Dynamic Alert Process - sql

I am after advice more than I direct answer or if someone has done something similar. I will try and explain what I want to do. I am want to create a SQL a stored procedure that checks against table and dynmically runs the code that is situate in one of the fields, something similar to SQL Alerts but I dont want to create lots of alerts. My table would have something like an Alert Name field and a piece of code that checks to see if an order has been put in a table for over £150 as an example, there will be lots of other similar small pieces of code. This table would be linked to another that dictates how often it runs depending on the time of day then a futher table that says what happens when the alert is triggered, a stage one alert would be an email a stage 2 would be a text. I then have a stored procedure that runs constantly checking the necessary tables to see if anything needs to be run. I appreciate this might be a little vague for a direct answer but if anyone could offer some advice that would be much appreciated.
Hi DMason/Others, sorry I was typing that out a little late last night and yep vagueness seemed to be the order of the day ;) I am trying to put together a custom alert system that uses a Stored procedure to analyse a table to see if an alert is scheduled and then run it. Right I have a table that contains 2 columns Name and Code, Name is just a piece of text and Code will contain a basic select statement as an example. I then have a table of schedules for the alert this will show day of the week and time e.g. working day or other. My next table shows Thresholds for example for an alert the threshold might be 2 e.g. the original select statement cant return any more records than 2 otherwise the alert is triggered. I also have an alert level table, this means that if an alert has only been triggered once in a specific piece of time and alert goes out as an email if it gets triggered again then a text messages is sent out. There is a final table that contains things like email addresses and mobiles associated with each of the alerts. I have the design more or less put together in my head but just trying to think of the best way to put it all together or if anyone has done something similar...Hope that gives a little more detail :)


Oracle Application Express SQL Query to show meaningful information

I am trying to write a query that 1) works and 2) shows meaningful information.
However, I can't seem to complete both scenarios. Both bits of code do work to a degree. My SQL query does work by showing all the useful information a user wants but when you click the edit button it doesn't link properly so it won't allow the user to update that row. The other shows only keys and rowid but when you click edit does show the information and allows it to be updated.
So as not to get another down-voted question, I have taken pictures of each scenario to show the problem, but, ultimately, I need to show meaningful information: an id or key isn't meaningful to the vast majority of users.
Here is my code
and here are the pictures of it in action
below is the code that does not show meaningful information but does work.
select "ROWID",
If i knew how to properly use rowid i am sure this is a simple feat but i dont so if i could get any help it would be useful
who ever renamed this to Application Expression why? what i am using is Apex Application Express it was relevant information that got changed to something wrong which might make it hard for someone with a similar problem to find later.
In the second, simple query, apex can determine which table (and record) you are trying to edit.
In the first query, with the joins, it can't tell which of the five tables in query you want to edit. You probably want to have the edit link pass the primary key of the row from APPLICATIONS to the child page. You would need to build into that page any logic (lists of values etc) that map lookup tables (such as status) to the values needed in the APPLICATIONS table.

Disable Query in Access with VBA

A coworker in accounting was complaining about how she ran a query twice and it doubled her values and she got confused. Im just a Junior IT person who has very little VBA experience. I am basically just trying to add code to make it so my queries in our databases can't be run more than once unless you restart the database. I was thinking of doing a boolean check to see if a query has been run and if it has don't allow it to be run again. Or maybe I could just do a simple if statement. Please let me know if you have any input on this issue.
I couldn't find anything on the Googs either.
I would think on a date and a session ID as default values in each table, you could code the addition of both etc.
These are populated, date =date() as default value and sessionID is the DMAX from your SessionID table, as extra column in said query.
This SessionID table is incemented by a startup popup form, running macro.
The Primary Key of each table being operated on would be the date and the sessionID not allowing dupes. You probably dont need the date, just a sessionID in the PK.
It is not always the best idea to implement ad-hoc ideas by users like this.
You should analyze what happened here, and make sure it cannot happen in the application design, not by arbitrary rules.
Example: If the update query adds fees to a bill, and this must happen only once per bill, then the update query should also set a flag "fees added" in the bill record. And it should not update bills with this flag set.

exporting only rows from sql in phpmyadmin, only where a certain column has Boolean of 0

"meta/background about the use of code and person using it"
1.site built by professional that left company,
2.I am inexperienced but trying/ want to learn,
3.Customer support site for service reps,
What im trying to do exactly per stackoverflows parameters.
We have a drop down box listing issues that the customer had in a column labeled "issue_type". I can export via csv entire table load onto excel then give to boss for overall review of what the issues were. However data base has a "hide" column. Its function is that when the row is updated the record is kept but the same "job or call" has only one viewable report on site (the most recently updated one). Hide is a boolean. In conclusion I want to export rows that only has the "hide" column Boolean status at 0, AND to only export the columns "customer", and "issue_type". I can seem to only do one or the other. and have researched a minimum of 4 hours to find answer myself and cannot find a syntax to do both at the same time with phpmyadmin.
I dont want an enormous data that is mostly useless but for issue type and customer but i will have to manually delete all the rows with hide = 1?
Thanks anyone 1st attempt question sorry if not correct for stackflow.
SELECT Customer,Issue_type FROM tickets where hide =0;
Elaborating on what is above for anyone that may be looking for a similar answer, SQL supports the "where" clause of which you can when properly syntaxed select many of your columns and their associated strings, booleans, and numbers to = what your looking for. Wildcards I found later for other uses work as well.
Sorry about the self answer but hopefully someone finds this usefull

SRSS: Dynamic amount of subreports in a report

it might be possible I'm searching for the wrong keywords, but so far I couldn't find anything useful.
My problem is quite simple: At the moment I get a list of individual Ids through a report parameter, I pass them to a procedure and show the results.
The new request is like this: Instead of showing the list for all individuals at once, there should be a list for each individual id.
Since I'm quite a beginner in srss, I thought the easiest approach would be the best: Create a subreport, copy the shown list, and create a subreport per individual id.
The amount of this IDs is dynamic, so I have to create a dynamic amount of subreports.
Funny enought, this doesnt seem to be possible. This http://forums.asp.net/t/1397645.aspx url doesnt show exactly the problem, but it shows the limit of the subreports.
I even ran trough the whole msdn pages starting http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd220581.aspx but I couldnt find anything there.
So is there a possibility, to create a loop like:
For each Individual ID in Individual IDs, create a subreport and pass ONE ID to this?
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
As usual, thanks so far for all answers!
Matthias Müller
Or is there another approach I should use to make this work?
You didn't provide much detail about what sort of information needs to be included in the subreport, but assuming it's a small amount of data (say, showing a personnel record), and not a huge amount (such as a persons sales for the last year), a List might be the way to go.
I tried to create a 'Fake'-Dataset with no sql query but just for iterating the id list, but it seems the dataset needs a data-source...
All datasets require a data source, though if you're merely hard-coding some fake return data, any data source will do, even a local SQL instance with nothing in it.

hiding unnecessary fields in Access Report

At my workplace there is a "Daily Feedback" database where details are entered of any errors made by Customer Service Officers (CSOs), such as who made the mistake, when, and what service it was for. this is so we can gather data which would show areas where CSO's are repeatedly making mistakes so we can feed this back to them and train them in those areas if need be.
i currently have a report where an CSOs name is entered along with a date range and it produces the report showing the number of errors made for each service for that date range.
the code used is -
=Sum(IIf([Service]="Environmental Health",1,0))
etc etc for each Service.
The problem i have is that not every CSO does EVERY service and so there are usually a few results showing as "0". and i cannot be sure if thats because they dont do the service or if they are just very good at that service.
Being absolutely useless at SQL (or any other possible way of fixing this) i cannot figure out how to HIDE the entries that produce the zero value.
any help here would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming you have a table with the fields CSO, Service, FeedbackComments you could modify the report record source to
SELECT [CSO], [Service], Count([FeedbackComments])
FROM [FeedbackTable]
GROUP BY [CSO], [Service];
Then services which have no records will not appear on the report.
I don't understand exactly what you want. But I want to mention you can use the COUNT() function along with SUM(). A count >0 will reveal if 0 means '0' instances or '0' errors.