Variant
Dim filterCriteria() As Variant
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim rangeAddr As String
Dim fieldCount As Long
Dim ctr As Long
Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("mySheet")
'don't analyze autofilter if it's not on
If Not sht.AutoFilterMode Then
Exit Sub
End If
'put autofilter settings in arrays for criteria1, criteria2, and operator
With sht.AutoFilter
rangeAddr = .Range.Address
fieldCount = .Filters.Count
ReDim columnCriteria1(1 To fieldCount)
ReDim columnCriteria2(1 To fieldCount)
ReDim columnOperators(1 To fieldCount)
For ctr = 1 To fieldCount
With .Filters(ctr)
If .On Then
columnCriteria1(ctr) = .Criteria1
columnOperators(ctr) = .Operator
If (.Operator = xlOr) or (.Operator=xlAnd) Then
columnCriteria2(ctr) = .Criteria2
columnCriteria2(ctr) = Null
End If
columnCriteria1(ctr) = Null
End If
End With
Next ctr
End With
'clear autofilter
sht.AutoFilterMode = False
're-apply autofilter settings
With sht.Range(rangeAddr)
For ctr = 1 To fieldCount
If Not IsNull(columnCriteria1(ctr)) Then
If IsNull(columnCriteria2(ctr)) Then
.AutoFilter Field:=ctr, Criteria1:=columnCriteria1(ctr), Operator:=xlFilterValues
.AutoFilter Field:=ctr, Criteria1:=columnCriteria1(ctr), Criteria2:=columnCriteria2(ctr), Operator:=columnOperators(ctr)
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
I'm not sure if this counts as me solving the problem, because I was inspired by Jean-FrançoisCorbett's code. I did have to figure out on my own how to capture and reapply the Autofilter settings. Feel free to chime in about who should get credit on this one; otherwise, I'll accept my own answer.