Add right click menu item inside gutter of vscode - vscode-extensions

How to add right click menu inside the editor's gutter of vscode.
I want to have a provision to show/hide line numbers option on the right click inside the editor's gutter.
I am not sure about the extension point for this.

Unfortunately, this is not possible, yet.
I have filled an issue, "OnClick event on Gutter #5455" sometime ago, but it is still open, and no Milestone defined.


Add conditional breakpoint in Intellij without gutter

I prefer not to display gutter icons - they are to me simply distracting. However, I may need to do so (?) for Conditional Breakpoints ?
There does not seem to be any action available for Add Conditional Breakpoint .. The following reference - along with others viewed - only refer to right clicking on the red breakpoint gutter icon.. None mention a menu / keyboard action for same. Did I miss it?
Update : Here are the options for breakpoint from Actions popup dialog - none speak to me as being related to `conditional breakpoint':
My version is Ultimate 2018.3
Hit CtrlshiftA (or ⌘shiftA on Mac) and type "breakpoint".
You'll find two actions named "Toggle line breakpoint" (allowing to add or remove a breakpoint), and "Edit breakpoint" (allowing to edit the breakpoint you added, to add a condition for example).
Note: The "Edit breakpoint" action only appears if there is a breakpoint to edit on that line.
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 opens a dialog where you can create new or edit existing breakpoints without touching the gutter.

Toolbar buttons disappeared in IDEA

I am using Intellij Idea 2017.2.4 and two buttons on the bottom toolbar have disappeared. The two buttons are "Run" (Alt+4) and "Debug" (Alt+5). I can find them in the pop-up menu in the bottom left corner of Idea either and pressing Alt+4 and Alt+5 doesn't work even though the default keymap setup has not been changed.
Is there a way to get them back without having to reinstall Idea?
It looks like they re-appear on the bottom toolbar and in the pop-up menu when I right-click a file and select either run or debug. The key bindings work again as well.

How to stop annoying documentation popups in IntelliJ IDEA

Using IntelliJ IDEA 15, I get these constant and annoying documentation popups whenever my mouse is anywhere in the code window for a decompiled class (from a 3rd party jar). It will popup docs for whatever variable/method/class/anything happens to be near my mouse. If my mouse is not near any lines of code, it will popup for the current classfile, so basically I can't browse code unless I move my mouse to another window.
It only happens with decompiled classes, not my normal code. How do I stop these?
Go to File>Settings>Editor>General - in the section 'Other', uncheck 'Show quick documentation on mouse move'.
In later versions of IntelliJ, the path is File>Settings>Editor>Code Editing, and it is under the "Quick Documentation" section.
In my cause, 'Show quick documentation on mouse move' was in Editor > Code Editing:
If you want the documentation bubble but not the popup window, do this:
Place your text cursor on some text which causes the popup.
Press ctrl + q (or whatever keyboard shortcut you have for quick documentation) a couple of times until the popup window disappears, the quick documentation will then revert to the "bubble" on hover.
Under the File/Settings/.., at the top search bar, type in for "Quick Documentation", will point to the location.
Press <F1> button to show/hide this pop-up.

How to add variable pane in intelliJ?

Does anyone know how to add the variable pane in intelliJ? I closed it by accident I cant find how to re-open it.
This is were it used to be but now I only have the "watches":
Click on the restore layout icon to see watch pane /variable pane and call stack pane.
I do this every now and then, and it always takes me way too long to get it back...see the stack-looking icon toward the top-right corner, under the icon next to settings? That should do it for you.

IntelliJ: After hiding my "Output" sub-panel within the "Debug" panel, how do I get it back?

I'm using IntelliJ 9.0.1. I have the "Debug" panel open. I previously had an "Output" sub-panel within the Debug panel showing the System.out text output of my program. I clicked on the ->| button to hide it, and now I can't get it back. I notice that with the Variables and Watches sub-panels, when I hide them I get an icon on the far right of the Debug toolbar. But I have no icon for the Output panel. I've tried restarting IntelliJ but it doesn't help, nor does closing and reopening the Debug panel.
How can I get my "Output" sub-panel back?
First of all, update to 9.0.3 release, it's free. Then use the Restore Layout button on the left of the Debugger panel.
I discovered I could get it back by clicking on a certain spot in the far right of the "Debug" panel toolbar. It looks like 9.0.1 has a blank icon for the "Output" sub-panel, so you just have to guess where the blank icon is situated and click there.