ebay finding api require access token? - ebay-api

I am attempting to implement the eBay API and I have taken the steps to create an account, get access token. I submitted the call to obtain an oauth2 access token.
When studying the finding API documentation, it does not mention anything about OAuth2, only that when making calls you should pass your application ID. Does this mean that I do not need to pass an access token or retrieve one when performing calls to the finding API?

As far as I know you need :
I am using these credentials detail and it works for me.


Can I set the audience in the JWT that Xero returns?

I'm using the Xero OAuth2 code flow to authenticate my users. I'm trying to use the access token (a JWT) returned by Xero in order to authenticate requests against a Fauna database. This is theoretically possible by using a Fauna AccessProvider, which is a feature that allows third-party identity providers to authenticate requests against a Fauna database.
Fauna's docs on using its AccessProvider give examples for setting it up with Auth0, but I'm trying to determine whether I can use Xero's OAuth2 functionality instead. This would mean I need Xero to include a second value in the aud field of the access token JWT. From this other StackOverflow post and from looking at the access token, I can see that the aud field is set to the string 'https://identity.xero.com/resources'. Is it possible to configure Xero to set this value to an array that includes a custom value? I need it to include the Audience value set on my AccessProvider instance as documented in this blog post.
I looked through the settings for my app within my Xero developer account, and I don't see any place to add a value to the aud included in the access token.
I've read through the Xero documentation and Googled for any examples of this, but I didn't find any other writing on the subject.
I received this answer from Xero Support:
The access token retrieved from Xero using OAuth is not customisable and so you would not be able to add in the audience.
So it looks like this is not possible, unfortunately.

Customer Authentication in commercejs

You get the problem reading the title. Is there anyway I can sign up customers using commercejs. The documentation is only showing login/logout methods but not sign up.Is there anyway I can do it through commercjs. Or should I use other authentication service like Firebase Auth??
There is no specific way to register a user as Commercejs does not store any kind of password.
The only way for registering a user is to use https://commercejs.com/docs/api/#create-customer as per API reference docs. however if you want to integrate some kind of custom auth you should definitely use this reference:
This allows you to issue a JSON web token for a customer directly using your secret Chec API key. This may be a desirable option if you are integrating your own customer authentication, and simply need a token to authorize API requests as your customer with.
I have personally used this method along with Firebase auth.

Cannot get data using LinkedIn api

I am trying to get data using API provided by LinkedIn. I have got the API key, API secret, and the access key as well. After going through the documentation I got to know that now they perform authentication with OAuth 2.0. I am trying to access the following API :
https://api.linkedin.com/v2/me?oauth2_access_token= my access token
The response returns the follwing:
{"serviceErrorCode":100,"message":"Not enough permissions to access: GET /me","status":403}
I have also sought permission for the API.
Why is this happening?
Note: The "Default Application Permissions" of my app is set to "r_basicprofile".
Please wait for about 2 hours after registration to get the permissions. Sometimes it take time to register for access.
if i am correct, for the V2 you need a linkedin partnership : https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs
if you do not need the partnership program. use the v1 api.
this will work with your current permissions.

How to make twitter api calls using access token

I have managed to get an access token from the twitter api. Now I want to use that token for my further data fetching things, so please help me here to get the details of my twitter account.
For example, lets say I wanted to get the user's data, so when I tested this in apigee console, I got my result.
But how to get the same result, using same api, by hitting on a browser using the access token
something like this
Please help
It's a little more complex than the URL you suggested, but you can use Twitter's OAuth tool to generate the OAuth signature you need to make requests to its Home Timeline API call.
You can find the OAuth tool here:
it's not like that when making twitter api calls you need to send consumer key, consumer secret, your_access_token and your_access_token_secret together
Eg: oauth_consumer_key="KEY",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="TIMESTAMP",oauth_nonce="NONCE",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_token="YOUR_TOKEN",oauth_signature="SIGN"
Source: https://twittercommunity.com/t/getting-the-user-details-using-access-token/6325/3

Linkedin API to get public data

I want to use the Linkedin API to get details of jobs posted by any company. This data seems to be public, so do I need to integrate Oauth?
The LinkedIn API isn't designed for developers to grab information and present it to people who haven't authenticated (public display). Making calls as a single authenticated user to store it or present it elsewhere is against the Terms of Use for the API. Additionally, you can't store the data you get - it's just designed to present to the authenticated user.
If you want to use the API to present this information, your users need to authenticate with LinkedIn and then you can make the call on their behalf. This is probably easiest to do using the Javascript framework.
The data is not quite public. You need an API key and you need oAuth to make API calls. Probably you dont need it if you just want the public profiles. Read the docs (RTFM).