In MS Access, how do I update a table record to its current value plus the count of records in a different table? - sql

I have two tables.
ReportMonth | TotalItems | TotalVariances
Jan | 5 | 0
Feb | 1 | 1
Mar | 2 | 0
Apr | 8 | 4
May | 4 | 0
Jun | 5 | 0
Jul | 3 | 0
Aug | 5 | 0
Sep | 9 | 3
Oct | 1 | 0
Nov | 7 | 0
Dec | 6 | 0
ID | ItemNum | CountedQty | SystemQty | Variance
1 | Item1 | 4 | 4 | 0
2 | Item2 | 8 | 5 | -3
3 | Item3 | 1 | 2 | 1
4 | Item4 | 6 | 4 | -2
For the sake of clarity, we'll say the above tblDailyData is from a count done today, 01/27/2017. Variance is a calculated field based on the data in both quantity fields.
I'm trying to add the count of records in tblDailyData to TotalItems in tblMonthlyData based on the date of the count (i.e. counts are done daily and each counts data needs to be added to the appropriate month in tblMonthlyData). So for the above example I'd need to add 4 (number of records) to TotalItems in tblMonthlyData for the Jan record, resulting in the updated record being 9, and add 3 (number of variances) to TotalVariances, resulting in the updated record being 3.
So far, I've tried using a Make Table Query for both total items counted and total number of variances, then using an Update Query that looks like this:
UPDATE tblMonthlyData
SET TotalItems = TotalItems + tblTempTotalItems.CountOfItems,
TotalVariances = TotalVariances + tblTempTotalVariances.CountOfVariances
WHERE Format$([ReportMonth],"mmm")=Format$(Now(),"mmm");
I've also tried a similar method using select queries to count records and variances (without creating the temporary tables) and running the update query based on those. Both methods result in Access prompting for the CountOfItems and CountOfVariances parameters when the update query is ran instead of just taking the values from the specified temporary table or select query.
This seemed like it'd be such a simple operation (query the count of records and variances, add them to the appropriate monthly record in separate table), but it turns out I can't figure out how to make it work. Thanks for any help!

This does not seem to be a situation for a table, but rather for some views/queries, which will always be up to date.
Use a GROUP BY FORMAT([date_field],"mm/dd/yyyy") clause in your query for daily item count (if you want to add that to a montlhy count, we will do that in ANOTHER query.
SELECT FORMAT([date_field],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS Date, COUNT(ID) AS TotalItems
FROM tblDailyData
Call this query dailyTotalItems.
SELECT FORMAT([date_field],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS Date, COUNT(ID) AS TotalItemsWithVariance, SUM(
FROM tblDailyData
WHERE NOT (Variance = 0)
Call this query dailyTotalItemsWithVariance.
SELECT MONTH([date_field]) As MonthDate, SUM(TotalItems) As TotalMonthlyItems
FROM dailyTotalItems
GROUP BY MonthDate
Call this query monthlyTotalItems.
SELECT MONTH([date_field]) As MonthDate, SUM(TotalItemsWithVariance) As TotalMonthlyItemsWithVariance
FROM dailyTotalItemsWithVariance
GROUP BY MonthDate
Call this query monthlyTotalItemsWithVariance.
Then LEFT JOIN both on MonthDate.
SELECT * FROM monthlyTotalItems
LEFT JOIN monthlyTotalItemsWithVariance ON monthlyTotalItems.MonthDate = monthlyTotalItemsWithVariance.MonthDate
NOTE: TotalItems will always be >= TotalItemsWithVariance AND every date with a variance must have had a count. So get ALL dates in monthlyTotalItems and left join to match the monthlyTotalItemsWithVariance items (which must be included, as shown above)


Merge rows based on a condition

Is it possible to merge a collection of rows based on a condition in Spark SQL using a sql query ?
If the difference between purch_dt of two consecutive rows placed in order (line_num) is less than 5 days, then combine them into 1 row and output that merged row and the merged row should have the max value of purch_dt for that group. I tried using the LEAD function but I can't get it to reset after each false condition is encountered and consider the following rows as a new group. I am not being able to get the max of purch_dt for each such group.
orderid | line_num | purch_dt
1 | 1 | 10-02-2020
1 | 2 | 12-02-2020
1 | 3 | 14-02-2020
1 | 4 | 21-03-2020
1 | 5 | 23-03-2020
orderid | purch_dt
1 | 14-02-2020 -- 1 - 3 combined into 1 row because difference is <5 between each
1 | 23-02-2020 -- 4 - 5 combined into 1 row because difference is <5 between each
Total Output rows = 2 because we have 2 groups.
Please note that line_num 4 is used as a set break since its difference between line_num = 3 is greater than 5. Hence it should have its own merged record set.
I have the sql below so far, but I can't get to break out and create the groups.
create temporary view next_dt as
LEAD(purch_dt) over (partition by orderid order by line_num asc) AS next_purch_dt,
from orders;
select *
from (
CASE WHEN datediff(next_purch_dt, purch_dt) < 5 OR next_purch IS NULL THEN 'Y'
END AS flg
WHERE flg = 'Y';
Any help is appreciated.
Slight change in the requirements:-
The comparison has now to be made between two different fields in consecutive records - purch_dt of the current record and the return_dt of the next record.
Also, when a merged record group is being output, it should have the purch_dt populated with the value of the record with the least line_num in that group. And the return_dt column populated with the value of the max line_num record of that same group.
orderid | line_num | purch_dt | return_dt
1 | 1 | 10-02-2020 | 10-02-2020
1 | 2 | 12-02-2020 | 13-02-2020
1 | 3 | 14-02-2020 | 14-02-2020
1 | 4 | 21-03-2020 | 23-02-2020
1 | 5 | 23-03-2020 | 24-02-2020
orderid | purch_dt | return_dt
1 | 10-02-2020 | 14-02-2020
1 | 21-03-2020 | 24-02-2020
Total Output rows = 2 because we have 2 groups.
Note that each output record contains the purch_dt of the record with min line_num in that group. And contains return_dt populated as per the record with max line_num in that group.
You almost got this, below query has worked for me,
sql("""create temporary view next_dt_orders as
select *
from (
case when datediff(
(lead(purch_dt) over (partition by orderid order by line_num asc)),
purch_dt) < 5
then "N"
else "Y"
end as flag
orders) tab
sql("select * from next_dt_orders").show()
|orderid|line_num| purch_dt|flag|
| 1| 3|2020-02-14| Y|
| 1| 5|2020-03-23| Y|

Select distinct values from one table and join with another table

I have a problem that I've spent way to much time trying to figure out, with close to no success at all.. I'll try to describe the problem as good as I can, and use an example, which is the solution I use right now.
I have two different MS SQL tables.
Table 1:
itemNumber - 192031, 533853 etc.
date - the date the database post was added
quantity - the amount of items for each item number
Table 2:
MTITNO - also item number, contains many different item numbers (more than Table 1)
MTTRDT - the date the database post was added
MTTYP - transaction type. I will be looking for MTTYP = 11
MTTRQT - transaction quantity. I will be looking for MTTRQT < 0
So what I want to do is to get DISTINCT itemNumber between two dates from Table 1. Once I have those item numbers, I would like to join Table 2 on item number, and also between the same dates that I use in the query for Table 1. I also need to only get the values from Table 2 where MTTYP = 11 and MTTRQT < 0 and SUM MTTRQT.
I've sorted this by using loops in java code, which isn't that good to be honest. What I do is this:
SELECT DISTINCT itemNumber "itemNumber"
FROM Table 1
WHERE date BETWEEN #fromDate AND #toDate;
Take the top value from this result (that is the first item number) and then:
FROM Table 2
WHERE MTITNO = "the first item number from the result query from above"
Add the result to a new list. Remove the item number used
Loop through all the item numbers in the list and run step 3 and 4 for every single item number (this is the bad part).
Surely there must be a SQL query that produces the same result!?
Appreciate any help I can get!
This is the data I have.
Table 1
|Item number | Quantity | date
192031 | 1 | 20190521
192031 | 1 | 20190522
19192301 | 2 | 20190521
19189507 | 1 | 20190523
19189507 | 1 | 20190521
19189507 | 1 | 20190524
Table 2
192031 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
192031 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
192031 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
192031 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190520 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190521 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190521 | 11 | -1
19189507 | 20190521 | 11 | -1
Table 2 contains all sorts of item numbers (that is item numbers that you can find in Table 2, but not in Table 1), and many more posts. There can be posts in Table 1 and no posts in Table 2 for one or more item numbers.
I want to summarise the MTTRQT for all items where the item number is in both Table 1 and Table 2 and within the date span I have set. The "amount used" in the desired result below is MTTRQT added up for every single item number.
Desired result
So if I look for all the item numbers with date between 20190520 - 20190524, I should get the list below.
"Item number" is supposed to be DISTINCT item numbers from Table 1.
"Amount used" is the SUM function, that sums MTTRQT where all the conditions are met.
|Item Number | Amount used
192031 | -4
19189507 | -7
Reading through the lines a bit, but is this not what you're after?
FROM [Table 2] T2
FROM [Table 1] T1
WHERE T1.[date] BETWEEN #fromDate AND #toDate --Note, if [date] has a time portion, this is unlikely to work as you expect
ORDER BY T1.ItemNumber) T1 ON T2.MTITNO = T1.ItemNumber --Assumed ORDER BY clause
AND T2.MTTRDT BETWEEN #fromDate AND #toDate --Note, if MTTRDT has a time portion, this is unlikely to work as you expect
If I am following your logic correctly:
select sum(mttrqt)
from table2 t2
where t2.mtitno in (select t1.itemno
from table1 t1
where >= #date1 and <= #date2
) and
t2.mttrdt >= #date1 and
t2.mttrdt <= #date1 and
t2.mttype = 11 and
t2.mttrqt < 10;
Have you tried this:
FROM Table 2
WHERE MTITNO in (SELECT DISTINCT itemNumber "itemNumber"
FROM Table 1
WHERE date BETWEEN #fromDate AND #toDate;)

Find records which have multiple occurrences in another table array (postgres)

I have a table which has records in array. Also there is another table which have single string records. I want to get records which have multiple occurrences in another table. Following are tables;
veh_id | vehicle_types
1 | {"byd_tang","volt","viper","laferrari"}
2 | {"volt","viper"}
3 | {"byd_tang","sonata","jaguarxf"}
4 | {"swift","teslax","mirai"}
5 | {"volt","viper"}
6 | {"viper","ferrariff","bmwi8","viper"}
7 | {"ferrariff","viper","viper","volt"}
id | vehicle_name
1 | byd_tang
2 | volt
3 | viper
4 | laferrari
5 | sonata
6 | jaguarxf
7 | swift
8 | teslax
9 | mirai
10 | ferrariff
11 | bmwi8
I have a query which can give output what I expect but its not optimal and may be its expensive query.
This is the query:
select veh_name
from vehicle_names dsb
where (select count(*) from vehicle dsd
where dsb.veh_name = ANY (dsd.veh_types)) > 1
The output should be:
One option would be an aggregation query:
FROM vehicle_names vn
INNER JOIN vehicle v
ON vn. veh_name = ANY (v.veh_types)
COUNT(*) > 1;
This only counts a vehicle name which appears in two or more records in the other table. It would not pick up, for example, a single vehicle record with the same name appearing two or more times.

SQL get the time of different rows

I want to do a select that gives me the time of an employee resolving a ticket.
The problem is that the ticket is divided in actions, so its not only getting the time of a row, it can be from n rows.
This is an abbreviation of what I have:
TicketID | Days | Hours | Minutes
12 | 0 | 2 | 32
12 | 1 | 0 | 12
12 | 4 | 6 | 0
13 | 2 | 5 | 12
13 | 0 | 2 | 33
And this is what I want to get:
TicketID | Time (in minutes)
12 | 2994
13 | 1425
(Or just one row with the condition where specifying TicketID)
This is the select that im doing right now:
select distinct ((Days*8)*60) + (Hours*60) + Minutes from Tickets where ticketid = 12
But is not working as I want.
select ticketid, sum((Days*8)*60), sum((Hours*60)), sum (Minutes)
from tickets
group by ticketid
select TicketID, sum((Days*8)*60) + sum(Hours*60) + sum(Minutes) as Time_in_minutes
from Tickets
group by TicketID
Distinct, as you were trying before, takes each row in the source table (Tickets) and filters out all of the duplicate rows. Instead, you are trying to sum up the days, minutes, and hours for each ticket. So sum them up, and group by the ticket number.
Try this:
SELECT TicketID, (Sum(Minutes)+(Sum(Hours)*60)+(sum(Days)*24*60) ) time
FROM Tickets Group by TicketID

Select the difference of two consecutive columns

I have a table car that looks like this:
| mileage | carid |
| 30 | 1 |
| 50 | 1 |
| 100 | 1 |
| 0 | 2 |
| 70 | 2 |
I would like to get the average difference for each car. So for example for car 1 I would like to get ((50-30)+(100-50))/2 = 35. So I created the following query
SELECT AVG(diff),carid FROM (
SELECT (mileage-
(SELECT Max(mileage) FROM car Where mileage<mileage AND carid=carid GROUP BY carid))
AS diff,carid
FROM car GROUP BY carid)
But this doesn't work as I'm not able to use current row for the other column. And I'm quite clueless on how to actually solve this in a different way.
So how would I be able to obtain the value of the next row somehow?
The average difference is the maximum minus he minimum divided by one less than the count (you can do the arithmetic to convince yourself this is true).
select carid,
( (max(mileage) - min(mileage)) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0)) as avg_diff
from cars
group by carid;