Slow autocomplete in Xcode 8 - objective-c

I recently got a 2016 nTB MBP. I started Obj-C in Xcode 8 a few days ago.
What I noticed, that autocomplete is really useful but it's incredibly slow. Even inside an extremely simple class (fractions, just for practice), the delay is very annoying when typing.
Is this normal or it should be smooth?
I removed it with AppCleaner and reinstalled it but it's just the same.

Tame the beast with:
Xcode | Preferences | General > Uncheck "Show live issues"
BTW None of the answers in the "Possible duplicate" above fixed this for me.

The new Xcode 9 Beta is immeasurably faster for me and solved the annoying editing delays from having autocomplete and live issues turned on.
Not sure if you can deploy to the App Store with beta Xcode, but I'm going to develop in beta and open the normal Xcode to deploy.


Racket 8.5 does not close primary and secondary windows

I installed Racket 8.5 on my MacBook (MacOS Ventura Beta) and ran into a number of problems:
the application windows don't close on the cross, even the ones that are considered additional menus and shouldn't work that way anyway. Add video
In projects from my computer, the functions do not work correctly. And this error appears even if I move the author's code into my Racket in a clean project. For example, from a project downloaded from the Internet, where the author writes:
empty-scene 100 100 "blue"
In his project everything works fine, this function is in the Racket documentation.
If I write this function in my project, Racket gives me an error;
empty-scene: expects only 2 arguments, but found 3
I tried to find information about this on the Internet, I reinstalled Racket and downloaded different versions of the program, but the problem persists.
Has anyone encountered similar problems? Are there any tips on how to fix it?
I have no idea about the window thing: this doesn't happen on macOS 11 and I suspect is an artifact of running it on some beta version of macOS.
The arguments are because you're not in fact using 2htdp/image but htdp/image, which provides a different version of empty-scene. This is clear from looking at your video.
Also, please provide a description, in text of what is needed to reproduce problems like this: images and videos are just not a useful thing.
I'm coming back with results! Your messages are confirmed. It turns out that everything was affected by the beta version of MacOS. After rolling back to Big Sur, both problems resolved.
Thanks so much Shawn and ignis-volens for looking at the problem from the outside and helping me solve it 🔥

risk to go from xcode 6 to xcode 7

I have a lot of problems with xcode 6 at the moment. For me it is nearly unusable.
- performance during building the code and also errorchecking, indexing ...
- autocomplition doesn't work sometimes.
- redirecting to functions works 20% of time (clicking on function or variable to redirect to code). Sometimes it works sometimes not.
I guess the problems went with growing of my apps code.
So I ask me if I should go for XCode 7, which promises a lot for solving my issues. Then I heard about migration problems too.
Are there any experienced developers which went from xcode6 to sxcode7 and do they suggest to do this ?
Close Xcode. Rename the app "Xcode6". Install Xcode 7. Try it and see if it fixes your problems.

Switch to xCode5 with the new SDK will eliminate bugs?

I've just installed ios7 on my iPhone, however I have not yet downloaded xCode5, so I've been producing my archives using iOS6 SDK and using TestFlight to test them on my phone. When running my app on iOS7, I'm noticing a lot of bugs that I didn't see in iOS6 (some that are unpredictable and very difficult to fix). I've been avoiding downloading xCode7 because I'm not yet ready to make the commitment to the new UI elements, but I'm wondering if I did produce my app using the iOS7 SDK, is it possible some of these bugs could be eliminated?
This is a very broad question. iOS 7, despite its advanced beta count, is still very much a work in progress. There are bugs that should be reported to Apple that should not happen. But beyond that, there are changes in the internal API that influence how the app behaves. Apple has done its best to try and preserve SDK 6 apps as much as possible, but there is breaking API which can cause crashes. One example off the top of my head is the class cluster they are now using with ABPersonViewController. Subclassing that in iOS 6 works fine, but in iOS 7, even when compiled with SDK 6, causes a crash in most cases. These issues can be resolved even with Xcode 4.6 and SDK 6.
Compiling with SDK 7 may help you fix some issues, but it will come with a plethora of issues of its own. Depending on how complex your view hierarchy is, you may have to invest a considerable amount of effort to support the new API and functionality. You don't really have a choice, as this is the future, but you should be prepared for this, and arrange your schedule accordingly.

PhpStorm 6 does not always show PHP structure

I am using PhpStorm 6 for web development. I have noticed that PhpStorm quite frequently never shows the PHP Structure in the PHP Structure window. This is very annoying and almost makes the IDE useless. The window shows the spinning icon and never finishes. The code I am working on is a couple hundred lines so this should not take more than a second or two to scan and display (never had this issue in eclipse). I am wondering if there is some sort setting that I am missing or is this a bug the program.
It happened in older versions of PHPStorm. In big project try: File>Invalidate Caches and then restart the IDE.

Developed an app with ARC and xcode 4.2. How can I submit this to iTunes?

After reading:
iphone: submit app with iOS 5 and XCode 4.2?
I realize that using ARC and expecting to release an app to the app store with this technology might have been a bit short-sighted of me. What is the best course of action for me?
Use Xcode 4 and redo the memory management
Wait for Xcode 4.2 to be released
Some other magical way that will solve all my issues and make my dreams come true
Thanks for the advice.
Update: Just in case anyone wandered on to this, it was while Xcode 4.2 was still in beta. End result: don't use beta features unless you're ok with waiting for the final release.
So, first, there is no Santa Claus. That leaves us with:
How urgently do you want to ship?
Xcode 4.2 is going to ship with iOS 5. iOS 5 is likely to ship around September. It could be later. So can you sit on your app for that long? If so, eh, keep polishing, maybe work on some additional features, do an exhaustive run of QA, then when the GM is ready you'll be all set.
If you want to be the master of your own destiny and ship on your terms, install Xcode 4.1 and run the static analyzer to get the full measure of your missing memory management, spend a few hours fixing things up, then profile and test the hell out of it just to be sure. Read up on the Leaks instrument, along with NSZombieEnabled, should you run into unexpected memory issues (dunno how big your project is, but I'm sure they can build up with the luxury of ARC snatched away).