Informix 11.5 SQL Select Carriage Return and Line Feed - sql

Informix 11.5
I am trying to search for carriage returns and line feeds that may exist in a VARCHAR field. First, I need a SELECT statement to show that they exist. Second, I need to REPLACE them with a space or other character.
I've tried all kinds of variations:
CHR(10) + CHR(13)
CHR(10) || CHR(13)
CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
CHAR(13) || CHAR(10)
SELECT CHR(10) from systables;
Everything gives an error: Routine (chr) can not be resolved.
I've been searching all over and just can't find anything that works, and I'm sure this is crazy stupid easy.

Get the ASCII package from the IIUG
The CHR() function was added to IDS 11.70; it isn't in IDS 11.50.
The good news is you can add the function because IDS is an extensible server. The better news for you is that you can obtain the relevant code from the IIUG web site in the Software Archive under the Miscellaneous section as ascii.
That should allow you to do what you need. (Note: I wrote the code way back when — before there was support built into any of the servers.)
Windows makes things more complicated
I was uploading the ascii.unl file and I get an error that the number of columns do not match on line 13. Have you seen this before? I'm on Windows 2008. The errors are:
846: Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns.
847: Error in load file line 13.
I hadn't seen it before, but I've not tried the file on Windows and … well, let's say life gets trickier on Windows than it is on Unix (and this bit isn't all that simple on Unix).
First of all, the data file needs to have CRLF line endings instead of the NL-only line endings that are standard on Unix. (Note that NL, newline, is another name for LF, line feed — aka '\n'.) For most lines in the unload file, that isn't a problem.
The two entries for which it might be (is) a problem are for CR and LF — entries 13 and 10 respectively. In theory, if the entry for line 10 contains (in C string notation) "10|\\\n\r\n" (that is, 10, pipe, backslash, newline, CRLF), all should be OK; the absence of an error message for line 10 suggests that it is OK.
Similarly, the entry for line 13 is "13|\r\r\n", which apparently causes grief. The simplest trial fix is to add a backslash here too: "13|\\\r\r\nn". The backslash says "the next character doesn't have a special meaning". If that doesn't work, we'll probably have to try hex-escape notation: "13|\\0d\r\n" — and use dbaccess -X to enable the hex escape notation.
With luck, one of those two (or both) will work. If neither works, come back and we'll try to think of something else.

As per my above comment:
I was uploading the ascii.unl file and I get an error that the number of columns do not match on line 13. Have you seen this before? I'm on Windows 2008. 846: Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns. 847: Error in load file line 13.
Here is what I see in the ascii.unl file.
If I put this into MS Word and turn on Show Formatting/Paragraph marks, it shows this:


How to replace some characters after a specific character to another specific character in one big sql line in notepad++

I have a big sql file with thousand user something like this:
('','{SSHA512}JWHCqHzazH2vGneLPfhMKkoAamzvxdNCWYOlhZ+uDx36jHdoMXwQmbEemvUMn7ZG6c9+22noXjjb2hAb99/5A/slscDJPKav','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2020-03-19 13:15:58','2015-08-03 06:11:53','2020-03-19 13:15:58','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone1'),
('','{SSHA512}UoMeyocmdC2DxM0S7B4WFdjnCNuvkngzzLus33h9nugKVlvdhlcboKmMDDuAkCHEyLBUgf8DicKWFPJVS7EOF/ytv27MQ3Ch','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2015-12-17 12:27:35','2015-08-03 06:44:10','2021-06-08 06:55:33','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone2'),
('','{SSHA512}A6ToCf4OfP3XNEU9ngEmGN/LDquH9+s9Qxme3SoJaDyVvxiWpnwwTiAALSdnmhIxDB2VQK0zhdF+jP8ARvh0N3IDL0Xv/KmL','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal','',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2018-04-03 12:31:09','2015-08-03 06:50:01','2018-04-03 12:31:18','9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone3'),
('','{SSHA512}t7/JbUPQ+rtKeRTgWRH6KlETr2JsqYORBOZouzOzs4Wo6YfHYLoy0m+U4kZXk+AeNgMep2hGZSodPZdK2l2bn9MhOKHOuF/L','','en_US','maildir','Maildir','/home/vmail','vmail1','',0,'','','','normal',''0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,'1970-01-01 01:01:01',0,'',NULL,NULL,'2020-03-18 07:48:26','2016-11-14 06:59:04','2021-06-08 05:54:28',9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone4')
And now I need to delete the last word ('someone1' , 'someone2' , 'someone3' , 'someone4') for every user which adjoining to 1. It will be looks like
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1)
not like in original
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone1')
....9999-12-31 00:00:00',1'someone2')
But don't forget they are not in different lines. All this is in one big line and this makes me to ask you help. Thanks a lot.
It seems that (from your examples) the rows do not contain any parentheses except their start and end characters. So you can search for one quotation mark ', and a number of letters and/or digits, and one quotation mark ', and than ).
To do this;
Open Replace window in Notepad++ by using ctrl+h shortcut
From Search Mode section select Reqular expression
Write '[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?[-,_,.]*?[a-zA-Z0-9]*?'\) to Find what box
Write '\) to Replace with box
Click Replace All button.
This works if user names consist of letters or digits and _, -, . at most 3 times.
Be Sure that you have a copy of original file as a backup. And also be aware of that the regular expression that we use may find unrelated parts if any row contains closing parentheses except end of it.

Teradata SQL - Replacing special characters

I'm using Report Builder 3.0 for my reports. My report runs, however, if a user exports the results to Excel (xlsx) instead of Excel 2003 (xls), they get an "illegal xml character" message when the file is open.
4 of the columns contain "&" and / or " ' "; so I'm trying to replace these special characters; which I believe are causing the issue.
I've tried to update this line:
j.journal_desc AS "Jrnl Description",
with this line:
oreplace(oreplace(j.journal_desc, ’&’, ‘and’),'''','') AS "Jrnl Description",
and it works fine. However when I do this on a second line I get the message: "SELECT Failed. [9804] Response Row size or Constant Row size overflow".
I've tried "otranslate" and it works on 2 columns. However, when I try it on the 3rd column, I get the same overflow message.
Is it possible to use oreplace or otranslate on multiple columns? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to replace these special characters? t
Thanks for the help......
oreplace and otranslate when used the result string will have length of 8000 unicode characterset.each of otranslate will make much longer by 8000. Try to cast to smaller length should fix problem.
CAST(oreplace(journal_desc,'&','and') AS VARCHAR(100))

Coda 2 & Emmet - EOL character displaying

I am using emmet with Coda 2, version 2.6.6. When I use it to create multiple lines, Coda is showing some sort of end of line character.
For instance, if I use section.container>div*4>{$}, I get the following:
At the end of the first three divs is a some sort of EOL character, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I looked through the editor preferences and did not see anything that would allow me to hide that character. I've tried it on two different macs and have the exact same results.
Is there a way to get rid of it.
I've noticed this recently in 2.5.16. it may be related to having mixed line endings.
If you go to Text > Line Endings > Convert to (whatever type of line endings you use), it should clear the symbol.

sqlite query replace hidden/invisible carriage return with legitimate carriage return

I have an sqlite database with thousands of text entries. The text has many invisible/hidden carriage returns which shows the text in one long line. It displays okay on some programs, and on others it does not like this. If I just delete these hidden carriage returns and replace them by hitting the 'enter' button, everything works just fine. My question is how do I replace these hidden characters (which I believe are CHAR(13) or CHAR(10)) with a normal carriage return like I hit the enter button. What would the correct SQLite query be? I've found of examples about just replacing them all with an empty space but nothing about replacing with a normal paragraph.
Here is an example of what I mean:
-Result from growth in wool production in England- Enclosures were lands that were previously farms and they were turned into pastures for sheep- The serfs who had been working on the previous farm land were evicted
This is what I would like it to display:
Result from growth in wool production in England
Enclosures were lands that were previously farms and they were turned into pastures for sheep
The serfs who had been working on the previous farm land were evictedd
I can do this by just going and deleting these hidden carriage returns and hitting the enter button. I could do this for the entire database, but it would take me about 3 months to do that.
Any help would be most appreciated.
"Normal" line break depends on application. Indeed, different OS use different line breaks.
I would, first, get sure to have all line breaks normalized in your database - I prefer a single LF (x'0A'), so I would ensure my data uses only this character:
UPDATE mytable SET mycol=REPLACE(REPLACE(mycol, x'0D0A', x'0A'), x'0D', x'0A');
This would convert all CR+LF to LF, them all remaining CR to LF also.
Then convert output as desired for my application:
SELECT mycol FROM mytable; -- LF, Unix like systems, ...
SELECT REPLACE(mycol, x'0A', x'0D0A'); -- CRLF, Windows systems, ...
SELECT REPLACE(mycol, x'0A', x'0D'); -- CR, Mac OS (ver<=9), ...

How are error messages in StringTemplate to be interpreted?

I got this error message while using StringTemplate:
line 94:26: unexpected char: ')'
And after about 15 minutes of randomly adding and removing blank lines in my template, and observing how the number in that message changed, I finally isolated the line that caused trouble. It was line #152, position #35.
Is the value after "line " just normally totally wrong, or is there a way of deducing the real line number from that output?
In StringTemplate (ST) 4, it appears that the first number is the line number, within the specific template at issue and not the line number within the .stg file if that's what you're using (which most of us do).
When I'm using vim, this means I need to mentally offset that from the line number of the first line of the template (add them together) to get the actual line number within the .stg file.
The second number in the ST error is the character position within that line of the template. But wait, there's more - you know you love it...
When an error is on the first line of a multi-line template: since ST elides the starting newline in multi-line templates, ST effectively combines the first/ declaration line (ending in "<<") with the second (actual start of the template) line, in multi-line templates;
so at least with ST-4.0.8 I need to subtract the length of the template declaration line from the character position, to get the actual character position.
The first "\n" eliding (for multi-line templates only) also means the line number may appear to be offset by 1, and possibly the character position, for an error on the "first line".
The error should include the filename and template name, so it's enough information for an automated script or tool, but a bit cumbersome for us mere humans.
Good luck.