objc_getClass: load swift class inheriting NSObject - objective-c

I'm trying to dynamically load a Swift class inheriting from NSObject using the objc runtime. (I'm trying to load the class from ObjC, not from Swift)
My Swift class:
#objc public class TestClass : NSObject {
#objc public func testMethod() -> String {
return "String"
According to Apple's documentation,
The #objc attribute makes your Swift API available in Objective-C and the Objective-C runtime
But the result of objc_getClass("TestClass") is (null).
Am I doing something wrong? Or is it not possible at all to load swift classes inheriting an ObjC class using the objc runtime?

You need to specify an Objective-C name for your class, not just include #objc:
#objc(TestClass) public class TestClass : NSObject {
#objc public func testMethod() -> String {
return "String"
NSClassFromString("TestClass") // TestClass.Type
objc_getClass("TestClass") // TestClass
Otherwise your class will not be registered with the Objective-C runtime, and calls like objc_getClass or NSClassFromString will return nil.

What if you try objc_getClass("YourAppName.TestClass")? Most likely the module name is prepended. You can verify the exact name which is used behind the scenes by using NSStringFromClass([TestClass class])


Can't call custom swift init from objective-c class

I have a custom class with a custom init written in swift. I need to call that init from an Objective-C class.
#objc public class MyClass: NSObject {
public init(configuration config: Data)
// Do Stuff
[[MyClass alloc] initWithConfiguration:CONFIG];
But when I call the init from Objective-C the compiler complains that
No visible #interface for 'MyClass' declares the selector
What am I missing here?
You have to add #objc attribute to initializers too. Like this:
#objc public init(configuration config: Data)
// Do Stuff
And after this, don't forget to re-build (CMD+B), otherwise Xcode will stupidly emit an error.

Swift functions are not included into autogenerated -Swift.h umbrella file

I'm trying to access Swift class methods from Objective-C, following this guide
This is my Swift class:
import Foundation
#objc public class MySwiftClass: NSObject {
// modifiers public, open do not help
func Hello()->String {
return "Swift says hello!";
And here is an excerpt from the autogenerated "umbrella" file MyProductModuleName-Swift.h
#interface MySwiftClass : NSObject
- (nonnull instancetype)init OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
It seems like XCode completely ignores methods of MySwiftClass, and as a result I can't access them from Objective-C. Xcode version is 9.2.
Is it a bug or I missed anything?
You need to add #objc before each function you want to access from Objective-C:
#objc public class MySwiftClass: NSObject {
// modifiers public, open do not help
#objc func Hello() -> String {
return "Swift says hello!";

How to use NSSet<Class> in Swift (exported as Set<NSObject>)?

I have to fulfill a protocol requirement that is defined in Objective-C like this:
#protocol AProtocol <NSObject>
+ (NSSet<Class> * _Nullable)someClasses;
I want to implement this protocol in a subclass written in Swift. I want to return a Set of classes of another Object. The class I want to return is defined like this:
class B: NSObject {}
The class that conforms to the protocol is defined like this:
class A: NSObject, AProtocol {
static func someClasses() -> Set<NSObject>? {
return [B.self]
Why is NSSet<Class> bridged to Set<NSObject> instead of Set?
This solution is crashing, how can I solve the problem?
NSSet<Class> is bridged to Set<NSObject> because AnyClass does not conform to Hashable which is a precondition for the ValueType of Set.
It can be solved with the following extension for NSObjectProtocol:
extension NSObjectProtocol where Self: NSObject {
static var objcClass: NSObject {
return (self as AnyObject) as! NSObject
This returns the class of the object casted as NSObject. It is necessary to cast it first to AnyObject because the type system of Swift is so strong that it would not compile or give a warning when directly casting a type to an instance type. In Objective-C this is fine because Class is also just an object. Since NSObject is implemented in Objective-C and the extension is just for NSObjectProtocol, this is save to use (even with the force cast).
Implementing the extension on NSObjectProtocol and not on NSObject itself brings the positive effect that it is not exported to Objective-C.

Swift - Objective-C load class method?

In Objective-C, NSObject had a class method called load that gets called when the class is loaded for the first time. What is the equivalent in Swift?
#implementation MyClass
+ (void)load
[self registerClass];
Prior to Swift 1.2:
override class func load() {
As of Swift 1.2 you can no longer override the load method. Look into the method initialize instead, it behaves different than load though, it get's called the first time the class is being referenced somewhere rather than on application initial load
Support for overriding load was removed in Swift 1.2
Update: Starting from Swift 5 class extensions and categories on Swift classes are not allowed to have +load methods, +initialize doesn’t seem to be prohibited, though.
While direct equivalent is not available with Swift, this can be achieved relatively elegantly with Objective-C and categories. Foo should still inherit from NSObject and have a class / static non-private swiftyLoad/Initialize methods, which get invoked from Objective-C in Loader.m, which you include in compile sources alongside Foo.swift:
# Loader.m
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <MyProject/MyProject-Swift.h>
// This was a more concise solution in Swift 4.2 and earlier. If you try
// this with Swift 5 you'd get "Swift class extensions and categories
// on Swift classes are not allowed to have +load methods" runtime error.
// #implementation Foo (private)
// + (void)load { [self swiftyLoad]; }
// + (void)initialize { [self swiftyInitialize]; }
// #end
// This is what you'd want to use with Swift 5 onwards, basically
// just a pure Objective-C defined class.
#interface Loader : NSObject
#implementation Loader : NSObject
+ (void)load { [Foo swiftyLoad]; }
+ (void)initialize { [Foo swiftyInitialize]; }
# Foo.swift
import Foundation
public class Foo: NSObject {
#objc public static func swiftyLoad() {
Swift.print("Rock 'n' roll!")
#objc public static func swiftyInitialize() {
Swift.print("Hello initialize!")
The best part there's no need to mess with bridging headers or anything else, it just works. There are couple of gotchas, especially when using this approach in static libraries, check out the complete post on Medium for details! ✌️
in Swift 2.0, Please use this method
public override class func initialize()
What is the equivalent in Swift?
There is none.
Unlike stored instance properties, you must always give stored type properties a default value. This is because the type itself does not have an initializer that can assign a value to a stored type property at initialization time.
Source: "The Swift Programming Language", by Apple
Types simply don't have an initializer in Swift. As several answers here suggest, you may be able to work around that by using the Objective-C bridge and having your Swift class inherit from NSObject or by using a Objective-C loader bootstrap code but if you have a 100% Swift project, you basically only have two options:
Manually initialize your classes somewhere within the code:
class MyCoolClass {
static func initClass ( ) {
// Do your init stuff here...
// Somewhere in a method/function that is guaranteed to be called
// on app startup or at some other relevant event:
Use a run once pattern in all methods that require an initialized class:
class MyCoolClass {
private static var classInitialized: Bool = {
// Do your init stuff here...
// This code will for sure only run once!
return true
private static func ensureClassIsInitialized ( ) {
_ = self.classInitialized
func whateverA ( ... ) {
// Do something...
func whateverB ( ... ) {
// Do something...
func whateverC ( ... ) {
// Do something...
This follows a clean pattern that no code in Swift runs "automagically", code only runs if other code instructs it to run, which provides a clear and trackable code flow.
There might be a better solution for special cases yet you have not provided any information as for why you need that feature to begin with.
The abilitity to use this method was removed in this PR.
It provides some rationale:
Swift's language model doesn't guarantee that type metadata will ever really be used, which makes overriding initialize() error-prone and not really any better than manually invoking an initialization function. Warn about this for Swift 3 compatibility and reject attempts to override +initialize in Swift 4.
For Swift 2 or 3 (i.e. post-Swift 1.2), you can use:
class MySwiftClass: NSObject {
internal override class func initialize() {
But, as you can see, your class needs to inherit (directly or indirectly) form NSObject. This is required because the initialize() is called by the ObjC runtime.
And the initialize() method will only be called when MySwiftClass is referenced. So it will not be as magic as load().
But it will also be safer. For example: including a framework (let's say, by just adding it to your Podfile) won't allow the framework to mysteriously start to behave as soon as your app launches, without the need to add a single line of code to your project (at least… I hope! 😉).
I get conclusion for swift 1.2~5 doable ways:
Doable |swift-load |swift-initialze|bridgeToOC-load|bridgeToOC-initialze|
--- |---- |--- |--- |--- |
swift1.2~4.2|X |O |O |O |
swift4.2~5.0|X |X |O |O |
swift5.0~? |X |X |X |O |
and how to make it ? check here
but I think here is another way to make it swifter. use runtime and protol without load/initialze.
Swift 5
Method 'load()' defines Objective-C class method 'load', which is not permitted by Swift
You can not override load() method now but there is a legal way to call your custom swift_load() method of your swift classes on app startup. It is needed to make ObjC class which redirect its own load() method to your swift classes.
Just add next SwiftLoader.m file to your project:
// SwiftLoader.m
#interface SwiftLoader : NSObject
#implementation SwiftLoader
+ (void)load {
SEL selector = #selector(swift_load);
int numClasses = objc_getClassList(NULL, 0);
Class* classes = (Class *)malloc(sizeof(Class) * numClasses);
numClasses = objc_getClassList(classes, numClasses);
for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {
Class class = classes[i];
Method method = class_getClassMethod(class, selector);
if (method != NULL) {
IMP imp = method_getImplementation(method);
((id (*)(Class, SEL))imp)(class, selector);
Now you can add swift_load class method to any of your swift classes to make setup tasks:
class MyClass {
class func swift_load() {

How to declare a constant in swift that can be used in objective c

if I declare the swift constant as a global constant like:
let a = "123"
but the a cannot be found in objective c.
How to solve this?
From Apple Doc:
You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s marked with the #objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed here:
Enumerations defined in Swift
Structures defined in Swift
Top-level functions defined in Swift
Global variables defined in Swift
Typealiases defined in Swift
Swift-style variadics
Nested types
Curried functions
Therefore its not possible to access global variables(Constants) or global functions defined in Swift.
Possible Solutions:
From the Apple Document Swift programming language, You can Declare Type Properties as
class var constant: Int = {
return 10
But currently in Swift(beta-3) Type properties are not supported.
You can declare a Class function to get a constant value:
In Swift:
class func myConst() -> String {
return "Your constant"
Accessing from Objective-C:
NSString *constantValue = [ClassName myConst];
NSLog(#"%#", constantValue);
Swift code:
public class MyClass: NSObject {
public static let myConst = "aConst"
and then in Objective-C:
[MyClass myConst]
Isn't this working as well? As in this works for me.
Also this is somewhat shorter as creating a object first (alloc, init). Making a new function for every constant is... not pretty :/
Update for Swift 4
Because of the changes in Swift 4's Objective-C inference, you need to add the #objc annotation to the declared constant as well. The previous declaration then becomes:
public class MyClass: NSObject {
public static let myConst = "aConst"
The calling Objective-C code remains the same.
Using #objcMembers makes all constants available (as if you'd write #objc before each constant), but I've had times where the compiler somehow wouldn't generate the corresponding ObjC code.
In those cases I'd suggest adding the #objc decorator before the constant as well.
I.e.: #objc public static let myConst = "aConst"
You should not have any problem by using let in Objective-C, next example was made with Xcode 7.2 :
import Foundation
import UIKit
#objc class MyClass : NSObject { // <== #objc AND NSObject ARE BOTH NECESSARY!!!
let my_color = UIColor( red:128/255,green:32/255,blue:64/255,alpha:1 ) // <== CONSTANT!!!
#interface MyObjectiveC ()
#implementation MyObjectiveC
#synthesize tableview; // <== ANY UI OBJECT, JUST AS EXAMPLE!!!
- (void) viewDidLoad () {
MyClass * mc = [ [ MyClass alloc ] init ]; // <== INSTANTIATE SWIFT CLASS!!!
tableview.backgroundColor = mc.my_color; // <== USE THE CONSTANT!!!
PROJECTNAME is the name of your Xcode project, as shown in Project Navigator.
In your swift class,
let constant: Float = -1
class YourClass: NSObject {
class func getMyConstant() -> Float {return constant}
Clean, build to let xcode prepare this method useable for obj-c.
Then at your obj-c class
if ([YourClass getMyConstant] != 0) {
First of all you need to know about the important of auto-generated Swift header file.
It is the one that will made the magic to transcribe the Swift code to be understandable from Objective-C.
This file is auto-generated by Xcode (do not look for it in your project).
The important of this file is to use the correct name, it can match with your target name, but, may not, it is the product module name. (Search for it in your project settings as "Product module")
You need to import this file on the Objective-C class that you want to use a Swift class and also the Swift class name of your Swift file.
#import <ProductModuleName-Swift.h>
#class MySwiftClassName;
My Swift class should have the prefix #objc and inherit from NSObject:
#objc class MySwiftClassName: NSObject {
let mySwiftVar = "123"
Then you can call your Swift variable from the Objective-C file:
MySwiftClassName *mySwiftClassO = [[MySwiftClassName alloc] init];
NSString *myVar = mySwiftClassO.mySwiftVar;
Make sure to clean and rebuild your project after each change to force regenerate this auto-generated file.
If your Swift header file was auto-generated correctly you can navigate to it by clicking over the import file name and check if all the code you need was properly transcribed.
In the following post you can find more detailed information about this. https://solidgeargroup.com/bridging-swift-objective-c
Classes func don't work. The only solution I have found out is this one:
class YourController: NSObject {
#objc static let shared = YourController()
private override init() { }
#objc class func sharedInstance() -> YourController {
return YourController.shared
#objc let terms = "Your-String-here"
And then on Obj-c file:
[[YourController sharedInstance].terms]