Are there any flow types definition for react-native styles? - react-native

I'm making a react native component and using Flow to define the property types like this:
type Props = {
text: string,
textStyle: object
Those properties are then passed to the Text component inside my component. Are there any Flow type definitions for react-native that will allow me to do something like this:
textStyle: TextStyle
Now Flow would be able to check that the textStyle value contains only keys that are allowed for Text component style.
I see that there are interface definitions for TypeScript (React.TextStyle) but can't find anything for Flow.

Update 3:
Current best practice is:
import type {
} from 'react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheet';
Update 2: The following PR makes things simpler, as of today flowtype styles are as follow.
type StyleValue = {[key: string]: Object} | number | false | null;
type StyleProp = StyleValue | Array<StyleValue>;
Obsolete: The following PR fixes it, can be found from v0.52.0
It is possible to do the following:
// #flow
import type { StyleObj } from 'react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';
type Props = {
style?: StyleObj
Following discussion on:

StyleObj is no longer part of StyleSheetTypes.
Now import:
{LayoutStyle, TransformStyle, ShadowStyle, ViewStyle, TextStyle, ImageStyle, DangerouslyImpreciseStyle} from 'react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';
In your case, you should:
import { TextStyle } from 'react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';


Return vue component from a function

I'm new to Vue and I would want to render an SVG icon depending on task status and would like to create a re-usable function for that, How can I do that?
In React I could have done something like this:
const iconStatusMapping = {
todo: <svg></svg>,
processing: <svg>...</svg>,
done: <svg>...</svg>
// utils.ts
export const getTaskStatusIcon = (status: TaskStatus) => {
return iconStatusMapping[status]
function App() {
const status = "todo"
return (
<div>{getTaskStatusIcon(status)} {status}</div>
How can I do something similar in Vue3?
In React, it may be not a good idea to define reused elements as JSX that is not wrapped in a function because element objects are expected to be new on every render. This may have no consequences for SVG icons but may have unexpected behaviour in other cases.
In Vue, this snippet could be directly translated to render function and JSX.
Static HTML like SVG icons can be safely defined as strings and outputted with Vue v-html, the same applies to React dangerouslySetInnerHTML:
const iconStatusMapping = {
todo: `<svg></svg>`,

Flow type for PanResponder like in example

Cannot find flow type for PanResponder like shown in the official react-native example.
Example here:
This does not work:
import type {
} from 'react-native';
For typing PanResponders:
// #flow
type Props = {…};
type State = {…};
class Screen extends Component<Props, State> {
_panresponder: PanResponderInstance
I want to use the flow type for PanResponder like in the example linked above. How can I access the type for PanResponder (PanResponderInstance) from react-native?
import type {
} from 'react-native';
This will work on react native 0.64
I figured it out:
import type {
} from 'react-native/Libraries/Interaction/PanResponder';
Sadly it seems like this is the way to do it, which is suboptimal but works.

react-native prop type for text style

i have component with a simple structure and a <Text> somewhere inside the tree for which i want to pass in a style. Which works perfectly but for the proptypes validation.
The basic setup is not much more than that
export default class Component extends PureComponent {
render() {
return (<View><Text style={}>Some text</Text></view>);
Component.defaultProps = {
style: null,
Component.propTypes = {
The problem is that the does not contain i.e. color key. So providing a style with a color is invalid and produces a warning. I tried to import TextStylePropTypes as i found in but it is undefined.
Any advice on what to do?
For anybody trying to achieve this seems like is deprecated while is not.
As the passed style prop is for the Text node, use as shown below...
Component.propTypes = {

What is the <{}> syntax after extends Component?

I started a new project today using React Native 0.51.0 and noticed that the class syntax for the default project file had something new added, the <{}> syntax after extends Component:
export default class App extends Component<{}> {
I tried doing research but most search engines ignore special characters even with exact string matching, so trying to find out what this syntax is has proved to be difficult. I did some testing and was able to figure out that this change appeared in v0.49.0. The release notes make no mention of what this added syntax does though.
A lot of vague keyword searching and reading leads me to believe that this may be syntax related to TypeScript, but being unfamiliar with the language, I'm at a loss as to how to search and find out more about the syntax without knowing what the proper term for it is. Could anyone tell me what the name of the syntax and what it does? Specifically with regards to React Native.
It is related to Flow typings for the props you will receive in the component. Component<{}> would mean that you don't expect the component to receive props.
With Flow and React.Component, you can define types for props and state (see React$Component type declaration for details).
Example from Flow documentation about React components
import * as React from 'react';
type Props = { /* ... */ };
type State = {
count: number,
class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props, State> {
state = {
count: 0,
componentDidMount() {
setInterval(() => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
count: prevState.count + 1,
}, 1000);
render() {
return <div>Count: {this.state.count}</div>;
<MyComponent />;

What is the name of my Vue component?

I'm trying to use Vue for a little project.
I started with only client code. So when I did
const mv = new Vue({...});
I was able to access to the component from outside with a mv.
Now I'm using Vue.cli, so I define my component inside a mv.vue and then I have
export default {
data () {}
Here, how can I get the nme of my component?
Thanks for any reply or hint :)
You can get the name of the component , you can do this
If you want the parent component's name from its child do this
You can name your component like so:
export default {
name: 'mv',
data () {
return {}
But to access it you'd need to use the name that you import it with. For example:
import theVariableIWantItToBe from './mv.vue'
To expand on the very good #vamsi-krishna answer, and update it, I've discovered that Vue now often puts a prefix on the $vnode.tag along the lines of vue-component-3-YourComponentName.
You can fix this by using the following code. And perhaps, just in case of a missing tag, fall back to the ID of the root element in the component.
Occasionally, Vue doesn't pass back a component at all in its errorHandler and warnHandler global events. So I've handled that scenario first.
if (!vm){
return '[unknown]'
if (vm.$vnode.tag) {
const res = vm.$vnode.tag
return res.replace(/vue-component-\d+-/i, '')
if (vm.$ {
return vm.$