Failed to send notification.: Internal server error. No devices - ibm-mobilefirst

I am getting the error below when sending push notification to android devices
{ code: 'FPWSE0009E',
message: 'Internal server error. No devices found.',
productVersion: ''
I have done the following verification:
1: Verify that the device show up in the MFP console
2: Verify that the device is register by executing the rest call ->https://myservre/mfpadmin/management-apis/2.0/runtimes/mfp/devices and
3: The below activity is in the manifest file
<activity android:name="" android:theme="#android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" />
4: Added the scope 'push.mobileclient'
This issue only happens for Android devices . I can send push notification to iOS phones..
Thanks for your help

I do not see listed a step saying that you visited the FCM console, copied from there the project identifier and senderId values and added those in the MobileFirst Console.
This step is part of the instructions, here:
Once you do that, delete the app from the device and reinstall it.
If it fails still then also add the full LogCat log from when you open the device until after you get the error in the console.


unknown SSL error -12218 (SSL_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE) while launching upwork application on debian stretch

Recently I've been installing upwork application on my debian system.It has installed fine.But when I try to launch it from cli typing: upwork
a bunch of errors happen.
[1008/] Running without the SUID sandbox! See for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
[1008/] Running without renderer sandbox
[1008/] Running without renderer sandbox
[1008/] Failed to send message to ack remove remote endpoint (local ID 1, remote ID 1)
[1008/] Failed to send message to ack remove remote endpoint (local ID 2147483648, remote ID 2)
[1008/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
[1008/] Running without renderer sandbox
[1008/] Failed to send message to ack remove remote endpoint (local ID 1, remote ID 1)
[1008/] Unknown SSL error -12218 (SSL_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE) mapped to net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
[1008/] Unknown SSL error -12218 (SSL_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE) mapped to net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
[1008/] Unknown SSL error -12218 (SSL_ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE) mapped to net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
[1008/] Failed to send message to ack remove remote endpoint (local ID 1, remote ID 1)
How to overcome this errors?
After online searching the decision was found on upwork site forum
unknown ssl error
The problem was how to use the 2 versions of libnss3 packet simultaneously.Libnss3 goes as a security related packet so instead of downgrading it on the system you can simply download the old version of libnss3 compatible with upwork app and then dynamically add a path to this old version to the linker when you need to use upwork app, while the system will have the newest one.

Tracker GV500 - Device management

I currently registered my Quecklink GV500 to cumulocity and I'm able to receive some events and measurements.
But when I try to send command to my Quecklink GV500 registered in Cumulocity but I always hava a FAILED response. For example, I tried to send this command (which is fully supported by the GV500) from SHELL tab: AT+GTTMA=gv500,+,1,0,0,,,,,,FFFF$
And as result I got:
Failure reason: Command currently not supported
I also tried to get the agent logs by using "Log file request" in the "Log" tab of my Device and as result I got:
Failure reason: Cannot build command. Search parameters only allow the
following characters [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Is it normal?
When I look the general information in "Info" tab I have:
Send connection: online
Push connection: inactive
Is it normal that Push connection is marked as inactive?
The tracker-agent in it current state does not use a push connection for receiving operations but does a polling of the operations. Therefore the push connection is always shown as inactive.
If you receive "Failure reason: Command currently not supported" it is an error from the agent not the device. The agent seems not to support shell operations for Queclink.
As for the error on the log file request it seems that there was an unsupported character in the search parameter. Maybe you can share what you entered for the parameters in the UI
Thanks for your answer. For the log file request I let blank value in the search input field. If I try to enter "gl200", I get the following error: Command currently not supported.
So to resume can you confirm that Quecklink devices can't be managed from Cumulocity for the moment? It's supported for which device?

Repeated IBM bluemix Node Red app crashing; status 1

My Node Red application in IBM BlueMix is repeatedly crashing - once an hour - with no real error message other than "exited with status: 1."
How can I troubleshoot this issue?
Is there someone from IBM BlueMix support that monitors this that could take a look?
I looked at my logs and there's nothing in there that really says what's going on.
Edit per requests:
The regular log for "OUT/ERR" is scrolling so fast with HTTPD logs that I can't get it to copy/paste. Filtering to "ERR" Channel the only thing I see is below. I believe this is an error which occurs during deploy when the application restarts.
[App/0] ERR js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
My Node Red application is gathering data from Wink, LIFX, and other IoT services and compiles them together into a Freeboard dashboard.
Caught crash on screenshot here -- not enough cred to post images so it'll only post as a link
The zlib error was fixed in the 0.13.2 Node-RED release (that shipped 19/02/16).
If you re-stage your application is should pick up the new version of Node-RED
You can re-stage the application using the cf command line management application:
cf restage <app name>

Getting VersionConflictEngineException in IBM Mobile First 6.3

I'm receiving the following message on server log in IBM Mobile First 6.3 every time an Adapter is getting called:
[ERROR ] Error sending bulk request: java.lang.RuntimeException:
failure in bulk execution: [2]: index [worklight], type [devices], id
[b2deefe7-0d15-4ed4-b199-7e42440fc372], message
[devices][b2deefe7-0d15-4ed4-b199-7e42440fc372]: version conflict,
current [58], provided [57]]] at
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor57.invoke(Unknown Source) ...
The adapter is executed correctly and the response is returned to the app.
Any idea why this error is happening?
Help will be appreciated.
This is an internal error in analytics. The error itself is actually harmless, however the analytics platform should be catching it... A defect will be logged for the message. In the meantime, if you're not using analytics, you can disable it by removing the WAR files from the Liberty server.
If you are using analytics, then I would recommend clearing out the analytics data folder and restarting the IMF platform (this would remove any data you have stored in analytics). This is assuming that you are running in development mode. The analytics data folder can be in the same directory as the server.xml file for your Liberty server.

Cannot Direct Update after fixpack WL

after the fixpack in subject, i cannot manage to direct update my application.
It notify me that there is a new version available, but when i hit Update it keeps saying that the download failed (both on iOS and Android).
I attached my android to adb and i noticed those lines in the console:
Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges:
{wl-composite-challenge=WWW-Authenticate: WL-Composite-Challenge} Error downloading update file The following
message has been received from the server instead of the expected
application update zip file: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
To complete the information I deployed the IBM_Worklight_Console with no security role in its web.xml and we have Worklight installed on WAS Network Deployment running AIX.
Before the fixpack, everything worked well.
Thank you
EDIT: here you can see my application-descriptor.xml and my server configuration:
I forgot about this stack, however I found the problem.
When I open my application, the WL Framework asks for new available update. In the same time, my application ask an adapter for some data, before the WL server can response about the Update. So if it arrives first the response of my adpater, then the Update response will contain a different requestID causing a 403 forbidden.
I don't know if I explained it clearly, however the temporary fix is to put updateSilently: true, not disturbing the direct update.