Jenkins Job information - api

How to get below mentioned job information by using Jenkins api or some other command line option.
Time-stamp of last job that succeeded.
Time-stamp of last job that failed.
I looked in to this API but its giving only build info but not the time stamp i.e at what time and date information when this build failed of succeeded.

You do this by using the method getLastSuccessfulBuild() and getLastFailedBuild() on Job and then asking each one for their timestamp. E.g. there is no methods for doing this directly on the Job node, instead you need multiple methods.
So, using, for example, the XML API, it would look something like this:
In my case this gives me:
<freeStyleProject _class="hudson.model.FreeStyleProject">
<lastFailedBuild _class="hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild">
<lastSuccessfulBuild _class="hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild">


Pentaho Data Integration: Error Handling

I'm building out an ETL process with Pentaho Data Integration (CE) and I'm trying to operationalize my Transformations and Jobs so that they'll be able to be monitored. Specifically, I want to be able to catch any errors and then send them to an error reporting service like Honeybadger or New Relic. I understand how to do row-level error reporting but I don't see a way to do job or transaction failure reporting.
Here is an example job.
The down path is where the transformation succeeds but has row errors. There we can just filter the results and log them.
The path to the right is the case where the transformation fails all-together (e.g. DB credentials are wrong). This is where I'm having trouble: I can't figure out how to get the error info to be sent.
How do I capture transformation failures to be logged?
You can not capture job-level errors details inside the job itself.
However there are other options for monitoring.
First option is using database logging for transformations or jobs (see the "Log" tab in the job/trans parameters dialog) - this way you always have up-to-date information about the execution status so you can, say, write a job that periodically scans the logging database and sends error reports wherever you need.
Meanwhile this option seems to be something pretty heavy-weight for development and support and not too flexible for further modifications. So in our company we ended up with monitoring on a job-execution level - i.e. when you run a job with kitchen.bat and it fails by any reason you get an "error" status of execution of the kitchen, so you can easily examine it and perform necessary actions with whenever tools you'd like - .bat commands, PowerShell or (in our case) Jenkins CI.
You could use the writeToLog("e", "Message") function in the Modified Java Script step.
// Writes a string to the defined Kettle Log.
// Usage:
// writeToLog(var);
// 1: String - The Message which should be written to
// the Kettle Debug Log
// writeToLog(var,var);
// 1: String - The Type of the Log
// d - Debug
// l - Detailed
// e - Error
// m - Minimal
// r - RowLevel
// 2: String - The Message which should be written to
// the Kettle Log

How to get process scheduler history in Solaris?

I would like to know if there is way to get the process sheduler history in Solaris operating system. The output may have the following details.
user : user name who invoked the process
name : name of the process / command used to invoke the process
loc : location or path of the binary
pid : process id
event: event happened to the process (init, suspend or end)
time : time the event happend
date : date the event happeed
I'm interested to hear if any such thing available for other OS as well.
You might implement that with a dtrace script leveraging the proc provider (proc:::exec-success, proc:::exit and proc:::signal_handle).
Your event list looks dubious, should probably be at least "start,suspend,resume and exit"
You want the audit feature of Solaris. man audit and associated utilities, auditconfig etc

Determine actual errors from a load job

Using the Java SDK I am creating a load job for just a single record with a fairly complicated schema. When monitoring the status of the load job, it takes a surprisingly long time (but perhaps this is due to working out the schema), but then says:
11:21:06.975 [main] INFO xxx.GoogleBigQuery - Job status (21694ms) create_scans_1384744805079_172221126: DONE
11:24:50.618 [main] ERROR xxx.GoogleBigQuery - Job create_scans_1384744805079_172221126 caused error (invalid) with message
Too many errors encountered. Limit is: 0.
11:24:50.810 [main] ERROR xxx.GoogleBigQuery - {
"message" : "Too many errors encountered. Limit is: 0.",
"reason" : "invalid"
BTW - how do I tell the job that it can have more than zero errors using Java?
This load job does not appear in the list of recent jobs in the console, and as far as I can see, none of the Java objects contains any more details about the actual errors encountered. So how can I pro-grammatically find out what is going wrong? All I can find is:
if (err != null) {
log.error("Job {} caused error ({}) with message\n{}", jobID, err.getReason(), err.getMessage());
try {
In general I am having a difficult time finding good documentation for some of these things and am working it out by trial and error and short snippets of code found on here and older groups. If there is a better source of information than the getting started guides, then I would appreciate any pointers to that information. The Javadoc does not really help and I cannot find any complete examples of loading, querying, testing for errors, cataloging errors and so on.
This job is submitted via a NEWLINE_DELIMITIED_JSON record, supplied to the job via:
InputStream dummy = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/googlebigquery/xxx.record");
final InputStreamContent jsonIn = new InputStreamContent("application/octet-stream", dummy);
createTableJob =, loadJob, jsonIn).execute();
My authentication and so on seems to work correctly as separate Java code to list the projects, and the datasets in the project all works correctly. So I just need help in working what the actual error is - does it not like the schema (I have records nested within records for instance), or does it think that there is an error in the data I am submitting.
Thanks in advance for any help. The job number cited above is an actual failed load job if that helps any Google staffers who might read this.
It sounds like you have a couple of questions, so I'll try to address them all.
First, the way to get the status of the job that failed is to call jobs().get(jobId), which returns a job object that has an errorResult object that has the error that caused the job to fail (e.g. "too many errors"). The errorStream list is a lost of all of the errors on the job, which should tell you which lines hit errors.
Note if you have the job id, it may be easier to use bq to lookup the job -- you can run bq show <job_id> to get the job error information. If you add the --format=prettyjson it will print out all of the information in the job.
A hint you also might want to consider is to supply your own job id when you create the job -- then even if there is an error starting the job (i.e. the insert() call fails, perhaps due to a network error) you can look up the job to see what actually happened.
To tell BigQuery that some errors are allowed during import, you can use the maxBadResults setting in the load job. See

How to prevent execution of a waf task if nothing changes from the last successful execution?

I have a waf task that is running a msbuild in order to build a project but I do want to run this only if last execution was not successful.
How should I do this?
Store in your build.env.MS_SUCC = 1 and retrieve the value from the previous build (for the first time you naturally have to check if the dict item MS_SUCC exists)

CTest build ID not set

I have a CDash configured to accept posts for automatic builds and tests. However, when any system attempts to post results to the CDash, the following error is produced. The result is that each result gets posted four times (presumably the original posting attempt plus the three retries).
Can anyone give me a hint as to what sets this mysterious build ID? I found some code that seems to produce a similar error, but still no lead on what might be happening.
Build::GetNumberOfErrors(): BuildId not set
Build::GetNumberOfWarnings(): BuildId not set
Submit failed, waiting 5 seconds...
Retry submission: Attempt 1 of 3
Server Response:
The buildid for CDash is computed based on the site name, the build name and the build stamp of the submission. You should have a Build.xml file in a Testing/20110311-* directory in your build tree. Open that up and see if any of those fields (near the top) is empty. If so, you need to set BUILDNAME and SITE with -D args when configuring with CMake. Or, set CTEST_BUILD_NAME and CTEST_SITE in your ctest -S script.
If that's not it, then this is a mystery. I've not seen this error occur before...
I'm having the same issue though Site and Buildname are available in test.xml and are visible on cdash (4 times). I can see the jobs increment by refreshing between retries so it seems that the submission succeeds and reports a timeout.
Update: This seems to have started when I added the -j(nprocs) switch to the ctest command. changing CtestSubmitRetryDelay: 20 (was 5) allowed a server response through that indicates the cdash version may not be able to handle the multi-proc option I'll have to look into that for my issue. Perhaps setting CtestSubmitRetryDelay to a larger number will get you back a server response as it did for me. g'luck!
Out of range value for column 'processorclockfrequency'