VB.NET %appdata% path access is denied - vb.net

I want a folder to be created inside user's %appdata% folder, it does create, but it cannot write a file inside the folder, it says "Access denied", I googled it, but nothing worked for me.
Dim SpecialAppData As String = GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
Dim CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG As String = SpecialAppData & "\da_dev\clientsettings\cloud\"
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(SpecialAppData & "\da_dev\clientsettings\cloud\") Then
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(SpecialAppData & "\da_dev\clientsettings\cloud\")
End If
Dim objWriterCSF As New System.IO.StreamWriter(CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG)
TextBox1.Text = My.Settings.username
TextBox2.Text = My.Settings.password
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(SpecialAppData & "\da_dev\clientsettings\cloud\" & "files.cfg") Then
End If
The error is:
I noticed the picture says that it cannot find path, I fixed that, but now I get the issue:

You can not "open a file" that is actually a directory.
Dim CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG As String = SpecialAppData & "\da_dev\clientsettings\cloud\"
CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG points to a directory.

The error here is not that access is denied, but that the directory does not exist. You can use Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(CLOUDSAVEFILESCFG)) to ensure that the directory exists before trying to create a file within it.

Forgot to add a file behind CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG...
Like this:
Dim objWriterCSF As New System.IO.StreamWriter(CLOUDSAVEDFILESCFG & "\files.cfg")


VBA FileExists and Sharepoint

I'm running into issues trying to pull info from files stored in Sharepoint.
Namely, FileExists isn't working and Overwrite file doesn't seem to be working either.
There was a discussion here, but few answers -> posting this question again in hopes some things have changed
My code runs like this:
strFileExists = Dir(Filepath & Filename)
And returns: File path not found -> I checked the path and even opened a file and recorded the macro to make sure it was the same file path without issue, but it appears DIR() is the issue.
The business dept I'm working with is entirely switching over to Sharepoint so hoping there's a straightforward solution without setting up network shares or doing C/personal/OneDrive things
You can navigate and look for files on OneDrive like this
Sub check_File_Exists()
Dim path As String
Dim strType As String
Dim file As Variant
Dim yourFile As String
'replace uname with your user name
path = "C:\Users\uname\OneDrive\"
strType = "*txt"
yourFile = "test.txt"
file = Dir(path & strType)
Do While (file <> "")
If file = yourFile Then
Debug.Print ("File: " & file & " found!")
Exit Do
End If
file = Dir
End Sub
Hope it helps

visualbasic cant delete .zip file in a directory

i have three folder in "D:\TestField". These are "backups","ExampleFileUpdatePrimary","ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip". I can delete "D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdatePrimary" folder ,but i cant delete "D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip"
my sub function is ;
Private Sub DeleteFolder(ByVal path As String)
path = path.Remove(path.Length - 1) 'D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdatePrimary
Dim path2 = path & ".zip" 'D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(path, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) 'its working
'Dim di = New IO.DirectoryInfo(path2) 'try1
'IO.Directory.Delete(path2) 'try2
'My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(path2, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) 'try3
End Sub
try1,try2 exceptions says " The directory name is invalid"
try3 exception says "System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: ''D:\TestField\ExampleFileUpdateSecondary.zip "
i couldnot find a new solution or try to delete a .zip file in code
Directory entries ending on .zip are usually files not folders, even though Windows Explorer displays them as folders.
Since they are files, use File.Delete instead.

Compiling VB Code With CodeDom

Read up on it, couldn't find anything that worked for me.
Basically, I have a file called SourceCode.vb in my resources.
I'm trying to use:
Dim objCodeCompiler As System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler = New VBCodeProvider().CreateCompiler
Dim objCompilerParameters As New System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters()
objCompilerParameters.GenerateExecutable = True
objCompilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = False
objCompilerParameters.CompilerOptions = "/target:winexe"
objCompilerParameters.OutputAssembly = "C:\"
Dim strCode As String = My.Resources.SourceCode.ToString
Dim objCompileResults As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults = objCodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(objCompilerParameters, strCode)
If objCompileResults.Errors.HasErrors Then
MsgBox("Error: Line>" & objCompileResults.Errors(0).Line.ToString & ", " & objCompileResults.Errors(0).ErrorText)
Exit Sub
End If
I need it to compile the code and make the file and place it in C:\ - For some reason its not working. Error is:
error: line>0, no input sources specified
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Edit: Problem was that I needed to add an actual name for the file after the output. Thanks for the help Hans.
It's actually because you are setting OutputAssembly to a location when it expects an assembly name. It should be:
objCompilerParameters.OutputAssembly = "AssemblyName.exe"
If you want to set the location of the output assembly, add it to your compiler options.
objCompilerParameters.CompilerOptions = "/target:winexe /out:C:\\AssemblyName.exe"
Although, I believe if you want to write to the C: drive, you will need to run your program as administrator.

Open Word Document From Dynamic Directory VB.Net

I have a program for which I have developed a user guide. I have placed this user guide within the project directory. I created a MenuStrip Item by which to open the user guide in Word on the user's machine. I was successfully able to do this with the following code:
userGuide = MSWord.Documents.Open("C:Users\administrator\Documents\VisualStudio2010\Project3\UserGuide.doc")
MSWord.WindowState = Word.WdWindowState.wdWindowStateNormal
MSWord.Visible = True
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("An error has prevented the document from opening. The document may not be available." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Please try one of the following options:" & vbCrLf & _
"- Check to see if the document is already open" & vbCrLf & _
"- Restart the program")
End Try
The problem is, the path used to open the file will not exist on the users machine. This is a standalone system, so no file share can be created in which to place the document, therefore no common path can be coded.
Is there a way to code dynamic paths? Perhaps something like:
userGuide = MSWord.Documents.Open("%windir%\UserGuide.doc")
if the document will be stored relative to the install path of the application executable, then start with the path of the exe:
Dim path As String
path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _
Dim docPath as String;
docPath = Path.Combine(path,"UserGuide.doc");

VB.net Save File Dialogue error - Could not find special directory 'Desktop'

I have a fairly straight forward peice of code that just tries to set the default saved directory for a standard .net save dialogue to a specific folder. If that folder doesn't exist, it sets it to the desktop.
This works fine for everyone but one user who is getting the following error:
Could not find special directory 'Desktop'
How is that even possible?
'Check if folder exists
If Not IO.Directory.Exists(strDirectory) Then
strDirectory = FileIO.SpecialDirectories.Desktop
If Not IO.Directory.Exists(strDirectory) Then
strDirectory = IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory
End If
End If
'Show save file dialogue.
Dim folderDlg As New Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
folderDlg.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop
folderDlg.SelectedPath = strDirectory
folderDlg.ShowNewFolderButton = True
How about:
strDirectory = _
I use GetFolderPath() to get "My Documents" and it works fine (I don't ever have to think about it).