Apache Httpd LogFormat can log "trailer lines"? - apache

I have read the documentation for configuring a custom LogFormat for the Apache HTTPD server located here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_log_config.html#formats
In this table these two entries exist:
%{VARNAME}^ti The contents of VARNAME: trailer line(s) in the request sent to the server.
%{VARNAME}^to The contents of VARNAME: trailer line(s) in the response sent from the server.
I've tried to figure out what these two mean and so far I have been unlucky. What do these two mean? What will be logged from the request/response?

It's technically possible for certain types of HTTP requests or responses to have a "trailer" -- that is, a header that is included at the end of the message, instead of at the beginning. For example:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Trailer: Expires
<response content>
Expires: <date>
The %{}^ti and %{}^to log formats can be used to log those trailers.
Not sure what this is for? Don't worry, you're not alone. Most HTTP clients and servers -- including web browsers -- don't support or use trailers. Unless your application specifically uses HTTP trailers, you can safely ignore this.


Apache Access Log request that does not start with a forward slash /

I came across an IP address / unknown bot that made four HTTP requests, managing to request four different domain names in the following fashion without the first character being a forward slash /:
"GET www.example.com
When I make test the request http://localhost/www.example.com I see the following in Apache:
"GET /www.example.com
All other requests start with a forward slash. How did the bot manage to make such a request and how can I reproduce this to determine how to handle such requests?
Quoted Apache logs reduced to request method and URL to avoid off-topic comments.
Based on the way HTTP requests work, this can be achieved by sending a raw HTTP request to your IP address and specifying both the GET and Host headers as described on the linked page above:
The most common form of Request-URI is that used to identify a
resource on an origin server or gateway. In this case the absolute
path of the URI MUST be transmitted (see section 3.2.1, abs_path) as
the Request-URI, and the network location of the URI (authority) MUST
be transmitted in a Host header field. For example, a client wishing
to retrieve the resource above directly from the origin server would
create a TCP connection to port 80 of the host "www.w3.org" and send
the lines:
GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.w3.org
followed by the remainder of the Request. Note that the absolute path cannot be empty; if none is present in the
original URI, it MUST be given as "/" (the server root).
This can be done on Windows using PuTTY, or on Linux/Mac using nc (see answer here for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3620596/1038813)

Removing duplicate headers from HTTP requests

I am using an Apache 2.4 server with mod_proxy as an HTTP reverse proxy for Tomcat server. The reverse proxy works on a Split-DNS configuration where "server.com" might point either to the actual HTTP server or to my reverse proxy depending on where the client is.
The problem that I'm having is that our client application had a problem where sometimes it would include an header more than once. For example, an HTTP request could end up looking like this:
POST server.com HTTP/1.1
Some-Header: foo
Authorization: BASIC abc123
Authorization: BASIC abc123
Other-Headers: ...
This works fine if the client is talking directly to Tomcat but if it goes through the reverse proxy then the duplicated headers seem to get mangled and Tomcat ends up receiving a request that looks like this:
POST server.com HTTP/1.1
Some-Header: foo
Authorization: BASIC abc123, BASIC abc123
Other-Headers: ...
I used Wireshark to inspect the HTTP requests as they are sent/received in the Client->Proxy->Tomcat chain and Apache is definitely the component that is "collapsing" the two headers into one.
Is there a way to configure this behavior in a way where it either sends both headers or just one? What I don't want is this "collapsing" taking place...
You can use mod_headers to remove the duplicate header. See their official docs for information on how to enable it.
Then you can add a line like this to your configuration file so that the first part of header disappears:
RequestHeader edit Authorization "^BASIC\ abc123\\,\ " ""
Let me know if that works for you.

Apache2: Change response headers

I'm running on my ubuntu 12.04 system apache2 and playing around with response headers. I want to change the behavior of http response headers, especially the Content-Length header. I've tried adding following lines in my apache2.conf in the IfModule mod_headers.c section:
Header set Static-Header "Static Content with nonsense"
Header set Content-Length "1338"
If I run curl -I localhost I get the expected header field Content-Length: 1338 (curl -I performs a HEAD request).
If I run curl -i the Content-Length is correctly calculated.
In RFC2616, section 9.4 is described that the HEAD request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response to a GET request.
Can someone explain me this behavior?!
Apache2 always calculates the content-length from scratch when it actually does deliver content. You'll experience that same behavior if you change that header using PHP. This is necessary to make sure the Content-Length matches the length of the content that is sent after the server applied, for example, compression (if mod_deflate is active).
Because of this, in any request that sends content, your change to that header is nullified. But as Apache doesn't even look at the content in an head-request (only it's metadata), it does not calculate content-length. This is valid, as HEAD-requests don't have any body, so content-length is always zero.
Therefore, you should:
a) not modify the content-length header in the first place
b) not send one for HEAD requests

Apache 2.2.17 not returning last modified date of https static file

I'm using NSurlconnect and an NSurlrequest to get the http headers from a static txt file served from an apache server but it does not return the last modified date.
What Apache server configuration directive would prevent this or what could i have the server guys add to the configuration to enable this to show.
FYI I have tried other urls on different servers and i am able to get last-modified from them.
This turned out to be a problem with certificates and the solution was to revise the allowable canAuthentiateAgainstProtectionSpace options.
It caused me some confusion because I received a response and it allowed me to download the file even though the response was a http 401 response. once I fixed the authenificiation problem i started to get the correct 304 and 200 options back from the server along with all the expected headers
I hate to answer my own question but I think that the reason the header is not stowing last=modified is that there are .htaccess files somewhere in the configuration of the server that specify
Header unset last-Modified
or that some other mod or apache2.cnf has some other directive..
if anyone knows better please advise.

Prevent Apache from chunking gzipped content

When using mod_deflate in Apache2, Apache will chunk gzipped content, setting the Transfer-encoding: chunked header. While this results in a faster download time, I cannot display a progress bar.
If I handle the compression myself in PHP, I can gzip it completely first and set the Content-length header, so that I can display a progress bar to the user.
Is there any setting that would change Apache's default behavior, and have Apache set a Content-length header instead of chunking the response, so that I don't have to handle the compression myself?
You could maybe play with the sendBufferSize to get a value big enough to contain your response in one chunk.
Then chunked content is part of the HTTP/1.1 protocol, you could force an HTTP/1.0 response (so not chunked: “A server MUST NOT send transfer-codings to an HTTP/1.0 client.”) by setting the force-response-1.0 in your apache configuration. But PHP breaks this settings, it's a long-known-bug of PHP, there's a workaround.
We could try to modify the request on the client side with an header preventing the chunked content, but w3c says: "All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and decode the "chunked" transfer-coding", so I don't think there's any header like 'Accept' and such which can prevent the server from chunking content. You could however try to set your request in HTTP/1.0, it's not really an header of the request, it's the first line, should be possible with jQuery, certainly.
Last thing, HTTP/1.0 lacks one big thing, the 'host' headers is not mandatory, verify your requests in HTTP/1.0 are still using the 'host' header if you work with name based virtualhosts.
edit: by using the technique cited in the workaround you can see that you could tweak Apache env in the PHP code. This can be used to force the 1.0 mode only for your special gzipped content, and you should use it to prevent having you complete application in HTTP/1.0 (or use the request mode to set the HTTP/1.0 for you gzip requests).